Chapter 15: Shove It Up Your As*
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The next day, school was normal. So normal that class was having a meltdown.
I watched them suffer through Present Mic's English class. Kaminari had his forehead on the desk like he had already given up on life. Kirishima, ever the optimist, was at least trying to follow along, but I could see the struggle in his eyes. Yaoyorozu was nodding along, actually enjoying it.
"So, who can tell me the mistakes in the sentence?" Present Mic asked, his usual over-the-top enthusiasm making the suffering worse.
No one answered. The class was collectively pretending they didn't exist.
Mic grinned. "C'mon, someone's gotta have an answer! Midoriya?"
Both Izuku and I looked up.
"The other one," Mic clarified.
"Yeah, sure, totally listening," I said, not even pretending to hide my disinterest. I glanced at the board. "That's a run-on sentence. Needs a comma or something."
Mic nodded. "Right! Anyone wanna add to that?"
"Yo, don't all volunteer at once!" Mic laughed.
Yaoyorozu raised her hand. "The subject-verb agreement is also incorrect."
"Bingo! Nice one, Yaoyorozu!" Mic pointed at Kaminari. "Alright, Denki, what about this next one?"
Kaminari barely lifted his head. "Uh… English?"
Mic laughed. "Technically correct, but not what I'm looking for!" He grinned. "Alright, alright, moving on!"
The rest of class dragged on, with the usual. Right answers from Yaoyorozu, half-assed guesses from the rest. Eventually, the bell rang, and everyone bolted for the door.
Lunch was the usual chaos. The cafeteria was packed, with students scrambling for food like animals. Izuku and I found a table, joined by Kaminari, Kirishima, Mina, Tsuyu and Sero.
"Dude," Kaminari groaned, dropping his tray. "That class was actual torture."
"Could've been worse," I said, taking a bite of my food.
"Oh yeah? How?"
"I might not be in it."
Kirishima laughed. "True, true."
Mina nudged me. "So, karaoke was fun, huh?"
"Yeah, for you," Sero said. "Some of us have permanent ear damage now."
Kaminari grinned. "Hey, I stand by my performance."
"No one else does," Jiro said, walking past with her tray.
Ojiro sat down nearby, nodding at the group. "Know what's scheduled in the afternoon?"
Tsuyu sat next to me. "Foundational Heroics Studies."
I looked at her. She looked at me. I looked back. She looked back.
"You are cute."
She blinked. "Gero?"
She stared for a second longer, then turned back to her food with a slight blush. "Okay."
Mina snorted, shoving a spoonful of rice into her mouth. "Damn, Ryuu, smooth as always."
"Facts," Kaminari added. "One day, you'll say something and actually get slapped."
Tsuyu picked up her juice. "Why would I slap him? He's just saying what he thinks."
"Exactly," I said, pointing at her. "Thank you, Froggy."
She drank her juice. "That is actually close to the hero name I will choose."
I looked at her. She looked back. "What will you choose?"
She set the box down. "Froppy."
Kaminari grinned. "Oh, that's cute. Froppy. Rolls off the tongue."
"It does," she said.
Sero tapped his chopsticks against his tray. "I feel like hero names are a lot of pressure, though. You pick something now, and it sticks. What if you end up hating it in a year?"
"Then you change it," I said. "Heroes have done it before."
Mina stretched her arms. "Yeah, but if it's something iconic, it's hard to switch. Imagine All Might just randomly deciding to be called... I don't know, Power Daddy."
Uraraka choked on her rice. "What?"
Mina shrugged. "I mean, it fits."
"It does not," Iida said.
Kirishima scratched his chin. "Alright, but imagine Midnight changing her name to something really normal, like, uh... Miss Pajamas."
"She might," Jiro said. "She already barely wears anything."
Kaminari smirked. "Which is appreciated."
Yaoyorozu sighed. "And there it is."
Mineta leaned in. "If I became a hero, my name would be—"
"No one cares," Shoji cut in.
"Damn, cold," Sero muttered.
Mineta huffed. "Fine, but when I make it big, you'll regret not listening."
"I won't," Shoji said.
Ojiro crossed his arms. "Hero names should have meaning, though. Something that reflects your ability and personality."
Tokoyami nodded. "Yes. It must embody one's true nature."
Kaminari grinned. "So yours is gonna be, what, EdgeLord?"
"Jet-Black Hero: Tsukuyomi," Tokoyami corrected.
Kaminari stared. "I was joking."
"I was not."
Mina turned to Todoroki. "You got one yet?"
He blinked. "No."
"Got any ideas?" she pressed.
Kirishima leaned forward. "You could go with something ice-related. Or fire. Or both."
Todoroki took a bite of his food. "Maybe."
Mina sighed. "Man, you're a tough crowd."
