In Fallout with a Chat Group

Chapter 13: X-8 School Days...

Well at last it is time to go back to school…Walking into X-8 I saw the building split into two directions. To the left was the splicing labs and to the right was the data retrieval test track. I went right taking the stairs down to the test track passing by brains in jars. A dissection meachen that was internally working on a single long dead slab of meat. When I finally got down the stairs I was attacked by two Mister Oderly robots. They both used there flamethrowers on me setting me on fire [80DMG]. I quickly took out my Spy-cicle to extinguish myself. I then used my sapper to take both Mister Orderlys'. I waited the 15 seconds for a new Spy-cicle to be made.

 After taking the time to use a stimpack to heal to full I made my way to the main testing terminal to get the elevator started so I could go to the first test. I passed the blueprints for the cyber dogs and a few unused coffins. I pick up the Holotape for the Dog and Robot Splicing Experiment. I would need it later for one of the four splicing experiments I could do here in X-8. I set the elevator to take me to the Institutional Data Retrieval Basic Test.

For this test, you must use any means necessary to retrieve three student files from an average high school. Basic security protocols have been activated.

Success - Retrieve three student files.

Failure - Death by security measures.

I took the elevator down to the test grounds of America High! Once I got out of the elevator I was greeted with the voice of Doctor Borous. Well, the prerecording of "Principal Borous".

-Attention students. This is the per-recorded voice of your per-recorded principal. Doctor Principal BOROUS! You may know me as the Head Chief Frist Researcher of Labs Z-9 and Z-14. There I fought valiantly to preserve rattlesnake DNA, and put it right where it belongs, in the husk of another feared predator. Oh, and the tarantula hawk. Can't splice enough, I always say, especially if you can make a magnificent Cazador! Enough about ME. It has come to my attention that many of you SEEMINGLY innocent children have been subverted by Red Propaganda. This is a MOST serious matter requiring the MOST serious of detentions. Can you spell detention? I'll tell you how I spell it: DEATHtention. Commie-pinko-treitors, ALL. Now, I will send vicious cybernetic cyborg dogs through the corridors to weed all you traitors out. They will sniff out which among you have chosen the commie path. Especially YOU, Betsy Bright, who turned me down for the high school dance so you smoke with RICHIE MARCUS. Hall Monitors will also be vigilant. Step outside during class, and they'll make sure you make a speedy jump back to your desk. Hold your urine and wait for the PROPER bathroom breaktime.- Principal Borous 

I had made my way around the first floor of the High School. Retrieving the files for Richie Marcus. 


Somehow Richie had managed to get a negative 100% on his Science Midterm. I took my time looting everything in the two classrooms placing all the junk in in a storage locker next to the elevator. I used a sapper on the Hall Monitor laser turret. I tried to use my sapper on the cyber dogs that attacked me. But alas the cyber dogs were too organic for my sapper to work. Well, there goes my plan to save Gabe. I was going to use the Red Tape Recorder to try to undo a bit of the damage that happened to the old dog. I took out my diamond back revolver to deal with the robot mutts.

I made my way to the library. I spotted two Lobotomites when I opened the door.

[Stelth Check failed]

(AN: A 90 doesn't beat a 43 skill save.)

I was shot twice by a hunting revolver [206 DMG]. I used my diamond back to take out both Lobotomites. Ow I was in a lot of pain. I took out my medigun to heal my wounds. I was feeling back to normal in seconds.

-You are in the LIBARY. Be quiet here and filled with SHHHHH.- Principal Borous

I made my way over to the corner to retrieve the required data. Cherie O'Bannon's After-School Schedule.


 Pep Squad… I never saw the appeal of cheerleading. I was home-schooled until high school. So it wasn't an option growing up for me. My high school didn't really have any sports teams. There was one at the other high school in the city. But again I never saw the appeal. I was a theater kid. Acting when I was younger and I working backstage in high school. I had the most fun running the soundboard. The thing I liked least was getting up in the rafters to help set up some of the spotlights.

