Chapter 6: I'm the type of Gal who likes to wander around!
I made it to Helios One. after getting the location marks for Vault 34, Cannibal Johnson's Cave, Deserted Shack, The Mountain Shadows Campground, El Dorado Dry Lake, El Dorado Gas & Service, and Vault 11. I set up a teleporter exit in Vault 11. I had some robots to kill and quite a few were down in that Vault. The 188 Trading Post wouldn't be set up until 2280 So I didn't get a location marker there.
[Helios One Discovered 10EXP]
"This is a restricted area. State your business." Lt. Haggerty
"I saw this place in the distance and wanted to investigate."
"Or you're a Legion spy trying to infiltrate. Give me one good reason I should let you through." Lt. Haggerty
"I notice your solar tower isn't collecting much sunlight. I can help."
[Sicence Check Sucesse]
"Well, we did put in an order for a guy from the OSI to come help us fix it. But he isn't going to arrive for a long time. Know what you can try your hand at fixing it. Just a small warning though. The Brother Hood of Steel was here and put up a good fight. They left a lot of security measures active making it harder to fully get this place operational. If you somehow get this place working I'll give you some caps and supplies. Just make sure you route the power to the Strip and McCarran." Lt. Haggerty
"Alright I'll get to work."
"Later." Lt. Haggerty
[New Quest Added: Lucky Old Sun]
[610/5800 to next level]
The inside had definitely seen better days. A lot of the room had taken heavy fire and the floor of the upstairs had been caved in. A catwalk of wooden boards had been made so more places were accessible. I was able to retrieve a copy of a D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine. I went back downstairs and picked the lock to the door to the outside. I made my way down through the lower floor and out the back door. I made my way to the first Mainframe Connection Terminal. I disarmed all the traps around it picking up 2 land mines and an old shotgun in the process. I had to hack the terminal to reset the mainframe connection. I put on my Engineer outfit. It gave 10 Science, 10 Repair, and 5 DT. I used a Programmer's Digest. On my first try I almost got locked out. My second attempt took 15 minutes but I managed to get through. I made my way quickly to the second Mainframe Connection Terminal. There are no rabid NCR Guard dogs for me to put down. I got into this Terminal in under a minute. I reset the mainframe connection. I then went around the yard salvaging parts from the three out-of-commotion solar panels. It was worth some EXP and maybe one day when I have place of my own I can install them to give me some extra power.
[795/5800 to next level]
I then made my way to the Solar Collection Tower. I made my way down the tunnel. Took out my huntsman and took out the three turrets with my areos. I had to use 4 stimpaks in the process. I made my way over to the door disarmed 5 land mines and hacked a 25-point terminal. I found that the terminal would have just turned the turrets off. I took out my 5.56mm pistol and took out the Protectron on the catwalk. I then used V.A.T.S to kill the Robobrain down at the bottom of the stairs. I went inside and picked a 50-point wall safe and used a Science kit to make 5 Stimpaks. Inside the safe, I found caps and parts I could use to make the Machina.
[915/5800 to next level]
I made my way back up the stairs around the catwalk and open the door and walked down another tunnel. I used my V.A.T.S to take out another Robobrain with my 5.56mm pistol. I looted a storage room and 5 Stimpaks. I continue to follow the path that lead to some catwalk stairs going down. When I was accosted by a Mister Gutsy. I swapped to my wrench and ran to take out the flying robot squid. I got hit with a shot from the Mister Gutsy plasma tentacle. [30DMG] It burned a bit. I was still in my Engineer outfit instead of the combat armor. I was able to put the Mr.Gutsy down in two swings of my wrench. I made it down to the bottom of the catwalk stairs. I found a second science kit so I made even more Stimpaks.