Kaminari elbowed me. "What about you, Ryuu? Got a name picked?"
"That's it?" he asked. "Not even an idea?"
Mina nudged me. "Oh, c'mon, you gotta have something."
She gestured vaguely. "I don't know, you just seem like the type to already have something picked."
"I decided we all choose my hero name. Then we will vote. Come on, let me hear the ideas!" I said.
Mina leaned forward. "Oh, this is gonna be good."
"Midoriya," Iida started, already adjusting his glasses like he was about to ruin the fun, "a hero name is a serious decision. It should reflect your values, your—"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, moving on," I cut in, waving him off. "I wanna hear the good shit."
"Alright," Kaminari grinned, tapping his fingers against the table. "How about something badass? Like... Titan Fist!"
I stared at him. "Do I look like I punch mountains for fun?"
"Yeah, kinda."
Kirishima tapped his chin. "Crimson Impact!"
"First of all, no. Second, I feel like that name already exists."
Sero smirked. "How about Smartass?"
"Creative," I said. "What's your hero name gonna be? Tape Measure?"
Mina snapped her fingers. "Oh! What about something with 'Dragon' in it? You kinda give off that vibe."
"You're reckless, loud, and probably gonna burn something down one day."
"Sold." I turned to the others. "Any other dragon ideas?"
"Dragon King," Ojiro suggested.
"Too much."
"Dragonborn," Kaminari said, grinning.
"I'm not a Skyrim NPC."
"Black Dragon," Tokoyami offered.
"Do I look like a rejected Yu-Gi-Oh card?"
Jiro leaned back. "Midnight Menace."
"Sounds like I rob banks in my free time."
"You might."
"Moving on."
Uraraka tapped the table. "Midoriya the Menace?"
"Too wordy."
"Draconic Fury," Sato said.
I frowned. "Sounds like an energy drink."
Yaoyorozu cleared her throat. "Perhaps something sophisticated, like 'Crimson Drake' or 'Azure Tempest'?"
"I don't fight in a Shakespeare play."
Hagakure clapped her hands. "Oh! Dragon Fist!"
"I feel like I would be sued."
Todoroki chimed from the side. "Burning Storm."
I glanced at him. "Do you just pick two random words and put them together?"
"Great social skills."
Bakugo scoffed. "Doesn't matter what name you pick. You'll still be a pain in my ass."
"Boom Boom, you're getting a vote too, like it or not."
"Shove it up your ass."
"Writing that down."
I pulled out my phone, typing down the suggestions. "Alright, here's what we've got so far. Titan Fist, Crimson Impact, Smartass—fuck you, Sero—Dragon King, Dragonborn, Black Dragon, Midnight Menace, Midoriya the Menace, Draconic Fury, Crimson Drake, Azure Tempest, Dragon Fist, Burning Storm, and—" I turned to Bakugo. "Shove It Up Your Ass."
Mineta, who had been quiet, finally spoke. "You should pick something that sounds cool to the ladies, like... Dark Master."
I stared at him. "Never speak again."
He held up his hands. "Just saying, chicks dig mysterious names."
"They dig people who don't say 'chicks' unironically."
Tsuyu sipped her juice. "Frog Dragon."
I blinked. "The fuck does that even mean?"
"You like dragons. I like frogs. Compromise."
Mina gasped. "Wait, are you two flirting?"
Tsuyu blinked. "No."
"Sounds fake, but okay."
I clapped my hands. "Alright, voting time. Everyone gets one vote. You can't vote for your own dumbass suggestion."
Votes were cast. Some people took it seriously. Others clearly just wanted to be annoying. Bakugo refused to vote, which I counted as a vote for 'Shove It Up Your Ass.'
In the end one name won out.
I looked at my phone. "Well, looks like we have a winner."
Mina grinned. "Ohhh, what is it?"
I got up, fixed my tie, and looked at them. "Screw you guys. I am going home."
The table burst into laughter.
"Did all of you pick 'Shove It Up Your Ass'?" Mina asked, grinning.
Everyone nodded, still laughing.
Kirishima slapped the table. "Bro, it was too good to pass up!"
"I hate all of you," I said, sitting back down.
"You should've expected this," Sero said, smirking.
"You know," Kaminari leaned forward, "if you actually used it, you would be the most memorable hero ever."
"Or the first to get banned from TV," Jiro muttered.
"Doesn't matter," Bakugo scoffed. "Idiot doesn't deserve a hero name."
"Jealous, Number Two?" I asked.
His eye twitched. "I will actually kill you."
Tsuyu took a sip of her drink. "If you think about it, a hero name should reflect who you are. And this one does."
I stared at her. "Froppy, what the hell?"
"You do tell people to shove things up their ass a lot," Uraraka added.