 I proceeded to loot the library and the kitchen. After stowing the stuff away. I made my way on to the next hallway. I saw a line of five posters.

A is for AMERICA!

B is for BOMB!

C is for COMMIE!


F is for FAILURE!

I found that the nurse's office was blocked by a force field. I took a door that went upstairs. I had decided to take out my Frontier Justice to deal with cyber dogs and turrets. I was able to hack two 50 skill terminals that would of controlled the turrets. I also unlocked a supply closet.

[960 EXP]

[23685/26550 to next level]

 After looting the closet I made my way to a set of two doors.

-Down at the end of the hall is BALL storage. For jocks who like BALLS, like RICHIE MARCUS. Do you hear me, Betsy? RICHIE likes BALLS.- Principle Borous

Turning the corner I put down the two cyber dogs guarding BALL storage. I made my way to inside, to unlock the gate to the sports equipment. I also grabbed the data off the terminal in the room. Betsy Bright's Disciplinary Record.

[420 EXP]

 7 Unexcused Absences… I got sick a lot in high school. I almost failed a semester from being out sick. When I turned around I found two more cyber dogs for me to take behind the wood shed. After gathering what I could from the BALL room. I made my way back down to wear I had been storing everything. I set up the green teleporter and used it to quickly get back to the SINK to sell my loot. I made 12250 Caps from what I sold from AMERICAN HIGH. I used the teleporter to get back to X-8. I still needed to finish the basic test. I used the official test exit.

[Dog Run I - Dog Gone]

[1000 EXP]

[25105/26550 to next level]

[Quest Added: X-8 Data retrieval test]

-Oh my, you got to the Residential Test! This is really Borous, by the way, hello again. None of us thought you would get this far.- Doctor Borous

 I made my way through the observation room. Seeing American High and a cyber dog indoctrination seminar. Looting everything I could. I found two sets of combat armor. I sapped three Protectrons. I was shocked I didn't find any Lobotomites up here. I made my way to the residential observation. I picked up the Dog and Lobotomite Splicing Experiment Holotape.

-The Residential Test. Wasn't that shut down for some reason? Ohhhhh yes, my PET, Gabe. I'd forgotten about the old boy and the COUNTLESS experiments I'd done on him back at Higgs. Gaaabe? Won't you're about to have your FAVORITE treat - a VISITOR. Won't that be nice? DON'T eat the visitor, boy. Don't. Please. Gabe would bark and snarl and bite whenever ANYONE came to visit. That's why I replaced his legs with spare parts and fed him a steady diet of Pscho-laced dog chow. Gaaabe! I am sorry I put your brain in a bowl, boy. Oohhhh, who's a good boy. YOU are!- Doctor Borous

I made my way to the exit of the observation area. I set the elevator up for the Residential test. It was time to put Gabe down. Wait I could see if I could sneak with my Invis Watch. I could avoid killing Gabe. I took the elevator down to the Residental test. Before I left the elevator I used my watch to cloak.

-Now… let the intruder have the Sonic Emitter schematics. Klein wants it, all right, boy? Let the intruder dig it up wherever you buried it.- Doctor Borous

I managed to find the schematics in the second of Gabe's digging sites I looked into.

[Audio Sample - Gabriel's Bark]

"So… you recovered the Sonic Emitter schematics or was it the frequency? No matter. It'll broadcast your screams as my Robo-Scorpions destroy you!" Doctor Mobius

[Quest Complete: X-8: High School Horror!]


[10500 EXP]

Four Robo-Scorpions walked in and started attacking Gabe. I quickly placed my sapped the rob bugs and ran for the exit. The elevator made its way back up out of the Residential test. I took out my Daimon Back and it stored 4 crits to take out the three metal scorpions waiting for me. I then ran up the stairs and used Snack Attack to sap more robots. That's when I found out the Snack Attack doesn't disable whatever it's sapping. It just rapidly eats through the robot's health. When things calmed down I was finally able to level up.

[Welcome to Level 19]

[Assign 17 skill Points]

I decided to dump all the points in speech again.

[Choose 1 Perk]

[Intense Training] 8 ranks left.

