IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 4

Science class, did Jack enjoy it? Probably not, did he care? Also a no, the subject was interesting but unless your some die hard nerd that can read books all day, it's useless. Science requires a lot of techniques, and it requires a lot of knowledge, you need to step into this field with at least some sort of background, expectation about what you know is also there, and quite frankly, Jack didn't want to bother with any of it, it sucked but that was the way it is, he wasn't one to gather knowledge and he wasn't one to apply it, he is just a guy that can apply technical stuff to a certain level but other than that? Nothing,
Still, it did not hurt to learn about it, and currently the teacher in front of him was talking about some sort of presentation, they will soon go to Oscorp and get a small field trip there, and they would have to present in front of the entire class about what they learned, or at least, that was the gist of it, Jack did not care about any of it what so ever, science was an easy subject should you know how to properly apply it, and presentations were as easy as pie, all he needed to do was to be alone without a group and he would get great scores,

"So, I am grouping you all," His teacher said, causing a frown to form on Jack's face, goddamnit, he thought to himself, why must he suffer like this? Apparently, it was only in groups of two and luckily, he was paired up with a nerdy kid, one that Flash likes to bully a lot, once the lesson was over, Jack stood up from his seat and proceeded to greet his new temporary teammate,

"So parker," He said, "Guess we both got lucky, with you writing the essay and me performing it in front of the class we both would be unstoppable, what do you say?" He said,

"o-ok I guess." the meek boy answered, he was still the shy kid of the School and Jack didn't really get it, he doesn't look bad and he's a top scorer, what more does he need in order to act more confident? That aside, Jack patted the teen on the back, "Great! I'll look forward to our presentation." The tour was still a day away and he undoubtedly would be going there, he can give criticism about the essay should he find the need, and besides, not that he would let Peter do all the work.

When he was about to go out, Flash stepped in front of him, apparently overhearing his one-sided conversation with Peter, the teen offered they should switch partners, with Flash and him in a group, apparently he has said that he was the one to write the essay and flash being the one to present, stating that Jack himself is pretty smart and that he probably would not worry if he was his teammate, to this Jack replied- "Stop trying to get into my pants Flash, it's not cool." And left,
when he was a good distance away, Jack was able to hear a few shouts of mockery directed at flash, "That was so bad dude!" his lackeys shouted, some told him that he has failed to court Jack, and perhaps in some cases he was right, indeed, Flash has failed to court him, or maybe sweeten him up to be his friend? Jack did not care about the proper sentence structure either way.

His journey to home was quite uneventful, he can even go out of his way to say that it was quite boring, exempting the usual racism and discrimination of mutants, there really was nothing great that he had come across on the way back to his dorm,
upon going home, he opened up his room and turned on the news, sound blared and Jack proceeded to go to the bathroom, and after preparing his working clothes, he immediately turned on the shower and went under it, from the sound of running water he was able to make out the muffled voices of the reporters-
"This just in, the CEO of stark industries has been kidnapped. there are no information regarding the terrorist but the world assumes that they probably want to Ransome him."

"The military has tried their best Shirley, and apparently, This green monster has proven itself to be too tough."

"Here it is! A hammer that has fallen from the sky, no one can lift it and a lot has tried!"

Things like that have been happening lately, he does not know what is going on but he assumed that maybe, just maybe, this world is going to shit. Either way he did not care, mutants were already causing enough trouble, he cannot care for anything else at this point, he wouldn't be surprised if some superpowered robbery were to occur during his work hours.

Stopping the shower, he put on his clothes, grabbed his phone, and after checking the door lock three times, he left for work.

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