[940/5800 to next level]
I reloaded my 5.56 pistol and had it to the ready. I walked down the left hallway and ran into a Protectron coming out of it's charging station. I used V.A.T.S to take it down in 3 shots. I waited for my AP to recharge before heading into the next room. I trip a Laser Tripwire Emitter. Unleash 4 more Protectrons from their charging stations. I used V.A.T.S to take out 1 of the 4 Protectrons. I then backpedaled to get out of there rang. I only got hit by 1 of there laser shots [4DMG]. I used a Stimpak to get back to full hit points. I went around the corner and wait for my AP to top off. Protectrons were fortunately slow-moving robots. I made my way back around the corner and one of the Protectrons had made it to the hallway. I Used V.A.T.S yet again. My frist shot cirt killing the Protectron that had made it to the hallway. I reloaded then ran down the hallway to shoot the other Protectrons. I place two shots at the one closest to me and one shot in the other one. The first two shots heavily damaged the first Protectron. The last shot cirt taking out the other Protectron. I shot the last shot killing the last Protectron. I was able to hack the Laser Tripwire Emitter to mark me as a friendly. I then made it deeper in and a 50 lockpick skill door. I opened it to find a Poseidon Energy Employee ID Card on the ground. Checking the break room's fridge I sanged a Nuka Cola and a Sunset.
[1005/5800 to next level]
I made my way and took the Elavator to Helios One Observation Level. I found that the main terminal was down due to the Auxiliary Generator being busted. I was able to fix it. I got onto the terminal and found three tabs. Tests data of ARCHIMEDES, full blueprints of ARCHIMEDES, and Configure Power Grid. I downloaded the blueprints to my Pip-Boy. I then configured the grid for the Full Region. After that, I spent the next 3 hours making a virus to wipe all data of ARCHIMEDES from all connected Terminals and lock out anyone from changing the Power Grid settings. I then walked up the stairs across more catwalks to activate and then kill another Mister Gutsy with my wrench.
[1135/5800 to next level]
I then went through the door to the outside and walked on the catwalk and flipped the switch to make Helios One fully operational. I used the bright ass light show to use the Eureka Effect teleport to get back Vault 11. I then made the trek back to Helios One to inform Lt.Haggerty that my work was done.
"I got word from McCarran that they are getting power. It was a little bit less than they were expecting but it all works out. I'll put in a good word with the brass for yeah. Here is the supplies and caps for you. It's been a pleasure working with you." Lt.Haggerty
[Quest Complete: That Lucky Old Sun]
[550 EXP, 200 Caps, 5 Stimpaks, 3 Docter Bag, and a Big Book of Sicence]
[You are now accepted by the NCR]
[You are now accepted by the Followers of the Apocalypse]
[1685/5800 to next level]
The sun was starting to set I decided to make my way to Novac for the night. I passed Gibson Scrap Yard on the way. I first got a room from Jeannie May Crawford. She said she left me a few of her homemade loaves of bread… I used the local Mojave Express to send the eggs to Mags. I sold Cliff Briscoe a few weapons and all the smokes I found. Making 3907 caps in sales. I then spent 12000 caps getting all the supplies for the rest of Snaipers Unlocks. I also bought a toy dino. I may or may not have felt sorry for the old guy. I checked on the cabin that would later become Ranger Andy's.
[Luck Roll passed]
I was shocked because there was a copy of a D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine. Well, I took it. I went outside to the old gas station wear a crafting bench was set up. I spent time making all the unlocks that I could currently. Shahanshah, Bushwacka, Tribalman's Shiv, AWPer Hand, Fortified Compound, Classic, Hitman's Heatmaker, Razorback, Darwin's Danger Shield, Cozy Camper, And the Piss Super Soaker. I mean the Sydney Sleeper.
[Crafty] Craft 20 items 20/20
[Crafter] Craft 100 items 30/100
[3470/5800 to next level]
I decided to go to the room I paid for. I found a sweet roll that I decided to use to attract birds so I could get started on the Over Kill challenge. I also found three loaves of bread.
"Heheheh, bread." I chuckled and went to bed. After placing the Do Not Disturb sign on the door. I also put down the Mini Sentry for if anyone tried to ignore the sign. I went to sleep.
