Chapter 32: Aracousna
Luisa smiled and ignored him, it was impossible, Zeke?- Jealous? It just doesn't make sense. She wore the bracelet and smiled even more, it was truly pretty.
Zeke watched his shortie smile, if she was happy with the boy, who was he to object when he pushed her away. He doesn't know why he was feeling this way, this... possessiveness. Didn't he know that she was a beautiful young girl and the moment he rejected her feelings, he just opened the gateway for other men.
They arrived at Zeke's mansion at late noon. They freshened up and had a light lunch together.
The next day, the carriage brought Luisa to the Reigns' mansion. Zeke didn't follow her this time. She was welcomed by the butler as usual.
"Hello Luisa, have you had lunch yet?" Lindsey asked.
"Yes," Luisa responded.
"Okay, let's go to my father then," Lindsey replied and they started walking towards Mr. Reign's drawing room.
"Yes Luisa, less I forget. A friend of mine is celebrating her birthday in three days time. She's an elf, so majority of the people there would be elves. Will you like to go with me, it's a night party?" Lindsey requested.
Wow, this would be the first actual party she will attend but she wasn't sure, she will have to ask permission from Zeke first.
"Okay, but I can't promise anything," Luisa replied and Lindsey beamed.
They knocked on the door and walked in when they heard Lindsey's father's voice ushering them in.
"Welcome girls. Have your seats?" he offered and they both sat.
"Okay, Luisa. Like I said, we'll start with elven magic," Maximilian began, after some while. He then stood up;
"Follow me," he added and started walking out of the room and both girls followed suit.
They walked until they got to a double sided door. Mr. Reigns brought out a key and opened the door. He walked in, the girls followed and Lindsey shut the door.
It was a large room, with tall shelves filled with books of all sizes and ages. There were some few tables and chairs around the room.
"All these books are of elf origin. Also are spells of elven magic. As long as you are an elf, you can cast spells of elven magic and you even have an advantage as you are already in line with casting spells as a witcher" he informed Luisa.
"You'll learn every single spell in this room," he continued.
'What?! It will take months if not years,' Luisa thought.
"I know what you are thinking. But along the way you can get to unlock your special abilities and even your secret weapon and use your life energy to control it, that's if you're lucky, there are some deep elven spells for that to quicken the processes but for now we'll start with the basis," he elaborated.
They continued walking towards the posterior end of the large room. The shelves in this part were not as tall as the ones earlier. They were filled with crystal balls and potions and other artifacts.
Luisa was amazed. She started walking towards the shelves, her eyes gazing intently at all the invaluable items. She stopped at a particular shelf.
There was a glass compartment which was spherical at the top and flat at the bottom, in it was a small statue made of silver. It was a woman with angelic wings and she held something in her hands.
Luisa felt hypnotized, she could swear the statue was glowing with a purple flame. The purple flame glowed in her eyes as she heard whispers from the statue.
"Luisa!" Lindsey came towards her and grabbed her shoulders to face her.
"Don't touch that!" she reprimanded and Luisa snapped out of the trance.
"W-What was that?" Luisa muttered.
"Don't look at that too much," Lindsey warned. Mr. Reign came towards the girls, he collected the artifact and hid it in a wooden box compartment.
"Whenever you're here, never open this. Don't even touch it, don't even come close to it," he continued.
"What was that?" Luisa asked.
"(Signs) Luisa, generations ago after the great crisis. There was a sorceress- Aracousna, she was the sister of the evil sorceress who caused the havoc we're still suffering the consequences of today.
"She sought out to avenge her sister's death, she despises the witchers, infact the whole of mankind. She was as crazy as her sister... infact even more crazy and powerful, she was the total definition of the goddess of war and merciless madness," Lindsey explained.
"She was another pending catastrophe but the witchers were able to take care of her. They couldn't kill her, she was way too powerful almost an immortal. Her soul was cast into this artifact and her body...burnt.
"My great grandfather was entrusted with the responsibility of keeping this artifact and it has been passed unto the next bloodline since then. The Reigns protects it till their final breath," Lindsey explained further.
"How come I never heard of this story?" Luisa asked.
"The battle with Aracousna was a quiet one. After it, it was decided that it should be kept confidential to reduce the number of power hungry people who might sought the artifact.
"Aracousna's soul could possess a living vessel if the artifact was touched and unlocked. Staring too much at it will give her a chance to hypnotize you as you hear her whispers of sweet nothings.
"Then she will be able to possess you and use you to her advantage. After the first incident we wouldn't want that to happen again, do we?" Maximilian answered this time. Luisa has had enough of these possessing creatures.
She nodded; "Let's go to the previous space," Lindsey suggested and they all agreed.
The rest of that day went well. She learnt some petty spells which was fun. At kimoira, they were only taught spells that were useful to them in battle.
The carriage came to pick her up and in time they arrived at Zeke's mansion. Luisa freshened up and joined Zeke for dinner.
"So how was your afternoon?" he asked as they ate.
"It was fine. I learnt a lot...I also learnt a confidential history of the witchers and the Reigns," Luisa declared. Zeke stopped eating and stared at her.
"What? Why are you so serious all of a sudden?" Luisa asked.
"Did you see the artifact?" he asked her and she nodded.
"Luisa, for the rest of the time you will be in that mansion, I don't want you anywhere near that artifact, do you hear me?!" he ordered. She put her hand on her head in a salute manner.
"Yes sir," she replied and giggled.
"I'm not joking Luisa!" his frown deepened and she smiled.
"Okay, okay...jeez," she responded and resumed eating.
"Aracousna is a vengeful soul and vengeful vessels such as yourself are prone to her sweet whispers," he continued.
"Who told you I still want revenge?" she questioned.
He scoffed, "Don't you?"
"No," she replied.
'What a lie!' he thought.
"Lindsey invited me to a party that will take place in three days time," Luisa informed changing the topic.
"Do you want to go?" He asked
"I don't know," she answered sincerely.
"Go then," he added and she stared at him.
"I will be leaving for kimoira tomorrow," he told.
"Just you?" she asked as she wanted to see the elf boy soon.
"Yes. There was another report on the li`caburs. The recent spike of missing children is in need of immediate attention. The council of witchers will be deciding on what to do before the situation gets out of hand.
"You don't have to follow, it's a confidential meeting. You will be okay staying alone in the mansion in the next few days or do you want to go to the Reigns?" he asked.
"No, it's okay...I will be fine," she replied. She wasn't a kid anymore to be scared of staying in the mansion alone, besides she wouldn't truly be alone...the servants were there.
"Are you sure?" he asked.
"Yes, Zeke. I'm sure," she replied.
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