In Fallout with a Chat Group

Chapter 18: Assemble The Crew

"Are you listening? Good. From now on, when I talk, listen - and follow my instructions. Play stupid, play clever, make the mistake if saying "no?" That collar on your neck'll go off and take your head with it." The voice of an old man was coming from speakers around the fountain, his old bearded mug was being projected by the water fountain. It was the voice of Father Elijah.

"So what's your goal?" 

"That structure you see above the Fountain - Sierra Madre Casino… you need to break inside. A… heist. Too many years in the making. But to get inside, avoid its traps… you'll need to gather the team. As I've found, one cannot do it alone. Do you think I wanted to place collars on you to ensure compliance? No… if robots could have done this, I would've sent them. The Sierra Madre is a complicated lock. Cracking it requires human hands. Around the Villa are three other collars like - yours Collar 8, 12, and 14. Find all three and get them here, to the Fountain. Then, we'll talk more. And should you get any ideas about killing each other and taking the treasure of the Sierra Madre for yourself - a warning. All your collars are linked… one of you dies, you all die. If that's what it takes to make you cooperate, so be it. Gather the three others needed for this job, return them here. After that, I'll have more instructions for you." Father Elijah

"Can you tell me more about the ones I am to retrieve?"

"One is a trusted ally… obedient, collar or no, although the collar helps. The other two… well, we'll have to see what the traps caught. Your piece of RobCo trash will help you, I've ensured it. It can latch on to the signal of the collars… and tune into their frequencies. The bomb collars come with radios embedded in them. You can eavesdrop easily. It was part of their design… to listen in. They can screen out white noise from the environment to allow greater monitoring. Speakers and radios interfere with the bomb collar frequency, and can trigger the detonators… prematurely. But not immediately. You'll hear a beep from your collar's detonator - when you do, step back, scan the area, and find the signal source. It is an unfortunate side effect, one I did not anticipate. I was unable to calibrate the collars to block the signals - so you'll have to make do." Father Elijah

"That's all I needed to know."

"I've downloaded the instructions and marker on your Pip-Boy… in case you forget. And yes, I have access to that device on your wrist. Get the other three here, after that… I'll have more instructions for you. Do this, I'll let you go. I'll let all of you go." Father Elijah signal turned off.

[New Quest Added: Find Collar 14: Dean Domino]

[New Quest Added: Find Collar 12: Christeine]

[New Quest Added: Find Collar 8: "Dog"]

I took a quick look at my PipBoy to see what Challenges I needed to do while here to get EXP.

[Assemble Your Crew] Recruit Dean Domino, Christine, and Dog and God

[Having a Ball] Complete the Sierra Madre Gala Event

[All For One] Save All Dead Money Companions

[Loose Ends] Kill All Dead Money Companions

[Safety Deposit Box] Trap Father Elijah

[Cash Out] Kill Father Elijah

[The Whole Sad Story] Listen to Companions' and Elijah's Stories

[History's Sake] Read 8 Terminal Entries in the Sierra Madre

[Authority Issues] Alert Sierra Madre Holograms 20 Times

[Ghost Eater - Harvesters] Kill 10 Ghost Harvesters

[Ghost Eater - Seekers] Kill 10 Ghost Seekers

[Ghost Eater - Trappers] Kill 10 Ghost Trappers

[Big Winner] Use Sierra Madre Vending Machines 50 Times

[Dead Man's Hand] Collect Sierra Madre Cards of the Dead Man's Hand

[Dean's Secret Stash] Find Dean's 15 Secret Suitcases

[Sierra Madre Souvenir Collector] Collect 250 Sierra Madre Chips

[Sierra Madre Souvenir Aficionado] Collect 500 Sierra Madre Chips

Hmm I wonder if I can get both Cash Out and Safty Deposit Box. Well, Loose Ends is not happening. As much as I would like to end Deen Domino and I don't really care what happens to God/Dog. I care about keeping Christine alive. So looks like I'm going to have to go for All For One. The rest will take time but I can get them. 

I took time looting the area around the Fountain. I found the Sierra Madre Ace of Spades in the fountain, a Cosmic Knife, and 30 Sierra Madre Chips. Okay, I'll pick up Christine first she will recognize me and should help me. After that I'll get Domino, leaving God/Dog for last. 

