Chapter 101: 101: First Use in Battle
"So those are the three spiders. Well, guys. You help me when needed, but let me enjoy my newly gained abilities first. I think I can take these bastards alone." A shit-eating grin appeared on Caleb's face.
He wasn't the same as before, after all. With his ascension to the Grade 2 realm. His physical strength, stamina, body toughness, agility, and reaction speed made a qualitative leap. It was a comprehensive upgrade. He was confident that he could now kill Tier 9 Apokalips of the 1st variation and 3rd variation. Even fight toe-to-toe with a Tier 8 and still escape!
Is he being arrogant? No! After all, with the increase in his body strength and flexibility. Things he couldn't do before. He could do it now. For example, he can now perform nine step Deka Step with ease even without practice. It would only take a week for him to surpass Fushigiro's mastery of Deka Step!
As for other techniques, although Fushigiro was dead, he could learn Feathery Body from Dunn, Finger Gun, and Tesai from Jin. Unfortunately, the soft fist was already permanently lost. After all, Fushigiro and his master were dead. No one would be able to learn it anymore. With such a strong technique, Caleb felt someone pinch his greedy heart.
"Well, be careful then." As of now, Jin knew what kind of person Caleb was. Although he was just seventeen years old, he was wise and cunning beyond his age. He knew he wouldn't do something he wasn't confident about.
Luna held the collar of Caleb's shirt and gave him a worried look. "Don't do anything stupid."
Andre put his hand on top of Caleb's shoulder and spoke:
"Make it fast. You know, Fatty, he's about to die anytime now."
"Don't worry. It won't take much time." Caleb looked at Fatty with a grim expression. He felt the mood wasn't right without Fatty's enthusiasm.
Caleb studied the three spiders with monkey heads. Even now, he still can't use to their disgusting appearance. He was reluctant to touch such things. After all, a spider with a monkey's head was just too bizarre.
Thinking of this, Caleb formed a whip using his gum gum rubber substance. The substance was like an extension of his arms. He could move it as flexible as his arms and feet so he didn't need much training.
With a fast swing, his whip hit the head of the monkey, causing it to stumble. It was about to reposition itself but the purple which stuck on its head. "Die..."
Using some of the force he could muster, Caleb casually pulled the whip. The head of the spider monkey was removed akin to a frail head of a doll. Green blood spurted on the neck continuously
'Damn! I'm this strong now?' He didn't even use his full strength yet he didn't even feel a resistance.
"What!? How's that possible? Did he just pull the spider's head with raw strength?"
The eyes of the members changed. The increase in strength was too obvious. After all, it would take six or seven adults to pull out such a feat. Yet Johan made it look effortless.
"It seems along with the ability he gained, it increases his physical might." Jin mused, which made others nod. A smile split his face and said. "His strength. It had surpassed the Highest Prerequisite. As expected of a talented Manifestor. He can do things normal people like us can't do."
"Johan is really amazing. We are the same age yet he was so far away from us." Clifford said in awe.
Luna and Andre nodded in agreement. They couldn't help but reminisce when Johan was still quiet and introverted. Now, they realized that it wasn't that he was weak. He was just hiding his capability too deeply. Although they couldn't understand the reason. They knew how smart he was, even at his age.
Just like that, the two spiders lunged at Caleb.
Caleb looked at the six spear-like feet coming in his direction and grinned. He waved his whip with precision and let it hit multiple rocks around him, causing the rocks to get stuck.
He used the whip to throw the rocks like projectiles, hitting the two spiders in all directions.
The rocks made a sieve out of the spiders due to the strength Caleb possessed. Yet, their vitality proved to be formidable, as they didn't even stop their attacks.
'Too slow!'
Join us at m,v le mpyr
From his perspective, the attacks of the spiders move at a snail's pace. He knew that it was thanks to his enhanced spirit that improved his visual acuity, brain-processing speed, and reaction time.
The members of the hunting party watched with their mouths agape as Johan performed acrobatic movements and danced around while being attacked by the sharp feet of the abominations.
Sometimes, he uses his whip to redirect the attacks of spiders. After thirty seconds, one would see a purple substance all around the battlefield binding the two spiders in their arms, legs, neck, and head. They couldn't even move, even if they wanted to.
The adhesiveness helped them tightly in place, while stretchability made it hard for them to mobilize forces.
Caleb smiled at his masterpiece. The durability of the substance didn't disappoint him.
"Damn, the way you describe your ability to us didn't do it any justice to what it can really do. I thought it would be useless, but it seems I've underestimated what it can do." Andre walked carefully near the helpless spiders. "Even Tier 9 can't do anything much to you now."
"Well, I can't do any of this without your help, guys." With a righteous expression, Caleb declared.
"Your ability has a lot of potential. I can think of various ways how you can use it in battle." Jin glanced at the substance wrapped around the bodies with a profound expression. "It seems you can make any shape and form you want, right?"
"That's right. It's what makes my ability versatile. With my battle with these two spiders, I realized I couldn't move everywhere fast enough, so I know what to develop next." Caleb produced a substance in his hand and it took the shape of a hammer. "I can create a spring under the heels of my feet to enhance my mobility by bouncing around in the surroundings." As he said this, he bashed the skulls of spiders. However, the hammer just bent due to the stretchiness of the substance. "It seems the substance can't do blunt attacks," he muttered.