Mina wiped a tear from her eye. "This is the best thing that's ever happened."
"Fine," I said, cracking my knuckles. "Then I get to name all of you."
I pointed at Kaminari. "Brain Damage."
He put a hand on his chest. "I feel so seen."
Mina. "Pink Gremlin."
She grinned. "I'll take it."
Iida. "Sir Talks-a-Lot."
He straightened his glasses. "That is entirely unfair."
Jiro. "Edgy Headphones."
She shrugged. "Could be worse."
Mineta opened his mouth. "—"
I cut him off. "Pervert."
He nodded. "Accurate."
Todoroki. "Bipolar."
He blinked. "Hn."
I gestured at Sero. "Discount Spider-Man."
Kirishima. "Rock-For-Brains."
Ojiro. "Tail Guy."
Tokoyami. "Crow."
Yaoyorozu. "Wikipedia."
Shoji. "Tentacle Monster."
Hagakure. "The Void."
Sato. "Sugar Crash."
Aoyama. "Human Disco Ball."
Izuku. "Waterworks."
Ochaco. "Light Weight."
Bakugo. "Boom Boom Bitch."
Mina looked at Tsuyu. "Why skip her?"
I shrugged. "She already picked a name."
Mina grinned. "Are you sure you two don't flirt?"
Tsuyu blinked. "No."
Mina leaned in. "You say that, but I don't believe it."
"Then don't."
She looked between us. "Suspicious."
I picked up my drink. "Think whatever."
Uraraka stretched. "Alright, so that was a fun waste of time."
Iida shook his head. "This was supposed to be a serious discussion."
Sero smirked. "And it was. We seriously voted for the best name possible."
Kirishima grinned. "Shove It Up Your Ass is iconic."
Bakugo clicked his tongue. "You losers have too much free time."
Kaminari tapped his tray. "Alright, next topic. Who's gonna fail the first pop quiz?"
Mineta sighed dramatically. "Academically? Probably me. Socially? Also me."
Momo shook her head. "If you studied, you wouldn't fail."
"Yeah, but have you considered—I don't want to?"
Jiro scoffed. "Shocking."
Tokoyami stirred his rice. "The true test of intelligence is knowing what to study."
Sero pointed at him. "That sounded deep, but it meant nothing."
Hagakure clapped her hands. "Doesn't matter! We're at U.A.! It'll be fine."
Mina grinned. "We should totally start a study group."
Kaminari groaned. "Why ruin a good moment?"
"You wanna pass, right?"
"I would rather take my chances."
Iida adjusted his glasses. "Proper study habits will benefit everyone."
Sero pointed at me. "Ryuu, you studying?"
"Smart man."
Momo sighed. "You're all impossible."
Izuku saw his chance. "Don't believe him. Ryuu is a real nerd at home but lies at school. Many of his friends despaired when he topped the exams in middle school. Mom is even proud of him."
Mina raised an eyebrow. "Hold up, you were top of your class?"
I clicked my tongue. "Izuku, shut the hell up."
"No way," Kaminari said. "No offense, but you don't give off 'smart guy' energy."
Izuku shook his head. "He studies late at night when no one's watching. He used to hide his textbooks under his bed like they were secret documents."
Mina grinned. "Oh, this is gold."
"You little shit," I muttered.
Kirishima elbowed me. "Man, you had us all fooled. Thought you were just a quip machine."
Sero smirked. "Imagine the guy roasting Bakugo all day is actually the biggest nerd in class."
Bakugo scoffed. "Tch. Figures. He probably studied all my fights too."
"Oh yeah, totally," I said. "I even wrote a thesis called 'How to Make Boom Boom Bitch Cry in Five Easy Steps.'"
Jiro rolled her eyes. "You probably did, though."
Momo nodded. "Actually, that would be a solid analysis on explosive combat techniques."
"Don't encourage him," Bakugo snapped.
Mina tapped her chin. "So if Ryuu is a secret nerd, that means he actually listens in class, right?"
"Doubtful," Jiro said.
I leaned back. "If listening means memorizing enough to pass, sure."
Iida frowned. "That is not the proper way to approach education."
Izuku grinned. "He lies again. He once made Mom take us to a museum for a boring rock. He is a true nerd."
Mina turned to me. "A museum trip for a rock? That's commitment."
"It was a meteorite, dumbass," I said. "Space rock. Kind of a big deal."
Kaminari snickered. "Yeah, sure. I bet you stared at it for three hours while everyone else was looking at the dinosaur skeletons."
"Dinosaurs are cool," Kirishima added.
"Right?" Mina nodded. "Meteorites are just fancy space gravel."
"Your brain is fancy space gravel," I shot back.
Uraraka tilted her head. "So you just… read for fun?"