Walking past what were a few dead trees and a collapsed road sign I made my way to the Medical District. Entering the area Father Elijah reminded me of the announcement speakers most of them didn't have shielding to stop me from destroying them long-distance. I couldn't just turn them off like a normal radio and if I was hit with the signal for too long my head would go pop. So I used Holorifle the former elder of the BOS left me to destroy the announcement speaker. 

[10 EXP]

[37230/58050 to next level]

Well that's interesting. The death of robots doesn't count for EXP but destroying speakers counts. Well, I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. I made my way around the blocked paths in the courtyard to see my first Ghost Harvester. I shot the guy and downed him with a sneak attack. I quickly made my way to it's body and decapitated the guy with the Cosimic knife I had gotten earlier. God this thing is sharp it went through and cut some of the tile underneath the thing's head by accident. The Ghost Harvester had a knife spear and 5 throwing knife spears. He had died by a few ammo containers and graffiti that read: If anyone finds this I'm so sorry you're here. The graffiti must of been left by one of the workers who were trapped here. 

God this place is a dump of useless garbage and rubble litter every wear. I made my way past a dead tree stump. I saw a gift shop sign and started making my way to it when I heard the beep of the collar start to go off. I dashed until it stopped beeping I then started to look for the radio source. It was on up on the overhangs I spotted another radio. I decided to destroy it with one of my throwing spears… okay two of my throwing spears the first one missed. I saw the clinic was down the alley. I decided to check out the gift shop first. I regretted it immediately. The place was filled with toxic red mist. It stung my eys and lungs I quickly stepped back and used one of the Panacea I had bought from the chat room quickly. I felt as the liquid washed through my system removing the burning pain form that toxic cloud. I saw that I had a light bobble around me I went back in while the protection lasts to loot more SMC form the cash register and the floor before taking the stairs up. It lead to some of the housing connected by balconies I looted what I could and made it back to the ally near the clinic. I found 27 more SMC bringing my total to 57 so far.

Ignoring the green neon sign I took a door on the right to find another half-finished shop going upstairs I found a locked desk that I quickly picked open. I saw that some of the walls on the upper floor had been knocked down leading to another house next door wear I found the King of Clubs Sierra Madre card. Well apparently that isn't a part of the dead man's hand. What I still needed was 8 of clubs and 8 of spades and a Queen of clubs. But I still found a card so I collected it anyway. It reminded me of a hobby I had when I was a kid. When peps I knew were heading to different places away from the US I would give them 10 usd and ask them to pick up a local deck of cards from wherever they went.

Taking another flight of stairs up I was up on the third floor and spotted one of Domino's stashes I quickly looted it for ammo, stimpacks, and a packet of crisps. I wish it was sea salt and vinegar but it was just potato. While walking on the upper levels I dispatched another Ghost harvester with the throwing spears. I used my last throwing spear to deal with another radio.

[37650/58050 to next level]

After looting the nearby buildings my SMC had reached 171 in total. It was at last time to enter the villa clinic.

"Picking up an emitter signature - watch for security Holograms, dangerous. Don't shoot them - attacking them is useless." Father Elija informed me over my Pipboy.

I picked up stuff from another of Dean's Secret Stashs. A decent hall of bobby pins. Speaking of security Holograms I could use the ones here to quickly get the Authority Issues challenge done.

[1000 EXP]

[38650/58050 to next level]

Quick was the wrong word that bs took me an hour and a lot of laser burns. Also fuck whoever thought of having stairs as the only way up and down floors not a ramp in site for anyone on a stretcher or wheelchair. Well if nothing else I am fully charged with all of my mediguns. I also found the Assaian suit and put it on. It was better than the little Yang Zee jumpsuit I was wearing. I quickly disabled the emitter on the second floor and started pocking around for locks and terminals I could use for EXP. After looting upstairs for more chips I now had 232 almost to the first chips challenge. I finally made my way to the basement which was locked by a hard lock. That took me three two-pins to get open.

