Chapter 763: Too old for this [2/2]
'W-What? Did anyone find out why?'
'Nah, we didn't. I just use red rounds that go boom. Turns my AA-12's into firecrackers! Haha. But for those guns I think you are better off with White for the rifle and Red for the rocket launcher.'
'Okay, thank you Kitten, I'll follow the expert then. Having you cover me feels really nice.'
'Righto! Get used to it. I am your Sheila so that is a given!'
[My lord, the M107 rounds have been switched to White {Pierce} ammunition, While the FT5's 95mm rockets has been switched with Red {Detonate} warheads.]
'Thank you, Exa.'
I didn't bother trying to snipe with my guns, with [One round marksman] there was no way I would miss. And true enough the .50 cal rounds began to act like tank rounds and tore holes into anything they touched. The Red warheads on the other hand created at least 50% bigger explosions!
Usually, I always kept one smaller caliber when I dual wielded to guard my sides. Robyn however allowed me to go all out. Despite knowing she liked fighting in melees, right now she played defense and ensured nothing could get within 10 feet of us.
"I love you kitten," I confessed in gratitude.
"Haha, I love yah too, Possum! Let's fuck them up!"
"AHHHH! Robyn is flirting with Darling! I want to be lovely-dovey too!"
"Stop acting like a little brat you nutjob! Honey, see the point I highlighted in your map? That is the optimum spot for a breakthrough. Also, where is my reward, Honey?!"
'Shujin, I'm dissatisfied at being left out. Compensate me for my efforts!'
I couldn't help but smile at the antics of my girls. They were all amazing in their own right, but they were all slowly beginning to behave like princesses who want to be spoiled rotten. And as someone who loved showering his women with affection it matched my preferences just fine.
"{Day by Day}, [Shared Armory]. Come here girls, let me give you some loving."
I had three of my avatars pull out guns and march in step. Four of us however walked up to a Siren and expressed our love for them. Not taking no for an answer we embraced my women and stole their lips.
Experiencing pleasure with our lips and tongues while explosions rang all around was incredibly satisfying. Of course, seeing such beautiful women turn into meek girls stroked my desire for domination and conquest.
"Fuck, why are you all so sexy?! Let's get this over with! NOW!"
Amused at my growing frustrations the Sirens displayed happy moods and we continued to fight our way towards the Specter commander.
With Bella's soulless army focusing fire hardly anything could resist. Those that did were flattened by Robyn. As the larger Champions all fell dead, the ones that were a bit more cautions were brainwashed by Jo to guard our flanks. Aki used her blood odachi to cover our blind spots.
This combination allowed us to move like a jackhammer on concrete. Although we were in the middle of a sea of enemies we marched on unperturbed. Eventually I ended up walking beside Roach.
"Roach, do you have any more of those halberds on you?" I asked using Sunday.
"I do." The humanoid toad then threw one towards me. I didn't even know where he got it from. Sunday grabbed the simple looking halberd and felt the malice radiating off the thing.
'Ugh, I think I am going to be sick. It this why this thing can cut through {fates}?'
"You got anymore? I'll take your entire stock!" I joked.
Waving his hand, over a thousand bone-colored halberds suddenly popped out of the ground! My harmless request ended with our opponents being brutally skewered by the anti-soul weapons.
Thanking Roach, I had the rest of my avatars still use guns. Sunday on the other hand would now engage in close combat.
"Exa, CSS Lilly. A halberd behaves like a greatsword right? Setting, [Commander], [Assassin], [Knight]."
[I agree with that assessment. Among your silhouettes that are expert in weaponry, Lady Jo's specializes in counter attacks, Lady Robyn excels in speed, while Lady Aki prioritizes endurance. Only Lady Lilly's combat style focuses on power.]
Anti-soul Halberd in hand I charged forth to attack some of the South Americans.
Your next read is at My Virtual Library Empire
The weapon in my hands blasted my expectations out of the water. There was hardly any resistance as it cleaved both Reaper and Champion. I could feel malice emanating from the blade. The same dark energy the overpowered defenses of the Phantoms I cut down had.
When a bunch or rabbits with glowing horns leapt to stab me, three figures appeared like loyal guards and tore them apart.
"Darling! Why are you moving like Lilly?! Use me instead!"
"Shujin, you have grown much since the last time we fought together!"
"Enough yapping more stabbing! Possum, let's go!"
"Honey you are a fucking cheater! I could hardly believe it from Exa's report, but [Combat Shadow Silhouette] is truly yet another broken ability! Sigh, whatever! Aegis division! Grab a halberd and move!"
As we made our way towards the head honcho, the resistance noticeable grew fiercer as we came closer. For one Champions who were of the long-range variant began attacking us with bone spines, monster vomit and kamikaze bugs.
"Sabel! Take them out! My children, pave the way for your father! Do not let a single one pass!"
[Sabel|Henry|Alfonso: Yes, Mother!]
At Bella's command the Soulless began to turn more aggressive. Rather than fire support, the MAARS, Ripsaws and Challengers now raced forward. Alfonso began suicidal charges and shoved the turrets of his tanks to his enemy's faces.
I didn't know if it was intentional but they all began to detonate one after another in a fiery ball of death! It was only because of the Soulless that we weren't overwhelmed. Roach similarly began to run forward when he noticed we no longer waited for him.
Jo called out to my Japanese lover and pulled out what looked like small jars of black liquid. The two of them began to distribute the bottles to the brainwashed forces of Jo or Aki's floating blood odachi.
Both groups them proceeded to smash the ominous things into the South American army. Black smoke to spread out of the jars and began to eat the flesh of those in the dark clouds.
"W-What the…" I stammered in shock.
"{Blight} grenades, Possum. Kills everything in sight in under 30 seconds. We only got a dozen jars on us, so we kept them as trump cards. For the record, those that die by them do not return as well. Eva is on guard duty in the Simmons residence, so she gave these out to help."
"I see."
The South American's who saw the gruesome scene all began to flee. I couldn't blame them as to see your flesh slowly melt off your bones like soup must have been terrifying. Given the four-day battle, more than half of them must have noticed the grave effects of the {Blight} grenades.
Because of my girls pulling out all the stops we eventually reached the Specters Bella marked. Priority Target 1 codename Inca, and Priority target 2 codename Conquistador.
When the specters saw me, I felt the blood lust radiating from their bodies. However, what surprised me more was Exa's behavior.
[My lord, I have canceled {Day by Day} and invoked [Overdrive] [Knight] for your safety.]
I couldn't even reply before Inca raised his hand as he solemnly called out, "{Fractured Reality}."
"Don't forget to invoke overdrive! Honey!"
My girls all raced towards me and stacked {Shelter} walls more than a foot thick. Feeling the panic in my girl's voices, I similarly called forth all the {Shelter} constructs I had and plopped them in front of me like a bunker.
I relaxed a bit when I felt the bodies of my girls all touched mine. Robyn had her back on my chest. Aki and Jo embraced me from my sides while Bella jumped on my back. I could hardly enjoy the feeling of their warmth as we were swept up in Inca's attack.
A dangerous wave of chaotic energies passed us by. Blinding lights and deafening explosions followed. It was as if we were in the middle of a nuclear explosion! When our surroundings calm down, I noticed that all our allies except roach were destroyed.
And the South American army returned and surrounded us. They all then summoned their respective champions causing us to be surrounded by an army in the thousands.
"I am getting too old for this shit," I complained in irritation.