[Junk Rounds]


[Swift Learner] 3 ranks left


[Rapid Relode]

[Bloody Mess] 

[Fortune Finder] 

[Run 'n Gun]


[Hand Loader] 

[Shotgun Surgeon]


[Quick Draw]



[Terrifying Presence]: In some conversations, you gain the ability to initiate combat while terrifying a mob of opponents, sending them fleeing away for safety.

[Here and Now]

[Sneering Imperialist]


[Miss Fortune]

[Mysterious Stranger]

[Nerd Rage!]

[Night Person]

[Fast Metabolism]

[Robotics Expert]



[Fight the Power!]

[Light Step]


[Action Girl] 2 ranks left

[Action Boy] 2 ranks left

[Weapon Handlin]

[And Stay Back]


[Computer Whiz]


I decided on taking Action Girl. I would be able to get all four ranks of AP in 2 more levels. Heavyweight could wait a bit.


AP 105 HP385 DT22 CW 52/290 Caps 60026 EXP 9055/29450 Level 19


Barter 100

Energy Weapons 40

Explosives 43

Guns 85 

Lockpick 100

Medicine 64

Melee 33

Repair 100

Science 100

Sneak 43

Speech 75

Survival 39 

Unarmed 39


Small Frame

MannCo Supplies

MannCo Portable Upgrade Station

Know it All

Too Lucky to Die

Eye of true Perception

Item Fusion



Voice of a Salesman

Intense Training Rank 3



Black Widow

Confirmed Bachelor

Cherchez La Femme

Lady Killer

Strong Back

Pack Rat

Long Haul

Toughness Rank 2

Life Giver

Adamantium Skeleton

Jurry Rigger


Better Criticals

Action Girl Rank 1

Strength Implant

Perception Implant

Luck Implant

Sub-Dermul Armor

Monocyte Breeder

I made my way back down to the test mainframe. I booted up the advanced test.

For this test, you must use any means necessary to retrieve three student files from an average high school. Utilize the Field Disrupter Capacitance Module for the Sonic Emitter to better navigate the area. Protectrons and basic security protocols have been activated.

Success - Retrieve three student files.

Failure - Death by security measures.

I used the elevator and was once again in AMERICAN HIGH. This time all my paths were blocked by force fields. I quickly went to the Field Disrupter Download Terminal. I Downloaded the EM Pulse Wave Module.

[100 EXP]

 The force fields blocking my main three paths turned off when the download finished. I was then charged by a couple of cyber dogs. I used the Sonic Emmiter I had out at the moment to put them down. That took a lot longer than I would have liked. I'm not really speced into energy weapons. I walked down the hallway and used the Sonic Emitter to take down a force field that had a lot of loot to grab behind it.

 [Quest Complete: Sonic Emitter Upgrade]

[500 EXP]

-Today the cafeteria will be serving… nothing, because I didn't build one. No cafeteria. No bathrooms. No swirlies. No chocolate pudding left in the chairs of brilliant minds. What are you going to do now RICHIE MARCUS?- Principal Borous 

I went through the nurses' office and the classrooms for the data I needed. I hacked the turret to attack the cyber dogs on the first floor. They could of bothered to add some new data for me to retrieve. As I entered the library the PA System came to life again.

-I am lord of this institution. Where once, long ago, I was a student here. Now, I am its OMNIPOTENT GOD-PRINCIPAL. As I soon will be LORD of Big MT. DOO DE DOO. Do you hear that? It is my trumpet of victoryness!

 I was able to disable the forcefield that the upstairs turret was on sending it crashing to the ground. I made my way upstairs.

-School is a sacred trust. Even though I am a long-ago graduate of this hated facility… now I see its worth, and see it was corrupted by fraternities, and… GRILS. Yuck!- Principal Borous 

"No wonder Betty didn't go to prom with you."

I hack the up stairs terminal and made my exit out to the observation area.

