My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 69 Tentacles are us.

The next day after relaxing with my girls and frankly resetting from the long expedition I got back into the grind as I went outside and dropped all the Mithril I gathered from the armor and just the trace amounts I was able to strip from what I could reach in the walls of Moria.

I stared at the frankly larger than I could have hoped pile of the fantasy metal and I was a bit lost as to what I could do with it other than just infusing it into my own gear but honestly, I needed my physical body's abilities to grow and not rely as much on the magical items pure combat capability. Like instead of trying to make another powerful weapon I should try to make another fountain that infinitely produces high quality elixirs at the cost of adding some water every once in a while.

Or in other words I need something that could help me grow naturally or to change my body itself to become greater.

Like this Balrog for example... I had a strong suspicion if I were to fuse it with the Heart of the Mountain or with enough Divine material, I would get a demigod core or something that I could fuse within my body. I honestly considered trying it, but Balrog's are very much an evil entity so I would not want any divinity built off it otherwise who knows how it could screw with my personality.

Also, I couldn't get any truly divine remains down here in Genkai due to the way they have to seal their power and when they die, they literally turn into a massive pillar of light that destroys all remains of them.

"Sooo Jake what you gonna do with all this metal?" Lili asked me as I was helplessly pondering that very same question.

"I think I should make a little of it into a weapon and then sell said weapon to Hephestus for a load of drop items I could use to fuse into our gear and make other stuff." I thought aloud.

lili then poked a problem into my idea. "But that weapon would only be a mithril alloy unless you actually know how to forge?"

I could only throw all the fantasy metal back into my space ring as I exhaled heavily in thought. 'Honestly we just don't have the infrastructure to make use of all the things I can and will fuse... Could I get some Sci Fi fabricator that can make stuff after I shove stuff into it?'

Now as for the Lake Watcher... Yeah after confirming with Gandalf during the march through Moria that the monster was literally an eldritch monster from beyond the world or even was there before the native gods brought about Humans and Elves as that lake connects and is able to make portals into the stars every few decades, I also had no plans on eating it, but I was very interested in seeing if I could get some space manipulation abilities off it by fusing it with a necklace or something my armor's environmental control abilities are too important to possibly lose.

While carefully using the space cutting magic off my sword, I was able to cut out a little cross off a plate of Mithril and then fused it to a chunk of broken Mithril chainmail and most importantly the massive corpse of the Lake Watcher. "Fuse" I called as the chainmail I sectioned off stopped glowing as the cross and the corpse of the monster fused into it.

"That looks creepy as fuck..." Lili muttered obviously creeped out by the gleaming dark red cross with what was clearly slitted purple eye in the middle of the cross giving me Soul Edge vides as the eye glared at Lili in response to her statement, the cross in question was hanging on the shiny and pure silver toned mithril chain which heavily contrasted to the almost demonic looking red cross adorned with its creepy eye.

I concur with her statement, even if I wasn't brave enough to say so around, this clearly alive eye. But either way I put on the All-Seeing Glasses I stole back from Hestia to see what its description was before I decided to melt a couple of molten metal and rocks on it to then throw it in the ocean to never be found.

Unbound Eye of Eternity- every step is worth five, every month is worth a day, the soul of the Gate Watcher was merely scattered but as will its nature dictates, it will naturally recover with time and resources. beware the power of the Eldritch ways. - Diamond-

Well, this explains fucking all of nothing... And what the hell is that warning to beware the eldritch power... Other than the creepy feeling of the eye staring at me as I picked it up I didnt feel anything weird really, so I put it on despite Lili saying nope and leaving the back courtyard as fast as her short legs could carry her.

As I allowed to the cross to rest against my bare chest underneath my shirt I felt a hot burning sensation that seemed to bypass my Pure Body skill as the necklace's chain and the cross itself seemed to burrow into my skin light and I could feel my body somehow becoming more ethereal as my connection to my dimensional travel skill seemed to stir within my mind.

"Yeah Nope!" I said and with a force of will I seemed to crush the nascent will within the cross as I pressed my mind against the foreign presence pushing into my chest.

The eye on the cross then changed from its dark purple demonic slit into a more natural sky blue that matched my own and the cross itself lost its red coloring and turned a lively green.

As I went to take a step back into the church to discuss what the hell this thing was, I was literally launched into the church as space bent around me and I could only use my heightened agility to skid across the churches smooth marble floor.

Ok so I guess that explains the whole step equaling five thing so does that mean every month I live wearing this thing will only age me for a day?

"Well this will certainly lengthen my lifespan" I mumbled trying to do some math in my heads along the lines of considering as I was twenty years old and could probably live another seventy years not counting my falna extending it so that would leave me with eight hundred and forty months to live and multiply that by thirty as each month would only account for a single day of my lifespan I would be left with twenty five thousand and some change worth of months to live. In other words, I now had two thousand years of lifespan altogether.

Thats just my mortal lifetime and not including the extra lifespan my Falna may add.

Still either way it's not as good as becoming a cultivator, but I would be able to go to those universes at some point, when I felt safe enough to travel to such a place and not be struck by heavenly lightning for being an intruder or whatever.

"Jake! Lili said you became a tentacle monster and was going to molest us all. Is that true?" Hestia called boredly from downstairs' and I could almost see the deadpan expression she was wearing.

I couldn't help but snicker at the thought of that expression.

"Yeah, I'm coming down to lay eggs in your ears or something." I yelled back and I could hear her snort as well as what I thought to be Freya tittering in the background.

I think its best if I kept my newfound lifespan increasing object to myself as this world has a history of gods being petty shits and although I highly doubt Freya or Hestia would destroy or actually be able to destroy this in their current forms. I still didnt want to take any chances of them blabbing about it and gods knows what coming out the woodwork to steal such a thing away from me.

I would have loved to get going into the dungeon, but Ryuu and Bell were out in the city doing their own things.

Well, more like Bell is being smothered by Eina after going missing for a week as she has been thinking about following up on the offer Riveria once made to her, to join the Loki Familia like her mother was to help watch out for Bell.

In either case after me and Bell hit our fourth level, we would probably end up working with Loki's group more anyway to maximize our reach into the dungeon as trying to secure a campsite even on the 'safe' floors wasn't something half a dozen people could maintain against the wandering monster's.

I decided to go out to see if I could meet with Hephaestus and discuss if we could trade some of the mithril for a large shipment of monster drops or other treasures. Actually, with all the fantasy stuff here already I wonder if I could get magical herbs or something off of Demeter, but I was warned to stay away from her as she has apparently become a bit baby crazy with the news of Freya becoming pregnant.

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