Lucoa in the Multiverse

Chapter 3: My roommate the Dragon

"Old man, I brought someone interesting!" Momoyo stormed into the Principal's office, followed by Lucoa.

Though when she saw the old guy sitting in the Principal's office, Lucoa squinted hard.

"Did I land in Bleach..? Yamamoto, what are you doin' here?" Lucoa asked the aged Principal, who looked quite similar to the Captain Commander of the Gotei 13 from Bleach.

'He just lacks the scars and black air force energy the Shinigami had.' Lucoa internally corrected herself, seeing the confusion on the old guy's face.

"Ah, so you like anime too huh? You'd get along well with Yamato, Takuya and Gakuto. They're huge nerds." Momoyo grinned, while the Principal, Tesshin Kawakami carefully looked at Lucoa.

"Nerd? I thought you called 'em Otakus here. Either way, I'm sure we'll bond over women, games, anime and the wonders of Communism, like 'da bois' often do." Lucoa replied, noticing the peculiar look the old man was giving her.

And not in the 'come confess your sins in this here glory hole' kind of look she had seen a few times before.

The kind that said 'I know your dirty little secret but I'll let you explain yourself first'.

"I see. You've definitely brought someone interesting to me, Momoyo. Now, may I ask.. What are you? Are you a human?" Tesshin asked curiously.

Momoyo was confused at his question. But then it started to sort of make sense. Given she had horns on her head, plus her very unique eyes.

"Ya mean physically, spiritually or mentally?" Lucoa asked back, shrugging her shoulders.

"All of the above. Your life force is remarkable. I've never seen it so abundant in one person before." Momoyo became more assured and excited at Tesshin's statement.

'I knew I found the right one..! I have to keep her around. I don't think it'd be too hard.. She was groping me earlier.' Momoyo immediately started to make plans to move Lucoa into the Kawakami's residence.

"Physically, I am. Right now anyway. Spiritually, I've always been an F-22 Raptor and mentally.. I'm a frat bro." Lucoa answered, thoroughly confusing Momoyo, though Tesshin caught her joking tone and just looked at her expectantly.

"...Okay, you got me. I'm a Dragon Goddess. El Danger Noodle. I'm here 'cuz my 'Dad' threw me out of my universe. That good enough?" Lucoa truthfully answered after a few awkward seconds of silence.

Tesshin tried to piece together what this truly meant, but Momoyo clapped her hands, getting their attention.

"Dragon Goddess or not, you need a home, right? Maybe some sort of job too?" Momoyo smiled, thinking of more ways to cement Lucoa's stay nearby.

"Damn.. Back to a nine to five job!? If it's not mind numbingly tedious, I guess I wouldn't mind.." Though she said so, her shoulders drooped.

It wasn't that she hated working. She had a few jobs before. If they were mundane and tedious though, things always went wrong. While delivering food, she was assailed by hungry methheads, Karens and wild animals. While working in a warehouse, the equipment always seemed to have it out for her, frequently would she be chased by Forklifts.

"Actually I was thinking you could teach or work for the Kuki Conglomerate. Oh! Or help us out on odd jobs. That is, if the old man agrees." Momoyo stated, looking at Tesshin with eyes that told him she'd be a pain in the ass if he didn't agree.

'I'm still on the DRAGON GODDESS part.. But knowing my rambunctious Granddaughter..' Tesshin sighed and slowly nodded his head.

"Very well. If you have any questions or you find yourself in need of guidance, come and see me." Tesshin agreed, prompting Momoyo to stand up quickly.

"Perfect. Now, I'll show you where you'll be staying. You don't mind sharing a room with me right?" Momoyo placed her hand on Lucoa's shoulder and led her out of Tesshin's office.

"You'll never catch me whining about bunking with a hot girl. I ain't ga-Oh shit.. wait.." Lucoa paused and pondered an important question.

'Am I still straight or am I a lesbian now?' Such questions were going through her mind until they were abruptly stopped.

A man with silver, slicked back hair and a prominent 'X' scar on his forehead and striking yellow eyes had accidentally bumped into Lucoa.

"Oops. My bad lil bro-" Lucoa started to apologize until the barrel of a gun was pressed against her chin.

A maid with brown eyes and short brown hair held the handgun under her chin with cold, unforgiving eyes.

"Ah.. reminds me of my Ex..." Lucoa reminisced, ignoring the beginning of a monologue from the woman who was aiming a weapon in her face.

Momoyo took a step back and watched with a smirk. She knew the Maid, Azumi wasn't actually wielding an honest to god firearm. It shot rubber bullets, but it sure looked real. Lucoa was simply smiling and reminiscing on her past girlfriend when Azumi stepped on her foot.

More importantly, on her shoe. Her pink and white shoe.

"Lord protect this bitch who steppeth on my J'z..." Lucoa muttered in English as her eyes opened fully.

"-you even listening? Hideo-sama-" Lucoa placed her hand on her shoulder and bit down on the gun barrel, crushing the steel under her teeth while maintaining her smile.

It was times like these she thought back to her own advice.

'If any dude tries to start a fight with you, just get naked. He won't wanna fight you back. Unless he's gay.. Then it becomes a freak off.'

And, 'The naked advice is worthless if one steppeth on thy J'z. It's time to Shoryuken them.'

That's what she did. The moment Azumi saw her gun was broken was the moment she took the nastiest uppercut she had ever seen. The maid's head was lodged in the ceiling, letting her body dangle there like a fucked up decoration for all to see. The man she had been protecting simply looked at Azumi and smiled wryly before looking at Lucoa and Momoyo.