[Dog Run II: Who let the…]

[2000 EXP]

[11695/29450 to next level]

To finish the quest of X-8 Data retrieval test. I needed the key to the kennels left in X-13. I decided to relocate my green teleporter to the observation area next to the locked door of the kennels. I also set up the blue teleporter next to it for later use. I made my way out of X-8.


"If you think braving the Cyberdogs of X-8 makes you… brave, intruder, it is no use. All Cyberdogs are under my command, and they will bite you." Doctor Mobius

I decided to go to X-13 to pick up the key. I looted Z-9 Crotalus DNA Preservation Lab, X-12 Research Center, and Z-43 Innovative Toxins Plant. I disarmed 8 mines in X-66 Hexcrete Archipelago. After a 5 hour trip I reached X-13.

[X-13 Research Facility Discovered 10EXP]

[13385/29450 to next level]

I went inside X-13 and set up the blue teleporter. I used the Sonic Emitter to remove the the force field blocking my path to the key to the X-8 Kennel. I looted the room of it's contents and used the blue teleporter back to unlock the Kennel. I went inside to see alot of night stalkers were loose. So I set up my Mini to deal with them. I picked a lock on a ammo contaier and grabed another set of combat armmor. I then jump form the catwalk to on top of the cages. To pick up Robot and Nightstalker Splicing Experiment Holotape. The Mini had already made quick work of the Nightstalkers. I used the terminal to set up the Nightstalker version of the test. I pick up the Schematics of K9000 FIDO. I went over to the observation area to upgrade one of my two ciberdog guns into FIDO. I decided to use FIDO on the night stalker tests. It wasn't much more of a challenge then the cyberfogs.

[Dog Run III: Snake Skins]


I made my way out of the observation area and retrieved the test results.

 [Quest Complete: X-8 Data retrieval test]

[500 EXP]

[18265/29450 to next level]

[DNAgent]: Your study of abominations created at the Big MT has granted you a damage bonus (+10%) against Nightstalkers.

"Well that might of been useful a few hours ago when I was going through Z-9."

I walked to the Splicing Test Area. I sapped the the Mister Orderly guardian the door. I went inside and noticed a Deluxe Chemistry Set. I used it to make more Stimpacks. I looted the medical supplies and made my way down the catwalk to a research terminal. I took out the three holotypes I had found earlier on loaded them onto the terminal. I had four options on the terminal. 

Splice Robot and Dog

Splice Lobotomite and Robot

Splice Lobotmite and Dog

Splice Unusual Specimen and Robot

I decided to start with the Lobotomite and Robot. I saw bright lights surround the two subjects when the light cleared a Robobrain was left in their place. A Mr.Handy and a Lobotomite were dropped from some tubes in the ceiling. 

[Evil Genius]


"Who am I? I feel different. Awake, alive for the first time ever! What is this strange new world around me? What does it hold in store for a dreamer such as myself?" Robrobrain was killed by an EM Wave.

"Oh, that's sad. But funny though." 

I looted the Robrobrain. Before clearing the test floor for the next test. I next spliced a Lobotomite and Dog.

Once the lights cleared all that was left was a pile of meat in guns.

[Mad Scientist]


Picking through the meat I found a hunting rifle and a 9mm submachine gun. I quickly cleared the testing area after that. I didn't want to smell cooked dog any more than I had to. I ran the Robot and Unusual Specimen test next. It was going to be the last one I could run today. Due to the three tests max per day rule of the lab. I saw as a Nightstalker and a Mr.Handy were fused by the bright light. What was left was a hostel Robobrain.



[22065/29450 to next level]

I quickly sapped the Robobrain and looted it. I cleared the test area for tomorrow when I would run the next test. I made my way to my green teleporter and used it. I drop off the normal K9000 and the hazmat outfit. I sold 16952 caps worth of weapons, armor, and other useless junk. I took the red teleporter to Y-17. I used the elevator down.

I walk out of the elevator down the hallway to see two Mister Orderlys and a Doctor Orderly MD PHD DDS.

