MHA: High voltage

Chapter 34: Chapter 30: Caged Inferno

At the max security prison

"Is everything in place Mr. Khan?" Mr. Nyirenda asked the prison warden from behind the screen in his aforementioned man's office.

"Yes, one of the guards is about to hand her the tray." The warden now known as Mr. Khan nodded. "So, when will your plan commence?"

"It will depend. It took good will for our people to infiltrate as guards and from my knowledge they're still studying the security system around her because we both know you don't have power in that area. Plus we have to be extra careful to let it be traced back to anyone of us so it will take sometime."

"But how are you sure she will accept the offer? This past year we have made huge gambles in letting her out there in the prison yard but she hasn't really done anything which would suggest she wants to leave this place." Mr. Nyirenda had been extremely worried all the times she was let into the yard. Just by getting her an inch away from her cell in the underground was a bad idea.

After she ripped the other inmates face off the others stayed clear away from her. After that all she didn't do anything else but ask for a smoke which the guards provided. At first, he thought it was the extra drugs they pumped into her skin, the shock collar, the increase in guards or security defences. Did she not try anything? But he knew he was just lying to himself.

He was just glad they finally got more liquid nitrogen and put her back into her actual cell deep underground.

"Like I said before, matters concerning her tribe will convince her." Mr. Nyirenda reassured him.

"Sir I-I still don't think this is such a great idea." He voiced his opinion.

"Don't worry, just get the conditions set up for her conversation this lunch time." Suddenly they heard a knock at the door. "I will talk to you soon Mr. Khan." Mr. Nyirenda then cut the call.

Mr. Khan looked at his computer and so a guard waited patiently for his response by the door. He wasn't just dressed in standard prison wear but with it was a little more custom made with armour made from strong fireproof material, made extra durably and specially made to morph the arms into cannons. This was Kinsley Nkhalipi, one of the head guards and the one in the front lines in the defence of the lioness, who tried to escape.

"Good afternoon Mr. Khan." The guard respectfully greeted.

"Yes, good afternoon Mr. Nkhalipi." He asked but he already had a good idea on what the man wanted.

"Sir, I just wanted to tell you that our supply of liquid nitrogen is running low and we need to resupply soon." Mr. Nkhalipi said.

"Yes, I'm well aware that we will refill in a few days but the one we currently have should last for a week."

"I know sir but I just wanted to refill as soon as possible. I don't want a repeat of last year."

"I can understand that." Due the liquid nitrogen being low they had to pull in other ways to hold the queen of fire which cost the prison a lot of resources and it took them a good bit to recover.

"Sir I may ask.."

"No, we will not be letting her into the yard anymore so don't you worry." He quickly addressed me. The guard in front of him was most against the release of the disaster into the yard. He knows he has personal history against her after all his wife and children were of the many casualties in the Jehanamu incident. "Is that all Mr.Nkhalipi?" He asked.

"No sir, thank you for your time Mr. Khan." The guard nodded and left the office.

Mr. Khan turned to his office documents hoping things wouldn't turn out too bad.

At the lower level of the prison

A guard was in the elevator delivering food to Nala's cell which was located on the lowest level of the prison. When he got to the hallway he was greeted by the extremely cold temperature of the path. He reached the door which was almost completely frozen.

Inside Nala Cacar just sat in the centre of her freezing cell chained up in most of her body. A few months after she killed Alinafe she had come to this prison which housed the most dangerous villains in the continent but a good couple of years there she was bored.

"Mrs. Cacar." She heard the guard call out to her as he slipped in her cold food.

"What am I being let out into the yard for good behaviour again?" She asked as the only times the guards spoke to her in a couple of years was when she was being let out to the yard. She was surprised they did that since she caused a lot of mayhem the first three years here. But the two times she was out now she lost

"No dear daughter but will you be let out permanently soon?" A deep voice came from the tray in the cold food voice causing me to scoff and release a smirk.

"Hey adaddy it's not great to hear from you. How did you manage to pull all of this off?" She said mockingly and seemed not really all that bothered by the extremely cold temperature of the man from behind the transition.

"Your little past playmates left them to come to the compound some months ago."

"So, you work with terrorists now ada? And to think after all those lectures you gave me about royal blood mixing with such lower scum." She scoffed.

"ENOUGH!" The man roared like a lion but it didn't faze Nala a single bit and scoffed at the poor attempt. "It's high time you get over this little phase of yours and come home."

"And why would and is that anyway to speak to your grieving daughter who had lost her child."

"The loss of Mezekia was a tragedy for the tribe but enough of this Nala. Remember your brother had given the tribe a strong son a year ago and had shown true potential throughout the years."

"Get to the point father." She was beginning to loss her patience with the conversation.

"Watch your tongue, you disrespectful child. We need you to help him with his training and after all the things the tribe went through because of you this is the least you can do, especially after the Jehanamu incident."

"I thought the tribe already has people equipped for combat training and I don't act like I've asked for your help."

"The boy is progressing fast and we need to give him a combat mentor which will bring him to his true potential. Look, some things have arisen that's why we need you out and back to the tribe." He stated as all thought was having his number one weapon back in his sight.

"And how does kujitenga fall into all this?" She finally asked and looked around the cell as she finished with her cold meal.

"We will discuss things later since they only said we have 16 minutes for this." After her father finished talking the line was cut before she could answer making her snarl and her temperature rise making the liquid nitrogen in the cell increase making colder and her chains hardened and tighten more. She heard the automatic guns outside getting ready for action.

She growled at this and got herself under control. She didn't want to start training the son of that weak cowardly step-brother of hers but she was done with this place as it didn't give her the little kick she was looking for. Getting used to the extreme conditions of the prison cell she was placed into with minimal reliance of her quirk was a little amusing place with the other cells they placed her into when they ran out of liquid nitrogen.

But she was still sceptical of what Kujitenge wanted and how her father could agree to whatever they wanted. But she sounded very desperate.

'Alright father I'll play your little game for now at least.' She thought as her face formed into a terrifying wild smirk and her golden cat eyes glowed a bit as there must be some powerful heroes coming out if they were this desperate or it might be Takhar. 'Either way maybe I can start having fun again but I wonder if the other four are also back?'

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