MHA: Bat to the Future: The Other Midoriya

Chapter 13: Boys

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The changing room was tense, to say the least. Half the guys were quiet, probably freaking out about the whole "expelled" thing, while the other half were hyping themselves up like they were about to compete in the Olympics. Wait, U.A. is new Olympics!

I looked around the changing room. A bunch of kids trying to look tough, a few clearly already bricking it, and Bakugo sitting in the corner, radiating "Don't talk to me" vibes like his personal brand depended on it. Whatever. These guys were going to be my underlings sooner or later, so I might as well get introductions out of the way. No point wasting time.

I clapped my hands once, loud enough to get everyone's attention. "Alright, boys, listen up. I'm Ryuu Midoriya. That over there," I pointed at Izuku, who was struggling with his gym shirt, "is my foolish brother, Izuku Midoriya. We're stepbrothers, and no, he doesn't get stuck in the washing machine."

Redhead let out a sharp laugh from the corner. "Man, you didn't have to start with that! Now I can't un-hear it."

Izuku flailed, almost tripping over his pants. "R-Ryuu, stop saying weird stuff! No one thought that until you brought it up!"

"Speak for yourself," Wild Blond piped up, tying his shoelaces. "I'm already imagining it, and let me tell you, it's hilarious."

A fancy blond, who was busy adjusting his belt like it was some kind of family heirloom, raised a hand delicately. "Stepbrother or not, I think the more pressing question is… why does he look so serious about his shirt? It's not haute couture, mon ami." (high fashion, my friend)

"Because it's tight!" Izuku yelped, tugging at the fabric.

"More like your brain's tight," I muttered, shaking my head. "Anyway, back to the point. We're in Class 1-A together now, so might as well figure out who's who."

Redhead stepped forward, grinning like he'd already decided we were best friends. "I'm Eijiro Kirishima! Quirk: Hardening. Let's work hard and kick ass together!"

"Hardening, huh?" I said, nodding. "Cool quirk. You look like the kind of guy who would challenge a tank to a fistfight."

"Damn right I would!" Kirishima laughed, flexing. "It's manly as hell!"

"Or stupid," I added, smirking. "But sure, we'll call it manly."

Blonde guy stood up, dusting off his shorts. "Name's Denki Kaminari. Quirk: Electrification. Basically, I'm a walking power grid, so if anyone needs a phone charge, hit me up."

"Good to know," I said. "What's the downside? Do you blow fuses or something?"

"Worse," A smiley guy chimed in from the side, leaning casually against a locker. "He short-circuits his own brain."

Kaminari shot him a glare. "Hey, it's not that bad!"

"Yeah, you just go full Pikachu after using your quirk for two seconds," Smiley guy shot back, smirking. "We were in the same group in the entrance exam. It was hilarious!"

"Speaking of quirks," I said, cutting in, "what's yours, Discount Luffy?"

"D-dis... Anyways, call me Hanta Sero," he said, holding up his elbow and shooting out a strip of tape. "I can shoot tape from my arms. It's great for tying people up."

A small creature, who had been weirdly quiet until now, perked up. "Tying people up, you say?"

"Don't even start," I said, shooting him a warning look. He oozed perv. "And who the hell are you, anyway? You look like someone left a grape in the sun too long."

"I'm Minoru Mineta!" he said, puffing out his chest like he thought it made him look cool. "My quirk's Pop Off. I can pull these sticky balls off my head and throw them. Once they stick to something, they don't come off."

"Sticky balls, huh?" I said, smirking. "Bet that comes in handy with the ladies."

Mineta's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Right?! You get it!"

"No," I said flatly. "I really don't."

A bird-man stepped out of the shadows—because of course he was standing in the shadows. "Fumikage Tokoyami. My quirk is Dark Shadow. It's… a sentient shadow that fights with me."

"Cool," I said, nodding. "I'll try not to piss it off. Or you. You look like you would write poetry about my death."

"Perhaps," Tokoyami said cryptically, stepping back into the dim corner like he said enough.

A big guy, who had been quietly tying his shoes, finally spoke up. "Rikido Sato. My quirk's Sugar Rush. The more sugar I eat, the stronger I get."

"Solid," I said. "So, what, you're like a muscle-bound Willy Wonka?"

Sato chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Something like that. But I've gotta watch how much I use it, or I crash."

"Noted," I said, turning to the boy with the red and white head, who had been silent the whole time. "And you? You've got the ice-and-fire thing going on, right? Pretty flashy."

He looked at me with the kind of blank expression that said he was already over this conversation. "Shoto Todoroki. Yes."

"…That's it?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "No fun facts? No hobbies? Nothing?"

"No," Todoroki said simply.

"Cool, cool," I said, turning back to the group. "Well, that was depressing. Anyone else feel like we're in a therapy session?"

Kirishima laughed. "Hey, at least we're getting to know each other! That's important for teamwork, right?"