I got woke up in the middle of the night. I thought I heard the sound of a minigun. It wasn't my Mini Sentery. I ran outside to see a Nightkin with a minigun killing a brahmin. I took my 5.56 pistol and took a shot. The shot hit and the Nightkin died. I went up and looted a stealthboy and the minigun off the body. I was still tired so I went back to bed.
I woke up 3 hours later. I got to my regular exercises when that was done it was 6 AM. I took the bread with me and left Novac. I wanted to get the skill book in the Abandoned BoS Bunker. I made my way through Nelson and the Toxic Dumping Site to get to the bunker. Nelson had yet to fall into Legion's hands at this point. I guess Nipton would be the same. I went down into the bunker turning down the left hallway not getting close to the radio. I am not doing Dead Money if I can avoid it. I hacked the 50-skill terminal to open the door. Grabbed the Deen's Electronics book and made my way to Camp Forlorn Hope. I found the Big Book of Science there so I decided to use my Stealthboy to nab it. I remembered there being another Big Book of Science in Nipton. So I made my way to Nipton. I went through Clark Feild, Snyder Prospector Camp, and Wolfhorn Ranch on my way to Nipton. In Nipton I was able to sell the Minigun for 3000 caps to a man with a fake beard.
"Sure you don't want to buy a knife?" The man with the fake bread
"I am sure thanks for the business."
"Keep an eye out for that leprechaun fella named Laborn." The man with the fake bread
I made it out of his shop.
[You Run Barter Town] Sell items through Barter to earn 10000 caps
[4100/5800 to next level]
It felt wrong leaving Nipton without seeing Oliver Swanic yelling about how he won the lottery. But I wanted to make it Primm before nightfall. I grabbed the Mojave Drive-in location for later when I wanted to go to the Big MT. I made it to the Nipton Road Pit Stop when I saw 7 crows on the ground. I took out my Fat Man and used one of my 8 mini-nukes to kill as aforementioned crows. I made my way through Ivanpah Race Track, Ivanpah Dry Lake, and the California Sunset Drive-in on my way to Primm. I had decided to go into the Bison Steve Hotel and grab the Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor. I also hacked the entrance terminal and picked all 4 locks on the first floor and repaired the elevator. EXP is EXP and I'm going to take it when I can. Thinking of that I did my daily log-in on the group chat but no one else was online. That shocked me a bit. I thought I might see Alibaba but she was offline.
[Low Tech Hacking] Pick 25 locks 25/25
[4550/5800 to next level]
I spent the next day getting banned from gambling and winning 13000 chips.
[Big Winner] Get banned from all Casinos in the New Vegas Area.
[Level up]
[Welcome to Level 9]
[Assign 17 skill Points]
17 more points into Barter.
[Choose 1 Perk]
[Intense Training] 9 ranks left.
[Junk Rounds]
[Swift Learner] 3 ranks left
[Bloody Mess]
[Fortune Finder]
[Hand Loader]
[Quick Draw]
[Strong Back]
No questions asked I picked up Strong Back.
AP 83 HP260 DT24 CW 150/270 Caps 49948 SSC 35 EXP250/7200 Level 9
Barter 44
Energy Weapons 17
Explosives 21
Guns 20
Lockpick 50
Medicine 50
Melee 23
Repair 90
Science 50
Sneak 24
Speech 13
Survival 23
Unarmed 23
Small Frame
MannCo Supplies
Know it All
Intense Training Rank 2
Black Widow
Confirmed Bachelor
Cherchez La Femme
Lady Killer
Strong Back
Strength Implant
Luck Implant
Sub-Dermul Armor
Monocyte Breeder
I spent the next three days adjusting the payouts for all 63 slot machines in the Vikki and Vance Casino. I was only paid 50 caps per slot machine but what mattered more to me was the 50 EXP per repair.
