E038 – If they think they can slay me, then they’re prepared well enough to kill dragons.

“Is that meant to be there?” Ares asked. Their tribe had left after a rather brief goodbye with the other horns, a few other stragglers joining them. Ares had shifted away most of the items into his ring so they could move swiftly over land, and by the time evening had come, they were about to settle down when they saw it in the distance. A light had emerged in the distance, a beam that touched the tip of the mountain the distance, and then off into the heavens above.

“I don’t believe so.” Rori replied, but an older oxfolk woman appeared as if emerging from the shadows. She was short, surprisingly so, though Ares didn’t recall seeing her. She was hunched over and clutched at a cane. She was donned within heavy furs that were layered like a stack of pancakes. Her hair was long with what seemed to be hundreds of beads that weighed it down, long strands falling in front of her shoulders. No wonder she was always hunched. 

“The light of Peros.” She whispered. Then she remained silent, watching it. 

Ares threw a glance towards Rori, who didn’t react at all to the name, before he looked down to the older woman. “No, please, would you mind being more cryptic? What is the light of Peros?” He asked.

“Peros.” She said before looking over to another oxfolk, a younger man, probably about Ares’ age. He wore heavy furs as well, though they were darker. His long hair and beard also were covered in beads, and he stepped forward. He had a staff that he used to walk with. 

“Peros.” They said, looking around to the other oxfolk and then they swallowed. 

‘Oh shit. I recognise that kinda swallow.’ Ares sighed out, narrowing his eyes. 

There was a tension in the air, thick and heavy, like a dreary fog that covered the tribe now as the whisper of Peros echoed through. 

“Peros.” They swallowed again. “A god nearly forgotten, though some of us remember the tales, as was passed on to us by our elders.” They bowed their head, as if bracing themselves. “The betrayer of all. He was a dragon that ascended to godhood, he who fought the other gods, and then was banished away. They say he will return, and when he does, the dragons shall awaken from their slumber to rule the world.”

A chill filled the tribe as he continued to explain the travesty that would occur. “Mountains will crumble under his might, the oceans will rise and swallow the lands, the sun will bring forth it’s light and pierce every living creature.”

‘Sounds like a good time for some plants…’ Ares thought as he continued to think about the situation. That did sound rather dear, but then another thought crossed his mind.

“Wait. Excuse me, uh…” He interrupted the man. Nomar, apparently a shaman, introduced himself. “You said that dragons are awaking from their slumber. Do you mean, dragon dragons? Large powerful creatures with wings?”

“Indeed. Dragons and dragonfolk, they shall arise once more.”

Ares looked up and thought for a moment. “Dragon’s Spine. Does it have dragons?” He said as he looked between Rori and then Nomar, who turned to look at the woman that first spoke of Peros.

“Marina.” She said, bowing her head to Ares before continuing. “Indeed, I have heard that dragons and dragonfolk once reigned over Dragon’s Spine. Many say that dragons continue to remain atop the mountain, hence why none return.”

“Are dragonfolk like that? They just attack on sight? Perhaps they integrate the others into their society, and it’s a large paradise?” Ares asked.

Marina looked at him as though he was an utter idiot, and then when he looked at Rori, he was pretty sure that he said something too stupid even for him. “I see. So they are like that then…” Ares clenched his fists together and then he grinned. “So does that mean Peros will be up there with a bunch of dragons?” Ares asked.

“I do not believe that Peros will be alive, but…”


“There is a chance.”

Ares inhaled deeply. “Well then. I guess it’s dragon season with a side of deicide.” Ares almost gagged from how cringe inducing that was and he shuddered. 


“It means god killing.” Ares grinned.

Rori didn’t raise his brows, though Marina had, staring up at him. “Your hubris will be our demise.”

Ares turned to look at her. “No. My hubris will be my demise.” He laughed and then he clapped his hands. “Well then! Let’s get to eating!” With that, the tribe set to move. 

The food was cooked by Amal for the pair of cooks decided to alternate during the meals instead. Ares played with his three children, leading Ozar and Ozri around with his hands as they waddled around him. As he played with his children, he could feel a few glares upon him, though didn’t acknowledge them. 

Then finally he made his way back into his tent, laying down and then closing his eyes before he sighed out and then started to relax. He didn’t go to sleep though, though kept his chest moving slowly. Then he heard the steps nearby, and then there was a shout from afar before several spears thrust towards him. He sat up immediately as one spear plunged through his chest, the other two spears piercing into the dirt where his head once was. The three attackers were tackled to the ground by a pair of nearby oxfolk, as well as Rori.

Ares stood up, pulling the spear out of his chest. He sighed out, the pain in his chest fading as he planted the spear into the ground. “Well, well…” Ares smiled as he stared at the trio that had assaulted him, three oxfolk about his age. “Who are you, mnnn?” He asked as the three were brought up in the arms of the people that came to his aid. 

Lana had appeared soon after, and then leaned in to Ares. “You had killed their family during the bout with the eleven.” 

Ares nodded and then looked at the three. They weren’t quite his age, no doubt the oxfolk were younger, as they did seem to appear older than they actually were. “I see.” Ares nodded again. “You are lucky you went for me.” Ares said, staring into the eyes of the oxfolk girl that had thrust into his chest. He then glanced over to Rori. “It looks like I have my first three warriors. Prepare them for dragon slaying.” He said as he then picked up the spear and handed it over back to the girl. “Let them go.”

Rori stared at Ares, not yet letting the girl go. He stared into Ares’ eyes, who returned the stare. “If they think they can slay me, then they’re prepared well enough to kill dragons.”

Lana stepped forward. “They aren’t your first three. I’m your first warrior.” She said as she gently punched his arm. 

“Alright. Then you’re going to prepare them.” He smiled. “I’m going to go to sleep. Make sure everyone gets plenty of sleep.” Before he went to sleep however, he went to speak with Jorgan. “Would you mind helping Torak with a few of your most trusted people?” Once Jorgan accepted, he returned back to his tent and then passed out. He had four warriors, and all he needed were six more of the craziest bastards in his tribe.


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