K-Pop one shots

Chapter 22: Day 1

The first rays of sun, barely peeking over the Seoul skyline, were already battling a losing fight against the heavy curtains of the Stray Kids' dorm. Inside, a symphony of snores, mumbles, and the occasional dramatic sigh filled the air. It was 7:00 AM – theoretically wake-up time. Practically, it was the beginning of a slow-motion disaster.

Bang Chan, always the first to stir, groaned and blindly reached for his phone. The harsh light assaulted his eyes, and he squinted, reading the endless stream of notifications. He sighed, a leader's burden heavy on his shoulders. "Alright, Stray Kids, rise and shine," he mumbled, his voice still thick with sleep, though he knew most wouldn't hear him.

In the next room, chaos was already brewing. Lee Know, surprisingly the most organized of the trio, was already stretching, his limbs unfolding with practiced grace. Han Jisung, clinging to him like a particularly clingy koala, whined. "Five more minutes, Minho-hyung..."

I.N, bless his innocent soul, was attempting to make his bed, but the tangled sheets seemed to have a vendetta against him. "Hyung," he called out, his voice laced with frustration, "these blankets are attacking me!"

Lee Know chuckled, peeling Han off him with a gentle shove. "Jisung, you're suffocating him. Jeongin-ah, just fold it in half, it doesn't have to be perfect."

Down the hall, the 'visuals' room was experiencing its own brand of pandemonium. Hyunjin, despite being a self-proclaimed sleep enthusiast, had already showered and was meticulously styling his hair in front of the mirror. Bang Chan watched him with a fond exasperation.

"Hyunjin, you know we have practice in an hour, right? No one will notice your perfectly sculpted waves when you're drenched in sweat."

Hyunjin dramatically rolled his eyes. "One must always be prepared, Chan-hyung. What if a fan catches me during a water break? I must maintain the illusion."

Meanwhile, the 'poly-cule' room was a scene of domestic bliss…or as close to bliss as you could get with three chaotic personalities entangled. Changbin was attempting (and failing) to make protein pancakes. Felix, ever the sunshine, was setting the table with an enthusiasm that bordered on manic. Seungmin, the resident cynic, was reading a book while strategically avoiding any involvement.

"Felix, darling," Seungmin drawled, not looking up, "please don't put the forks on the left. You're giving me anxiety."

Felix pouted, but happily rearranged the cutlery. "Anything for you, Minnie!"

Changbin dramatically flipped a pancake, sending it splattering against the ceiling. "Well, this is going great," he muttered sarcastically.

By 8:00 AM, the dorm was a whirlwind of noise and activity. Breakfast was a free-for-all, a cacophony of chewing, arguing over the last piece of toast, and spilled orange juice. By 9:00 AM, they were piled (literally in some cases) into the van, heading to JYP Entertainment.

The practice room felt like a sanctuary, a space where their chaos could be channeled into something beautiful and powerful. Their choreographer, Mr. Kim, watched with a mixture of pride and exasperation.

"Alright, Stray Kids, from the top! And this time, try to remember the formations!"

The next few hours were a grueling test of stamina and coordination. Sweat dripped, muscles ached, and tempers flared. Han kept messing up the rap in the bridge, much to Changbin's mock (but secretly annoyed) frustration. Hyunjin's dramatic flailing nearly took out Lee Know. I.N, bless his heart, kept getting distracted by a particularly shiny spot on the floor.

During a water break, Felix, ever the peacekeeper, tried to lighten the mood. "Guys, let's try to focus! Remember, we're a team!"

"Easy for you to say, sunshine," Seungmin grumbled, massaging his aching shoulders. "You're dating the resident muscles."

Changbin flexed his biceps with a grin. "That's right, Minnie. Protection guaranteed."

Bang Chan, tired but determined, clapped his hands. "Okay, back to work! Let's get this right." He knew that even though they bickered and teased each other, they were a family. Their bond, forged in shared dreams and relentless hard work, was unbreakable.

The afternoon flew by in a blur of corrections, repetitions, and the occasional burst of inspiration. By 6:00 PM, they were exhausted but satisfied. They had managed to somewhat conquer the choreography, or at least reach a point where Mr. Kim wasn't threatening to pull his hair out.

Dinner was a chaotic affair, ordered from their favorite Korean BBQ place and devoured with gusto. The dorm was filled with the savory aroma of grilled meat and the sound of their easy laughter.

After dinner, they split up. Lee Know, Han, and I.N retreated to their room for a movie night, snuggled together on the futon. Bang Chan and Hyunjin worked on some new song lyrics, their heads bent close together in concentration. Felix, Seungmin, and Changbin decided to do a V-Live, much to the amusement (and slight dread) of the other members.

"STAY!" Felix chirped into the camera, his smile blindingly bright. "We're here to spread some love!"

Changbin, ever the dark one, leaned into the camera with a menacing grin. "And maybe some chaos."

Seungmin rolled his eyes. "Don't listen to him. We're just here to chat and answer some questions."

The V-Live quickly descended into the usual Stray Kids madness. They answered questions about their favorite colors, their ideal types, and whether or not Han was actually a squirrel in disguise (a running joke among the fandom). Felix broke out into a random dance, Changbin started beatboxing, and Seungmin tried (and failed) to maintain some semblance of order.

Suddenly, the door burst open and Han, still in his pajamas, ran into the room. "Hyung! Minho-hyung stole my socks!"

Lee Know appeared behind him, holding a pair of brightly colored socks aloft. "They're mine now, Jisungie. Finders keepers!"

The V-Live audience erupted in laughter. This was Stray Kids in their element: unfiltered, chaotic, and undeniably entertaining.

As the day wound down, a sense of peace settled over the dorm. The members gathered in the living room, sprawled on the couches and the floor. Bang Chan strummed a soft melody on his guitar, and the others hummed along. They were tired, their bodies aching, but their hearts were full.

Being a member of Stray Kids was a rollercoaster, a constant whirlwind of schedules, practices, and public appearances. But it was also a family, a group of eight individuals bound together by a shared passion and an unbreakable bond. And as the moon rose over the Seoul skyline, casting a soft glow on their faces, they knew that even in the midst of the chaos, they wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Tomorrow would bring a new set of challenges, but they would face them together, as always. Because after all, they were Stray Kids, and this was their chaotic, beautiful, and utterly unforgettable life.

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