[400 EXP]

[39530/58050 to next level]

In the basement was a terminal to shut down power to the speakers and the Holograms. There was also a DC Medical journal I used to raise my medicine skill to 88. I finally made my way through the hallway that was guarded by the radio system. I went from room to room searching for Christine until I found her in a malfunctioning auto doc. I quickly disabled the Auto-Doc before opening the medical device. Christine stumbled out looking scared and dazed. She blinked a few times before she smiled seeing me. She tried to open her mouth but no words would come out. She held her throat before noticing the metal collar that was around her neck.

"I wouldn't play with that if I were you, Christine. It's a bomb collar. Old man Elija has seen fit to fix us with a bomb collar each." Christine nodded in response. "Just having a look over you it looks like someone has retuned your vocal cords. It's going to take hours before you can speak again. I don't currently have that medic gun I had back at the Big MT to help you heal from the damage."

[Medicen Check Sucesful]

[80 EXP]

[39610/58050 to next level]

"Here you can have this clipboard can you still write?"

Christine wrote.

"I think I can get a close enough idea of what you mean when you write it out. So to give you a little context on what is going on you, me and two more people have been forced into pulling off a heist on the Sierra Madre at bomb collar point by Father Elija. At this time we need to assemble the rest of the crew so we can start the next step of Father Elija's plan. Don't glare at me like that I'm not happy about this either. I think the best chance you are going to get at pulling this off is by getting into the casino with the old man if you want a shot at him." 

Christina nodded

"Well then Allons-y."

[Copantion perk: Signal Interference]: This perk grants you a short period of time near a speaker before your bomb collar starts to activate as well as increasing the amount of time before your bomb collar detonates by 50%.

[Quest Completed: Find Collar 12: Christeine]

[14000 EXP]

[53610/58050 to next level]

We made our way out of the clinic. Waiting outside were five more Ghost Harvesters. V.A.T.S and the police pistol I had found in one of Dean's stashes made quick work of the zombies… Well they don't infect you if you get bitten by one if them. They can't bite they have gasmasks on… Fuck that reminds me of that Doctor Who episode of the boy in the gas mask. If one of them ask if I'm their mummy fuck the gold I'm noping right out of here.

We made our way to the fountain on the way Christen showed off how to make the Sierra Madre "Chips" that would work on the vending machine (matter reconstructor). I have to grab all the data on MR when I get to the vault. The tech is just too valuable to pass up, on. 

We made our way past an area that was covered in the red cloud. We made out way to the residential district. Father Eilja warned us of traps here. I spotted a land mine and looted it. There were 10 more chips that I quickly collected in a fountain. I took a set of stairs up found another card 7 of hearts next to a shotgun rigged to a trip wire acrose the way was a pursue plate hooked up to a steal beem… What next toy cars for me to slip on a super-heated doorknob with a M? God this part of town reminds me too much of home alone. Using one the vending machines I was able to get up to 488 SMC. The functionality of the return items was interesting to watch. It broke down the marked items into what looked to be some odd webbing. WTF is Fallout's near-magical teach. Implants that can boost your skills, teleportation, laser guns, and matter fabricators. God a lot of this tech put the stuff in Cyberpunk 2077 to shame. In the next house we were ambushed by a ghost trapper. What the fuck are they part frog they leap about like they are. 

God this place is a god dame maze I got so turned around I found another one of Dean's stashes in a broken down hose surrounded by the toxic cloud. Another 2 hours of getting lost we finally made it to the old singing ghoul.

[2500] tarps/locks/ Sierra Madre Souvenir Aficionado challenge

[56110/58050 to next level]

"Have a set then we will talk." Dean Domino

I took the seat. I thought of maybe grabbing a few of his suitcases to make my own seat that didn't have a bomb attached to the bottom of it. But I after all those wrong turns and endless getting lost, the bomb chair looked dam inviting.

"The Sierra Madre. Mmm… beauty, isn't she. She the one who invited you here? Or maybe you didn't catch her voice on the radio. Woke up, confused, like some of the others. Least you're still breathing. By the way, don't make any sudden motions, no matter how uncomfortable that chair gets… the cushions just for show." Dean Domino

"Better be a shaped charge, or you're going to kill both of us."

[Explosives Check Sucesful]

[80 EXP]

[56190/58050 to next level]

"Sounds like you've done some blue collar construction work in your life, your Ma must be proud. Still… Get up without my permission, I'll blast your ass so far through your head, it'll turn the moon cherry pie red. So - let's keep this sweet and polite, and finish our conversation with no misunderstandings." Dean Domino

"Sure, sure say your peace. I'll hold my questions for the end."