[Stealth Check Sucess]


I was able to use my Invis Watch to quickly place sappers on all three supped-up Mr Handy robots. I found a stealth boy and Christine's COS Recon Armor on the ground floor. In the southern corner of the room was a holotape for Atuo-Doc Upgrade: Implant C-13. Taking the stairs up to a work platform I picked up the Autp-Doc Upgrade: Cosmetic Enhancements, I also found the materials I need to make Vaccinator medigun. Taking my time to make further up the stairs to the overlooking balcony. I found the Sink Project: Auto-Doc. I made my way down to the ground floor to the workbench to craft the Vaccinator.

[I have no idea what I'm doing] 



[Medic Full Set Unlocked]

[Reward +1 Luck, 4000EXP, The Devel's Pen, Medic Outfit]

[Luck is already maxed out. Giving 2000 EXP as compensation]

[29270/29450 to next level]

WTF the Devel's Pen? I looked at what the pen could do. 

Devel's Pen: able to make soul-binding contracts. Should the contract be broken the soul's fate is to be decided by the holder of the pen. The pen can work with a maximum of 10 contracts. Should you want to make a new contract you must void one of the active 10 contracts.

How the fuck did the Medic get this pen? (AN: The TF2 Comics.) I shook my head and moved on to open the force field. I decided to set up level 2 Sentry pointing at the elevator. I had gotten some odd feeling that I should do it. I finally went inside to see four cages and a floor hatch. I grabbed the red Sterilizer Glove. Looting the rest of the room. Before I came to the floor hatch. The floor hatch was locked with a very hard lock. That lost me 3 pins before I got it to unlock.


[Welcome to Level 20]

[Assign 17 skill Points]

I decided to put 15 points in Speech and 2 points in Melee

[Choose 2 Perks]

[Intense Training] 8 ranks left.

[Junk Rounds]


[Swift Learner] 3 ranks left


[Rapid Relode]

[Bloody Mess] 

[Fortune Finder] 

[Run 'n Gun]


[Hand Loader] 

[Shotgun Surgeon]


[Quick Draw]



[Terrifying Presence]

[Here and Now]

[Sneering Imperialist]


[Miss Fortune]

[Mysterious Stranger]

[Nerd Rage!]

[Night Person]

[Fast Metabolism]

[Robotics Expert]



[Fight the Power!]

[Light Step]


[Action Girl] 1 rank left

[Action Boy] 2 ranks left

[Weapon Handlin]

[And Stay Back]


[Computer Whiz]


[Explorer]: When you choose the Explorer perk, every location in the world is revealed on your map. So get out there and explore!

[Grim Reaper's Sprint]: If you kill a target in V.A.T.S., 25% of Max Action Points are restored upon exiting V.A.T.S

[Solar Powered]: With the Solar Powered perk, you gain an additional 2 points to Strength when in direct sunlight, and slowly regenerate lost Health.

[Eye for Eye]: For each crippled limb you have, you do an additional 10% damage.

[Atomic!]: With the Atomic! perk, you are 25% faster and stronger whenever you're basking in the warm glow of radiation. Outside irradiated areas, your Action Points (AP) regenerate faster and faster the higher your level of radiation sickness becomes

[Mile in Their Shoes]: You have come to understand Nightstalkers. Consuming Nightstalker Squeezin's now grants bonuses to Perception (+1 PER), Poison Resistance (+5), and stealth (+5 Sneak) in addition to the normal benefits.

[Them's Good Eatin']: Any living creature you kill has a 50% chance to have the potent healing items Thin Red Paste or Blood Sausage when looted.

I took both levels of Action Boy


AP 135 HP390 DT22 CW 52/290 Caps 76978 EXP 300/32500 Level 20


Barter 100

Energy Weapons 40

Explosives 43

Guns 85 

Lockpick 100

Medicine 64

Melee 35

Repair 100

Science 100

Sneak 43

Speech 90

Survival 39 

Unarmed 39


Small Frame

MannCo Supplies

MannCo Portable Upgrade Station

Know it All

Too Lucky to Die

Eye of true Perception

Item Fusion



Voice of a Salesman

Intense Training Rank 3



Black Widow

Confirmed Bachelor

Cherchez La Femme

Lady Killer

Strong Back

Pack Rat

Long Haul

Toughness Rank 2

Life Giver

Adamantium Skeleton

Jurry Rigger


Better Criticals

Action Girl Rank 1

Action Boy Rank 2

Strength Implant

Perception Implant

Luck Implant

Sub-Dermul Armor

Monocyte Breeder

MannCo Roulette! The ball went around and around. Till with the sound of bagpipes it landed on the Demoman.

