E041 – This is serious…

Ares’ eyes shot wide awake and he sat up. He could feel the warmth of Lana beside him and he dared not to look, instead staring directly at head. His head was clear of all thought, but not because he wanted it too be, but rather just so the rest of his body could recall what occurred the night before.

His body felt as it usually did, there was no pain or discomfort, but then again he did heal rather rapidly.

When he finally gained his wits, he snapped his head towards Lana. “Hey.” He said as he reached over and then pushed against her arm, which felt like a stone against his hand. ‘Whoa…’ He hadn’t really gotten the chance to feel her body, other than the fight and whatever happened last night. “Lana.” His voice faltered as he swallowed before he stated her name once more clearly.

She groaned and then she rolled over to him before waking up. She seemed somewhat confused before her typical demeanour came to her and then she sat up. “Chief?” She asked as she rubber her eyes into the crook of her elbow and then stretched out her body.

“Lana. Last night…” Ares trailed off as his face flushed once more.

“Last night?” Lana asked, her eyes narrowing slightly but shone with delight. She waited for him to continue.

“Lana, please…” Ares sighed, staring into her eyes.

“Are you asking if I was your companion?”

“Companion?” Ares asked before he then recalled the first time they had met. “Oh, right… did we… become companions?”

Lana just laughed before her face was painted with a smile. “No. I just wanted to get my revenge on you. Then I wanted to make sure you were still alive, but I fell asleep.”

Ares sighed out and his shoulders drooped. “Oh good…”

Lana raised a brow at him and then narrowed her eyes once more.

“No, I mean… I mean good, because then… I’d rather be… I’d rather… uh… not like that, Lana. I mean… I think… Lana, please, you’re quite…” Ares hid his face in his hand and shook his head. “Lana. You’re hot as fire, but I just meant… I mean… I really would prefer to be conscious is all.” He said as he continued to hide.

“Hot as fire? I do not feel so warm.” She said as she rubbed her forehead.

“It’s a saying where I am from. Hot as fire means you are extraordinarily attractive.”

“Oh? So do you wish for some companionship now that you are awake?”

“Lana, please…” Ares rolled away and then slipped out of the tent. “I don’t want anyone misunderstanding anything just yet…”

Lana had followed him out with a smile painted on her face. ‘This woman, honestly… she’s one hell of a sadist…’ He then went to go and train though Lana did not allow him to remain alone in the endeavour.

It seemed as though everyone else trained away from them, that was until Jorgan approached to come and train with them.

“I hope I’m not intruding…” He said cautiously.

“Intruding?” Ares thought and then he looked at the others before then looking at Jorgan. Then he looked at Lana. “Oh… really?” He then went onto his heels, throwing his head back as he rubbed his forehead. “Jorgan… why would you think you were intruding?”

“I thought perhaps that you two were continuing from last night…”

“Jorgan! Nothing happened last night!” Ares said as he looked over to Lana, who seemed to go into thought. “Lana, please…” Ares said in a stern tone. “This is serious…”

“Nothing happened, I was just teasing Ares a little.” She said. “Though I can’t say I didn’t want to.”

“So would you please tell everyone?”

“They did wonder why it was so quiet.”

Ares turned completely red. ‘Someone come and kill me or something…’ He hid his face behind both hands. ‘I’m still a maiden you know!’ He sighed again. “Just go tell everyone.” He said. “This is more important than training!”

With the Jorgan had left and he turned to Lana. “Talking about revenge, I’ll be sure to get mine…” He warned her.

Lana just smiled. “I can’t wait, chief.” She grinned wide towards him and then winked.

‘She’s the devil!’ He thought once more as he then went back to working out, a few others now joining them. He could feel Lana’s gaze on him, and so he went to go and find himself a log. He cut it and then began lifting it, carrying it over his back as part of his endurance training, running along in a straight line, before then throwing it over the other shoulder and running back.

When he was done he made his way to the nearby river. After he sank into the river, Lana joined him in her bare form. ‘She’s the devil damn it!’ He thought as he looked away from her, but she wrapped an arm around his back.

“Do you despise me?” She asked.

“Not at all.” Ares replied back.

“Look at me.” She said as she shifted a little so she was a little closer and ahead of him. He then slowly turned to face her. “Do you despise me?”

“No.” Ares replied.

“It doesn’t seem that way.”

“I act like this because I don’t despise you.” Ares said as he reached up to hold her cheek. Her eyes flashed open in shock for a moment before she then pressed into his hand.

“…” She seemed to be in some thought. “Then I will go with you and Jorgan to meet with their tribe.”

“Well, I already said th-” Lana then pulled him into her embrace.

“I wasn’t asking you.” She said as she smothered him in her mounds.

Ares gasped for air and pulled back, surprised by just hot squishy she was, and then leaned against the bank of the river on the opposite side. “Have it your way…” He said, reaching up to half hide his face, half to rub his forehead. He had hoped she hadn’t noticed that he rather enjoyed her embrace. He was about to stand up and leave when he realised if he did so, she would notice just how much he truly enjoyed it.

‘You’re the devil!’

It took him a while to cool down, especially since Lana remained with him for some time before then leaving, only to reinvigorate the warmth at his nether regions by displaying her beautiful body as she crawled away from him. ‘God damn it… doesn’t she know I’m a guy!’

However finally he was able to have breakfast with his tribe, spending time with his children, who were all stumbling about around him. He embraced each one and then healed himself, as well as apologising to each one about leaving for so long. He knew he’d miss them terribly, as a father would miss their children, but this needed to be done. When he’d return, he’d make sure to play with them as much as they wanted. Though he’d probably have to leave soon after to deal with conquering Dragon’s Spine…

He shook his head and those thoughts away, instead healing himself with his children some more. Soon Jorgan was ready to leave, and Lana was smirking towards him. Ares planted a firm kiss on each of their forehead, whispering his goodbyes and asking them to be good, before then getting up and stretching. He gave his tribe a goodbye too, and then left alongside Lana and Jorgan, off to try and find a large wolf tribe. A wolf tribe of such a size would put Ares at ease after all.

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