Chapter 4: My god the group chat showed up and were only 4 chapters in!
I had moved to the workshop less of the Boomers to read over my shoulder. I opened up my Pip-Boy and opened up the new tab called Group Chat.
[Freak of Vault 3] {Has Signed in}
[100EXP] {Daily log-in bonus}
[Sending out invites] {Six new users have accepted the invite}
[Snaping a Duxion's neck for EXP] {Has joined the chat}
[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net] {Has joined the chat}
[The misguided master who sacrificed herself for a friend] {Has joined the chat}
[ArsenicCatnip] {Has joined the chat}
[Little Rookie] {Has joined the chat}
[Ultimate ???] {Has joined the chat}
[ArsenicCatnip]: AC wonders into what den she has stepped into. Perhaps it may be a place where she can find new friends or it's a trap for others to steal her fresh kill. :33
[The misguided master who sacrificed herself for a friend]: Oh great I am going crazy. I've been walking around the realm of darkness for so long that I have started to see a random floating glowing blue panel with a keyboard. Hello, does anyone know what is going on with this thing?
[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: Wow whoever put this program together is crazy impressive. I can't find a way to delete it off my computer and from what I can see of the code it's insane. Like what the fuck who codes a program as a three-dimensional clock that changes the coding langue every 10 seconds. This shit has Layers on top of layers. This will take me months to crack. It's odd are the user names auto-generated. So far we have at least two role players here. Like the Realm of Darkness exists.
[Ultimate ???]: Well, the app appeared on my e-Handbook. I just got to this Island and I don't know what's going on. I'm so lost, I and 15 others somehow ended up on a school trip on a small group of Islands. Help me if you can. I think we are being held hostage by Hope's Peak Academy.
[Little Rookie]: Why was this thing a monster drop? I'll help you if I can. What Island are you on I'm sure that I can get the adventuring guild to help.
[Snaping a Duxion's neck for EXP]: Truly "Ultimate ???" you must be under some large duress. I would also offer to help but I still haven't learned any spells yet. It is a shame that I a Crimson Demon have to learn the only true magic for me. Explosion magic.
[The misguided master who sacrificed herself for a friend]: Explosion magic- really? Sure a flare spell is good at clearing out a large area. But without at least a few utility spells you're a sitting rock until your mana recovers. I hope you are at least planning on bringing some Eithers to recover your mana.
[Ultimate ???]: Adventuring guild? Mana? You guys know that stuff is just fictional, right?
[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: It's just as fictional as Hope's Peak Academy. I looked up every school in Japan and the Western world. You know what I got? Zero results.
[Ultimate ???]: That makes no sense. Hope's Peak Academy is the number 1 known school in the world. The graduates are all known as major figures in society. It's not fictional!
[Vualt 3 Freek]: It might be the case in your world. But Hope's Peak never existed here in my world at least. I bet it doesn't exist in any of our worlds, except yours and it's parallel. At most, we might perceive it as a work of fiction from our world. I think we should all give some proper introductions and give what our current sitch is. And a name we can use some of these user names are just way too long to use in proper chat. So something you like, something you dislike, a goal for the future, and a name we can use.
[ArsenicCatnip]: You can call me AC. I'm a troll on Alturnia. I lost my home to a fire. I don't know how the fire started. So now I live in a cave. I like shipping red or black. I dislike my Moirail when he tells me who I can or can't play with. My dream fur the future is to be with a certain someone. Right now I'm waiting to connect with AA where about to play some kind of game.
[Little Rookie]: I'm Bell Cranel soul member of the Hestia Familia in Orario. I like my Goddess. I dislike bullies. As for my dream for the future. I wish to be a hero and pick up a girl in the dungeon.
[Snaping a Duxion's neck for EXP]: My name is Megumin! My calling is that of an archwizard, one who will one day control explosion magic, the strongest of all offensive magic! I hail from the Crimson Deamon Village! I like explosions and I dislike that big tit cow Yunyun. I will one day cast the strongest explosion of all time slaying the demon lord and taking his thrown for my own.
[The misguided master who sacrificed herself for a friend]: I am Master Aqua. I like my friends. I dislike Xehanort for all the things he has done to me and my friends. My dream is to one day leave the Realm of Darkness and reunite with my friends.
[Ultimate ???]: My name is Hajime Hinata. I like Kasumochi and dislike Sakuramochi. Dream of one day graduating from Hope's Peak. Once everyone is done with the self-introductions. I'm heading out I have to get introduced to everyone else on this Island.
[Vualt 3 Freek]: You can call me Blue FTM. I like my Sentry, but I dislike it when my Sentry is destroyed. As for a dream for the future. I'm undecided on much but I am going to kick the Legion out of New Vegas.
[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net] You may call me Alibaba. I am a hacker and the only reason I'm staying here is to study the code behind this chat group. I like manga, games, and anime. I dislike myself. I'm looking for a way to change myself.
