Chapter 14: Chapter 13 Combat Form V1 Training
A/N This chapter is a bit repetitive, but that's because it was originally 3 chapters, I just put them all together.
Chapter 13 Combat Form V1 Training
Seiji woke up early, determined to continue his training with the Transformation Technique. After his discoveries the day before, he wanted to test more advanced applications for combat. He found a secluded spot in the forest and began his practice.
First, he tried to create extra limbs. Instead of growing arms from his back, he decided to enlarge his shoulders to make room for a second pair of arms. The transformation was successful, but when he tried to move them, he realized that his brain was not accustomed to the new anatomy. The arms were there, but he did not know how to control them properly.
Realizing this difficulty, Seiji understood why this technique was not used in this way. Even experienced ninjas would have trouble adapting to new limbs, and children would not even think about it. Still, he did not give up. To solve this problem, he decided to maintain this form continuously until his muscles and reflexes became accustomed. Thus, he created what he called "Combat Form V1".
In his Combat Form V1, Seiji transformed his body to become the size of a grown man. He created a two-meter tail that, in addition to helping with mobility, could be used as a sharp blade. His six arms were now better positioned on his shoulders, allowing him greater control over his movements. To confuse enemies, he added a third eye on his forehead, which could not see anything but could fool opponents into thinking he had no blind spot. In addition, he used the transformation along with rocks to increase his weight, balancing the distribution throughout his body and turning this training into a strengthening session similar to what Rock Lee did with weights.
Now that his Combat Form V1 was defined, he began to test his techniques with it. First, he tried performing the Rasengan. With one arm, it was easy, but he wanted to see if he could do two at the same time. He concentrated and, with great effort, managed to form two Rasengan, one in each hand. It was tiring, but possible. Next, he tried the Hyuuga Style, adapting the Eight Trigrams: 16 Palms to use with his six arms.
The first test was not very efficient. His extra arms were not perfectly coordinated, making his strikes irregular. Adjusting his posture, he made new mental calculations and managed to synchronize his movements better. With six arms, he could significantly increase the number of strikes he could deliver in a short period of time.
After several attempts, he concluded that his Combat Form V1 still needed adjustments, but it was already a promising advance. Seiji smiled in satisfaction. This was only the beginning of his true mastery of the Transformation Technique.
Chapter 14 - Combat Form V1
After having difficulty adapting to his new limbs and realizing that it would take more time to master the transformation technique, Seiji made a bold decision. He didn't want to let the limitations of adaptation slow his progress down. Seiji knew that in order to improve, he would need to live with the combat form until he got used to it. He felt that by continuing to transform his body and grow new limbs, he could eventually hone the combat form until he had mastered it completely.
So, he decided to keep the transformation permanently. He named this form "Combat Form V1," as if it were an early version of his true ability, something he would use as he learned to better control his new limbs, extra arms, and tail.
Seiji closed his eyes and concentrated, molding his transformation. When he opened his eyes, his body had changed. He was now the size of a grown man, but there was something remarkable about his shape. A two-meter tail extended from his back, as sharp as blades, ready to cut through anything in its path. His shoulders were wider, now with six arms sprouting from them, giving him an imposing and intimidating appearance. He felt that his muscles, now more defined, were fully prepared to support the extra weight he had added to his body.
In addition, he had embedded a Byakugan in his forehead. However, he knew that, unlike the real eye, the Byakugan did not work authentically. The eye was just a bluff, an illusion to fool his enemies into thinking he had 360-degree vision, which would make them fear that the blind spot behind his neck was impossible to reach. It was a psychological tactic, a strategic tool that he hoped to use to its fullest.
Finally, he had placed rocks around his body to balance his weight. These stones not only served as a means of resistance, like a Rock Lee-style weight training, but also helped to keep his form stable by distributing the weight evenly. Constant training with this weight would undoubtedly be a way to strengthen his body and improve his control of the transformation. Seiji experimented with the transformation with his arms, tail, and stones, testing each movement. At first, he had to concentrate, because the new limbs did not yet respond with the fluidity he wanted. He strained his arms and tried to move his tail in a coordinated manner, as if it were a new body, but he soon realized that, as powerful as his limbs and tail were, he still had to learn how to use them with agility. The tail, although long and sharp as a blade, needed to be handled with more precision. He tested spinning it, making quick cuts in the air, and realized that the tail could be a powerful weapon. But he also realized that, since it was a new part of his body, he still didn't have the dexterity needed to control it with the precision of a seasoned ninja.
As for his arms, Seiji felt as if he had taken on a new fighting style. He realized that, despite the difficulty in adapting to them, this form of combat offered a significant advantage. With six arms, he could use more weapons at once or even attack from multiple directions. But, like his tail, he still needed a lot of training to coordinate all of these arms and maintain a natural flow in combat.
Seiji paused and looked at his reflection in a nearby pool of water. He saw a new being before him—a warrior with many advantages and also many limitations. The V1 combat form, despite being only the initial version of his transformation, already showed much of his potential. He knew that, with time, he could improve this form until it became even more powerful.
