Live fortune telling: Water friend, your head is a little green

Chapter 8

However, because after cultivation, the body excretes a large amount of impurities.

Qin Yue was uncomfortable.

Qin Yue changed into civilian clothes and left the shop.

Directly found a bathing master in a bathing center and rubbed it fiercely.

The filth left behind made the bathing master feel that this wave was a loss.

On the way home.

Qin Yue only felt that his skills had improved a big way.

Even, there is a feeling of opening the eyes of the sky.

"I can actually see popularity!"

This kind of popularity does not mean that there are many people.

Instead, you can see a person's aura.

The aura of ordinary people is in a state of white smoke.

The fog changes, and it depends on the person's life.

Moreover, although this fortune can change at any time, it is more accurate than face-to-face, and it is better to see what will happen in the short term.

After all, calculating the past is the easiest, calculating the present is a little difficult, and calculating the future is simply difficult.

The strength of a master can be concluded from how detailed the other party is.

It is generally said that such a certain master laid out the feng shui bureau and protected a certain family's feng shui for twenty years, which exhausted his life's strength, and he may even suffer the punishment of heaven.

Fortunately, Qin Yue didn't have this worry.

He stole the sky, went against the sky, stole the heavenly machine, and escaped outside the three realms.

Qin Yue did not use his ability too much to observe passers-by.

Went home.

Qin Yue took out his mobile phone and logged in to the tiger shark live broadcast room.

The live broadcast background showed that yesterday's cumulative income was 2,300 yuan, because there was no contract, Qin Yue's actual cash withdrawal amount was only 690.

But he didn't just get this income.

It's about practice and strength.

When the strength becomes stronger and stronger, the speed of making money is more than that.

Putting the money out, Qin Yue opened the water drop chip again.

I looked at the people above who needed to raise money, especially some with photos.

"Yes, there are still three houses at home to raise money?"

"This lies too seriously, right? This disease is said to be so serious. "

"This year, there have been a lot of fraudulent donations."

"Finally found a sincere person!"

Qin Yue searched for a long time, and finally found a real dying one and donated 200 yuan.

Although his practice is against the sky.

However, stealing the sky is just a big reputation, stealing the heavenly machine, in fact, is a partial door, and it will most resolve the threat caused by the leakage of the heavenly machine.

The easiest way is to donate the money you have obtained to accumulate virtue and do good.

This is no different from many masters who obey the destiny of heaven.

Donate as much as you like.

Because the live broadcast room was blocked, Qin Yue couldn't start the live broadcast.

You can only continue to guard the store.

The next morning, when Qin Yue stepped into the store, he felt that the world was different.

Because of the improvement of the exercises, he can not only see the "popularity", but also use more secret methods.

For example, talismans, formations.

On the talisman basket, it is the most typical, to ensure peace, remove obscurity, ward off evil spirits, attract wealth, and so on.

Formations are more versatile, similar to feng shui and the like.

Now, as far as his eyes could see, he saw the feng shui in the entire store and the goods in the store, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Unexpectedly, my master can also fool people."

Before the store was placed, some peach wood swords, peace blessings and so on.

It's all fakes.

It cannot be said that it is a fake, after all, the material is still real.

However, there is no spiritual power at all, and there is no effect.

However, his master Zhang Yizong does have some skills, and the feng shui arrangement in the store is good.

The only drawback is that this feng shui was originally arranged according to Zhang Yizong's fate.

Now it was Qin Yue's turn to take over the shop.

The owner and the shop are at odds.

No wonder no guests came to the door.

Qin Yue changed slightly, and the air flow in the store suddenly became smooth.

Afterwards, he sat down on a chair in the shop, took out cinnabar, yellow paper, etc., and planned to write a new batch of talismans.

Soon, the brush was stained with cinnabar, and the aura condensed on the fingertips.

Walking clouds and flowing water, pen walking dragon travel.

In the moment of the final sealing of the pen.

This talisman flashed a golden light.

A real talisman was formed.

Of course, just a talisman to keep the peace.

Not much consumption.

With Qin Yue's current strength, painting a hundred pictures a day is nothing.

The really hard to draw are the attack talismans.

Lightning strikes, talismans, and more.

Peaceful and prosperous, I can't use it for the time being.

Qin Yue drew one with his hand and stopped drawing.

Focus on these selling talismans.

Subsequently, these talismans are placed in delicate wooden boxes, underneath which are velvet and lucky bags, waiting for those who are destined.

One morning, Qin Yue had been busy.

In the afternoon, the antique street also increased the flow of people, and the store actually welcomed a customer.

"Boss Zeng!"

When Qin Yue saw the person coming, he was actually an acquaintance.

This man's name is Zeng Qiang, he is forty-three years old this year, he has a successful career, and he is very interested in antique calligraphy and painting.

Of course, the richer the person, the more superstitious.

Zhang Yizong was also asked to arrange a feng shui array.

But this time the other party came, Qin Yue was not as ignorant as before.

Above the other party's head, wealth is soaring and prosperous.

Fortune is rich.

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