{Chat objective one complete a proper introduction}
[100EXP and 100 points for all users]
{Auxilery Group Chat Functions Unlocked}
Looking at the Chat I saw that there were 3 new tabs. Point Shop, Missions, Gotcha. Point Shop was locked until I reached level 10. Missions were locked until I reached level 20. I saw 4 Gotcha banners. The first one was a reroll username, the first roll was free. The other three were Bronze Ticket, Silver Ticket, and Gold Ticket item pull. The tickets could be bought for points. Bronze cost 100 points. Silver 1000 points. And Gold 10000 points.
[Ultimate ???]{Has used free user name Reroll}
[Ultimate ???]{Name has been changed to: Your Izuru Kamakura}
[The misguided master who sacrificed herself for a friend]{Has used free user name Reroll}
[The misguided master who sacrificed herself for a friend]{Name has been changed to: Step on Me Dark Mommy!}
[Step on Me Dark Mommy!]: Why did it get worse?
[Step on Me Dark Mommy!]: It costs the same as 10 Gold tickets to Reroll again!
[Snaping a Duxion's neck for EXP]: Yeah I'll wait until I unlock Explosion magic before I reroll the name I got. I can learn it now. But Dark Mommy brought up learning some support magic to go with it.
[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: Like buffing and debuffing magic to deal more damage with your Explosion magic. Maybe chuck in a healing spell?
[Snaping a Duxion's neck for EXP]: Healing magic can only be used by clerics. But I'll look into stat buffing magic on my end.
[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: So it states on my end that the rest of the functions are locked until our admin reaches a high enough level to unlock it. Who is our Admin?
[Vualt 3 Freek]: That would be me. According to my Pip-Boy, I'm Level 6 atm. The next tab unlocks when I reach Level 10.
[Little Rookie]: Well I need to sign in at the guild so I'm going to stop responding for the day.
[Little Rookie]{Has logged out}
[Your Izuru Kamakura]: Same I need to talk to the others on the island. So bye for now.
[Your Izuru Kamakura] {Has logged out}
[ArsenicCatnip]: I'm also being called on by my spooky client player. I'll stop and chat when I get a chance.
[ArsenicCatnip] {Has logged out}
[Step on Me Dark Mommy!]: I'll stay in here if anyone needs me.
[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: I'm going to be investigating the code so I probably won't respond to anything. So just consider me AFK.
[Vualt 3 Freek]: I have things to do- so, laters!
[Vualt 3 Freek]{Has logged out}
I tabbed out of the chat group. That was more than enough social interaction for the day. I had the workshop to myself books to read and more equipment to build. I read the 4 books in my position just for the stat points.
Barter 10
Energy Weapons 17
Explosives 17 +4 from Duck and Cover (Nellies)
Guns 20
Lockpick 45 +4 from Tumblers Today (Silver Peak Mine)
Medicine 34
Melee 23
Repair 86 +4 from Deen's Electronics (Nellis)
Science 50
Sneak 20 +4 from Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual (Vault 3)
Speech 13
Survival 23
Unarmed 23
I then went about making the rest of the Engineers unlocks. The Pomson 6000, Rescue Ranger, Panic Attack, Gunslinger, Southern Hospitality, Jag, and the Eureka Effect.
[Engineer Full Set Unlocked]
[Reward +1 to INT, 2000 EXP, Acoustic Guitar, and the Engineer outfit]
[Int is already maxed out. Giving 1000 EXP as conpension]
[Level up]
[Welcome to Level 7]
[Assign 17 skill Points]
I put 16 points into Medicine and the last point into Lockpick.
[Choose 1 Perk]
[Lady Killer]
[Cherchez La Femme]
[Intense Training] 9 ranks left.
[Junk Rounds]
[Swift Learner] 3 ranks left
[Bloody Mess]
[Fortune Finder]
[Hand Loader]
I decided it was time to take Cherchez La Femme.
AP 83 HP260 DT24 CW 127/220 Caps 37879 SSC 24 EXP2355/4550 Level 7
Barter 10
Energy Weapons 17
Explosives 21
Guns 20
Lockpick 50
Medicine 50
Melee 23
Repair 90
Science 50
Sneak 24
Speech 13
Survival 23
Unarmed 23
Small Frame
MannCo Supplies
Know it All
Intense Training Rank 2
Black Widow
Confirmed Bachelor
Cherchez La Femme
Strength Implant
Luck Implant
Sub-Dermul Armor
Monocyte Breeder
I spent the next hour in the workshop seeing if I could find anything else I could put together with what was around. I was able to make the Huntsman Bow and the Bazaar Bargain. Umm, I'm not proud to say I made a bottle of Jarate. I decided to drink all my Sunset Sarsaparilla looking for more blue star bottle caps. I did find 4 of the caps after drinking 20 bottles. I only had to make it once.
[450 EXP]
[2805/4550 to next level]
I made my way to the clinic to lend a hand with the patients. Three men were down on the beds. With one man to tend to them.
"I know Mother Pearl is letting you wander Nellis as please, Outsider, but I have patience to tend to." Argyll
"I'm looking for a way to make myself useful. Need any help?"
