Infinity from Hogwarts

Chapter 29 Wesley’s Transformation 1

When Firefox carried the unconscious Wesley into the secret stronghold of the Assassin's League, Jack followed him invisibly.It's a shabby place.

It's the textile factory in the movie where the entire League of Assassins hides.Wesley was picked up by the repairman who came out to greet Firefox.He went up to the second floor and was thrown onto a chair by Wesley.Wesley, who was in a coma, slumped down onto the table next to the chair.

A few minutes later, Wesley woke to the buzzing of flies in his ears.I looked up and found that I was in a strange place.He got up in a panic and tried to find a way to escape.It's time for him to go home.Although his girlfriend cuckolded him.Although his good brother is the one who cuckolded him.Although the supervisor of the place where he works is a fat woman who likes to bring a stapler to trouble him every day.

Although there are so many misfortunes.But as a pure Luthor, Wesley only had such a bad life now.If he gives up these.He will have nothing.

But the panicked Wesley was stopped by the repairman.Change direction.The butcher was leaning there.Then he turned to the black gunner who was lying on the railing of the stairway and looked at him expressionlessly.Wesley was blocked on the second floor by three vicious men.The last direction.The panicked Wesley ran towards the stairs downstairs that he had just noticed.As a result, I was stopped again this time.It was the beauty who protected him during the gunfight before he fell into coma.

Wesley felt a little relieved.He looked at Fire Fox, who came over step by step and said hello to him.Step by step backward.His eyes were a little uncontrollable as he looked at the sexy Firefox.I don’t know why I said this casually:

"I don't have much money..."

Just then a voice came from the third floor.

"I thought he could be higher." The big boss of the Assassin's League.The old black man Sloan slowly walked down.

Wesley was stunned by Sloan's words: "Higher?" Then he came back to his senses immediately.Sloan came down with a pistol and explained in a panic: "Sir, I have been trying to explain to this lady that I am an accountant." He followed Sloan to the second floor.Wesley was getting nervous.He was very afraid that the old black man would come down and kill him.

He began to stutter. "I am a customer service staff...Customer service manager, if you contact my boss Doris, I believe you will get detailed information, and I believe she will testify for me." He looked at the old black man and said He was not shot.He stuttered and finished speaking with some relief.

But the expressionless Sloan completely ignored what Wesley said when Wesley finished.Just picked up a trash can.Place it on the edge of the table a little away from Wesley.Just hold the pistol upside down.Passed it to Wesley. "Shoot the wings off the flies."

Wesley was stunned and said, "I don't understand what you mean."

Sloan began to slowly repeat word by word: "Shoot the wings off the flies." As he spoke, he turned his head to indicate the flies flying around in the trash can.

Wesley felt funny.I'm afraid I met a madman.I just said to Sloan: "I think you must have found the wrong person." The words have not yet finished.A gun was pressed against his head.

The black gunman behind Wesley put a gun to his head, pulled the hammer with his hand, and said sullenly: "On the count of three, if you don't take action, I will shoot."

Wesley began to panic, his heart beat faster, and he looked at the old black man who was looking at him with a pistol in his hand with a sad face.As the black gunner behind him began to count, Wesley had no choice.He could only take the pistol and prepare to shoot without crying as his heart beat faster and faster, but he couldn't see the fly clearly, let alone what the old black man asked for was to shoot off the fly's wings.

Wesley, who was getting more and more panicked, felt his heart beat the highest when the black gunner counted to three.The sound of the heart beats like a drum.At least it reached more than 400 beats per minute.At this moment, Wesley felt the flying flies enlarge in his eyes.He could even see the vellus hairs on the flies clearly.And time seemed to have stopped.He followed this feeling.Instinctively, he fired six shots quickly.

After firing the gun, Wesley, pushed by the black gunman behind him, quickly walked forward to a chair and sat down.Breathing rapidly.And immediately tried to open the medicine bottle with his trembling hands.He thought his illness had returned.

At this time, the old black man Sloan picked up the three flies shot by Wesley in the trash can and came over.He spread his hands in front of Wesley's eyes.Wesley was stunned.Look at the three wingsless flies that are still alive.

Sloan poured three flies directly into Wesley's hands.

"This is impossible." Wesley couldn't believe that this was really what he had just done.

"For you, of course many things were impossible before today." Along with the medicines for panic disorder that Sloan just took away from Wesley.Thrown into the trash can.Sloan then explained loudly.

"What you have is not a panic attack at all, Wesley. Your heartbeat exceeds 400 beats per minute, pumping a large amount of adrenaline into your blood, giving you extraordinary vision and reaction speed. Only a few people in this world have it. Your father has this ability. So you have it too. With a little practice, you can learn to control panic."

Wesley was frightened.Looking at the three wingless flies in his hand.The frightened Wesley stood up directly.While backing up, he pointed the pistol at the old black man who was talking to him.His expression was serious and his voice was crying.

"Stay away from me, don't come near me. I have a gun in my hand, do you understand?"

Sloan was not afraid at all.He directly introduced his and Firefox's names to Wesley.When Fire Fox heard this, he smiled and gestured to Wesley.

Sloan then began to tell Wesley the occupations of the people in the room.

"Everyone you see around you is good at killing people. If I were you, I would point the gun at me, not at any of them." Watching Wesley swing the pistol with his words Sloan aimed at himself again and praised him with a smile.

"It's much better this way."

Wesley looked at the old black man Sloan and blurted out: "You're crazy!"

Sloan spoke as he slowly approached Wesley.

"No, what's crazy is that you clearly have killer genes in your blood, but you still waste your life like a waste. What's crazy is that when you are despised and bullied, you still live a miserable life with the flow, but you But he has a strong ability to change the status quo.”

