
Chapter 5.1 Getting Schooled

Here you go!  Another chapter, just for you!

Take care everyone!

“Hey Sade!  Wait for me!”

Sade slowed her pace and turned to face the speaker.  Hattepaa, a coyote beastkin and fellow student, was jogging down the marble hallway to catch up with her.  The young woman bent down and placed her hands on her knees to catch her breath.  The way her legs were spread caused the dark blue robes to tent out in an amusing fashion.

“What can I do for you Hattepaa?”  Sade asked her classmate.

“How… ugh!  How are you able to walk so fast?”  She gasped out.

“I work out.”  Sade quipped, “But I doubt that is why you ran all the way here to chat with me.”

Hattepaa finally caught her breath and smoothed out her robes.  She was on the more human spectrum for beastkin, which was fairly rare.  She was slender, with suntanned skin, and dark brown eyes.  Her hair matched the few patches of fur found on her hands, feet, and back.  It was an interesting pattern of blacks and browns, with natural blond highlights.  Aside from the fur, the few traits that showed her lineage were the elongated canines in her mouth, the fluffy tail poking out the back of her robes, and the huge triangular ears on her head.

“You usually stay after class to talk with the professors.”  She explained. “Today you ran out the door the second professor Meswir stepped off his lectern.”

“Ah.”  Sade said with complete eloquence. “Today is a bit special.”

“Oh? How so?  Is it a hot date?  Tell me you know a bunch of tall, muscular guys and one of them is single!”  Sade could practically feel the wind from the beastkin’s tail wagging at top speed.

“That is not entirely off the mark.”  Sade giggled.  She started walking back down the hallway, at a slightly slower pace so her classmate could keep up.   “My friends and I are registered with the hunters.  We have been training since the semester started, and yesterday we found a perfect target for a new group to take on.  Today is the day we set out.”

“No way!  Why are you doing something so dangerous?  We don’t have to go hunting until we pass preliminary classes a few months from now.”  Hattepaa whined.

Sade didn’t have the heart to tell her classmate that she had already been in a couple life or death struggles.  She did consider how amusing it would be if she ever did talk about those encounters, especially when she would have to explain why her first fight was without any clothes.  The look on her face would be priceless.

“I need to practice my magic, and they need a mage.  We have a wood elf with us so we should be fairly safe.”

The other girl’s eyes grew wide.  “A wood elf!  Those tall hunks?  Oh I’m so jealous!  Is he your boyfriend? Please tell me!  I need all the details!”  Her tail was creating its own small tornado with its frantic motions.  Sade enjoyed how excitable the coyote girl could get.

“Tyrillian is actually a woman.  Rick, my other companion, is a human like I am.”  She leaned in conspiratorially, and in an exaggerated whisper that in no way lowered her voice said, “And both of them are my lovers.”

“B-both?”  Hattepaa stuttered.  “Y-you… um… uh.”  Sade could practically see the steam coming out of her classmates' large ears.  Oh, she was going to have fun with this one.

“Don’t tell me you actually fornicate with those beasts.”

Both women turned to look at the intruder in their, admittedly not so private, conversation.  Sade narrowed her eyes as they met with the haughty crystal blue ones glaring at hers.

“A-Ariwyn!  This is a private conversation!”  Hattepaa stammered.

The newcomer tossed a handful of platinum blond hair over her slender shoulder.  Her pale ethereal beauty highlighted all the more with the simple gesture.  Two large bladed ears, a full handspan in length, was all the world needed to know that it was in the presence of a high elf.

“Talking loudly in a hallway makes any sense of privacy moot.”  Ariwyn scoffed.  Her glare returned to Sade in full force.  “Now tell me, do you really debase yourself by laying down with those creatures?”

“By ‘creatures’ I assume you mean wood elves?”  Sade asked cooly.

The pale woman made a disgusted noise from somewhere in the back of her throat.  “Those things are as close to elves as you are to being a noble.  I suppose the filthy masses like you wouldn’t care to learn the finer details.”

Vitriol poured out her pretty mouth with such casual ease that it boggled Sade’s mind.  High elves were known for their superiority complexes, but the young heiress certainly put most to shame.  The relatively young elf was unfortunately as brilliant as she was arrogant, and her position as the top student in their year was almost unquestioned.  Except for Sade.

Sade was under no illusions that she was the smartest person in the school.  She couldn’t spend decades with fully stocked libraries and the finest tutors money could buy while her mind was in the perfect development period to absorb all that knowledge and skill like the extremely long lived races such as elves.

No, Sade had to make up the difference with extreme hard work and determination.  Not a second passed by that Sade wasn’t practicing magic formulas, discussing lessons with the professors for better understanding of the subject, or holing herself in the vast school library.  In fact, the moments she spent nestled between her two lovers were probably the only time her mind was focusing on anything but magic.

