Chapter 9: Club
Hello Dear Readers.
Author here.
So, here's the next chapter. The beginning to a new arc, which might last for a week, maybe. As promised, I am not going to make you guys wait for chapters anymore, so kindly provide me with powerstones in return. Let's aim for 200 powerstones by the end of the week.
Most of you guys have been asking for the source of all the hentai included, so I have updated the auxiliary chapter. You can go and check it out. I have also updated the MC's look there.
Anyways, that's all.
Some situations are always unavoidable.
Back in my old world, I did everything in my power not to stand out. It was better to stay in the shadows—safer. Attention meant trouble, and the last thing I wanted was to get on my old man's shit list. That guy was terrifying. Probably the only person who ever truly scared the crap out of me.
Over time, that survival tactic became a habit. Now, I just hated standing out. It was annoying. Unnecessary. Like inviting problems for no reason.
And yet—
"Then tell me, Kido-kun. Who truly held power in the Heian period?"
Why the hell was this woman singling me out?!
Kano-sensei smirked from my desk, trailing a finger along the wood, her voice smooth as silk. She was close. Too close. I could smell her perfume from here.
She had a whole desk of her own, so why did she feel the need to invade my space?
If I were a weaker man, I might have fallen for the charm. But I knew better. These kinds of situations didn't happen without a reason.
This woman wanted to suck my soul.
"The Fujiwara clan, through regency."
My answer was calm, direct. An easy question. Japanese history had always been one of my favorite subjects.
From behind me, my classmates murmured in surprise. I could feel both Kazami and Hori staring at me like I'd just uncovered some ancient mystery.
Ugh, idiots. The answer was right there on the third page of the previous chapter. She even made us underline it.
Kano-sensei tilted her head, a glint in her eyes.
"And their downfall?"
"Reliance on court politics, no military strength."
"The Fujiwara exercised power through regency, keeping emperors in a ceremonial role. But their dependence on court politics instead of military strength made them vulnerable to the rise of the samurai class."
"Hmm, impressive. Care to tell me about the Kamakura period—shogun or emperor?"
"Shogun. The emperor was a figurehead."
The back-and-forth continued for a while, with Kano-sensei firing questions and me answering without hesitation. By the time she finally sighed and turned back to the blackboard, everyone in the class was staring at me.
Great. Now I'd probably have a bunch of people begging me to tutor them.
Kanzaki, stop looking at me with hope. I am not teaching you, even if it kills me.
"What can I say? Color me surprised, Kido-kun." Kano-sensei chuckled, walking away. "I've noticed you drifting off in my class a lot. Didn't know you were actually paying attention."
So that was her reason? She was testing me because I slept in class yesterday?
She didn't even say anything when I was dozing off!
"Such a shame. I was hoping you'd make a mistake."
A shiver ran down my spine.
The way she bit her lip—the way her gaze lingered on me for a second too long—yeah. There was no mistaking it this time.
This woman wants to eat me.
"I'm sorry about that. It won't happen again, sensei."
Keeping my composure, I bowed slightly. She waved me off and gestured for me to sit down. Just as I settled back into my chair, another voice made me groan.
"That was impressive, Kido-kun!"
"It was nothing, Kanzaki-kun."
Kanzaki, ever the overenthusiastic fool, practically vibrated in his seat.
"I've never seen someone withstand Kano-sensei's rapid fire like that! That was awesome!"
"What even is that supposed to mean? And stop shouting. People are staring."
Not that he cared. Kanzaki just chuckled to himself before leaning back with a grin.
"Alright, alright. Anyway, want to join us for lunch? We'd love to have you join us like last time."
"I don't know about that. I didn't bring my lunch today, so I'll hit the cafeteria first."
"Oh, is that so?"
Kanzaki blinked at me.
Ugh, stop that. Focus on the lesson. You need it more than I do.
I had forgotten to pack my bento this morning—probably because of everything that happened yesterday. Not to mention my new neighbor. The one who had been singing.
There was something strange about her.
Something in the air around her felt wrong. The temperature kept dropping when she was near.
I had read about things like this before—supernatural beings that brought calamity.
What did they call them again?
"Kido-kun, do you think you can—"
"Kanzaki-kun, would you mind telling us who the first shogunate was?"
Kanzaki froze.
Kano-sensei's voice was still silky smooth, but there was a dangerous glint in her eyes now.
I sighed.
Kanzaki, you will be remembered.
I hope you find peace in the afterlife. Unlike me, who has to deal with you every single day.
"Stand up before answering."
"Now, who was the first shogunate, Kanzaki-kun?"
Kano-sensei's voice turned dark.
The classroom collectively gulped.
He's done for.
"Y-you mean… like… the first one… right?"
"You must know the answer, considering how easily you were chatting just now."
