E053 – Whoa… am I high right now?

“Rivea shall be the judge of your fate.” Peros had said before the god led Ares further up the path. Ares took it as good fortune, they get to stop fighting for a little while as he thought up of a good way to defeat the divine being. 

‘Oh crap… we’re heading back to the others, they could be in danger too… I just gotta trust this guy for a bit, otherwise I’ll do the same thing again…’ Though Ares was well aware that this time it would be much harder, as the god had already seen quite a few of his abilities, and the element of surprise had already passed.

They continued along the plain path that continued to wound for some time, like a snake that was trying to coil around itself. Some trees peeked out through stones, thin little things that curved over, and the air didn’t feel quite so thin this high up. 

There was a tingle in the air that caused his hair to stand on air, though not due to anything malicious. His body felt warm and there was a pulse that went from his head to his toes that loosened his body.

‘Whoa… am I high right now?’ In a certain sense of the world, yet he wasn’t feeling high due to the thin oxygen in the air, but rather the ancient magics that pervaded through the land. 

Then ahead of him he could see the giant white sculpture, one that formed a head of a fishly creature, with large fangs on either side, fins protruding out, and then within the lower half of where their maw should have been, there was a large pool.

Surrounding the pool were those that had come with Ares, though without Jorgan, the Elder, and Runar. Ares’ heart pounded at the thought of his daughter being missing, but the others seemed to not be too distraught. 

“Where’s Runar? Jorgan? The Elder?” Ares asked as he walked over to his allies, who had gotten their weapons ready, though didn’t pounce onto the god or the dragonfolk as of yet.

“They were welcomed by Rivea. They disappeared into the pool, heading to the god’s realm.” 

‘That sounds pretty serious…’ Ares thought and then he rubbed his neck. “Right. Great. So…”

“Rivea. I have brought this one, Ares, one who smells of your kin.” Peros called out. “He has spoken many things to me, I ask of you to reveal the truth.”

However, before Peros could continue to explain just what they were talking about, Ares was grabbed by a long tendril of water that appeared and then dragged into the pool as he gasped for air and then followed through the water, holding his breath for quite some time. The pool darkened until there was nothing but blackness, and as the time passed, there was a bright light up ahead before he was shot out of the water and then landed onto the ground. He gasped for air and then looked up to the large creature, serpentine in nature, with deep blue skin. Ares panted as he stared at them.

“Levi, what the fuck?!” He said as he inhaled deeply into his burning lungs, panting for air. “You could have warned me? Or at least told me I could have breathed…” Ares lay there on his back and closed his eyes, just letting the air fill his lungs for a little while before he then sat up.

“Hey Levi, it’s good to see you again.” He said as he then hopped onto his feet. “How have you been?” He asked, looking around. He noticed the three figures nearby. 

One of them was Jorgan, then there was Runar, yet she was in the arms of a smoking hot oxfolk woman. Ares almost whistled, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Skin like glowing caramel, hair that was long and dark, like rivers of chocolate, and her eyes were almost golden in colour. She was like a chocolate and hazelnut confectionery produced by an Italian chocolatier. 

“Whoa.” He whispered. She was currently feeding Runar, whose face was no longer pale, nor pulsing with blackness, which snapped him back to attention. 

“Runar.” He whispered and then he snapped his head to Levi. “You’re Rivea?”

“Indeed I am. Rivea is a title bestowed upon those who are masters of water, the lord of the ocean, those who have inherited mother sea. Some may speak to me as Rivee, those that live towards the East. Levi is my name.”

“Oh. I see…” Ares said as he rubbed his chin. “That sounds good.” Then quickly he changed the topic to the most important topic. “Who is th- did you heal Runar?”

“Indeed, I did.” 

Ares nodded his head and then rubbed his eyes, trying to not cry. “Thanks. Thank you, really Levi, thanks.” He said as he sniffled and then inhaled deeply. 

“It is a simple matter, for my friend.”

“Yeah…” He sighed and then rubbed his eyes again. “Damn… damn, damn, damn. I can’t believe you were the god.” Ares placed his head into his hands. “Damn. Fuck. I’m so glad, I’ll tell you that much.”

Levi remained silent. Ares looked over to him. “Levi. You’re a cool guy.”

“Indeed, I am.”

Ares then let out a laugh, so wild and gay, that it echoed off the walls. He then dropped back and hid his face behind his hands, feeling as though he’d cry. After a long while he sat up and then hopped back onto his feet.

“Levi, you’re a cool guy.” Ares said as he walked over to the beautiful woman and then he reached over and then took Runar from her arms and then held her to his chest. Then he looked down at the beautiful woman.

After a few moments, he furrowed his brows in confusion. “You’re the elder.” He finally said, staring at the beautiful woman. The woman merely bowed her head. “Whoa.” She was hot. 

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