E033 – Oh yes, I refuse.

“What kind of nonsense is this?” Ares whispered to himself as Lana and Torak stood ahead of him at the edge of their makeshift village. Behind Lana were most of her well respected elders, and being Torak were about a hundred topless oxfolk. Ares looked between the hundreds of oxfolk nearby, a myriad of faces staring at him. He could feel a little bit of sweat drip down his forehead, which was rather unfortunate since he just bathed.

“I have come to join you as I had promised yesterday.” Torak stated, motioning with a hand towards his oxenblut, which was not to be confused with the disease, ramblut, Ares thought. “They have come to join with me, as where I go, my oxenblut will follow.”

Ares nodded his head. “I welcome you, Torak. Though I do not welcome your oxenblut.” Ares glanced over towards them, and they all seemed to be in various states of shock and fury.

“What madness do you speak, br-” The oxfolk that spoke quickly clamped his jaw together. His brows furrowed together as he quickly cooled down, then continued. “What ever do you mean.” He grunted through gritted teeth.

Ares kept a neutral face as he tried to not laugh. ‘Is this gap moe? Seriously, this guy is adorable.’ His eyes fell to Torak. ‘I wonder if Torak warned him…’ Then he returned his gaze back to the older oxfolk.

“We haven’t been introduced, I’m Ares.” Ares extended an arm over and shook their arm.


“Excuse me?”

“Uot is my name.”

“Could you repeat that one time to me?”


“Oot, no… Uoht.” Ares sighed. “One second.”

“It’s fine, I do not expect you to get it right. Call me Ot.”

“No, no.” Ares shook his head. “It wouldn’t be good if I didn’t at least try.” Ares then began his verbal diarrhoea of trying to get their name right. “Alright, anyway, Uot… what were we talking about?” Ares hummed along what he recalled of the conversation. “Oh yes, I refuse.”

“Why is it that you refuse us?”

“Same reason as to why I’ll refuse all of Lana’s folk. I don’t want anyone joining because they have an obligation to join. I’ve accepted Torak into my tribe, he is no longer the same Torak that once led you, he is a member of my tribe, the same as any other.”

“The same as any other? He is not to be your trusted oxenblut?”

“No. He’s…” Ares thought about it for a moment. “He isn’t my oxenblut, but he will have a special role. I suppose it does make sense for me to explain everything…” Ares sighed. “I’ll do so when everyone else that wishes to join has joined. Know this though, you are no longer oxenblut.”

The other oxenblut began to complain, but Ares simply stated. “Torak is no longer the horn of your tribe, and he is no longer an oxfolk of your tribe. He is Torak, a member of my tribe. This Torak isn’t the same as the Torak that you once knew, and therefore, you no longer have any oaths to him. If you wish to join me out of your own volition, then go ahead. You will no longer be loyal to Torak, you’ll be loyal to me, as he is. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to talk to Lana.” Ares sighed again. With the easiest task done, he went about to Lana. She had her arms crossed, her brow raised, tapping the floor with her foot.

“Good morning, Lana. I hadn’t expected to see you here.”

“Though I told you that I was going to join your tribe?”

“You were drunk, I don’t take anyone serious when they are drunk.”

“Well, I have come, and with my entire tribe.”

“I refuse.” Ares said, holding up a hand. “I’m sure you heard already. I don’t need people who are loyal to you, I need people who will be loyal to myself and the tribe.”

“You don’t have to worry about that. Everyone is loyal to me and I will be loyal to you.”

“That’s a problem to me. You say that everyone is loyal to you, but what if they think that getting rid of me is best for you. I intend to…” Ares paused for a moment, trying to figure out how to word what he was about to say. “I intend to do many things you will consider absurd, and I need to make sure all that follow me know that, and that they accept such risks before considering to join me. What you are saying is dangerous, and I can’t allow such things to happen.”

Lana puffed up her chest. “You’re worrying too much.”

Ares huffed out some air, his nostrils flaring. “So you’re joining me?”

Lana nodded her head. “Alright, then I welcome you to the tribe. Now that you are no longer their horn, I’ll go speak with them directly.” He said stepping forward to meet the elders. Lana was huffing and puffing, trying to figure out what to say.

“Good morning, I’m glad you have all come to meet me. If I may keep this brief, how many of you are disinterested in joining my tribe?” He smiled towards them. They did not move and then he sighed. “I assure you, I won’t take offence if you are not interested.”

He saw the first move their hand up, and then following them a mass sea of other oxfolk beginning to move their hands up. 