[3700/7200 to next level]
I finally left Primm, my next destination was Goodsprings. I had another snowglobe to pick up. I drop by the Canyon Wreckage. I killed 12 coyotes with two Mini-Nukes. My right eye twitched at the fact I was one animal short of finishing the Overkill challenge. Slight reroute to the Goodsprings Cave to kill 1 more Coyote. As the last Mini-Nuke left my Fatman I watched as the family of three Coyotes died in nuclear fire. I had wasted 4 Mini-Nukes on this dumb challenge. These could have been used on the dumb big Robo Scorpion in the Big MT or killing some death claws. Maybe killing that ass hat General Oliver. But no they had to be wasted on normal animals.
[Overkill] Kill 20 Animals with any Fat Man or Fat Mines. 20/20
[4740/7200 to next level]
Okay, it was worth it.
(AN: EXP Slut)
I made my way into Goodsprings. I took a second to take this place in. It was the start of a lot of my games of New Vegas. I went through the old school house hacked the computer and picked the lock. I left almost everything in its place. I took the skill mags but I decided to leave the Lucky Revoler in the safe. I went to good old Doc Mitchel to get my radiation treated. I may have left him 10 times the normal fee on his desk. I looted the Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual and picked the safe in that house. I went to the Saloon and repaired the radio for Trudy. And then I bought out her supplies of Sunset and pure water. I also hacked the terminal and picked all the locks in the saloon. I then made my way to the Goodsprings Cemetery taking the snowglobe for myself.
Now that all of my current business was done around Goodsprings I planned on making it to the top of Black Mountain tomorrow. So I was going to stay the night in Sloan. Pass by The Devil's Gullet picked another Stealthboy there. Went through the Yangtze Memorial and finally reached Sloan.
[Sloan Discovered 10EXP]
[5070/7200 to next level]
I was able to get to sleep in a bed in the mess hall for 100 caps. I looted another copy of Deen's Electronics in Sloan. I also found a copy of Duck and Cover. Two skill Books close together. Lay gasp… I decided to finally log in for today.
[Freak of Vault 3] {Has Signed in}
[500EXP/300 points] {Full week log-in bonus}
[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net] {Online}
[Step on Me Dark Mommy] {Offline}
[Little Rookie] {Online}
[Snaping a Duxion's neck for EXP]{Online}
[ArsenicCatnip] {Offline}
[Your Izuru Kamukura] {Online}
[Freak of Vault 3]: Wow Hinata is back online. What's going on with you? Did you ever find out what Island you are on?
[Your Izuru Kamukura]: I honestly forgot that is chat group was a thing over the last week. So it turns out we are on Jabeerwock Islands… And the happy school trip has become a killing school trip. Because of an evil animatronic teddy bear hijacked our school trip. Yesterday one of my classmates killed another classmate. We figured out who did it and how they did it, and they were killed because of it. I don't know why I'm telling some randos about it. I- I- I'm sorry I need to go clear my mind.
[Your Izuru Kamukura]{Has logged out}
[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: Well that brings down the mood. Dark Mommy isn't here or else I would talk about what I learned about the Phantom Thieves. AC hasn't shown up for six days now. Whatever game she is playing must be very demanding. Let's get to something more positive. Lil Rookie, tell me any updates on the elf girl?
[Little Rookie]: So good news I found out who the elf is. Her name is Ryuu and she works at a local pub. Bad news I was humiliated in said bar she works in by the Loki Familia. Other than that not much of interest to report. I am spending the day with my Goddess for Monsterphilia tomorrow. Monsterphilia is a big festival-type thing held in Orario, by the Ganesha Familia.
[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: So it's like a circus? They'll show off the monsters and do some tricks.
[Little Rookie]: Perrty much. Food stalls, fights in the arena, and so on. So what about you?
[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: You know taking a crack at this the code that runs this chat client. Saw Goro Akechi go on about how he was going to solve the Phantom Thieves case. I already beat him to it. I actually have hacked the leader's phone. I can watch the world through his phone screen for the most part.
[Freek of Vault 3]: Most part?
[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: I seem to have lost him twice. Both times his camera had some odd distortion before his phone disappeared of the face of the Earth. Then he reapers two hours later looking dead on his feet.