[Congarts you have unlocked Missions]

[30000 EXP, 3000 points]

[30300/32500 to next level]

God levels are getting expensive. I headed down the hatch and was hit with the cold of a freezer. Ice had covered large areas of this place. I found crates of cryo grenades and cryo mines. I found a 1 cryo pod that read malfunction. Inside was a dead frozen little girl. Looking over the terminal it gave me the story of what happened.

Doctor Jonh Whittaker was the head of cryo research. He had mostly gotten into the field to try to save his daughter Emily Whittaker. She had a deadly disease that the Sicentis of Big MT had no way of currently curing. The US military was interested in weaponizing cryo technology. Vault-Tec was interested in the cryo pods for their own reasons. Doctor John Whittaker froze his daughter until he or one of his Mister Oderly could find a cure. There was an error report that showed the cause of Emily's death. A power outage six days ago. I poked around and found Doctor Whittaker's skeleton holding a grenade rifle named: Let It Freeze. And a holotape that had the schematics of 40MM Cryo Grenades. I constructed a red teleporter and went back to the SINK. I got two body bags from the SINK and went back to grab both bodies and give them a proper barrel. 

I went to the Think Tank. To Doctor Zer0 first I had a quest to turn in. 

"Here is Doctor Whittaker's research and a lot of cryo grenades."

*Well that will work perfectly. Once armed with these the Y-17 trauma harness should be able to wipe out that fire in almost Zer0 time! It should be safe to travel into X-22 and the spending area by tomorrow morning.* Doctor Zer0

 [Quest Complete: ICE to meet You]

[500 EXP]

"Did you know Doctor Whittaker?"

*He was always a bit of a clown. He would always make these dumb ice puns. "Icy what you did there." Stuff like that. He was a very caring man.* Doctor Zer0

"Thanks for the chat."

*See you around, Kid House.* Doctor Zer0

I made my way over to Doctor Borous.

-Thanks So much for sparing Gabe - I know he's really QUITE killable, which is why I had to AUGMENT him. But you needed None of that. You're QUITE elusive - or fleet-footed. More so than our old mailman - HE didn't get far before Gabe caught him.- Doctor Borous

"Is this Gabe's bowl? Your dog from X-8, Gabe?"

-WHAT? Why… yes, it is. I used to leave it outside his dog house, chock-full of chems. Before the cybernetic modifications, of course. And… no matter how chemmed the food, he would always eat it. And his tail, would wag… even…even while I… I… You know, I am having the most perplexing feeling squiggling through my biogel. I can't quite… pin it down.- Doctor Borous

"Sounds like Gabe really loved you."

[Speach Check Success]


-Why… yes. Gabe. No matter how awful my day had been, he… he was always waiting there. How odd. My gel is de-coagulating. And when i would talk to him about Betsy - and how Marcus would beat on me and call me Smarty Sissy Pants, he'd just sit there, head on my knee. And… If you don't mind, I'll take that bowl. Just… need to remove it. Put it away. Somewhere out of radar range. For some reason, its similarity to the Crater-shape of Big MT is starting to fill up all available cognitive spaces. That, combined with my own overwhelming feeling of having done something terrible… the two are hitting me with… unexpected force.- Doctor Borous

 [Quest Complete: A Brain's Best Freind]


[Questin' Mark]


[31445/32500 to next level]

"It sounds to me like you hurt someone who loved you very much."