"On what?"
"If it's interesting."
Kaminari smirked. "Define interesting. 'Cause I'm betting it's not normal people interesting."
I shrugged. "Physics, biology, history. Shit that matters."
Mineta scoffed. "And yet, here you are, acting like an idiot."
I turned to him. "It's called balance. You should try it sometime, maybe then you wouldn't be a walking harassment case."
He muttered something about people "misunderstanding his genius" before shoving a dumpling in his mouth.
Yaoyorozu clasped her hands. "That's an excellent approach, Midoriya! Learning should never be seen as a burden."
I flashed a grin at her. "How about we visit the museum together?"
Yaoyorozu blinked. "Oh, absolutely! I would love that!"
Kaminari whistled. "Damn, bro. Smooth."
"Not really," I said. "She's just the only one here who wouldn't drool on the exhibits."
"Hey!" Mina said. "I would not—Okay, maybe a little, if it's a really shiny rock."
Sero leaned back. "What I'm hearing is that Ryuu is out here setting up study dates while the rest of us are struggling to remember verb conjugations."
"Study date?" Iida frowned. "Museums are for learning, not for—"
Kirishima clapped him on the shoulder. "Let him cook, dude."
Yaoyorozu cleared her throat. "I see no issue with intellectual outings. It's important to expand our knowledge outside of combat training."
"See?" I gestured at her. "Nerds unite."
Izuku looked between us. "Wait, you two are actually going?"
Yaoyorozu nodded. "Yes, why not?"
Mineta muttered something about wasted opportunities. Shoji flicked him on the forehead.
"Fine," Kaminari said. "But real talk—if Ryuu's secretly a genius, what the hell happened to you, Izuku?"
Izuku choked on his drink. "W-what?"
Mina snickered. "Yeah, how did he turn out like this, and you're... well, you?"
Izuku flailed. "What does that even mean?"
I shrugged. "I got the brains. He got the emotional damage."
Izuku groaned. "That's not true!"
I pulled Izuku in with my arm around his neck. "We are stepbrothers. He is by accident, I am by choice."
Izuku groaned, trying to wriggle out. "That doesn't even make sense."
I looked at him. "Really? Mom gave birth to you like a Kinder Surprise, and she chose me the moment she saw me."
Izuku rolled his eyes, slipping out of my hold. "She pitied you because your mother died."
The table looked at him.
"Cold, Midoriya. Cold."
I waved him off. "It is fine. We are close."
Mina grinned. "Damn, your family dynamic is wild."
Kaminari nodded. "Like, is this how you guys talk at home? Just roasting each other all day?"
"Yes," I said.
Izuku sighed. "I try to have normal conversations, but he just—" He gestured vaguely at me. "—exists."
"Beautifully," I added.
Kirishima chuckled. "Honestly, though, it's kinda cool. Most siblings I know either ignore each other or straight-up fight. You two are like... I don't know, aggressive friends?"
"We are not friends," Izuku said.
"Yeah," I agreed. "Friends would imply I like him."
Mina snorted. "You guys have problems."
Iida adjusted his glasses. "Regardless, it's good to see a strong sibling bond."
Sero raised an eyebrow. "Strong? Bro, they just called each other a pity case and a defective toy."
"It's their way of expressing affection," Yaoyorozu said.
"Exactly," I said. "See? Someone gets it."
Izuku sighed, shaking his head. "Anyway, we should probably get ready for the next class."
Kaminari groaned. "Ugh, already? Can't we just, like, stay here and pretend we're studying?"
"No," Iida said.
Mineta stretched. "I dunno, man. You think heroes ever just say 'screw it' and take the day off?"
"No," Iida repeated.
Ojiro looked at the time. "We should actually go, though. Aizawa's probably already waiting."
"Damn, no escape," Sero muttered.
We got up, trays clattering as we dropped them off.
Kirishima stretched. "Man, I hope the next class is something practical. Sitting through lectures all day is brutal."
"It's Heroics," I said. "So, yeah. Definitely practical."
"Hell yeah," Kaminari said. "Finally."
Mina grinned. "Hope it's something fun. Like, I dunno, urban combat or infiltration missions."
"Or fighting each other," Kirishima said.
Sero nudged him. "You just wanna punch someone, huh?"
We walked out of the cafeteria, the hall buzzing with students.
Bakugo spoke from behind. "Move."
I looked at him. "Say 'please.'"
"Move before I blow your dumbass into the next building."
"See?" I turned to Mina. "No manners."
She laughed. "Yeah, Boom Boom, where's the respect?"
Aight, listen up, you beautiful degenerates! Show me some love, slam that Power Stone button like it owes you money! We takin' this novel straight to Numba 1, no brakes, no detours—FULL SEND!
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