[Freek of Vault 3]: Maybe he is no longer on Earth when he disappears like that. You said that the group has the power to change people's hearts. Maybe they are traveling to some heart realm or I don't know the cognitive world of the target.
[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: Actually my mom used to research stuff on cognition… I could maybe find her notes… I just can't I have to go.
[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]{Has logged out}
[Snaping a Duxion's neck for EXP]: Wow they're dropping like flies. I wanted to talk to Dark Mommy but she has been offline for the last four days. I'm just stock-piling points and XP at this point. I just want to get her opinion on what I should do for other things besides explosion magic. No one has yet used the gotcha tickets yet. How about we use the points on the tickets?
[Little Rookie]: I'm interested.
[Freek of Vault 3]: I'll spend points just on one bronze ticket. I'm saving for when we get access to the shop.
[Snaping a Duxion's neck for EXP]: I'm going to go in on a silver ticket.
[Little Rookie]: Know what screw it. I'll get a bronze and a silver. That will leave me with 100 points. Maybe what I get will cheer me up.
[Little Rookie]{has bought 1x Bronze Ticket and 1x Silver Ticket for 1100 points}
[Freek of Vault 3]{has bought 1x Bronze Ticket 100 points}
[Snaping a Duxion's neck for EXP]{has bought 1x Silver Ticket for 1000 points}
[Freek of Vault 3]{1x Bronze Ticket used}{Reward: MVM Canteen}
Silver lights appeared before me and before me, my reward appeared. It had three uses of 5 seconds of crits. Well, I wondered if I would ever get this. Wait how am I supposed to refill it? I guess I'll find out later.
[Little Rookie]{1x Bronze Ticket used}{Wepon copy card}
[Little Rookie]: Cool so this gives me a single copy of a weapon I own. I'll save the card until I need it. Now Silver Ticket here we go.
[Little Rookie]{1x Silver Ticket used}{Summon Servent Card}
[Little Rookie]: I'll deal with this card some other day.
[Snaping a Duxion's neck for EXP]{1x Silver Ticket used}{Staff of the Wise Horned Owl}
[Snaping a Duxion's neck for EXP]: Oh wow this staff looks cool! I could add a red magic-focusing gem to it. But I love it!
[Freek of Vault 3]: It's getting late I'm going to go to sleep. Goodbye y'all.
[Freek of Vault 3]{Has logged out}
I slept until 5 in the morning. I decided it was time to lighten my load of skill books by using them.
Barter 44 (+4)
Energy Weapons 17
Explosives 21 (+4)
Guns 20
Lockpick 50 (+4)
Medicine 50(+8)
Melee 23
Repair 90 (+8)
Science 50 (+12)
Sneak 24(+4)
Speech 13
Survival 23 (+4)
Unarmed 23
Well, that is 24 pounds of my back. I made myself useful around Sloan. I fixed Sunffles the Molrat's leg and the power generator for the quick 65 EXP. Okay I would of fixed Sunffles leg with out the EXP Reward anyways he just looked so pitiful.
It was time for me to save a ghoul mechanic and repair a robot. After I got sidetracked getting the location marker for the Brotherhood of Steal base in Hidden Valley. I made my way to the base of Black Mountain.
[Neil's Shack Discovered 10EXP]
[5245/7200 to next level]
"This is a dangerous place, human - especially for your kind! I suggest you turn back. There's nothing good waiting for you further on. The road is a series of switchbacks up to the peak. There are three blockades, plus patrols. Sneaking past them would be… difficult. Just before the peak is a kind of shanty village. More second-gens there and then there's Tabitha's compound - heavily guarded by her Nightkin." Neil the Supermutant
"Thanks for the warning but I can hand myself."
"Don't say I didn't warn you. Stay safe human." Neil
[New Quest Added: Crazy! Crazy! Crazy!]