As he spoke, Sloan slowly held the barrel of the gun and raised the pistol in Wesley's hands that were shaking with fear.

"The name of the gun in your hand is Extermination 17. It belongs to your biological father. His marksmanship is as smooth as clouds and water. You will use it to avenge your father's murder."

"I can't." When Wesley heard that he was asked to kill someone, he immediately objected instinctively.

Sloan immediately interrupted Wesley before he could continue. "That's the man who is chasing you tonight."

When Wesley heard that his father's killer was also the person who was chasing him tonight, his eyes widened and he continued to speak.

"Your father is one of us, belongs to the League of Assassins, Weapons of Destiny" Sloan explained the identity of Wesley's father and their gang.

"We have transferred all his assets to you, I promise you. That's a lot of money. This is the change you have been waiting for. Join us." Sloan finished the last sentence with a seductive tone and smiled. .Then he made a hug gesture and looked at Wesley, who was stunned, with a smile.

For a short period of time, Sloan was his biological father, revenge, and killer.Finally, a large asset came.These news shocked my brain a little bit.Finally shaking his head, he reacted.This is not a nice place.He wants to go first.

He pointed the gun at Sloan again and said, "Back off, back off. You don't know me at all."

After Sloan stepped aside, Wesley immediately rushed to Firefox who was standing at the top of the stairs.First, he said in a commanding tone, "Stay away from me." Seeing that Firefox didn't move away, an amplified voice shouted again, "Stay away from me."

Firefox just looked at him with a smile.Wesley's tone softened instantly.Will you stay away from me?Fire Fox actually smiled and shook his head at Wesley.

Wesley was worried.

"Please stay away from me, please? Can you step aside and let me pass?"

Firefox looked at the anxious Wesley with a smile.Smiling, he turned sideways and made way for Wesley to go downstairs.Wesley held a pistol in one hand and three wingless flies with an open palm in the other hand and hurriedly ran out among the smiling faces of several Assassin's League members on the second floor.

They knew Wesley wouldn't just leave.They have done so much.How could it be possible to watch Wesley escape from their control.Wesley just experienced too many things in one moment tonight that ordinary people cannot accept.Wait for him to calm down.He will be back.

Jack had been watching all this happening in the corner.Watching an old black devil seducing a Luthor to kill who he thought was his father's murderer.In fact, he is his biological father.Watching Sloan break through Wesley's inner defenses step by step.After watching Wesley, who was obviously attracted to her, he ended up having an escaping character developed by him through so many years of living as a Lutheran.Finally ran out.Nothing was done.

There was an uneven crowd tonight.Moreover.He has decided to completely destroy this so-called justice organization.In fact, it is a cult.It is a killer organization that has completely degenerated under the leadership of Sloan.Of course, we should start after everyone is gathered.

If you do it in advance.After killing a large number of key characters in the plot, he felt that the world's consciousness would instantly lock onto him.And there won't be any 24 hours of bullshit time.

That was a trap set by the Lord God.It would take 24 hours for the world's consciousness to lock onto him after killing two insignificant men and women.

And if he directly attacks the center of the world, the members of the Assassin's League.He dared to swear by his integrity.Definitely not 24 hours.It could be 12 hours or 6 hours.And the more he kills, the shorter the time it takes to be locked.

He reacted the moment he left Wesley's house.And he had no intention of arresting him without killing him.Or the idea of ​​controlling it with the Imperius Curse.If he dares to use magic on this plot character.He felt it wouldn't be much easier than killing them.

This was reminded by the core of his soul when he used Legilimency to look through the memory of the cross.Before he was ready to put the cross in memory he was revising.When he makes him his subordinate.The core of his soul immediately warned him.Jack is a wizard.The soul is the most important thing to him.none of them.Of course he [-]% believed the warning given to him by his soul.

So now Jack just follows the plot.Just prevent Wesley from accidentally dying.This world is actually not that difficult to get through.And if nothing goes wrong.Wesley will also eventually be told the truth after killing his biological father.At that time, all he needs to do is continue to protect Wesley.

Just when Wesley is ready to take action.At that time, the surviving members of the Assassin's League would appear in this dilapidated textile factory.He showed up directly at that time.Activate magic.Your task can be completed in an instant.And it is to complete the task that he decided to implement to completely destroy this organization.Instead of the one who is the main god, he only kills the main members.The mission to destroy the Loom of Destiny.

Before leaving, Jack went to the repair room to look at the so-called repair potion.It was discovered that it was a potion that damaged vitality and restored the body.The life span of ordinary people is determined by genes.

Human cells have a DNA structure called telomeres at the ends of chromosomes.Its length largely determines the lifespan of the cell.That is to say, as human cells age, the length of telomeres will become shorter and shorter. Until the chromosomes become unstable, the cells will die.People grow old and die in this process of cellular aging.And normal cell division also has limits.

This repair potion accelerates the division rate of human white blood cells.Thereby accelerating the body's self-healing speed.In this process, human life span will be shortened invisibly.

Of course this is an ordinary creature.Magical creatures don't have these problems.The lifespan of a magical creature is determined by magic.The more powerful the magical creature, the longer it can live.

Considering Jack's current physical condition.In about 1 years, as long as nothing happens to Jack.He cannot die.However, physical aging will still occur.But that would have to be 6000 years later.After all, he is now supposed to be a descendant of some kind of legendary snake.That snake is obviously a god.So follow Jack's research.As long as he lives long enough, his strength will become stronger and stronger.And his lifespan will be longer and longer.Theoretically speaking.Judging from the growth of what he originally thought was an Animagus, it was actually his snake body. It takes about 100 years to grow into an adult body.His current snake body just wants to be that of a juvenile.After all, the body is not mature yet.It doesn't even have the ability to reproduce, so it's not even an adult.

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