Luckily the main story is at Hogwarts

Chapter 6 Actually, it was just a coincidence. .

Ciel should have realized long ago that this is a real world, and magic can be learned in Hogwarts, not only the magic on the system panel can be used.

There should be a self-explanatory magic theory here, maybe. .It's the one in the game.

It's a pity that Ciel didn't learn any magic knowledge in the game. Although the game planner did add a lot of details in order to be realistic, it was not so detailed that he even compiled a set of magic theories.

This is not a problem. He still has seven years to study at Hogwarts. If he completes all the courses in advance, it will be boring.

At that time, Ciel should have thought of non-magical skills and knowledge, which should actually be universal, but at that time, his mind was full of magic and he didn't think that much.

How can a warrior be as fun as Master?

With his subjective recovery, these seemingly forgotten skills began to resurface one by one.

As he walked, Ciel's steps became more and more flexible, but the sound of his footsteps became weaker and weaker.

This is what Ciel mastered from the game archive when he had a sudden idea and decided not to be a partner of justice but to join the old American murderous male model group and become a villain.

Woodland walking techniques practiced while stalking prey. .The demands on the ankles are very high, and it is difficult for an 11-year-old's body to support them. My feet started to hurt after just walking for a while.

But no matter what, this is simply a free skill gift package.

It felt more and more like playing a game. Feeling the changes in his body, Ciel became more confident in this novice copy.

. . .

Led by Ciel, the four of them walked step by step in the forest.

The forest was not lush, and some trees were even sparse. It was relatively easy to find a path that people could walk on, but the soaked clothes still made the four of them uncomfortable.

I don't know whether it was because he had suddenly changed into a new environment, or because he was frightened by all this. Dudley seemed to be in a state of rebellion. He was very quiet along the way and did not provoke Ciel.

On the other hand, Harry, the savior, was very courageous. Perhaps he was fearless because he didn't know anything. He quickly adapted to the fact that he walked through a painting and came to another place.

"This is where"

he asked curiously.


Ciel picked up a few dead branches from the ground that were suitable for making firewood and held them in his arms, then moved forward while looking for a suitable place to camp.

"Where is the wonderland?"

Harry continued to ask curiously.

Poor little guy, he hasn't read the book Alice in Wonderland. Well, given Harry's family status, of course he has no book to read.

"Wonderland is wonderland."


Hermione sneezed again.

Charles glanced at the little girl who had begun to tremble, picked up a few suitable dead branches again, and then quickened his pace to find the camping site.

Harry, who had already developed the skill of observing words and colors, had the sense to not continue to ask.

Ciel gave up trying new skills because if he didn't find a place to rest and warm himself by the fire, the little girl might really catch a cold.

Along the way, he was jumping around to collect firewood, but Ciel had been secretly trying out his new skills. In other words, picking up a gift package of skills for nothing brought Ciel a whole new way of thinking.

If non-magical techniques can be used universally. .Then he is a man who has played a certain Penguin family bucket gift pack game collection.

In addition to his favorite Magic Legend, he has also played the Heroic Universe Agent series of games.

The combat skills there are much better than in this game, and they are the pinnacle.

It's a pity that no matter how much Charles recalled a certain Kang's infiltration method along the way, he couldn't reproduce it here.

So Ciel had no choice but to give up. After all, he didn't even understand the principle of his own time travel, let alone these things.

But it is enough.

Ciel is more familiar with the plot of the first version of DLC, which does not mean that he does not understand the last DLC that he purchased. After buying it, he also played through it more than a dozen times in one go. He has tried various plots and strategy objects, but there are still some hidden ones. The factors have not been resolved.

So Ciel knows very well that when the plot of Hogwarts is going on, the plot of America is also going on, but most of them are origin stories or prequels, for example. .The boy from Crystal Lake is not dead yet, and a girl who was doused in pig blood at the prom is even still in elementary school.

In fact, Ciel did not want to get involved in the American plot too early. He still planned to rush to America after spending time in Hogwarts. Before that, he would only intervene in the plot there to a limited extent, saving and getting to know him in advance. Some. .girls.

Well, Ciel hasn't found a way to capture the heroines of various plots in America in the early stage. It's very easy in the later stage. As long as you don't get married, you can go there and directly intervene in the normal development of the plot.

However, there is no chance of a repeat here, so to be conservative, Charles decided to follow the strategy line he was most familiar with, which was Miss Watson.

Of course, that didn't mean he gave up on girls in America.

In fact, Ciel personally feels that he is not a scumbag. He also despises those who have a harem, but it just happens to be so. .He may just like a few girls.

No, it's not like, it's curiosity, just curiosity. Curious about how they have changed after the world became real, academic curiosity.

And with these non-magical combat skills, maybe he can change his plan. Even in the early stages of the game, he is not without confidence to explore various plot lines in America.

In the blink of an eye, Ciel thought of many valuable dungeon drops.

How to cross an ocean to another country is also very simple. At his age, it is certainly not possible to fly alone, but there is magic in this world.

Ciel's exit from Wonderland this time is one of the special exits in Wonderland. It will always send people to the place where they came in.

One means there are others, including a fixed exit that transports people to America. The location of the exit is locked next to a house in Kansas that likes tornadoes very much.

Charles, of course, knows where this exit is.

. . .


In the night, a bonfire burned quietly deep in the forest.

As a novice forest, it was very safe, there were no wild monsters, and they only stayed for one night. Charles casually found a relatively flat open space and lit a camp fire.

Under the warm firelight, several people immediately felt much better and became more energetic.

Children know less, are more curious, and don't know how to be afraid. In fact, Harry and the others have been holding back a lot of questions along the way.

But before asking any questions, Harry's eyes widened as he watched Charles slowly take out an iron pot bigger than his head from his pocket.

Dudley and Hermione next to them also looked incredulous.

Watching Charles skillfully set up the shelf, he took out a few bottles of mineral water from somewhere and poured it into the pot. Then he threw in the mushrooms and wild vegetables picked on the road and started to cook. Harry then He asked with a hesitant look on his face.

"You've been here"


Ciel said without raising his head.

"Then where is this?"

"Wonderland, I told you."

"What is Wonderland?"

Dudley finally couldn't help but said angrily. Maybe he had calmed down and didn't care about anything else. His voice became louder again, as if he wanted to reaffirm his dominance.

In fact, Dudley had read Alice in Wonderland, or rather, Harry's aunt Petunia had read it when she read bedtime stories to her adorable little Dudley, but Dudley didn't want to believe it.

Aren't all fairy tales lies? He stopped believing it when he was seven years old.

Because if fairy tales are true, then those old witches in fairy tales eat children. .Dudley shivered.


Ciel smiled again and replied, but he didn't say the answer they wanted. Harry and others at this period were still very funny, and he couldn't help but want to tease them.

Next to him, Harry scratched his messy hair. Although the future savior’s classmate hangs around with Ron every day and might not be able to pass if the professors’ usual grades weren’t so high, he is actually not stupid. Harry He could tell that the fairyland in Ciel's words must have other meanings, but he really didn't know.

"Is it the wonderland from Alice in Wonderland?"

Hermione said suddenly, sneezing again.

The little girl who was still very knowledgeable finally thought of the truth. .Wonderland, when it comes to Wonderland, Alice and her rabbit hole should indeed be the most easily associated things.


Charles added a handful of dead branches to the fire.


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