"I think we can agree that was Azumi's fault. She's too overzealous sometimes. I apologize on her behalf." Hideo said before looking at Azumi's dangling body with barely hidden amusement.

"No prob. Just stepped on my kicks too hard. We goin' Momoyo?" Lucoa asked, turning her attention back to an incredibly amused and now excited Momoyo.

"Haha! Yeah, come on. That was a pretty interesting way you dealt with that girl. She's a bit of a pain when it comes to protecting Hideo back there." Momoyo stated while continuing to lead Lucoa out.

"My fists are rated E for everyone. Unlike that pussy boy Kazuma." Lucoa nodded proudly.

Momoyo led Lucoa back to the Kawakami dorm, briefly showing her room before she had to leave. She was the strongest in school but even still, the Kawakami family liked seeing her around the school.

Lucoa looked at Momoyo's room. Being surprisingly clean for someone like her almost made her doubt it was truly her room. It had manga neatly arranged on a shelf, her dirty clothes in a basket and her bed was even made. The image didn't quite fit with the Momoyo she met. Then she figured out why.

"Holy crap it's a mecha.." Lucoa whistled as she saw Cookie, the Kawakami family's cleaning robot, popcorn maker and cook. Though right now, it was aiming a fucking lightsaber at her face after she left Momoyo's room.

"Intruder! State your name and prepare to be apprehended!" Cookie demanded while performing a series of complex and unnecessary flashy moves.

"Lucoa and Momoyo brought me here. Mind if I look at the other rooms? 'Kay thanks!" Lucoa bypassed Cookie, jumping over his head.

She wanted to know who she was living with. And nothing tells you more about a person than the state of their room.

"Eh? Wait, no! That's Gakuto's room!!" Cookie reached its hands out to stop her but she had already opened his room.

Busty women posters, a waifu bodypillow, dumbells, a trashbin of crumpled up tissues and the overwhelming smell of sweat hit her all at once. Lucoa nodded, as if expected.

"I see. A gooner cave. But the guy works out too." Lucoa shut the door, not wanting to traumatize her sense of smell any more.

"W-Wait..? You're okay!?" Cookie asked, having transformed back into its normal, cute form.

"I've been in worse rooms. At least the guy cleans up." Lucoa replied as she opened up Takuya's room.

Far neater but still decorated with manga, anime and even some lewd art she could spot under his bed. It also smelled way better.

"Oh nice. To Love Ru's here. The not-quite-a-hentai manga. Good tastes." Lucoa appraised and shut the door.

"Why are you so interested in everyone's rooms?" Cookie finally asked as she opened up Yamato's room.

"Curiousity. But even just a glance tells you what kind of person lives there. Oh! Hermit crabs!" Lucoa hummed in appreciation.

Crabs were cool. Plus Yamato also had some lewd magazines, manga and a figure or two around his room. His room was neither messy or overly neat either.

"I never thought about it that way. Ah, the boys don't like me cleaning their rooms. Except for Tada-kun. The rest have been cleaned by me." Cookie said, slipping into some sort of tour guide program it didn't know it had.

"Seems pretty normal so far. I thought there'd at least be one psycho here-" As if mocking her, the sight she saw when opening Miyako's room made her facial expression freeze.

Posters of Yamato. Figures of Yamato. A Yamato hug pillow. Some sort of chibi Yamato plush that had a speaker in its belly.

"Nevermind then! Always one.." Lucoa did her best not to bring up the smell of lust permeating the room and closed the door.

"That's Miyako's room." Cookie stated, seeing nothing wrong with her room.

Lucoa shook her head. That was all Yamato's business. She swore to herself not to even joke about flirting with Yamato. Lest she wants to end up getting kidnapped again.

After seeing the other rooms, she felt more at ease staying in the dorm. Honestly, it seemed like the only weird people there were Momoyo, herself and Miyako. She could live with that.

Lucoa got in the shower and began to parse through her memories while trying to ignore her own tempting to touch curves.

Being Lucoa and getting her memories earlier that day, she hadn't really thought about the Dragon Goddess' memories. There was a lot. Apparently, the original Lucoa got drunk and fucked her sister, which made her lose her title as Goddess. Something she thought was totally unfair. Zeus fucked everything and he still his title.

She also had some relationships with a few of her priestesses.

Apart from that, what really interested her was the kind of powers Lucoa posessed. Super Strength, Super Durability, Super Speed and magic. Magic was strong, depending on the rules and system the world it came from had.

Lucoa had the strongest type of magic. Her magic existed within and outside her as a nigh intangible energy. It acted completely according to her will. She could point at someone and turn them into a frog, kill them, make them piss their pants and more. She could summon meteors, tornadoes and all kinds of natural disasters.

Though, when she utilized magic, it took form according to what she was willing it to do. There was a limit to her magic's power too. She couldn't create something too strong, like a star or black hole. Or summon something she didn't have a good understanding of. But her options were plenty. As long as she had the necessary power and understanding, there was little she couldn't do.

Shaking off the now warm water, Lucoa focused back on the present, with a new understanding of her capabilities.

"Damn, I'm busted as fuck." Lucoa stated, turning off the tap and stepping out.

She internally decided to find some place to try out her magic. Then she looked at the mirror and saw her naked body.

Cracking her knuckles, she licked her lips.

"Well.. time to do what I've wanted to do since I got this body." Lucoa's hand reached down and, with a flushed, sexy expression, she got to work..

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