"Teamwork?" Bakugo finally spoke up, his voice dripping with disdain. "Tch. You think we're here to hold hands and sing campfire songs? We're here to win, not make friends."

I smirked, walking over to his corner. "Yeah, we get it, Boom Boom. You're too cool for friends. Let me guess—you'll just blow your way to the top, right?"

"Damn right," Bakugo growled, sparks popping from his hands. "And when I do, I'll crush you, Ryuu."

"Cute," I said, patting him on the shoulder before stepping back. "Looking forward to it."

Aoyama, who had been checking his reflection in a compact mirror, finally chimed in. "You're all so intense. It's exhausting just listening to you. I prefer to let my brilliance speak for itself."

"And what brilliance is that?" I asked, folding my arms.

He struck a dramatic pose, his belt gleaming under the fluorescent lights. "My quirk is Navel Laser! A beam of light as dazzling as my personality!"

"Dazzling?" Kaminari said, snickering. "I would say it's more like… blinding."

"Silence, peasant," Aoyama said with a wave of his hand. "You wouldn't understand the burden of being this fabulous."

"Alright, you three, let's hear it. Name, quirk, and fun fact—unless you're too cool for that, like Todoroki over there."

The tall, multi-armed guy stepped forward. His whole vibe screamed 'gentle giant who could snap you in half but probably wouldn't unless you deserved it.' "Mezo Shoji. My quirk is Dupli-Arms. I can extend and replicate my limbs, including sensory organs."

I stared at him for a second. "Wait, so you can grow extra eyes, ears, and mouths? Like, if you wanted, you could hold an entire conversation with yourself?"

Shoji nodded.

I grinned. "That's both cool and deeply disturbing. Bet you could do a killer ventriloquist act."

Shoji just chuckled. "Haven't tried."

I squinted. "Liar. I bet you practice in the mirror."

Tailed guy stepped up next, rolling his shoulders like he was warming up for a fight. "I'm Mashirao Ojiro. My quirk is Tail. Pretty self-explanatory."

I glanced at the long, powerful tail swaying behind him. "You ever just trip people with it for fun?"

Ojiro looked mildly offended. "No. I use it for combat."

"Missed opportunity," I muttered. "If I had a tail, I would be sweeping legs every chance I got. You ever just slap someone with it and pretend it was an accident?"

Ojiro sighed. "No."

I shook my head. "Man, you're wasting potential."

Finally, I turned to Four eyes, who was standing so stiffly I thought he might actually be a mannequin brought to life. "And you, Mr. Business Casual? What's your deal?"

Iida adjusted his glasses with that dramatic karate-chop motion and stood even straighter—impressive, considering I thought his spine was already maxed out in rigidity. "I am Tenya Iida! My quirk is Engine. I have enhanced speed, thanks to the engines in my legs."

"Cool stuff." I rolled my eyes. "Alright, that leaves my brother Izuku, and Number 2." I glanced at Bakugo, who froze for a split second, his eyes narrowing dangerously as if he wasn't sure whether I was talking about his ranking in the exam or calling him literal shit. Either way, it got the reaction I wanted.

Before Boom Boom Boy could explode—literally or figuratively—I turned to Izuku, ignoring the fact that my brother looked like he wanted to crawl into a locker and hide. "So, Izuku, your quirk is... uh, what do you even call it?"

Izuku flinched like I just thrown a shoe at him. "O-Oh, uh, it's, um... It's called Smash," he stammered, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "It lets me... temporarily enhance my strength and speed by a lot."

"By a lot?" Kaminari raised an eyebrow. "Like, how much are we talking? Enough to break walls? Lift cars?"

"Enough to break his own bones," I said dryly, giving Izuku a pointed look.

"It's not supposed to do that!" Izuku protested, his face turning red. "I'm just... still figuring it out!"

"Sure, figuring it out," I muttered, smirking. "Translation: my brother is a human glass cannon. Hits hard but shatters on impact. Real inspiring stuff."

"Hey!" Izuku pouted, his voice cracking.

Kirishima laughed, slapping Izuku on the back so hard the poor guy nearly toppled forward. "Man, that's hardcore! Breaking your own bones just to win? That's super manly!"

Izuku blinked at him, clearly unsure whether to take that as a compliment or a warning to never piss Kirishima off.

"And you, Ryuu?" Sero asked, crossing his arms. "You got a quirk, or are you just here to look pretty?"

"First of all, I'm always pretty," I said, smirking. "Second, my quirk is, uh..." I trailed off, pretending to think about it. "Well, let's just say I hit hard, move fast, and don't die as easily as some of you. Let's just say my abilities are... unique."

Bakugo scoffed, slamming his locker shut. "Tch. Unique? You're just a lucky little shit. Don't think you're hot crap just because you got first place."