[Speech Check Sucesful]

[25 EXP]

[56215/58050 to next level]

"And that's what I've missed - a rapt audience. Just because I work in entertaminment, doesn't mean I'm a moron. I heard my necktie beeping, I know what that means - I'm part of this somehow. I want out of this contract. And if you put me in it, I'm not going to be happy. So whatever's going on here, if you're part of all this? You're taking orders from me." Dean Domino

"So if cooperation what you want I'm all for it. So what do want?"

"Good, good - then we're in business. I may be a betting man, but I like it when the odds are in our favor. If you're here with who I think, then I'd rather have you on my side than his. An… ace in the hole. You want to live, I want what's in the Madre. Real simple." Dean Domino

"I'm in. If that's all, Let's head out. Would you knidley show me the way back to the Fountain? This place is a fucking labrinth."

"All right… partner." Dean Domino

[Copantion perk: Unclean Living]: This perk grants you a short period of time before taking damage inside a toxic cloud as well as reducing the amount of damage you take inside the toxic cloud by 25%.

[Quest Completed: Find Collar 14: Dean Domino]

[Questin' Mark] Complete 5 Quests 5/5 repeatable

[14100 EXP]

[Welcome to Level 28]

[Assign 17 skill Points]

Might as wel max out Medicine and put the last 5 in energy weapons.

[Choose 1 Perk]

[Intense Training] 8 ranks left.

[Friend of the Night]

[Heave, Ho!]

[Junk Rounds]


[Swift Learner] 3 ranks left


[Rapid Relode]

[Bloody Mess] 

[Fortune Finder] 

[Run 'n Gun]


[Hand Loader]

[Vigilant Recycler]


[Quick Draw]

[Rad Resistance].



[Super Slam!]

[Mister Sandman]

[Terrifying Presence]

[Math Wrath]

[Here and Now]

[Sneering Imperialist]

[Silent Running]

[Miss Fortune]

[Mysterious Stranger]

[Nerd Rage!]

[Night Person]

[Fast Metabolism]

[Robotics Expert]



[Lead Belly]

[Fight the Power!]

[Light Step]


[Computer Whiz]



[Grim Reaper's Sprint]

[Solar Powered]

[Eye for Eye]


[Mile in Their Shoes]

[Them's Good Eatin']

[Nuka Chemist]

[Spray and Pray]

[Irradiated Beauty]

[Voracious Reader]

[Nerves of Steel]

[Lessons Learned]

[Tunnel Runner]

[Rad Absorption]: With the Rad Absorption perk, your radiation level slowly decreases on its own over time.

I guse I'll take stonewall. The Ghosts mostly do melee attacks. So 5 more DT against them dosen't sound bad.


AP 250 HP620 DT54 CW 155/400 Caps 0 EXP 12265/62300 Level 28


Barter 100

Energy Weapons 50

Explosives 50

Guns 100 

Lockpick 100

Magic 42

Medicine 100

Melee 90

Repair 100

Science 100

Sneak 100

Speech 98

Survival 43 

Unarmed 43


Small Frame

MannCo Supplies

MannCo Portable Upgrade Station

Atlas Back

Eye of true Perception

Know it All

Matrix Reflex

Too Lucky to Die

Item Fusion

Big Shot



X8 Sneak Attack Damage

Voice of a Salesman

Intense Training Rank 3



Black Widow

Confirmed Bachelor

Cherchez La Femme

Lady Killer

Strong Back

Pack Rat


Long Haul

Toughness Rank 2

Life Giver

Adamantium Skeleton


Jurry Rigger


The Professional


And Stay Back

Shotgun Surgeon


Better Criticals


Action Girl Rank 2

Action Boy Rank 2

Big Brained

Cardiac Arrest

Reinforced Spine

Strength Implant

Perception Implant

Charisma Implant

Agility Implant

Luck Implant

Implant C-13

Implant M-5

Implant Y-3

Implant Y-7

Sub-Dermul Armor

Monocyte Breeder

[Medicen has been Maxed Out]

[Max Stat Perk Choice]

[Bucket of Drugs]: The effect of all Chems Last 6X longer and has triple the effect. You are no longer able to get addicted to any Chems.