"This form, despite its limitations, is my first true adaptation to the technique. Now, what I need to do is train, understand how to improve the movements and use them to my advantage. I need to be able to fight with all six arms and the tail by my side, not as disconnected parts, but as a part of me," Seiji reflected, placing his hand on his chest and preparing himself for the next training cycle. The transformation would not be easy, but he had already taken a big step. Now, he understood what he needed to do: keep training, adapting to the new form, learning to use each arm, the tail and the Byakugan as tools that formed a unit, not as isolated parts. It was a journey of patience and dedication, but Seiji was willing to continue and use his v1 combat form as the foundation for something much greater. "The v2 version will be stronger, more controlled. I will use my combat form as training and strategy until it becomes a natural extension of me," Seiji thought, a determined smile on his face. The training was
Seiji respirou fundo. Agora que sua transformação estava estável, era hora de testar como seus jutsus se comportariam nesse novo corpo. Ele precisava garantir que suas técnicas não apenas funcionassem, mas fossem aprimoradas por sua forma de combate V1.
Testando o Rasengan
Primeiro, ele decidiu testar o Rasengan. Normalmente, ele utilizava apenas uma mão para criá-lo, mas agora tinha seis braços à disposição. Seu primeiro instinto foi tentar moldá-lo com uma única mão, como sempre fazia. Porém, ao ativá-lo, sentiu que a distribuição de chakra estava instável.
"Se eu posso usar várias mãos, por que não tentar algo novo?"
Seiji moveu dois braços para estabilizar a formação do Rasengan, enquanto outro o moldava. A rotação ficou muito mais eficiente, pois ele podia gerar a esfera sem precisar de um clone das sombras ou de um suporte externo.
Então, veio a segunda ideia: usar dois Rasengans ao mesmo tempo. Ele se concentrou, distribuindo chakra para dois braços diferentes. Em poucos segundos, ele havia criado duas esferas giratórias, uma em cada mão. O peso extra de sua forma de combate ajudava a manter o equilíbrio, impedindo que fosse arremessado para trás pela força da técnica.
Mas ele queria mais. Ele tinha seis braços.
"E se eu tentar quatro de uma vez?"
A ideia era absurda, mas ele tentou. O chakra fluiu por seus braços enquanto ele formava os Rasengans simultaneamente. Com muito esforço e concentração, conseguiu ativar quatro deles, dois em cada lado do corpo. No entanto, a dificuldade de controlar tanta energia ao mesmo tempo era enorme. Ele sentia que precisava de mais controle para torná-los viáveis em combate real.
"Por enquanto, quatro é meu limite. Se eu quiser fazer seis, preciso fortalecer meu controle de chakra ainda mais."
Adaptação do Oito Trigramas: 16 Palmas
Depois de testar o Rasengan, ele passou para a Técnica dos Oito Trigramas: 16 Palmas. Seu novo corpo oferecia vantagens e desvantagens.
A primeira tentativa foi desastrosa. Seu corpo se movia de maneira descoordenada e seus braços extras atrapalhavam o fluxo natural da técnica. Seiji percebeu que a postura padrão do Punho Gentil não se encaixava bem na forma V1, pois havia sido projetada para um corpo humano normal.
"Se a forma tradicional não funciona, preciso criar meu próprio estilo."
Ele ajustou sua posição e decidiu usar os seis braços para aumentar a velocidade e a força da técnica. Normalmente, a 16 Palmas envolvia dois golpes iniciais, depois quatro, oito e, por fim, dezesseis. Mas com seis braços, ele podia multiplicar esse número drasticamente.
Ele atacou uma árvore próxima, usando os braços extras para acelerar a execução da técnica. Cada palma atingia com força e precisão, mas os braços extras também atrapalhavam o fluxo natural. Ele precisaria de mais tempo para ajustar a cadência dos golpes.
Então, teve uma ideia: alternar os braços para aumentar a fluidez. Em vez de tentar atacar com todos ao mesmo tempo, ele os coordenou em sequência, criando um ritmo onde os golpes fluíam de maneira contínua. Dessa forma, os ataques se tornavam ainda mais rápidos e eficientes.
"Isso... isso pode funcionar!"
Ele nomeou essa adaptação como "Oito Trigramas: Palmas da Tempestade", pois os golpes caíam como uma chuva torrencial sobre o inimigo.
Usando a Cauda no Combate
Além dos braços extras, ele queria testar a utilização da cauda em combate.
Ele começou atacando com os braços enquanto mantinha a cauda imóvel, tentando se concentrar apenas nos golpes. Mas quando tentava movimentar a cauda ao mesmo tempo, seu cérebro parecia entrar em conflito. Era como tentar escrever com uma mão enquanto desenhava com a outra – difícil e confuso.
"Preciso tratar a cauda como uma extensão do meu corpo, e não como um acessório."
Ele treinou por horas, praticando pequenos movimentos para que seu corpo se acostumasse com a cauda. Descobriu que, se relaxasse e deixasse os reflexos trabalharem sozinhos, a cauda respondia melhor.
Depois de vários testes, ele conseguiu criar um estilo de luta onde usava os braços para atacar e a cauda para contra-atacar, desviando e atingindo o oponente de surpresa.
Conclusão: Evoluindo a Forma de Combate
Depois de um dia inteiro de treino, Seiji sentia seu corpo exausto. Ele havia aprendido muito sobre as limitações e vantagens de sua forma V1.
O Rasengan poderia ser aprimorado com múltiplos braços, mas exigia muito controle de chakra.
A Técnica de 16 Palmas precisava ser ajustada para usar os braços extras com eficiência.
A cauda era uma ferramenta valiosa, mas exigia adaptação para ser usada com fluidez.
"Essa é só a versão inicial da minha forma de combate. Mas com o tempo, eu posso aprimorá-la e torná-la perfeita."
Seiji respirou fundo e sorriu. Seu treinamento estava apenas começando.