"Aw, thanks for caring so much, Katsuki," I said, giving him a mock bow. "You're always thinking about me. It's touching, really."

I exaggeratedly presented him like a goddamn game show host, "And our very own Number Two has the legendary Quirk… drumroll please, Izuku… Hand Sweat!"

Bakugo's whole body tensed, and for a moment, I swore I saw an actual vein bulging out of his forehead. "It is Explosion, you bastard!"

I nodded, completely unfazed. "Right right. Now that I think about it, do you explode your peepee every time you masturbate, or do you refrain from touching it altogether?"

Bakugo lunged, hands sparking. "I AM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!"

Sero whistled. "Man, that's a real question, though."

"No, it's fucking not!" Bakugo snapped.

Kaminari smirked. "Nah, bro, we're all wondering now. I mean, do you just, like, power through? Or is it a no-go zone?"

Todoroki spoke from the side. "A controlled explosion could technically work if he's careful."

Kirishima burst out laughing. "Holy shit, Todoroki just analyzed it like it was a math problem."

"Shut up!" Bakugo barked, still sparking. "I ain't talking about my dick with you degenerates!"

"Sounds like someone has a problem," I mused, dodging a small explosion. "Maybe a doctor should check if everything still functions down there."

Mineta, of all people, decided to pipe up. "Wouldn't want any, uh, misfires."

Bakugo turned on him so fast Mineta practically shrank into himself. "I SWEAR TO GOD, I WILL END YOU!"

"Dude, relax," Kirishima said, still grinning. "We're just messing with you."

"Some of us are," Sero muttered. "Some of us are genuinely curious."

"You know what? Screw all of you," Bakugo growled, throwing himself back onto the bench and crossing his arms. "Hope you all fucking fail."

Aoyama, who had been polishing his belt, looked up. "Mon dieu, such vulgarity."(My god)

I stretched, ignoring Bakugo's death glare. "Anyway, time to go humble some people. First-day tests, let's get it."

We headed out to the field, where Aizawa stood, looking as done with life as ever. He yawned. "You lot take too long."

"Some of us were busy debating the explosive properties of personal habits," I said.

Aizawa did not react. Either he was a pro at ignoring bullshit, or he was too tired to care. His hair was doing that gravity-defying thing that made him look perpetually pissed off, but his expression was flat enough to make it unclear if he even processed half the crap we had been saying. He stared at his clipboard for a moment, then finally looked up.

"Midoriya," he said. For a second, I thought he was talking to Izuku, but his eyes were on me. "Actually, no. You're both Midoriyas, aren't you?"

I nodded, already bracing myself for whatever was about to come out of his mouth.

"Alright. I will call one of you Stutter," he said to Izuku, deadpan, before turning to me. "And the other Thug. Wait, no. You would probably like that."

"Damn right I would," I muttered, crossing my arms.

"Fine. You're Midoriya," he said, pointing at me. He turned to Izuku. "And you're Stutter."

Izuku froze. "W-what? Stutter?"

"Did I stutter?" Aizawa asked, then moved on before Izuku could even process the question.

"Midoriya," he said, looking back at me. "What was your record for the softball throw in middle school?"

I shrugged. "Uh, does 'never cared enough to check' count as a record?"

Aizawa's gaze didn't waver. "No."

"Alright then. I don't know. Probably not great."

He ignored me once more, turning his attention to Bakugo. "And you? What was your record?"

Bakugo grinned, already looking smug. "67 meters. No quirk."

Aizawa jotted something down, then looked back at me. "Midoriya. You're up first. Let's see what you can do."

Aizawa tossed the softball at me. I caught it without much thought, rolling it once in my palm. I stepped in, stretching my shoulders. Limit Breaker was still active, my stats tripled. My base Strength was 27. All Might's Autographed Training Gloves boosted that by 15%. With the multiplier, I was sitting comfortably at "ridiculous."

Aizawa yawned. "Throw when ready."

Bakugo leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees. "Better not half-ass it, dumbass."

I smirked, cracking my neck. "Half-ass? Me? C'mon, Boom Boom, have a little faith."

A normal adult has a Strength stat of 10. Mine is sitting at 27—multiplied by three, thanks to Limit Breaker. That makes it 81. Add another 15% from these gloves, and, well… you do the math. Not bad for a guy chucking a ball.

I gave the softball one last spin in my hand, planted my feet, and swung my arm back. No frills, no fancy wind-up, just a simple overhand throw with all the power I could manage. The ball tore through the air like a damn missile.

The sound of it cutting through the sky was sharp, almost like a whip crack. It rocketed upward, flying so fast it became a blur. Heads craned, everyone squinting against the sun as they tried to follow its path. Even Aizawa, who looked like he was one bad day away from retiring, raised an eyebrow.

The softball soared until it was just a speck, then disappeared entirely. I figured it was still going, probably heading for orbit. Good luck to the next satellite it smacks into.


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