"I have three patients here who were gravely injured fighting those giant ants in the generator building a few days ago. I've stabilized their wounds, but they're in bad shape. Do you have medical training?" Argyll
"I have extensive medical knowledge. Let's see what I can do."
[Medicine check Success]
"If what you say is true, you can do us a world of good." Argyll
I took a look at my first patient.
This man's leg is seriously injured. It may require amputation to save him. Are you sure to want to attempt the operation? (Medicine 50 or higher Required) I chose to perform the operation.
Upon further examination after cleaning the leg, you realize it can be saved. You carefully remove the existing stitch, clean the wounds thoroughly, then re-stitch the wounds closed using a much more effective procedure.
"I thought that man was done for but you brought him around." Argyll
A few hours later the uses a copy of Today's Physician. Managed to patch up the other two injured.
"I've finished treating your patients."
"Those men owe you their lives. Seems we could learn a thing or two from you savages, when it comes to medicine, at least.
[You are now liked by the Boomers]
I made my way to the Museum. Time to listen to a kid go on and on about the history and the future of the Boomers. I would usually use this as a bathroom break when I was playing the game. The real reason anyone did this quest was to grab the snowglobe in the corner of the room.
"You the outsider! Mother Pearl sent word that you'd be stopping by. You must be eager to hear the story of our people!" Pete
"I'd like to know all about your people."
"Wonderful! I'm sure you've noticed the mural on the wall of this hut. Shall I tell you what it all means?" Pete
"Sure, I can spare the time."
"Excellent Imagine - you're the first outsider ever to hear our tale." Pete
Here is a quick summary. The Boomers used to live in Vualt 34 wear everyone had access to weapons. The Overseer put restrictions on explosives. So a group of the residents of Vault 34 left. They were attacked by raiders. They found a new home in the Nellis Airforce base. They also found VR Training equipment that taught the Boomers how to fly planes. The future of their people is getting a bomber up and flying the skies.
"Now that you know the story of our people, you must have all sorts of questions!" Pete
"I have a few questions."
"Ask away." Pete
"Why did your ancestors leave the safety of the vault?"
"So you know about the vaults! Yes, we lived in one of those. Ours was numbered 34. In our vault, everyone had guns - but the overseer wouldn't let you fire off any of the really fun ones. I guess all the little pops and bangs at the firing ranges just got boring after a while!" Pete
"Your people were willing to risk it all for freedom."
"And at Nellis, we found it. We haven't detonated any atomic warheads since before I was born, but otherwise, it's do as you will! Anything else you would like to know?" Pete
"I'm surprised Nellis was empty when your people found it."
"Several atomic warheads detonated here hundreds of years ago, leaving the base highly radioactive. The savages of the wastes, ignoramuses, all avoided Nellis by habit." Pete
"Whereas your people had brought Geiger counters with them from the vault."
[Sicence check Success]
"That's exactly right! You're very knowledgeable for a sav- an outsider! Anything else?" Pete
"How do you survive, totally cut off from the world?"
"Nellis is a completely self-sufficient community! We draw water from Lake Mead, solar arrays provide power, and we grow our own food!" Pete
"The ingenuity of your people is remarkable."
"Thanks. Our self-sufficiency is a point of pride. Anything else?"
"What are howitzers doing at an Air Force Base?"
"You're right, they weren't here when we discovered Nellis! We found the guns at a huge weapon depot called Area 2, many miles from here! It took many weeks to drag the guns and their ammunition back to Nellis - and it was the last time any of us set foot beyond our homeland!" Pete
"Your people are a determined bunch."
"Thanks. Anything else?" Pete
"How has Nellis taught your people to fly?"
"Once we restored power, we learned that some elaborate chairs we'd been sleeping in were actually virtual reality simulators. We believe they were used to train combat pilots. We use them extensively. I alone have shot down over 300 Chinese Xian-85 fighters! Before you ask, I'm afraid there's no way you can be allowed to use the simulators. They are for our use only Sorry." Pete
"Sure, sure I get it you don't want outsiders learning how to fly planes."
"Thank you for your understanding. Anything else you want to know?" Pete
"How did you learn where to find an old bomber?"
"Loyal found a file somewhere on the base, magazine articles, photographs, a map even. It seems that a bomber, apparently the 29th of its kind, crashed in Lake Mead on July 21st, 1948. Just imagine - that's over 300 years ago! The photographs showed it was basically intact, and the map tell us exactly where to find it. Except we haven't left Nellis in decades." Pete
"You could attach ballast to the plane and then haul it here for repairs…"
[Repair check Success]
"Yes! In fact, that's exactly what Loyal has planned to do. You should go talk to him! I wish everyone were just as interested in our story as you are! Maybe I should act out the battles or learn how to throw my voice…" Pete
"No worries, Pete. You did a good job. Hey if you wouldn't mind can I take that snowglobe over there? I'm a bit of a collector." I said showing off the one I picked up in Jacobstown.
"Sure feel free. It's just gathering dust here." Pete
"Well, Goodbye Pete." I left the Museum.
[3070/4550 to next level]
[You are now Idolized by the Boomers]
It was time to meet again with Mother Preal.