Chapter 22: #22 The Boy With A Dragon!
[The Darkness encroaching the entirety of the ship has seemed to have been beaten backwards as the young man quickly descends towards the ship. Realizing he is falling faster than he originally expected he attempts to conjure flames from his hands and feet in an effort to slow his fall]
Jourton: Whoops! Forgot about the drooooopp raaaaattee!!! (At the last second he manages to stabilize himself before crashing into the ship feet first with one hand outstretched at an angle to the left and another hand in front of his face mimicking his original hand stretched out to the left) Superhero landing check!! Just like Miss Kimora did but mine was better!! (His body trembling as he spoke in pain as he left a visible dent in the ship of feet print, the shock waves of energy reverberating through his entire body causing him tremendous pain. His eyes well up with tears but he does not cry or break character.) Ooookey Jourton we have to save everyone from the darkness!!! (Placing both have in front of himself dramatically and conjuring would appears to be sparks between his hands, he begins humming with a low vibration similar to singing tribal songs and flames begin to dance around him.) Can I ask you guys to do me a really big favor this time? I need to find my friend and I want to make sure we can do it safely because Pyree keeps trying to eat things. So let's try this. Flow! Connection Flame!! (The Kimora is down below roughly two flights, as the lights find her they immediately returned to Jourton and he is teleported to her location much to both Kimora and Hevenly's surprise.) Kimora!!! I'm here to hangout!!! (As he opens his eyes and sees the current situation at hand he puts his hands up in the air and slowly steps backwards) Nope. Nope. I was already going to get into trouble with Cammy and the island for running away. I am going to sit quietly in the corner and play with Pyree til your done. (He begins to turn and walk to the nearest corner in an effort to stay out of the way and sit down)
Hevenly: Ha! Imaaagine you actually being a damsel in distress and calling for help from a man, how cliche princess. (The bullets from before that Kimora had fired all now slowly and very quietly hitting the ground as if they have done no damage to Hevenly at all, her face calm and her voice smooth as silk as she spoke) Oh cooome nooow, we don't have to be nasty with each other I just came to check on your seed. Besides... I find it very strange I don't sense its energy in you anymore.
Kimora: BITCH THAT'S CUZ I'M THE BEST SUPPORT MADE YOU'LL EVER COME ACROSS! Screw you're stupid power boost, if anything it was a drain and a nerf how dare you lock me on this damn ship with that stupid stipulation you put on me. You just HAD to put it in Xanne's head that I was the perfect energy source and this is how we're now able to power the ship you greedy bitch, 7!! (Realizing her current situation she smiles and says out loud) Also about your little damsel in distress comment, I think I'll take you up on that offer and let the kid just rock you. HEY, JOURTON! I'll give you a bunch of candy and manga you can take her out, or at a minimum get her out of my face. I'm a bit tired from all of today's work and I need about a minute to charge.
Jourton: I gets to helpies!? The HERO HAS ARRIVED!!! Oxygen (O2), Carbon (C): Carbon dioxide (CO2), Hydrogen (H): Water vapor (H2O), Nitrogen (N), with this incantation and dance of offering I ask that you allow me to embody a raging light! Flow Pyretic Storm!! (Exploding out of the corner and directly into Hevenly's face, he gives her a super cheerful smile as he is a glowing with pure fire around him, in this very moment some of her Darkness recedes due to the light and this reveals her face. Jourton now slowly turning upside down in the air as he sailed towards her placing outwards one in front of him one behind him and a single foot to the right, mimicking Kimora's buzzsaw attack he witnessed previously. He bursts and roars with flames as his hands and feet begin igniting with their own separate flames like a jet engine causing him to rotate mid-air perfectly. This threatening dance of flames and limbs drawing closer to Hevenly and Jourton endings it with turning his body sideways and slamming his foot into the ground with flames erupting from all sides of him as he releases a battle cry) Eyyyyyyyaaaaaahhh!!
Hevenly: (Visibly annoyed with this child as her Darkness is slightly weakened, as his attack was about to land she blinked backwards and simply stepped out of another wall of Darkness) Cute trick. I assumed you were useless but I guess it's better to at least acknowledge your existence. Dark..Pulse!! (The room rippled and flooded with Darkness energy barely affecting Jourton due to his light, then suddenly the room becomes extremely cold, cold enough to leave frost on the bridge handle and all of the equipment also extinguishing Jourton's flames. In one swift motion the darkness grabs him by his foot and seems to use him as ammunition to fire him like a rocket out of the ship and into the ocean. After witnessing her handiwork she begins laughing maniacally only to get slapped in the face by Kimora's recreation)
Kimora: EYES UP BITCH!! DISTORTION!! (Her hair now burning with a beautiful rainbow color her hand stretchs out towards Jourton as she slows his fall then, yells out loud once again) Disturbance!! (Creating a portal that throws Jourton to the top of the ship) Okay, problem a solved and now to deal with problem b. So you wanted to talk. I want to run your fade. What will it be? Because I am more than sure that by now the boys have figured out something is wrong from all the explosions and I don't think we'll get to dance much longer.
Hevenly: True... which is why I will simply take my leave and return in a few days. (Holding her swollen cheek from being hit in the face with a baseball bat, she turns and walks away into the darkness simply leaving the ship altogether)
Kimora: (Quickly pulling the trigger on recreation attempting to fire more bullets but forgetting she had not reloaded earlier, the trigger clicks and nothing fires so she looks at recreation confused as Hevenly walks away into the darkness) Cono.... this day just got way weirder than I really needed to be. I hate her....(Hearing what sounds like someone attempting to get into the ship Kimora rolls her eyes and giggles as she looks around realizing a large majority of the bridge is currently disabled) Let him in and figure out what to do about the boys, yeah that sounds about right.
Jourton: (Not wasting anytime at all, he begins to run across the top of the ship towards the back of the ship itself where a hatch door leads down into the first elevator) Miss Kimora, I don't feel so good!! The vibratie thingy happened again but this time I got to stay awake from it. I saw space and then here! (Igniting his hands and feet with flames in an effort to act like a small jet flying around) Immm coommiiinnnn!!! (After about 3 to 5 minutes he manages to return back to Kimora's location only to find she is no longer in the bridge. Taking the time to look around for a while he finds a small sticky note from Kimora.)
Kimora's note: Sup kid. Two things, one you have to come downstairs immediately so get on the elevator and go to the fifth floor I will meet you there. Two my crewmates have no idea you exist because I forgot to mention this so I have to explain to my captain what happened before anything bad happens. He's already kind of annoyed with me so there's that. Good luck and you have about 11 seconds to get moving after reading this note. (She has signed this with a very bad stick figure of a girl blowing a kiss)
[Meanwhile Dantzler and Xanne are floating in the ocean together hanging onto a single floating plank, each of them with both of their arms on one side.]
Dantzler: Xanne...I-
Xanne: Don't. Speak.
Dantzler But it was COOL AS F-
Dantzler: I also didn't expect the extra speed at th- (As he continues talking Xanne without hesitating and a single eye being shown through his hair viciously punches Dantzler on the top of the head, scolding him.)
Dantzler: (Is barely conscious after being hit by Xanne's last blow plus all of the previously taken damage, he feels his body vibrating then suddenly they were no longer in the water and found themselves on the bridge of the ship as the elevator says "In use"). ..Sus but kay. I'm going to just take a nap here..why do I smell burning?
Xanne: Looks like SOMEONE had a PARTY without ME! What is all this?!
[End Scene]