-As odd as it is, I believe that is the conclusion. And… I wonder why it didn't hit me before, until I saw that memory in your hands. This sensation is unpleasant, I don't care for it. I don't care for this place, either. And… I feel… as if we've forgotten something. Still… it… is NO MATER. Crush the feeling down. Crush it down, push it into the loop, the… hmmm. YES. Forgotten. Almost. Yes? I do not need to remember ANY MORE. Not today.- Doctor Borous

I left Doctor Borous to think of what he had done. I went back to the SINK to sell what I could and buy what I needed for Demoman's unlocks. I would have to go to Mick and Ralph's for the Half-Zatoichi, I also need to go to the Commonwealth for the Loose Cannon. I spent 25000 caps on materials for the unlocks. I had 57000 caps after the stuff I sold. But before I get crafting like a mad lad. I'm going to install the Atuo-Doc.

[Sink Project: Auto-Doc Installed]


"Hmph… well how about that? Old Auto-Doc'c back on-line. Well, all right, come here, let's have a look at you. Well you ain't the fittest horse that ever ran a race, but you don't appear in immediate danger of keeling over. I can patch you up if you want." Auto-Doc

"Can you do anything beyond healing me?"

"Well, firstly I would say providing wholeness of body is service enough, but if you must know, I'm programmed with cosmetical subroutines. I'm still missing the hairstyle module. So I wouldn't try it unless you want a close shave. Also, and I won't swear to this, but I recollect at some point having a couple more implant modules installed. Can't speak to where they got to though." Auto-Doc

"Well, thanks for your info."

"Sure just come back to me. I'll see that you're in one piece." Auto-Doc 

I went over to the workbench and got to work making the Demoman's unlocks. Loch-n-Load, Iron Bomber, Scottish Resistance, Sticky Jumper, Quickiebomb Launcher, Scottish Handshake, Eyelander, Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker, Nessie's Nine Iron, Pain Train, Scotsman's Skullcutter, Claidheamh Mòr, Ullapool Caber, Persian Persuader, Chargin' Targe, Splendid Screen, Tide Turner, B.A.S.E. Jumper, Bootlegger, and Ali Baba's Wee Booties.

[Crafter] Craft 100 items 60/100

[2850 EXP]

[Welcome to Level 21]

[Assign 17 skill Points]

I decided to put all 17 points in sneak.

[Choose 1 Perk]

[Intense Training] 8 ranks left.

[Junk Rounds]


[Swift Learner] 3 ranks left


[Rapid Relode]

[Bloody Mess] 

[Fortune Finder] 

[Run 'n Gun]


[Hand Loader] 

[Shotgun Surgeon]


[Quick Draw]



[Terrifying Presence]

[Here and Now]

[Sneering Imperialist]


[Miss Fortune]

[Mysterious Stranger]

[Nerd Rage!]

[Night Person]

[Fast Metabolism]

[Robotics Expert]



[Fight the Power!]

[Light Step]


[Action Girl] 1 rank left

[Weapon Handlin]

[And Stay Back]


[Computer Whiz]



[Grim Reaper's Sprint]

[Solar Powered]

[Eye for Eye]


[Mile in Their Shoes]

[Them's Good Eatin']

I took the last level of Action Girl.


AP 150 HP395 DT22 CW 52/290 Caps 57000 EXP 2295/35700 Level 21


Barter 100

Energy Weapons 40

Explosives 43

Guns 85 

Lockpick 100

Medicine 64

Melee 35

Repair 100

Science 100

Sneak 60

Speech 90

Survival 39 

Unarmed 39


Small Frame

MannCo Supplies

MannCo Portable Upgrade Station

Know it All

Too Lucky to Die

Eye of true Perception

Item Fusion



Voice of a Salesman

Intense Training Rank 3



Black Widow

Confirmed Bachelor

Cherchez La Femme

Lady Killer

Strong Back

Pack Rat

Long Haul

Toughness Rank 2

Life Giver

Adamantium Skeleton

Jurry Rigger


Better Criticals

Action Girl Rank 2

Action Boy Rank 2

Strength Implant

Perception Implant

Luck Implant

Sub-Dermul Armor

Monocyte Breeder

After doing all that crafting I went to bed. Tomorrow, I had X-13 to raid.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.