MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 169 You underestimate the level of my genius sister Elrinira

“Sex with my princess?” Penelo asked weakly.

Alea rolled her eyes before saying.

“Might I remind you that any of you joining will not be so easy.”

“First of all you need to get the agreement of every member including Vincarna himself, then you also need to offer something to the great goddess.”

“So saying that they will be able to have sex with our lover as well as us.” Alea said, indicating herself and the other four before continuing.

“Is putting the cart before the horse, don't you think?”

Elrinira smiled before saying.

“Getting Vincarna’s agreement won't be a problem, I will simply make him an offer he can’t refuse.”

“What are you a mafia boss?” Shizu asked.

“As for these two joining, well do any of you have any complaints? Death is a naturally talented Necromancer while Disciple of the Wild is a high ranking member of Hermes, think of the advantages having direct intelligence from Hermes without a cost would bring our group.” Elrinira began to explain.

“I have one.” Adria said with a frown before looking at Madam Death.

“Oh, please go ahead and say your concern with little Death here Princess.” Elrinira said.

Madam Death showed a look of concern as she looked at her own princess with pleading eyes.

“Let me ask you Elrinira since I believe you mentioned this to Oracle in the past, but as members of the harem who are we allowed to have sexual activities with?” Adria asked as she looked at Madam Death with a dark look.

“Only those who are part of the harem, we will not be allowed to touch any man other than Vincarna or any women other than his lovers.” Elrinira replied with a frown before she turned to glare at Madam Death and said in anger.

“Death, don’t tell me you have gone against our contract.”

“I” “I” Madam Death stammered before she noticed she had received a message from Adria which she gave a quick read.

[Red Rose: I know that you play around with men and women in Atlantia so that Elrinira wont find out, however if you wish to be with John you will have to stop those activities, the choice is yours, restrict you actions to John and his future lovers, or keep seeing those others and never be able to enter the harem as your forced to watch us have sex in front of you while you are unable to join in.]

[Madam Death: I understand princess, I will no longer see those random people, they mean nothing to me and are only a way to satisfy my cravings.]

[Red Rose: You made a wise decision, but remember if I learn you have ever gone behind our backs with another, then it won't be your offering you will lose, no one is allowed to hurt the man I love.]

After reading Adria’s reply Madam Death felt a cold sensation on her neck.

“It’s not as bad as that Queen Elrinira.” Adria replied before continuing.

“When Vincarna became my lover I investigated Death here since I knew there was a possibility she may join the harem with you in the future, because of this I learned that she has been toying with many men.”

“I simply think this action is inappropriate unless Vincarna gives his approval for her to do such in the future.”

Elrinira sighed as the anger in her eyes abated before she said.

“Yes I am aware of these actions that Death likes to partake in, though I don’t see the harm in it myself I understand your prudent thoughts regarding how Vincarna may see this.” 

Elrinira turned to Madam Death before saying.

Death unless Vincarna says it’s ok in the future to do so, you will stop stringing those men along, if I hear that you have gone against me on this I will cancel our contract, do I make myself clear?”

Madam Death lowered her head before saying in a soft voice.

“Perfectly clear.”

Elrinira nodded before saying.

“Good, however don’t look so sad, if I am right about Vincarna I don’t think he will mind you doing that as long as that is as far as you go with them, maybe he will even assist you with your games in the future.” 

Madam Death looked up with bright eyes before asking.

“Assist me how?” 

“That I can’t be certain, but just of the top of my head how would it feel to toy with those men only for Vincarna to turn up and fuck you in front of them.” Elrinira replied with a perverted smile.

“Oh god, that would be so hot.” Madam Death said with a wicked grin.

“See I’m not the only one who thinks doing it infront of others is a good punishment.” Sarah suddenly said as she crossed her arms under her ample cleavage and raised her head proudly.

“What do you mean sister Blue?” Elrinira asked, causing Sarah to show surprise before smiling and replying.

“Well Sister Elrinira I came up with the idea that to teach those three idiots from the banquet a further lesson we should have sex with Vincarna in front of them.”

As Elrinira heard Sarah call her sister her smile grew before growing even more at Sarah’s idea to which she replied.

“I think it’s a fine idea, after all I plan to do the same to Francis in the future.” 

Adria rolled her eyes before saying.

“Excuse me but I said before that, ‘seeing the look on that idiot Jordan’s face as he watches us make love would be exciting’, so I am not against it, it was Vincara and Nine Tail’s who shot it down.”

“Oh why did you and Vincarna shoot the idea down?” Elrinira asked Shizu.

“I just don’t want people outside the harem watching me when I mate with Vincarna.” Shizu replied before continuing.

“Vincarna did it to protect us all.”

“How so?” Elrinira asked with a smile.

“As I’m sure you're aware there are magical tools available that allow you to record things before then playing them back.” Shizu said.

“Yes I have heard of such tools but never seen or needed one myself.” Elrinira replied.

“Well Vincarna is worried that our activities would be recorded and then spread around.”

“While Sarah told us a solution to that, there is no solution to make it so only those that we want to watch can.”

Sarah took over the explanation.

“My original idea was to have sex for six hours at pride rock since there is nothing to do there as we capture the point while letting two of the idiots watch, however since anyone can see past the barrier my idea was shot down.”

“Pride Rock? Isn't that the resource raid in the western continent that is protected by lions?” Elrinira asked with confusion before adding.

“Why would you be stupid enough to have sex there while being attacked by waves of enemies?”

Sarah chuckled before saying smugly.

“You underestimate the level of my genius sister Elrinira.”

“It would indeed be a stupid idea if we did not have Bengal’s blessing.”

“WHAT!” Elrinira cried out in shock before asking.

“How in god's name did you acquire that cat's blessing.”

“Hehe.” Sarah replied smugly before explaining to Elrinira how they obtained the blessing.

“So you're saying Vincarna sacrificed his own reward so that you all could gain the blessing?” 

“Yup.” Sarah replied.

“Hmm, I wonder if she will give it to me in the future.” Elrinira mumbled before getting back on topic.

“Ok so I see the problem, now all you need is a way to make it so that only those you allow can watch as you have sex.” 

At this Elrinira smiled before saying.

“Well it’s a good job you told me, your big sister.”

“Wait, you have a way?” Sarah asked excitedly.

“But of course, I’m the queen of all succubus, here.” 

After which Elrinira raised her hand and two bottles appeared, one was black and the other was white.

“The black bottle contains a pheromone that will knock out any humanoid individual who breathes it, the length of time they are unconscious for varies depending on the individual, but if we are talking about those around level one hundred which is what the limit of pride rock is then it should be good for eight hours.”

“The white bottle contains the antidote, obviously if an individual smells this while affected by the black bottle they will wake up, however there is another function.”

“If an individual smells this prior to the black bottles smell then they will be protected from the black bottle for four hours, after which they will need to smell it again.”

Sarah’s smile widened as she understood her meaning.

“So what you're saying is we make those two idiots smell the scent from the white bottle before we use the black bottle on the capture point, then occasionally sniff the white bottle ourselves to stay protected?”

“You got it, that way you can let them watch in anger for a few hours unless they're smart enough to leave before the antidote wears off and they fall asleep.” Elrinira replied.

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