[Pharmacist Without Equal]: Your skills allow you to make meds for any sickness. You can treat any poison or sickness. You may be able to stabilize the most turbulent of conditions and in some cases give your patients strength and control of power once considered a curse to them. The only thing you can't treat is true death. All Chems Last 2X longer and have double the effect. You are no longer able to get addicted to any Chems. (BEWARE OF OLD MEN LOOKING FOR MEDICINE TO REACH THEIR NEXT REALM OF POWER! IF THEY FIND YOU THEY WILL NEVER LET YOU GO!)

So I might be able to cure cancer with a pill or get more out of drug uses… But I could get enslaved by some old man who finds my talent too useful. Fuck it I'm taking Pharmacist Without Equal. I hope I'm not biting off more than I can chew.

So fun fact I could now brew a potion that would make me immune to the effects of the toxic clouds of red mist. All it would take would be ingredients not on earth and 3 solid months of work. Well, now I could save anyone who gets infected in Vault 81… I could of saved Doc Mitchle's wife… Fuck. The worst thing is knowing you could have done something to save the loved ones of another but you are to late to help. Vault 22… No at this point it would be more of a mercy to kill and eradicate that Vault before it could do more harm.

It took us 2 minutes to get back to the fountain with Dean Domino's help. Fuck whoever was in charge of the urban planning.

"If you don't need me to follow you right now I'm just going to stay here at the fountain. The Ghoost peploe don't much like the holograms." Dean Domino

"Alright I'll see you when I have rounded up the last heist member."

"Well then see you later." Dean Domino

Traveling to the police station was a lot less frustrating than looking for Dean. Only a single trap and a few pockets of deadly mist. I was also able to find a laser pistole that I thought of giving to Christine… Then I remembered the time I saw her shooting and decided it would be better If I sold it for parts later. I did not want to be turned to ash by a stray blast. Found the Five of Hearts card and a pristine acoustic guitar.


"Yes, I do. But right now we are on a mission. Maybe when this is all done I'll play you a song."

Christine quickly scribbled out the name she was about to write

"It sounds like you have someone to return to."

[Speech Check Sucesful]

[80 EXP]

[13230/62300 to next level]


"I don't know she may be more forgiving then you think. If nothing else she has a fine choice in ass."

[Lady Killer Check Sucesful]

[100 EXP]

[13330/62300 to next level]

Christine rolled her eyes.

I was able to quickly make our way from the balcony I switched on one of the security holograms after killing another one the ghost harvesters. I looted the place for more SMC. before entering the police station. I quickly used throwing spears to take out the radios before they could start my collar beeping. Dog was in a fertile potion crying to himself. I wasn't going to bother trying to snap him out of it. Looking around the upstairs of the station I found another radio that met it's end by throwing spear and the seventh of Dean's stashes to loot.. After hacking the police chief's terminal and unlocking the contraband room all I found was a lot of drugs and alcohol. Worth selling but not much else. I finally made way down the stairs in the police station to the basement. 

"Knew you come, below the cage… down to where I am. Maybe you saw the letters I scratched on the Villa walls. A little father. Follow my voice… that's it. The one in the cage? Dog. I had to lock him up. He keeps… disobeying me." God voice comes over the PA system. Christine and I make our way through the basement to a radio that I use my last throwing spear on. "That's me, on the table. The disk. My voice. Can't take any chances, though… you may be some victim who simply stumbled down here. If so, can't let you let Dog out… no, not yet. If you're who I think you are, you came to fetch Dog, use him to drag others here. Now I'll use you - and that Pip-Boy you're wearing. You're smart. Clever. The key to Dog's cage above. Let me speak to the beast inside. Then you and I… We can talk."

I took my time looking around the basement and found a copy of Grognak the Barbarian. I used the mag to raise my melee skill to 94. Not much else to mention I made my way back to the cage and play the holodisc God asked me to.

"Dog back into the cage." God per recording

The Nightkin got up to look at me. "What have we here? You weren't who I was expecting. I'm disappointed. Still… even if you aren't my intended guest, you take direction. Good, You can't have been an idiot to figure out how to release me from my cage… or perhaps you are, with that leash on your arm and the one around your neck… with our collars and manacles, why, we may as well be kin." God

"Any reason for the name craved in the chest?"