"I-I… I wasn't—"
"First shogunate, Kanzaki-kun."
Kanzaki looked like he was about to cry.
"I-I'm so sorry!"
The entire class winced.
Yeah. Poor guy.
But honestly?
He kinda deserved it.
"She's a demon! A demon, I tell you!"
I hummed in response to Kanzaki's rambling, not really paying attention. For once, though, I actually agreed with him. That woman was trouble. Even still, he had it coming.
"Maybe you should just study harder," I said flatly. "Answer her questions properly next time."
"Easy for you to say! Not everyone is a genius like you!"
My eye twitched.
"Would you drop it? And why the hell are you even following me? Don't you have your actual friends to eat with?"
We were in the cafeteria now, and I was here for one reason—to get food. I'd heard a lot of hype about the school meals, with people saying they were surprisingly good for the price. That alone made me curious.
I wasn't much of a cook myself. Sure, I could make food, but making it taste good? That was another story. So this might just be heaven for me.
Unfortunately, for some reason I didn't understand, Kanzaki had decided to stick to me like a damn parasite.
"Now, now, Kido-kun. They have each other for lunch. I can't just leave you alone."
That is exactly what I want you to do!
"Ugh, how about you just—"
"But seriously," Kanzaki cut me off, looking around with wonder. "No matter how much time passes, I can't get used to it."
Annoyed, I followed his gaze.
"Hoshikawa Academy is really on another level. Even the cafeteria is huge. It's like an auditorium."
Despite my irritation, I had to admit—he had a point.
The place was massive. Rows upon rows of seats were filled with different cliques. Gyarus chatted about fashion, nerds exchanged notes, delinquents and jocks flocked together, and loners sat by themselves.
It was almost too organized. Like a high school drama where every stereotype had their designated place. Even the food line moved efficiently, with no chaotic shoving or complaints.
"This really is another world…" I muttered.
"Huh? You say something, Kido-kun?"
"I said you're annoying. Leave me alone."
"Ugh, that's so mean!"
Ignoring his whining, I made my way toward the food line. No way was I going hungry just because my classmate had a desperate need for a bromance.
And yet—he still followed me. You have your own lunch, right? Just go find a seat so I know where not to sit.
"Oh? It's the history nerd."
I turned at the voice, surprised by the sheer audacity.
Standing behind us in line was a girl with long, violet hair and matching eyes. She was a gal—her casual, almost rude way of speaking gave it away instantly.
But unlike the usual gals, caked in makeup and skimpy outfits, this one was… yeah. She was a ten.
"That was rude," I said flatly.
"Oh, i-it's Sasaki-san!"
Kanzaki, beside me, blushed. Gross. You already have a childhood sweetheart, moron. Stop ogling other girls.
Suzumori is so not going to like this.
"Hmm, maybe it was a little rude," Sasaki admitted, her lips curling into a cheeky smile. "But that's the only way I remember you. Or should I call you the frail transfer?"
"History nerd is fine."
She chuckled, amused. I tried my best not to be annoyed.
"So, I take it you're also in our class?"
"Yup. I sit right behind Kanzaki-kun. You haven't noticed?"
I blinked.
Kanzaki chimed in with a smile. "Kido-kun likes to doze off in class. I doubt he notices anything beyond his own breathing pattern."
Sasaki giggled.
Ugh. He should stop watching me and focus on his own studies. No wonder he kept getting scolded—idiotzaki.
"I do pay attention. Just not to the people around me."
"That's kind of sad."
Why the hell were these two ganging up on me?
"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. The name is Sasaki Yukin. It's good to meet you."
Didn't ask.
"Good to know."
The line moved, and Kanzaki was the first to fill his plate. Didn't you bring your own lunch? Apologize to all the poor souls who can't bring a bento, you glutton!
As he moved aside, I finally got my turn. The smell was heavenly. It was set up like a buffet—you could take whatever you wanted and just pay a set price.
No need to hold back, then.
As I loaded my plate, my classmates kept chatting.
"You're alone today, Sasaki-san?" Kanzaki asked. "I don't see Hamazaki or Kurumizaka-san with you."
Sasaki hummed, tapping a finger to her lips.
"Reina-chan got detention."
"Mhm. And Ruri has another one of her boring family meetings."
"Man, it must be tough being rich."
"Better than being peasants like us."
What kind of character descriptions am I getting here? Just talk among yourselves and leave me out of it!
…Although, now that I thought about it, Kanzaki was weirdly good at conversation. Shouldn't he be blushing and stuttering like a generic rom-com protagonist?
"Kido-kun," Sasaki suddenly called, snapping me out of my thoughts.
I glanced up from my plate, now stacked high with sandwiches.
"Kano-sensei seems to have taken a liking to you. Did you do something?"