I made my way to the first blockade. It was three super mutants and a night kin. Two of the Supermutants were armed with sledgehammers. The last had a light machine gun. The Nightkin had a Bumper Sword. I had a 5.56 pistol full V.A.T.S and 5 seconds of nonstop crits. I two-shot two with sledgehammers. I one-shot the one with a light machine gun. I reloaded and took out the night kin in three shots. The crits on canteen ran out. I reloaded and waited a minute for my AP to reset. Before making it further up Black Mountain
I made it to a pathway laid out with three bare traps. As I disarmed the last bare trap I saw boulders coming down the path one crushed my right foot. I didn't have long to feel the pain as I saw a large boulder coming at me. Some full-on Indiana Jones level shit. I managed to get out of the way with the messed up foot. I used a stimpak and waited for the injury to heal. As soon as my foot was fixed a Nightkin came out of nowhere and slammed me with its bumper sword [68DMG]. I used V.A.T.S to attack back. 4 out of my 5 shots hit [128DMG]. I backed up out of the Nightkin's range. The Nightkin rushed at me knocking me flat on my ass crippeled my torso [68DMG]. [HP124/260] I managed to roll my way back up and shoot the Nightkin's head into a million gross chunks.
I sat back down and used a doctor's bag and three stimpaks. I took a breath I was only halfway up the mountain. I used a repair kit on my 5.56 Pistol. It still had 7 robots and 9 super mutants to kill with it before I could retire it. I picked myself up and made my way to the next checkpoint the dome. It had 2 Supermutant guards. They went down easier than the Nightkins. Inside were 2 50-skill lock trunks with around 1200 caps between them. I saw an active radio and wanted to try getting Tabitha to send me more Supmutans my way. She sent me two more Nightkins and three Supmutans. I used my crit canteen and decimated the options. I had to use 2 more stimpaks but I was making progress.
[Black Mountain Discovered 10EXP]
[5355/7200 to next level]
The only guard left was the "Sniper" with a missile launcher. I was able to get one sneak attack off that crit [168DMG]. But the sniper was still up and he was shooting at me. I was missed by the first shot the second almost killed me [240DMG]. I used V.A.T.S and unloaded into him. Two crits later and the sniper was down. I used 4 more stimpaks and a doctor's bag. I took a quick look at the Vault 13 Revenge Challenge only to find that I was only one kill away from completing it.
"Sorry, Tabitha but you're feeding my challenge for the EXP." You see, normally I wouldn't kill Tabitha. She was a lost soul who only wanted her robotic best friend back. But she had enslaved Raul the ghoul and killed an unknown amount of other people in the Wasteland. But I will at least reunite you with your friend before I kick you off this mortal coil.
I made my way into the Storage of Black Mountain. Found the Nightkin's robot and fixed her up. The Mr.Handy unit made it off the desk and opened its eyes at me.
[5420/7200 to next level]
"Hello. Could you please direct me to Tabitha?" Rhonda
"Sure follow me."
"Thank you very much. My internal clock says it's been 2 years, 156 days, 4 minutes, and 13 seconds since I last spoke to her. I hope she hasn't gotten lonely." Rhonda
We made our way outside the door. We came face to face with Tabitha wearing a blonde wig and star-shaped sunglasses. "R-Rhonda! Is that you?" Tabitha
"It is, Mistress Tabitha. How I've missed you so. This stranger here fixed me up right as rain. Is she a friend of yours?" Rhonda
"I… don't know how to thank you for bringing Rhonda back to me, stranger. Here, take this. I won't be needing it anymore." Tabitha handed me the keys to the locks on Black Mountain.
"I'm sorry but the only reason I woke Rhonda up is so you could have the chance to say goodbye." I said firing my 5.56 pistole into Tabitha. After using all 5 shots Tabitha fell to her knees.
"Goodbye?" Tabitha sawed and fell forward dead.
"How dare you harm my mistress!" Rhonda. Rhonda swang at me with her buzz saw. It grazed my back [23DMG]. I rolled forward reloaded and shot down Rhonda. "We meet again soon Tab-"
[Quest Complete: Crazy! Crazy! Crazy!]
