In Stardust As A Wizard

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Coming Across A Rumored Treasure And Making An Astonishing Discovery

Seraphina and I have been staying at my cabin for a year now and all the while I was looking for a Babylon Candle to help get Seraphina back into the sky and test a theory of mine. As far as I can tell, it is either, the witches don't know about Seraphina, or having her in hiding for the last year under a dome of protective magical effects especially against other magical beings has helped to keep her hidden from their eyes.

I'm inclined to believe the former as they have the runes that can be used to track people and I do not know if my protection charms could misdirect then.

"Hey Robert, welcome back. Did your search for a Babylon Candle bear any fruit?" Seraphina asked hopefully.

"Yes and no. While I didn't find one, I did hear an interesting rumor about where we might acquire one." I explained.

Seraphina had frowned at the first part of my words, her excitement dimming, only to come back with even more force at the latter part of my words.

"That's great, when do we leave to see if the rumor is true?" She asked.

"I need to prepare a few things, then we can make our way there." I said as she nodded happily and began to pack her belongings in a spatial bag I had created for her.

Obviously the spatial bag was a Mokeskin pouch and it had been modified by me to be even more spacious than normal pouches.

I then took a bracelet and placed it on her arm.

"What's this?" She asked.

"Protection." I said simply to which she simply shrugged and nodded.

What the bracelet was, was an Alchemical bracelet that miniaturized my protection charms at least in regard to protection against magical beings. It would essentially put an invisible boundary of spells that were just above the surface of her skin. I wasn't worried about non-magic beings, I could take care of them with a wave of my hand.

When Seraphina had all her things packed, I offered my arm which she took happily and we apparated to the port town on Mount Drummond. This was exactly the town that Captain Shakespeare and his band of pirates went to to sell the lightning, and I was going to be going to Fergi's Shop.

In my time in this world, I had already flown to many places to make travel easier as I could only Apparate to places I had been to before or could see. The port town we had just arrived in, was one of those places I'd visited in my travels.

We had finally made it to Fergi's Shop and we walked in and I was glad to see that it was empty at the moment.

"Hello, you must be the owner of this fine establishment." I said as I walked up to Fergi.

"Haha flattery will get you everywhere, how can I help you." Fergi replied with a toothy grin.

I then got closer and spoke in a barely audible whisper so only Fergi could hear.

"Rumor has it you are in possession of a Babylon Candle. I am willing to pay any price if you are able to provide me with one, and I mean any price. Money is no object for me." I said playing on his greed.

"Any price you say? What if I asked for 10,000 guiness?" Fergi asked obviously testing how much I truly had.

"That'd be no problem at all." I said nonchalantly.

Fergi seemed to be deep in thought before he seemed to have a mischievous glint in his eye.

"1,000,000 guiness and it's yours." Fergi said happily, but it seemed he was mostly joking as he didn't think I had that much money.

"1,000,000? No problem." I said as I reached in my spatial back and pulled out a large bag that was filled with the money.

At the sight of the large bag coming out of the small pouch, Fergi's eyes widened in disbelief and his eyes then brimmed with greed.

"How much for the pouch? I have heard about these pouches being sold around." Fergi asked.

I had actually created many of the pouches, but obviously less advanced then my own, and had been selling them, not really for money, as I had no need for that, but because I'd hoped to attract a witch or warlock that would try to find the creator of such amazing magic, and hope I could learn this world's magic from them.

Unfortunately, I had no such luck as it seemed they simply would've bought them and tried to reverse engineer the magic to learn it first themselves as no one had approached my stall when I was there.

"Sorry, its not for sale, now do we have an accord for the Babylon Candle?" I explained then asked.

"Alright fair enough. Very well, I will get your Babylon Candle, but remember, if anyone asks, you didn't get it here. I don't want any people to storm my shop looking for one. They aren't easy to come by you know." Fergi said as he held his hand out for the bag of money

I nodded then paused for a moment, snuck a glance at Seraphina who was looking at the different things in the shop with curiosity as I had a thought.

"How about I triple the money and you get me another Candle?" I asked, hoping he actually had another one.

Fergi's eyes widened comically.

"T-triple?" He asked incredulously.

I nodded seriously.

He paused to think for about a minute and his greed seemed to have won him over.

"You have a deal, I only had two anyways and I doubt I'd find a buyer willing to pay as much as you are offering." He replied joyously and went to the back to grab the candles.

I grinned victoriously and grabbed two more bags out of my pouch. Fergi came back and with two long black cases which I already assumed would be used to hold the candles and he handed them to me and grabbed the bags.

"Pleasure doing business with you!" He said contently.

"The pleasure is all mine, hope to come by again in the future." I replied as Seraphina and I walked out.

Seraphina was just sort of, there, and Fergi did not even take note of her. She didn't mind though. Afterall, despite living in this world for a year, she still didn't understand all the aspects of how the world worked yet.

As soon as we were able to get to an area that was devoid of people, I Apparated us back to my cabin and took out the two cases that held the candles and watched as Seraphina eyed them excitedly.

"So does this mean I can go home now?" She asked expectintly although I could vaguely sense a hint of disappointment in her words.

"Yes, you can use the candle to go home whenever you want, unless you want to stay longer, but that is your choice after all." I explained.

She nodded, and then looked at me with trepidation before walking up and giving me a tight hug.

I wasn't expecting her to do anything like that, but after a moment I returned her hug.

"Thank you for helping me, and for protecting me all this time. Maybe I can come back and visit some day." She said and then grabbed one of the candles.

"Goodbye Robert, hopefully we'll meet again one day." She finished before she disappeared in a flash of blinding white light and I could see the light going back into the sky.

"Goodbye Seraphina, I enjoyed having your company, however short it was." I said aloud to myself as I began to study the candle.


Even after studying the candle for a few months I was no closer to replicating its abilities or figuring out how it actually worked.

As i was deep in thought about the candle, I made an astonishing discovery. My original theory was that the magic candle worked like how magical owls from the Harry Potter universe could find someone by just hearing their name no matter where they were, but it seems my theory was only half right.

The discovery I made had to do with the true capabilities of the magic. In the movie, it was mentioned by Lamia that, "Wall" was not part of their universe, but Tristan was still able to use the candle to travel to their universe.

This made me think.

'Could the magic of the candle theoretically allow someone to traverse to other universes? If that was the case, would I be able to travel to say, the Harry Potter universe with it?'

Although as I thought about it, I realized that it was pretty much pointless to go to the Harry Potter universe. All that would happen is I would be saddled with all the rules and regulations for wizards that the Ministry of Magic imposed upon all the magical folk and wouldn't truly be able to enjoy my time there. Maybe once i became powerful enough, i could go there and learn all the magic that was available in that world such as True Alchemy rather than my self-created off brand version.

So i made a decision to go to another magical universe that would be able to expand my magical knowledge and even possibly travel to other universes.

The question I have to ask myself now is, which universe should I travel to?

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