Mutant Gamer In Marvel

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

" Mister Riviera, could you describe your powers?"

" Know that if you try to read my mind I will know, though you might be able to read some things, I will know," I told the professor with a serious tone, having had enough share of mind-raping for the day.

" You don't have to worry, we have already made sure that you are not a danger to yourself and anyone in your proximity, we just wish to know how we can help you learn to control your powers."

"... I have something in my brain that tells me ways to improve myself, and gives me rewards if I do something that can be considered helpful to my growth, this morning after sleeping for 8 hours my mind became sharper and ready to learn more things 8 hours, then it went back to normal, or another case would me learning how to defend my mind from mind reading, though the progress is slow, I am learning."

" Could I test your last statement?"

" I'd prefer having a girl inside me than a bald old man." The man I knew was named Logan snickered at my retort.

" Jean, could you?"

Jean nodded and just a second later the notification came, but I ignored it and instead went meditating, closing my eyes I started trying to feel her probing inside my mind, I tried to organize my memories in a way that only I could understand, and made the less important memories become a wall for the more important ones, but no matter what I did, I felt her going everywhere, thought it felt more going trough them than her reading my memories.

When I felt her stop I opened my eyes, the notification on my side telling me that even though I was unsuccessful I had still gained some rewards.


Meditation Lv.3=>5

Mind Fortress Lv.2=>5

Wis 3=>5


" I was able to see his memories, don't worry I didn't read anything that you considered important, and even though it was easy, he seemed to learn from his mistakes and improve his mental defences faster than anyone I have ever met."

" That's fascinating, if what he says is true then his powers are directly changing his body structure and knowledge to improve him, it is as if his powers have a mind of their own and want for their holder to survive, somewhat similar to Darwin's power but less direct evolution and more like a nudge towards the correct direction." Dr. McCoy said while rubbing his chin, his eyes sparkling with wonder.

" And you said you can also improve yourself physically right? Could you explain?" He asked after his mind out of his world.

"Unfortunately I wasn't able to fully test that part, the only physical thing I did today was cook an egg and bacon, and while they were the best egg and bacon I have ever made, I didn't feel much of a difference, the biggest gain I received just happened when Jean tried to read my mind."

" So pressure or difficulty speeds up the improvement, that makes sense." Ororo chipped her thought after hearing my reply.

" Do you have any idea what aspects you are to improve yourself?"

" For the skills things, I think I have limitless potential for whatever thing I do, this means that if before I wasn't talented in drawing now I have the average talent of any 18-year-old, for the more physical aspect."

For that part, I opened my status and read out my stats.

" Your Charisma?" Jean asked, seeming kind of disturbed for some reason.

" I think in this case charisma is intended for the physical aspect I wish to have, my ability to read people and my speech capabilities, like removing hesitation when I have to express my thoughts."

She nodded the disturbed eyes gone leaving behind only relief.

" And wisdom?" The professor asked.

" My judgment capabilities, pattern recognition and also seem able to speed up my ability to regain mental energies, like if I were to study for a whole day before I needed 5 hours to be ok, now I need 4 hours and 55 minutes."

Silence fell, everyone having their thoughts on what was implicated behind such a power, if what I said was true, then no matter what I did I would grow, whatever I put effort in, if given enough time, I could reach levels that maybe even surpassed the levels of Reed Richards and the like.

" I think I am starting to see why Cerebro almost broke." Kitty jokes trying to break the silence.

" And you also said that some of your abilities still have to be discovered right? How can you be so sure?"

"A hunch, it feels like whatever I am currently doing to improve myself is only a small grain of what my powers can do." Now that was the first full truth from the start of this conversation.

Taking a big breath the professor's smile returned and looked at Ororo, pointing at his desk with his eyes.

" Well Mister Riviera, regardless of what your powers are, we would like you to offer a permanent stay here at the mansion so that we can help you with your powers and your growth, would you like to accept?"

" What if I refuse, I am sorry to say this but I kind of like living on my own, sure I live in a shitty hole, I have to work every day to get food under my teeth and not be naked, I have to buy used books to save some money for the end of the month... regardless, I like having my independence."

" Nothing would happen, you would leave and we would remain on friendly terms, while we wouldn't be able to directly help you, we are just one phone call away from you if necessary."

'OK brain time to think, what do I gain from staying here? Learning how to use my powers, protection in the case someone discovers I am a mutant and decides to be racist, hot titty goth, good food, a house bigger than a classroom, what do I lose? Independence, possible uses of my power being discovered by others, having to live under the roof of two mind rapers, thought I would aware of when they are doing something.'

I stayed silent for a very long minute, my closed to help me focus, and exactly 60 seconds later, my eyes opened again, determination in them.

" I accept."

" Welcome home then." Xavier said while smiling

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