Her phrasing rubbed me the wrong way.
"I don't know. Maybe because I'm a transfer student? I haven't even talked to her outside of class."
"Ho? So you're not in her club?"
"What do you mean?"
She smirked. "Never mind. Forget I asked."
A club? Did Kano-sensei run one? Why did Sasaki assume I was a member?
Kanzaki seemed just as confused as me. He shrugged, taking a bite of his sandwich.
Then, before I knew it—
Sasaki leaned in.
Close. Too close.
Her breath brushed against my ear as she whispered, "Let me give you some advice, Kido-kun."
Kanzaki, beside me, froze—his face a deep shade of red. Meanwhile, I was just trying not to drop my sandwiches.
"Kano-sensei has her eyes on you. Join a club before she makes you join hers."
She pulled away, smiling mischievously. For a moment, I just stared at her. That… sounded ominous.
Sure, Kano-sensei made me uncomfortable, but Sasaki was practically a stranger. Should I really trust her words?
As for the club—
"I'll keep that in mind."
Like hell I was joining any club.
I was way too lazy for that.
"Kido-kun, would you please join our club?!"
My eyebrow twitched as I was forcibly dragged into this conversation. It was a free period since our math teacher couldn't make it today—something that should've been great news—but my excitement had been thoroughly ruined the moment my nap was interrupted.
Now, instead of resting, I was stuck dealing with Nanase, who stood in front of me with wide, pleading eyes. Her emerald gaze practically begged me to say yes, and I was wracking my brain trying to figure out how to refuse without sounding like an ass.
After all, I did need her mother's salon for my haircuts. Wouldn't want to ruin that connection.
"And why exactly do you need me?"
Kanzaki, ever the meddler, chimed in from his seat. "It's because Hori-kun is going on a family trip tomorrow. Nanase-san needs the club to stay active while he's gone, and for that, they need four active members."
Nanase nodded eagerly, her puppy-dog eyes intensifying. Behind her, Hori looked just as guilty as he did apologetic.
"I'm really sorry about this. It's all my fault. My family just made this plan on a whim, and I didn't know we'd be leaving so soon."
"It's not your fault, Keisuke-kun. I understand," Nanase said softly, smiling at him in reassurance. If anything, her words just made him look more guilty.
Then, she turned to me with a sigh. "I know this is really sudden, but please, Kido-kun. I don't have anyone else to ask."
I groaned. Why was I getting dragged into this? And more importantly—
"Why the hell are you even in our class, Nanase-san?"
"Because I was desperate," she admitted shamelessly.
Fair enough.
"Still, I don't get why you're asking me."
"Because you're not in a club," she pointed out, "and Kanzaki-kun mentioned that you were talking to a classmate about joining one."
Oh, did he now?
Slowly, I turned to glare at Kanzaki. The bastard laughed nervously, looking away.
I am going to punch this guy.
"Ask him to join, then. Last I checked, Kanzaki-kun isn't in any club either."
Kanzaki let out an awkward chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck. "I could have joined, yes. But unfortunately, I have to attend my tuition classes. I'm trying to get into college, and… well, my grades aren't exactly up to par."
"And you think I'm free all day?"
Nanase's expression softened. "It's fine if you don't want to join."
Her voice was quiet, almost resigned, and the weak smile she gave me somehow made it harder to refuse. Kanzaki and Hori both nodded in understanding, and I could feel the invisible weight of peer pressure crushing down on me.
Ugh. This is unfair. I hate this.
I wasn't against clubs, but I had no interest in staying after school. Time was precious, and so was my damn sleep schedule.
I exhaled sharply. "...How long will you be gone?"
Hori blinked, thinking for a moment. "A little over a week. You could just join temporarily until I get back."
"You can leave whenever you want," Nanase added quickly, her eyes hopeful. "You don't even have to be active if you don't want to."
One week, huh?
Honestly, I wanted to refuse. But I had a habit of returning favors to my benefactors, and Nanase's mother had given me a free haircut before. Maybe this would even things out.
And besides—how bad could one week really be?
"If it's only for a week… maybe."
"Y-You will?!"
Kanzaki nearly choked in surprise, and even Hori looked like he'd misheard me. What do you guys take me for, huh?
Nanase, on the other hand, simply blinked before smiling softly.
"You really are kind, huh?"
"Nothing. Thank you, Kido-kun."
She bowed, and Hori quickly followed suit.
"Yes! Thank you so much! I'll definitely repay you someday!"
"There's no need."
The two art club members exchanged a relieved laugh, already chatting about what they'd do next. Kanzaki patted my shoulder, giving me a thumbs-up.
"That's great, Kido-kun! Now you don't have to join Kano-sensei's club, or whatever that is."
"...For a week, at least."
I sighed.
Small mercies, I guess.