Moonquest: A Journey To The Stars

Chapter 30: The Beginning Of The Turmoil...

Andelius was playing hide and seek. He hid beneath the bed in his room, breathing as quietly as possible. His sister and mom told him to stay there, and only come out when they 'find' him.

That was the last time he saw them.

Just as he was reminiscing, the screams started to get louder and louder. They must've come searching again. Just like before, he held his breath.

"Yu...find...hoomun?" A gruff voice grunted nearby. Clenching his mouth tightly, young Andelius tried his best to remain as quiet as possible. Soon, the footsteps drifted away...

The key word here is 'tried'.

Soon, the footsteps drifted away. Just as he was about heave a sigh of relief, the bed in which he was under was lifted, revealing a horrendous face, teeth akimbo everywhere.


He could only watch in despair as the urk grabbed him by the legs and lift him towards the mouth...


Footpad walked down rocky trail, his feet aching in agony. He did not want to be here, yet her majesty required him to journey here...

For the Demon King

Urgh! Why do i have to meet these disgusting, filthy, unholy of all unholy, abominations. It would've been better if there were orbs still present, but alas, we must do with what we have. I hope he will follow our plans...

Just as he felt that he was nowhere near his destination, he heard it.

Moaning of all kinds pervaded the surrounding woods, culminating into several ramshackle huts, dotted near the river. He saw many urks, from blue to green, going in, their nether regions erect.

All with that nasty grin of theirs plastered across their faces.

Just then, a bedraggled woman managed to escape, her face filled with despair and hope. Despite having only one leg and a stump, she was surprisingly agile. She quickly managed to find her way towards the river, before jumping in. Just as she was about to be free, a harpoon penetrated her.

She could only watch in despair as an urk picked her up, swallowing her whole. The miserable screams that followed soon extinguished thoughts of rebellion among the women.

Such barbarity! Thank goodness we are at least more civilised than them...

Making his way further in, he found himslef i front of a grand tent, inside where his target lay:

The Grand Urk Chief

Covering his nose with a primitive gas mask, Footpad made his way in, where he witnessed a large, ugly red urk being serviced by multiple scared women. The blue tattoos etched on his skin pulsates every now and then, emanating traces of power, power that even Footpad trembled at.

Keeping his anxiety in check, he storde his way forwards. "Greetings, oh mighty Chief Orkanus. I am Captain Footpad of the fifth division of the Wabbit Coalition. I have been instructed by our Empress to remind you to keep your word, and aid us in the coming venture..."

The urkan Chief Orkanus, who, upon listening, laughed uproariously. "Wahahahah! That little runt thinks she can command me! How ballsy! Either way, i will honour our agreement, provided she gives me the share of the women of the city, and the loot promised to us. Everything will be fine, unless he were to leave his...


Hearing this, even Footpad shuddered visibly, as if the air had gotten colder.

For no one can defeat that madman...

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