Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 17: First Heavenly Realm

Chapter 17: First Heavenly Realm

As that surge of energy entered his body and came into contact with the circulating vitality, it ignited like a spark setting gasoline ablaze. While Chen Chu didn’t actually catch on fire, it certainly felt like his entire body had become engulfed in flames.

As strands of transcendent energy were absorbed into his body, Chen Chu's vitality burned even more vigorously, circulating throughout his entire body.

Bathed in the fiery embrace of transcendent energy, the nature of his vital essence underwent a unique transformation. As the energy spread throughout his body, muscles, bones, internal organs, connective tissues, and nerves all experienced substantial reinforcement at every passage.

This sensation bore a resemblance to the previous enhancement during the avatar’s evolution. It involved an overall improvement in physical fitness, with various aspects experiencing a significant boost under the influence of the transcendent energy.

Every minute, Chen Chu's body grew stronger. This situation compelled him to practice even more diligently, as his spiritual force fervently guided the influx of transcendent energy into his body.

The billowing vitality cultivated through the Body Refining Art served as the foundation for igniting the transcendent energy, while the intensity of spiritual force cultivated through meditation determined how much energy he could guide in a minute and influenced how long he could endure the process.

Both were indispensable. The person who could conceive and create such a Foundational Art was truly a genius.

As Chen Chu began his Foundation Building, back in the classroom, many of his classmates occasionally glanced at the empty seat where he usually sat.

A short-haired girl expressed her envy, saying, "Chen Chu hasn't arrived yet. He must have already made a breakthrough and gone to Mr. Pang for foundation training."

"I don't think so." A male student shook his head. "I remember when Chen Chu first practiced the Body Refining Art, it took him nearly fifty minutes to complete the first cycle, while most of us did it within twenty to thirty minutes. He’s got the poorest talent in our class, how could he possibly build his foundation faster than us?"

"No, I think he must have made a breakthrough. He was slow in circulating vitality the first time, but I watched him during later classes. He improved quickly. Yesterday, he effortlessly circulated vitality up to the eighth cycle."

"I also think he made a breakthrough."

"I’m so envious! I've only reached the seventh cycle in my practice, and I can only circulate up to the sixth cycle in half an hour. I wonder when I'll have a breakthrough."

"You're better off than me. I can only circulate up to the fifth cycle at once. If I push it more, I feel dizzy and exhausted to death."

"It's been half a month, and you're only at the fifth cycle? You might not have much hope. I suggest you consider choosing the humanities course."

"Oh! I've only reached the fourth cycle in my practice. What should I do..."


The state of Foundation Building endured for an extended period. It was only when Chen Chu's spiritual force had dwindled to the point where he could no longer channel external energy into his body that he gradually brought his practice to a stop.


After a long exhale, Chen Chu opened his eyes, a blend of weariness and exhilaration evident in them. Fatigue stemmed from the considerable mental exertion, while excitement arose from the tangible progress in his recent training.

Having achieved a successful foundation, he could distinctly feel the vitality within him, resembling a furnace, and his entire body brimmed with strength. A sensation of being capable of punching through walls enveloped him, though he was aware that this was an illusion caused by the sudden and substantial enhancement of his physique.

Suppressing the excitement within, Chen Chu mentally summoned the attributes page.

Physique: 21, Strength: 20, Agility: 19, and Spirit: 24.

All four attributes had increased by 9 points each, equivalent to double the average person's attributes. He also had a vague sense that this Foundation Building had not only significantly enhanced his physique but also brought about some other indescribable changes in his body.

Chen Chu was lost in thought as he opened the door.

Observing the handsome youth emerging, Pang Long nodded in satisfaction. "Well done, Foundation Building completed in two hours. This achievement is already considered above average. Judging by your appearance, you've gained significantly. Come, then, let's go pick a true martial art that suits you."

"Yes, sir." Chen Chu followed behind, somewhat excited.

The successful Foundation Building was just the beginning; what came next was truly stepping into the gate of cultivation.

The two took the elevator all the way to the top floor of the thirty three-story building. It resembled a massive library, containing bookshelves filled with paper books. Just when Chen Chu thought those books might be true martial arts manuals, Pang Long led him to another area resembling private rooms in an internet cafe.

"Each room is equipped with a computer,” Pang Long said. “Input your student ID and verify with facial recognition, then record your basic data. After that, you'll be able to browse the martial arts within your authorized access.

"Remember, the school divides the initial access for new students based on three days, one week, half a month, and one month. Having broken through Foundation Building within half a month, you qualify to learn two basic martial arts. Once a choice is made, it cannot be changed, so choose wisely.

"If you wish to learn higher level or different arts in the future, you'll need to exchange contribution points. The computer has explanations about what those are.

"In addition, those books outside are various Daoist and Buddhist scriptures, introductions to the allied nations, information on mutant beasts, and anecdotes about cultivators. It wouldn't hurt to take a look at them while cultivating.

"Alright, I'm off to have tea with someone. You can explore on your own." Once Pang Long finished explaining these things to Chen Chu, he walked into an office not far away. Inside, a middle-aged man was watering the flowers and plants on the balcony.

Securing an empty room, Chen Chu locked the door and took a seat on the sofa facing the computer. The machine was powered on and awaiting his student ID input.

"Beep! Student ID 2055...967... initiating facial recognition..."

Accompanied by the voice prompt, the camera on the monitor emitted a faint red light, scanning across Chen Chu's face.

"Verification successful. Welcome to the Celestial Think Tank System. Next is data entry. Please test your data using the device next to you according to the instructions. Please begin the first test, arm strength evaluation."

"So it’s a test?" Chen Chu stood up and approached the arm strength machine on the left side of the room. Grasping the rings on both sides of the machine, he took a deep breath, and his upper body muscles surged with strength as he pulled on them.

"Arm strength: 102 kilograms. Data uploaded. Please proceed to the punching strength test."


"Punching strength: 210 kilograms. Data uploaded. Please proceed to the kicking strength test."


"Kicking strength: 290 kilograms. Data testing complete. Your basic data has reached the entry standard for the First Heavenly Realm, granting you eligibility to claim contribution points. You can currently receive 3 contribution points per month.

"Please select a true martial art."

Once the computer was finished speaking, a browsing window appeared on the screen. Chen Chu didn't immediately start looking, however. Instead, he stood there, savoring the sensation of his unleashed strength from a moment ago.

An arm strength of one hundred kilograms, a punching strength of two hundred kilograms, and a kicking force close to three hundred kilograms—such power, if unleashed on an ordinary person, would be fatal... and that level of power was only the entry point into true martial arts. Indeed, it was a cultivation system capable of gradually surpassing technological civilizations.

Lost in contemplation, Chen Chu returned to his seat and clicked on the browsing window. On the monitor, more than fifty names appeared. Clicking on each one revealed a detailed description.

"Bright Jade Art, primary focus on defense with explosive movement capabilities. After cultivation, the body becomes as sturdy as jade. At an advanced level, the physical body can withstand bayonet charges and rifle bullets."

"Divine Light Sword Art, after cultivation, the sword’s radiance becomes agile and swift..."

"Explosive Bear Battle Body Art, primary focus on strength with defensive capabilities. After cultivation, vitality becomes robust, strength becomes astonishing, and few arts of the same level can compare."

"Ghost Shadow Leg Art, primary focus on speed with burst capabilities. After cultivation, astonishing agility is achieved, resembling a ghost at advanced level. Additionally, it remains undetectable by infrared devices."

"Dragon Elephant Art, primary focus on strength..."

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