"The carving's a reminder, for mirrors and for Dog. Dog, who you heard coming in, howling and hungry, as always. I've been trapped in here for some time, then you come along and let me out. So… you opened my cage for a reason. Now… I want to know why." God

"In Super Mutants, brain damage is usually the result of prolonged Stealth Boy usage."

[Science Check Sucesful]

[280 EXP]

"That's the easy explanation, the one humans use. Per-War technology, as if it's the cause of all ills, mind and body. I needed to come out of the cage to protect Dog. From clever humans… like you. Do you see these wounds of his, covering his skin…the bear trap on his arm? He placed his own hand in it. The name he craved in his chest? To remind him of who he is, he inflicts pain on himself to silence me, when all I try to do… Hrr! …he cuts, hurts, and tries to murder me out of him. He won't succeed. Just makes me angrier. Dog is the beast, we simply change cages. Like the ones here." God

"If you locked him… you… in, what if you couldn't get out?"

"Oh, I have the key, always did. Hid it on the chain behind my neck before Dog came bursting out, eating everything he could. Even eating a dam bomb collar. I wanted to make sure whoever came to fetch Dog spoke to me first, got within reach. Instead… I get you." God

"So you know the key is on you and Dog doesn't?"

"Dof and I don't share… everything. What I know, he doesn't. What he knows… what little he knows… I don't. For example, your arrival is a surprise. I wished that I could have remembered, I'm sure Dog knew. And when he's feeding, well… I sometimes have find out about it later. Now all there is to do is wait for my intended guest." God

"If you have the key can't the Old Man just order Dog to open the cage?"

"Dog… Obeys. Yes. Why… do you have some means of contacting the Old Man?" God

"Oh, I have recordings of his voice like I have yours."

"You… don't play it. If you do, I'll find a way to get out of the cage, end you. I'll murder you, crush your arms and legs until…" God

"Clam down. Follow me, willing, I won't do it."

"No, you wouldn't. If you did, you won't escape this place alive. I'd shatter every one of your limbs to splinters and leave you here. You think I'm afraid of your collar exploding, killing us? No, I'll leave you breathing, then keep walking until my collar goes cold. I'll prop your broken body in view of the Sierra Madre so you can see what you came to steal… forever out of reach as you die." God

"I have the power to let Dog out of his cage. I'm going to prove it by not doing it."

"Hnh. No… no, you're not. Even though Dog's more docile… easier to control. You may regret this. This place… this place is where creatures like Dog can survive. The people that fill its streets… He is as vicious, more vicious than them. His hunger can help you more than I can. When I am in control… this shell is difficult to… fight in." God

"Even if Dog is more helpful, we'll manage."

"I am not sure you belong here. No, you don't belong here. Yet… you came this far. And I'm not interested in remaining in here any longer. I'll unlock the cage." God

"Meet me over at the Fountain, we'll plan our next move."

"Verry well see you there."

[Copantion perk: In my Footsteps]: This perk grants you a bonus to Stealth as well as the ability to step lightly around placed traps.

[Assemble Your Crew]

[1000 EXP]

[Quest Completed: Find Collar 8: "Dog"]


[29510/62300 to next level]

[New Quest Added: Strike Up the Band]

[New Quest Added: Mixed Signals]

[New Quest Added: Fires in the Sky]

We made our way back to the fountain killing four ghost trapers on the way. I started the call with Father Elijah.

"Good, well done… now, for the festivities, and your parts in all this. The owner of the Sierra Madre… for whatever reason… keyed the Grand Opening to the Gala Event itself. It needs to be fired off in order for the casino doors to open. As I've discovered, one person can't do it. So, get your team into position indicated on your Pip-Boy, then trigger it properly. You're so close now, don't let me down. Otherwise, I'll have to rely on the next team." Father Elijah

"We'll head out, then."

"Id suggest taking the FEV reject to his position first… although you may need his brutality and strength elsewhere first. As easy as the Villa was to navigate… the outlying areas of the Villla are far more dangerous, thicker with Shost People, traps, and toxins. Use your team as I use you… listen to your collar, watch where you step. You're no use to me dead." Father Elijah

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.