And when the first round of test scores were posted for students to see, Sade was rewarded for her dedication by seeing her name at the top of that list.  Right next to Ariwyn’s.  Having someone she deemed beneath her be tied for the top spot in the rankings seemingly needled the elf to no end, and she wasted no time in doing her best to put her perceived rival in her place.

Sade was no stranger to bullies.  Even in her small village where she grew up, she had to deal with someone or other trying to raise themselves up by putting others down.  Being small and bookish made her seemingly an easy target.  But just like those stupid children, this arrogant woman would learn that they picked a fight with the wrong woman.

Sade widened her lips into a cheshire grin.  “Oh, are you jealous?”  She cooed.  She slowly stalked toward her prey.  “Does it just eat you up inside to know that I have experienced what it is like to have my insides penetrated, over, and over, until they spill such delicious heat into my deepest core?  To feel such strong and gentle hands caress all over my body, rubbing and kneading every sensitive spot until my back arches in pleasure?”

The high elves' ears were slowly turning a bright crimson with each word Sade uttered.  She was working herself up too.  She absolutely loved the carnal passions Rick and Tyr reaped upon her every night, and she always wanted more.

She now stood face to face with the flustered elf, a picture of contrasts.  Sade dark and calm, Ariwyn pale and fidgeting.

“I could show you, you know.”  She whispered softly.  “I could show you exactly where my lovers rub and poke to bring me to the heights of ecstasy.”  It was time to finish her off.  “So, do you want me to?  I can do it right here if need be.”

“Y-you’re disgusting!”

And with that remark, the annoyance sped down the hallway like she was being chased by a hoard of monsters.  Sade huffed at how easily the woman folded.  She hoped that this would be the end of their little spat, but something told her that this was unfortunately only the beginning.

“Did you really mean all that?  About doing it with her in the… hallway?”

Sade turned to her other classmate.  Her face was also flushed crimson after her little speech.  Oh yes, she was most certainly going to have fun with this one.

She shrugged.  “It was mostly teasing.  But if she had not run away, I would have meant every word.  Why? Do you wish for me to show you instead?”

Hattepaa spluttered something incoherent.  It took everything Sade had to hold in her laughter.  Eventually even her iron will failed her and she started to double over with fits of giggles.  Regaining her composure, she reached out and patted her classmate on the head, right between her ears.

“Relax.  I am only teasing.  Come, I need to leave so I am not late.”

The beastkin nodded and followed Sade towards the main hall.  “I wish I was as smart, confident, and beautiful as you.”  She said after a moment.

Sade eyed her friend.  “I have worked hard for everything I have.  But do not sell yourself short.  You are also a student of Mya University.  This means you are among the best and brightest in the kingdom, do not forget that.”

“T-thanks.  That means a lot coming from you.”  She seemed to perk up at the reminder of her own strengths.  “Say, can you tell me about them?  Your friends I mean.”

Sade had to think about how much to tell the other woman.  She supposed that a basic outline was probably the best option.  She could always tell her more if they got closer.  Maybe even add her to the nightly fun if they got extremely close.

“Well, Tyr is a young wood elf.  Just trying to find her own way, same as us.  Rick.  Rick is…”

How could she begin to describe him?  Rick was simultaneously as simple and easy to read as a market sign, and as mysterious as the history behind the statue in the bay.  The man wore his heart on his sleeve.  Sade loved that about him.  The way he looked at her, a combination of adoration and lust, just drove her wild simply because he only looked at her that way.  Sure, he loved and fucked Tyr with similar enthusiasm, but the way he looked at Sade was special.

But Rick had secrets.  Sade could see that even if she was blind.  Whenever the subject of his family or hometown came up, he would give vague, noncommittal responses or change the subject.  It was more than obvious that he and his family had some sort of friction between them.  He was also smart, earnest, capable, and educated.  All things pointed to a life of some means.  Which made his situation all the more puzzling.

“Rick is a kindred soul.  I would not be here where I am now if not for him.”  She finally said.  He had his secrets, and she would not pry into them.  After all, she had secrets too.

By then the two had reached the main hall and Sade waved goodbye before heading towards the main doors.  Idly, she called upon the most ancient and sacred magic known to all sentient life for as long as life existed.  Her body tingled as faint traces of mana ran through her.  She had been told once that few could feel the spell at work.  And only the most magically sensitive could even hope to experience the sensations running through Sade at that moment.  When the mana ran its course her mind was filled with the knowledge of who she truly was.

Level 2 (69%)  
Strength: 9 Constitution: 10
Dexterity: 10 Endurance: 11
Intelligence: 16 Resistance: 10
Wisdom: 12 Attunement : 13 (2)
Charisma: 10 Luck: 12
Vocation: Intimancer (1)


And there it was, her dirty little secret.

When all three of them leveled up after the monster attack, Sade had several options for her vocation.  The simplest option was magician, a generalist spellcaster who learned several skills that would have enhanced her spells to be far more potent than they normally would be if she was a warrior or something similar.  She could have chosen elementalist and worked to master fire, ice, and even the power of lightning, all at her fingertips.  A specialist, but an extremely powerful and versatile mage regardless.