Vault 13's Revenge] Kill 15 Super Mutants with 5.56mm Pistols, Plasma Defenders, Plasma Grenades, Power Fists, Rippers, or the Bozar. 15/15
[Level up]
[Welcome to Level 10]
[Assign 17 skill Points]
17 more points into Barter.
[Choose 2 Perk]
[Intense Training] 9 ranks left.
[Junk Rounds]
[Swift Learner] 3 ranks left
[Bloody Mess]
[Fortune Finder]
[Hand Loader]
[Toughness] 2 Ranks left
[Quick Draw]
[Here and Now]: The Here and Now perk immediately grants an additional experience level, complete with all the advantages that In-game brings. (AN: Trash Perk. A waste of a good perk)
[MannCo Portable Upgrade Station]: With this you gain access to the Mannco Upgrade Station from the comfort of your PipBoy! All currency will be converted to Caps. The only downside is there is a 25% markup using the Portable Upgrade Station.
[Finesse]: With the Finesse perk, you have a higher chance to score a critical hit on an opponent in combat, equivalent to 5 extra points of Luck.
[Miss Fortune]: Just when your enemies think they have the upper hand, Miss Fortune appears to turn their world upside down. Appearing only in V.A.T.S., she has the ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
[Mysterious Stranger]: Gives you your own personal guardian angel... armed with a fully loaded .44 Magnum. With this perk, the Mysterious Stranger appears occasionally in V.A.T.S. mode to lend a hand, with deadly efficiency.
[Nerd Rage!]: You've been pushed around long enough! With the Nerd Rage! perk, your Strength is raised to 10 and you gain 50% to damage resistance whenever your Health drops to 20% or below.
[Night Person]: When the sun is down, a Night Person gains +2 to both Intelligence and Perception (up to a maximum of 10). This perk directly affects your "internal clock" and remains active both inside and outside.
I chose the MannCo Portable Upgrade Station. The Two-way Telleporter Upgrade would be amazing. The second perk I picked is Toughness rank 1. More DT helps me take fewer trips to the Reaper.
AP 83 HP260 DT27 CW 240/270 Caps 51048 SSC 35 EXP220/8750 Level 10
Barter 65
Energy Weapons 17
Explosives 25
Guns 20
Lockpick 54
Medicine 58
Melee 23
Repair 98
Science 62
Sneak 28
Speech 13
Survival 27
Unarmed 23
Small Frame
MannCo Supplies
MannCo Portable Upgrade Station
Know it All
Intense Training Rank 2
Black Widow
Confirmed Bachelor
Cherchez La Femme
Lady Killer
Strong Back
Toughness Rank 1
Strength Implant
Luck Implant
Sub-Dermul Armor
Monocyte Breeder
MannCo Roulette! The wheel spun running through the 7 classes left. The Ball landed on everyone's favorite French man. The Spy.
I wonder if it will still be Roulette! For the next roll. Maybe it will be a dice next time around.
[Congarts You have unlocked the Point Shop]
[10000EXP, 1000 points]
[Level up]
[Welcome to Level 11]
[Assign 17 skill Points]
Well, that was a shock I didn't expect to get another level that quickly. 15 more points into Barter and 2 points into Medicine.
[Choose 2 Perk]
[Intense Training] 9 ranks left.
[Junk Rounds]
[Swift Learner] 3 ranks left
[Bloody Mess]
[Fortune Finder]
[Hand Loader]
[Toughness] 2 Ranks left
[Pack Rat]: You have learned the value of careful packing. Items with a weight of 2 or less weigh half as much for you.
[Quick Draw]
[Here and Now]
[Miss Fortune]
[Mysterious Stranger]
[Nerd Rage!]
