MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 196 Thomas Bristle

"Well if it isn't the beautiful Melissa Delacruz." An oily voice said that made Melissa shiver with disgust.

"Prince of Necromancy, what a pleasure to see you again, you always seem to know where to find me." Melissa replied using all her professional acting skills to appear genuine.

"But of course," Prince of Necromancy replied with what he thought was a charming smile. "As mine and humanities future queen I always know where you are, plus it's not exactly hard to find you when your so popular." 

(This damn stalker.) Melissa shivered when she heard what Prince of Necromancy said about always knowing her location.

"Wow that's some stalker level shit there." Someone in the crowd whispered, causing Prince of Necromancy's smile to flicker for a moment before he asked, "what was that?"

However whoever spoke before was too cowardly to repeat their comment.

"Also Miss Delacruz, how many times do I have to ask you to address me as Thomas." Thomas Bristle asked.

"And as I always answer it is not appropriate to address another person by their real Name in Genesis, especially when they are not close." Melissa replied politely.

"How can you say that Melissa dear, after all we will be married in the future." Thomas said.

"As I have already informed you, I am too busy with my career to have any interest in romance or marriage at this point." Melissa answered.

"Come now, marrying the future human emperor will only help your career. You must surely understand this." Thomas stated.

"I'm afraid I will still have to politely decline, now if you don't mind I have business to attend to." Melissa replied as she tried to politely leave.

"Ah wait one moment." Thomas said, Making Melissa curse internally.

(Fuck why doesn't this stupid prince take the hint, why would I ever be interested in a lazy fuck like you who expects to everything to be given to him on a silver platter while he sees women as nothing but objects.)

"Yes, your highness?" Melissa replied with a professional smile.

"Well you see I happen to have found what you looking for." Thomas replied with a smirk.

"Excuse me?" Melissa asked confused.

"The item you require for your class mission, I happen to know the location of where the creature it drops from can be found." Thomas explained.

"Really?" Melissa asked with a doubtful tone.

"Of course, have I ever lied to you." Thomas asked.

"Hmmm well no." Melissa admitted, considering how annoying this fat prince was that he wouldn't take a hint and get lost, he had never lied to her, at least not that she knew off.

"Then allow me to show you where it is." Thomas proposed.

"Can't you just tell me my prince?" Melissa asked sweetly.

"Normally I would, however it is located in a very dangerous location and I can't bear the thought of sending you there alone, I would just kick myself if you were to die because of my information." Thomas answered.

(In other words I either let you escort me or you won't tell me, damn bastard. He finally had the chance to show how kind he could be by freely offering the information, but instead he made it so that I was forced to let him accompany me.)

"Well it would seem I will have to accept your generous offer, though I will need some time to prepare the essentials since I was not expecting to find the creature today." Melissa replied.

"Of course, shall we agree to meet at the city's south entrance in say 3 hours?" Thomas asked.

"Very well, I will meet you highness then, now if you will excuse me." Melissa replied before turning on her heel and walking away.

Thomas watched her leave with lust in his eyes before leaving with the retinue that was accompanying him.



"OH OH OH OH HARDER BABY, FASTERRRRR!" Sarah screamed in delight as John fucked her naked body in the ass from behind as she bent down on all fours.


"Go ahead, you ass feels so tight and feels so good baby." John replied as he spanked her ass.

"Ohhh yes spank me harder John, mark me as your own." Sarah pleaded to which John was more than happy to oblige while the other girls lay naked nearby watching John and Sarah in action as they kissed and played with each other.

The only exception to this was Shelur who sat amongst the other women playing with herself while watching John with desire as he fucked his other lovers.

They had been having sex almost none stop for almost six hours and John had discovered something that made it even more pleasurable and thrilling for his lovers.

It seemed the dexterity sat didn't only increase his running speed, it increased the speed of all a players actions including the thrusting of John's hips as he fucked his women.

They were all surprised at this discovery in the beginning but they soon forgot about it as they lost themselves in their desires.

"It's a shame that John can't finger or fuck us that fast in reality." Shizu commented as she stroked Adria's hair.

"I agree." Adria replied as she used Shizu's breasts as a pillow as she watched John and Sarah while stroking one of Shizu's tails that was wrapped around her.

"Can you imagine how dangerous he would become to all women if he could?" Vulxis asked as she used some of Shizu's tails as a pillow.

"Considering our lover gets extra points in the Dexterity stat every level up compared to everyone else, his Dexterity stat will eventually be above every other player and so he will be faster." Vulxis remarked.

"So." Shizu suddenly said as she started to play with Adria's nipples eliciting a moan of pleasure from her. "What's it going to take for you to allow Shelur to join the harem."

"Mmm, nothing." Adria replied, surprising Shizu and Vulxis.

"Has she gone mad from too much sex?" Vulxis asked with concern.

"Possible." Shizu replied as she carefully looked at Adria.

"Shut up." Adria replied before explaining. "Do you think I'm that immature that I would stop that Ork bitch from joining the harem just because we don't get on much? I understand what she can bring to the group, especially if we support her in becoming the Ork's next chieftess."

"Honestly yes I am surprised." Shizu admitted.

"Bitch." Adria responded before inserting a finger into Shizu's pussy, making her moan.

"You have a point." Vulxis began to explain. "If Shelur becomes the next chieftess that would mean that our group has the leaders or future leaders of five races, four of which are the original Genesis Agreement signers."

"True, if we can hook John up with one of the Dwarves princesses then we will have influence in all five major races." Adria replied.

"Unfortunately even if that was possible, Princess Erindroulydd Ironbasher won't inherit the throne as she has multiple brothers who are in line to the throne ahead of her." Vulxis Adria.

"We could have them assassinated." Vulxis suggested making the other two women look at her as if she was crazy. 

"Look we know Darconians and Dwarves are like Humans and Orks in that they are not on the best of terms, but I don't think it would go too well if we had all the male heirs killed off." Shizu stated.

"Isn't Erindroulydd a member of the impossible princesses?" Adria asked as she removed her finger from Shizu's pussy and licked John and Shizu's combined Juices.

"Yup, why are we going to have John collect the whole set?" Shizu asked with a chuckle.

"Not likely, though one or two more from the list is not a bad idea seeing as that list is made up of powerful and influential women." Adria added.

"You just want Melissa Delacruz to join." Shizu chuckled.

"And You don't? I know your a huge fan of hers, don't you want to watch John fuck her and be able to cuddle up to her like we are now?" Adria replied.

"Fair point." Shizu conceded. 

"Is it wrong that we are the ones planning John's harem members and not him?" Vulxis asked skeptically.

"Not really." Adria and Shizu both replied before Adria explained.

"First off they won't be just John's harem members but also our lovers, that is why only someone who has all of our approval can join."

"Secondly John knows next to nothing about the influential and powerful individuals in the world and so it is up to us to search those out on his behalf."

"Fair point." Vulxis conceded before asking. "So I'm assuming that Adria will be fine with Shelur joining the harem."

"Yeah it should be fine, just a shame she can't do anything with John now and that she has to wait." Shizu replied as she turned to see the completely naked Shelur fingering her own pussy deeply while she watched John and Sarah with glazed eyes and her tongue hanging out.

"She is already completely lost to her desires, do you think it's that she's an Ork or watching John fuck us will have that effect on any women?" 

"I'm not sure." Vulxis replied as she and Vulxis looked at Shelur. 

"There is a way we can test that though." Adria said with a cunning smirk.

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