She nearly gasped with shock when she saw that she could become a magus.  A legendary vocation only found among the most powerful and talented spellcasters the world has ever known.  She could have been among their number.

But intimancy.  Something in her being, her very essence, called for her to become an intimancer when she noticed that was an option.  The siren song of her soul could not be denied.  It was her destiny.

It was her shame.

With one decision she made her path of becoming a powerful mage considerably harder.  From what little Rick could tell her about the various skills an intimancer had access to, very few of them related to spellweaving.  This meant that as her time at Mya University went on, she would lack many of even the most basic skills her classmates would have.  Which meant she could eventually fall behind even relatively average students like Hattepaa, let alone be a match for Ariwyn.

Her decision was made.  Her path set.  Nothing in this world could allow her to undo the most important decision of her life.  And she wouldn’t change it even if she could.

If she could not rely on vocation skills, then she would just have to make up the difference with hard work.  Sade gave herself a wry smile as she made her way down the street towards the inn the three of them shared.  She was no stranger to overcoming weakness with effort.  Years of being small and frail compared to her peers had taught her how to use her keen mind and creativity to make up the difference.

She would not fail.  Her pride as a woman capable of becoming a magus demanded it.

Sade received a few catcalls and more than a few appreciative glances from the men she walked past.  She had changed quite a bit in the past month since they arrived in the city, in more ways than one.

Sade now stood a full head taller than before she first met Rick.  She and Rick were still the same height, but she was now considered to be above average for a human woman.  Not quite as towering as Tyr, but still tall enough to look that willowy high elf in the eye without standing on her toes.

Her bust jiggled slightly with each step along the cobbled streets.  Her chest could still be cupped with one of her hands, but her new curves were still fairly large compared to what she had when she first left home.  Rick mentioned something about ‘C’s’ as he stared longingly at her chest when she last inflated them with several points of energy.  She chuckled at the memory.  His reactions to her growing and expanding never got old.

Her hips could only be described as ‘child bearing’ due to their sheer width on her thin frame.  At one point she had to stop widening her hips for fear of being unable to run anymore due to her shifting leg position.  Sade didn’t mind, it just meant she had more to spend on other things.

One odd aspect of coital energy they found was that making the hips bigger, did not affect other parts of her body.  Her buttcheeks had to be grown separately from her hips, same with her thighs, which had a considerable gap between them at one point.  In fact her whole frame was ungainly thin due to her old stature being stretched around with coital energy.  The result of a full month of enhancements had Sade take on a slight pear shape when donning her school robes.

She was far from done, but it was a good start.  Now that the term had begun, she had to be more judicious with her coital energy.  She would be seeing the same people every day, people that would recognize her and know who she was if picked out in a crowd.  Humans simply didn’t sprout tits overnight, and she didn’t want to bring unnecessary and troublesome attention to her and Rick’s magic.  She wasn’t going to stop, she idly wondered if she even could at this point, but she was going to be a lot more slow and subtle.

The past month wasn’t all sex and magic though.  True to her word, Tyr put all three of them in an intense training regimen.  Every morning they would wake before the sun rose, run several leagues up and down the beach, then spend at least an hour training or sparring to get used to the feel of their weapons and the flow of combat.

As a result of their hard work, and more than a little coital energy, their physical stats had gone up.  Sade herself gained another point in both strength and endurance.  This allowed her frame to fill out nicely with toned muscle, softening the more absurd proportions she had gained.

Her latest glance at her stats also showed her improvements from her schooling as well.  Hours of study and theorycrafting with professors was able to improve her already impressive intelligence.  Her attunement also improved, not enough to gain another spell slot, but the stat gain showed that her training was indeed a valid method to improve that aspect naturally without leveling.  Every moment she could spare, Sade would weave two separate spell formulas and keep them at the ready while also trying to trace a third.  It was simple in concept, but extraordinarily exhausting in practice.

She originally tried to hold the most complicated spells she knew for greater effect, but that proved nearly too much for her to even hold, let alone attempt to cast another spell.  She slowly scaled back the complexity until she found the sweet spot, not too easy to hold the spells, but not too difficult for her to attempt to channel additional manna.  Having her work on this while walking between classes, during physical training, even attempting to hold the spells while she slept, and the depths Sade would go to improve herself became obvious.

What surprised Sade was the improvement to her charisma.  That was certainly not there when she last checked the day before.  Rick liked to joke that the stat improved as the size of her bust increased.  But all three knew he wasn’t being anywhere close to serious about that.  Sade couldn’t recall doing anything too different to warrant an improvement, but it was just one more mystery that she would eventually solve.

She focused on the present as ‘The Ship’s Rest’ came into view.  She and her party were going on an adventure.

So... What did you think of Sade's thoughts?

This has been such a fun chapter to write.  It will continue to be Sade's PoV until chapter 6, so we will get to see all sorts of things from a different perspective.

Next update will be at the usual time.

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