[Night Person]
Finally my old friend you have come to me. Pack Rat
AP 83 HP260 DT27 CW 185/270 Caps 51048 SSC 35 EXP1470/10450 Level 11
Barter 80
Energy Weapons 17
Explosives 25
Guns 20
Lockpick 54
Medicine 60
Melee 23
Repair 98
Science 62
Sneak 28
Speech 13
Survival 27
Unarmed 23
Small Frame
MannCo Supplies
MannCo Portable Upgrade Station
Know it All
Intense Training Rank 2
Black Widow
Confirmed Bachelor
Cherchez La Femme
Lady Killer
Strong Back
Pack Rat
Toughness Rank 1
Strength Implant
Luck Implant
Sub-Dermul Armor
Monocyte Breeder
I waited a minute to see if there were going to be any more notifications. I am in the clear. I took a look at my new equipment for Spy. I had the stock Revolver, stock Butterfly Knife, and normal Sapper. I took a look at the Disguise Kit. It had the 9 TF2 Classes, NCR Trooper, Boomer, and Ghoul as options. There was a note on the inside of the Disguise Kit. Disguise Kit 3000 allows you to be disguised as someone else as long as you're not touched. New Disguises will be available a day after meeting a new faction. The last item of the Spy's basic kit was the Invis Watch. A watch that lets one go invisible for a short amount of time.
I took out the knife and did some tricks I remembered seeing on YouTube. I was shocked that I didn't even cut myself. I had my fun and went about looting Black Mountain. I found enough supplies to build seven of the spy's unlocks. It was at last time to set Rual free. I debated coming back when I had Science Skill 100. But I decided against waiting. I didn't want to see to imprison Rual any longer. I found the password to unlock Raul's cell. The password was 123456789. I hate the fact that is the password. It's almost as bad as having the password be password. You could at least make it P4ssW0rd. But I digress. I opened the door and saw Raul sitting at a desk.
"Took you long enough. So, can I go now?" Raul
"Who are you?"
"Name's Raul. Raul Alfonso Tedaje. I'm the mechanic around here." Raul
"Then why does your jumpsuit say "Miguel?""
"Probably because it used to be Miguel's. Whoever he was. How about if you let me go, huh boss?" Raul
"Want to tag along with me for a bit? Or you could head down Black Mountain? I'm sure Neil will help you get home. But if you want to travel with me I have a single condition. Don't tell anyone about my technology. "
"Sure boss, I think I'll stay with you. Anything is better than staying here. Might I know your name, boss?" Raul
"My name is Mukuro Cross. I'm originally from a Vault and right now I'm killing time until a part for the Vault is done being made in seven days."
"Okay, Boss let's go!" Raul
"Not just yet I'm going to make use of that workbench. Before we leave."
Raul just nodded. I got to work making the unlocks for the spy. Red-Tape Recorder, Big Earner, Black Rose, Wanga Prick, Black Rose, Ambassador, and the Diamondback. I smiled holding the Diamondback in my hands. It was definitely one of my favorite unlocks for Spy.
I then set the Teleporter entrance on the ground. "Well here is our ride out of here!"
"What is it, boss?" Raul
"Single Route Molecular Relay. Also known as a teleporter. Well, see you on the other side Raul." I arrived back in Vault 11. A minute later Raul came through the teleporter.
"Is it normal to feel unbalanced getting out of a that thing? I also smell toast." Raul
"Yeah that should be fine you get used to it. Speaking of bread you just remind me I have a quick experiment to run."
I quickly bought the Two-way Telleporter Upgrade from the MannCo Upgrade Station. I saw that there were more upgrades than there usually were. I would have to check them out later. I spent 313 caps and quickly set down three jars and gave the fourth one I had to Raul.
"Okay, I'm going to need you to help me get what I'm going to bring back into the jar I just gave you. Got it? Good!" I set the other three loaves of bread on the ground beside the jars.
"What boss?" Raul
I then proceeded to Teleport myself and a loaf of bread back and forth 4 times in a row. "Incoming!" I then forced the bread monster into Raul's waiting jar.
[Bead Monster]
[3520/10450 to next level]
"What did you do boss?"
"I teleported bread!" I then burst into a mad scientist cackle.
"Oh boy looks like I traded crazy for crazy."