“Wonderful. Those that have their hands down, please step forward.” With that about eleven of them stood forward, which surprised him to say the least. He hadn’t expected so many. “I assume you are all representatives of certain tribes, then?”

One bowed their head, a woman that seemed to be quite young. She was a teen, maybe a little younger. Ares resisted the temptation to lean down to speak with her, instead keeping his back straight, showing them at least a little bit of respect. “I have been told to follow the horn to the tribe, but I don’t really know if that’s what my people want.”

“That’s good.” Ares smiled. “I wish for those who have stepped forward to return back to their tribes and let them know that I accept people on an individual basis. So if your tribe wishes to join, but that specific person does not, that they be allowed to remain behind under the next horn that has taken the mantle. I also ask of this from those that do not wish to follow me, because some in your tribe may, and that’s who I’m looking for.” Ares then bowed his head. “If there is nothing else, then this matter is settled.”

“This matter isn’t settled! I’ve already said my tribe was going to join you.” Lana stomped into view.

Ares reached up to rub his forehead. “Lana, I want to thank you for joining, but you are no longer a member of their tribe. You’re a member of mine. If you do not like it, you can leave and go back to being a horn. I have been very clear in what I expect from those willing to join me, and if you can’t follow those rules, then it’s better if you leave.” Ares stared deep into her eyes, his brow twitching at her, before he marched off. 

“I’ll be checking on who has joined by this evening, then the morning after, I intend to leave… if everything is fine.” He said as he left Lana to go and dwell with the other elders.

Torak followed Ares, and he looked back in confusion before recalling that Torak was a part of his tribe now. A few of his oxenblut followed, but Ares glared at them before realising who they were. “Ah! It’s good to see you again.” He said as he went to go and greet Koifon, Ronfan, Korra, Roshe, Salea and Kask. “So you’ve decided to join me?” Ares said unable to contain his smile.

“Indeed. As much as we’re here to follow Torak, we know the kind of chief you are.” Kask had said. “Also Roshe still needs to finish his work with you, so we may as well keep him company.” Kask smiled.

Ares’ eyes went wide. He then grinned, letting out a soft chuckle before shaking his head. “It’s good to see that some things don’t change.” Ares hummed to himself. “Well then, I suppose I’ve gotten my wish then. I really wanted a great cook, and now, the very one I had in mind joined me. Aren’t I a lucky chief?” 

Salea smiled at the response. “You are quite fortunate. Then I suppose I’ll be cooking your food for you?”

“I’ll have to meet Amal. Amal is a great cook too.” Ares nodded over to where Amal was preparing lunch. 

“I’ll go meet him now, you can deal with more important matters.”

“Having my tribe meet one another is important.” Ares wagged his finger to emphasise the point.  Then he approached the catfolk. “Amal, this is Salea. She’s new to the tribe and she’ll be assisting you from now on. Today she’ll be assisting you, tomorrow you’ll be assisting her, and then you’ll continue to alternate. I hope you’ll get along, because I don’t want poison in my food.” Ares laughed. 

Once he had introduced them to each other, he led the others. “Well as a basic structure, I’m in charge. However, Rori holds the same authority as me, so if he says anything, take it as though I’ve already accepted his words. Well, as long as they don’t contradict anything I’ve said when it comes to how to treat others.” He said as he led them to the bearman.

“Rori, meet the new members of our tribe. This is Torak, he was the seven horns, and these were his oxenblut. We faced the pair of black vipers together, along with Morak.”

Rori nodded and then went over to exchange greetings. 

“Like I said, Rori is my right hand man, so if I’m not around, he’s in charge. I’ll need to figure out a title and everything, but we’ll sort that out once we’ve settled.” ‘Settled… ah, once I’m done with that, I should go and see Levi.’ He smirked to himself. ‘It’s been pretty quick progress…’ 

“Alright, well, I’m going to go and check on the other horns to see who else wanted to join. Right now just relax and enjoy your time here. Also, Roshe, if you could, please make some boots for everyone here.” He motioned to those present. “Rori first, then everyone else in whatever order you please.” He then motioned a hand and dropped down stacks of black viper leather. “This should be enough. If you could also make a few backpacks, though at half the side, to be worn at the side… pouched, but along a belt. Can you do that?” 

Roshe bowed his head in response, and so Ares gave him another piece of the snake skin about the side of his torso. “Here, as payment for all the work you’re doing for us.” Ares then waved as he swiftly made his way away. Rori would know where they would be suited to best. He really did need to figure out how his tribe was doing…

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