Limitless The Strongest Revenant


When I felt my feet touch the ground, I opened my eyes and saw the chaos that was occurring. Yet despite the bullets flying and blood being spilled, I felt at peace. This was because the moment my soul arrived in our home; connections that lay dormant all sprang up to life.

At first all I felt was fear, anxiety, annoyance and loneliness. The intensity of the feelings was enough to overwhelm most men. But as I was partly to blame, I didn't resist and allow them to flood into me.

Thought devoid of any knowledge of what happened, from the {Kindred} links I knew the struggles of the Anvil team. Their anger at our enemies. Annoyance that themselves. Anxiety at the thought of not being able to defend our home. And finally, loneliness that I wasn't with them.

It was more vivid than anything I have seen, heard or felt. Like a wave it washed over me, letting me know how much my girls suffered in my absence. While I also had to endure it, I was the one who made the decision to leave.

As the ones who were unfairly subjected to such treatment, I wouldn't be surprised if Bella, Jo, Aki or Robyn resented me. But despite the intensity of their emotions, they all stayed and did as I asked.

That was how much they were willing to suffer. That was how much they were willing to endure. All because I was the one who asked. I grew ashamed of what I forced upon them, but at the same time, I felt their immense love.

With tears in my eyes, I sent gratitude and affection through my links. My pride. My adoration. And my relief that all of my girls were still okay. The response was immediate.


Despite being in four different spots all of them turned towards me the moment I arrived. Separated by what seemed like oceans of enemies I heard their voices brimming with excitement and overwhelming joy.


It didn't matter if they were locked in combat or were in danger of death. Their emotions all turned to positive ones and drowned out everything else.

"Well done my precious {Kindred}. I have returned. Prepare yourselves for your reward after this battle. I missed you all so much. Give me a minute to get up to speed, lets send these bastards packing once I do, okay?"

"YES!" x4

"Exa, sync up and get me everything you know."

[I have already done so my lord. Hellsend is currently at a disadvantage.]

'Summarize it for me, in three sentences or less.'

[There are only 2 Specters. Lady Aki already succeeded assassinating them both on the first day. However, Carlos Rodríguez the leader of this army, allows him to create tangible mirror images of his entire army. Most of Hellsend's tactics and plans were revealed by the mirror images.]

'How insane. Does the main army fight with the mirror images?'

[They do not, they instead have yet to deploy their real force. Despite Hellsend successfully decimating the South American army multiple times, the real army has yet to join the fray. Lady Bella has surmised they were using us as a training ground.]

'Fuck… just when you think Specters cannot get even more insane. So, in essence this army is only half of what they could bring.'

[The battle has been going on for four days without rest. If this invading army assaulted any other place, the defenders would have long fallen. {Rewind} is the only reason Hellsend has yet to run out of supplies and avoid casualties. And sadly, our side has exhausted every trick and play at our disposal.]

'Let me guess, the invaders change tactics or specifically target powerful individuals each time they are beaten back? But how can they go on without sleep or food? I mean do Reapers from other continents already mastered living like corpses?'

[Yes, that is the case. The invaders have been pushed back more than ten times. Each time they learned and improved. Our side despite having benevols are already at their limits mentally. The invaders do not eat, sleep or rest. They merely die and return to battle like video game characters.]

'This Carlos bastard is a fucking cheater! There has to be a secret on how he is doing this. Have the girls scouted around?'

[They have, during the second day, Lady Robyn exited the battle and tried to investigate. Lady Jo went during the third day. Neither found anything. Since then, Lady Bella had everyone focus on defending.]

'Anything else I should know?'

[Lady Jo found out using her soulgear that this entire army volunteered to fight to bring back their loved ones. A Peruvian Specter known as the Nuestra Señora del Valle (Spanish for Our Lady of the Valley) has promised to revive someone for each Reaper that is still alive after our defeat.]


That was…that was intense. If I lost one of the girls and someone dangled a way to revive them, I would sell my soul just to do what they asked. I scanned around and saw the tenacity of the South American army. No wonder they were so determined.

This was not an army of bastards who were hired by something simple like money. It was a group desperate to save those that they loved. Mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, wives and husbands.

Each person here was someone fighting for someone beyond themselves. They were people who wanted to bring back those they lost. While it was admirable, they intended to do so using the lives of those I considered family as payment. And that to me was unacceptable.

Thus, even though I understood them. I would never allow them to win. I would deny their wishes with everything I had. Not because I hated them, but because I loved my girls and my home. Sad as it may have been, much like them, I could not afford to lose.

'I see. Anything else?'

[There was someone here who arrived on the second day to reinforce Hellsend.]

'There is? Who?'

Exa then showed me a video feed of a bunch of Lizardkin lead by a bulky bi pedal toad like creature. The hulking reptilian warrior stood at maybe 9 feet. He had a long halberd and was chopping up Reapers and summoned beings with ease.

He and his forces were protecting one of the two bridges. Hellsend was laying down covering fire and established a defensive line with this toad as the center. Despite his ugly face, his fighting prowess was nothing to sneeze at.

He bashed, chopped and smashed beings many times his size like flies. Despite being shot by every projectile our enemies had; he remained unfazed. Who was this bastard, and why was he helping us?

Before I could ask again, Exa played a video of the toad's arrival. He led a large troop of Lizardkin and joined the melee. While Hellsend was wary of him at first, he reinforced our lines when they were about to break.

In the video, Jo's voice echoed to shed light on the mysterious new ally.

"WOW! Hold your fire everyone! They are our friends! Its Alphy! He got tiny!"

"Alphy? You mean the one Possum bashed with the tank?"

"Amazing. His soul signature is leagues above what it once was. Is this because of Shujin's blood?"

"Whatever, I could care less what the hell he is. Jo! Have him support Krishna, Claire and Angela on point B! Robyn needs to rest."

"Cram it, Bella! I can still go on! I'm Australian!" Explore hidden tales at My Virtual Library Empire

"Robyn, stop that. You have over drafted twice now. If you do not pace yourself, you will die when the backlash hits you. Stand down or I will have Shujin punish you for being too reckless!"


"I spoke with Alphy! He says okay! According to him, he is here to protect us till Darling returns!"

The video clip ended at that moment.

I found it reassuring that Roach not only came back but protected home while I was gone. Juno never said anything about him coming here. According to her, this bastard was evolving.

{Roach has managed to slay the previous King. He has won and is now changing. The pale ones stole five of our eggs. We must get them back. As the sworn brother of our King, Limitless will you help us?}

Roach was as direct as they come. Unlike Juno who tried to learn about the nuances of humans, he was fairly simple. He just returned a favor with a favor.

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