Chapter 52: Chapter 19
The sun had set, casting a warm orange hue over Marineford as Naruto's ship docked at the harbor. As the crew disembarked, they could immediately sense the tension in the air. Z, the gruff and no-nonsense Marine, was standing by, his expression a mixture of frustration and anger.
The moment he laid eyes on Naruto and Adam, his anger flared. "You little brats, who gave you permission to leave?" Z stormed toward them, his voice booming as he pointed a finger accusingly.
Naruto quickly tried to deflect the blame. "Sir, it wasn't me. I was forced by Adam."
Adam, standing beside Naruto with a grin, responded with his usual bravado, "You little bitch."
Z was unrelenting, his glare like a storm about to unleash. "It doesn't matter. You could've put up more of a resistance, but you let him drag you along, so you're both guilty. Three days in lock-up, and you'll be getting prisoner rations." Z said, his voice sharp and commanding as guards swiftly took the two boys away.
Adam, unable to hold back, muttered a curse under his breath, "damn you, you damn muscle bastard."
Z laughed at the outburst, his anger seeming to momentarily subside. "Haha, now that's more like it. Show more aggression, be the dino that you're supposed to be." His teasing tone only fueled Adam's annoyance, but he said nothing further as he was led away.
The rest of the crew split off in different directions, and Naruto, after giving a slight bow of respect to Z, made his way toward the captain's office. He was expected there, and he wasn't surprised by the serious atmosphere waiting for him. As he walked into the office, Z looked up from his desk, his face somber.
"So, who was it?" Naruto asked, his voice steady as he took a seat across from Z.
Z exhaled a heavy sigh, clearly agitated. "Simon."
Naruto's eyes narrowed. "Should have killed him when I had the opportunity."
Z shook his head, regret evident in his features. "Yeah, well… that was a mistake. One wrong move and your body could've been left out there. We can't afford to make mistakes like that."
Naruto's expression softened, his own emotions bleeding through as he spoke. "Everyone makes a mistake, so don't be down, Teacher." The sincerity in his voice was palpable, as he understood all too well what it felt like to have regrets and the burden of responsibility weighing heavily on him.
Z smiled faintly at Naruto's words, his rough exterior momentarily cracking. "Thanks, boy. I'm really proud of you." He placed his hands on Naruto's shoulders, a rare moment of affection from the gruff Marine.
Naruto nodded, grateful for the acknowledgment, but he had a request in mind. "I know there's a reward for Simon's death, but can I ask for something? I'd like you to hunt down a strong, mean Sea King for me. The world won't miss one, there are too many of them."
Z raised an eyebrow, his mood turning more serious. He looked at Naruto for a long moment before letting out a sigh. "It's manageable, but don't make a habit of asking me for favors like this."
Naruto gave a small, respectful nod. "I won't. This is a special circumstance, and it will help me a lot."
Z didn't respond immediately but after a brief pause, he agreed. "Fine. I should have one ready for you by tomorrow morning. Now, go check in with the doctor."
Naruto thanked him before making his way out of the office. The air was thick with the knowledge that the task at hand was far from over, but it felt good to have Z's support, even if it was begrudging. He headed toward his home, where the homemade medicine awaited. After using higher-level ingredients, the concoction had been improved and would help him recover faster. It would strengthen him from the inside out, improving his body and healing abilities.
That blood, bones, and organs of high-level beasts will boost my healing rate and improve my body overall, Naruto thought as he walked. He knew that this approach was too slow, and relying on external healing materials wasn't always feasible. This was the fastest way to enhance his body without the constant need for external help.
I'll need someone with those capabilities, Naruto thought, contemplating his future plans. He knew that his journey was far from over and that the challenges ahead would require more than just his own strength. But for now, he could take advantage of the resources available to him.
With determination in his heart, Naruto made his way to the doctor, ready to take the next step in his path to greater power.
The morning light streamed through the window, casting a warm glow over the room as Naruto woke up alone. He could hear the sharp sounds of Hina's training in the distance—her strikes were faster, more focused than before.
It seems getting hurt was good motivation for Hina, Naruto thought with a smile as he stretched and made his way to wash up. His body felt light, though still not fully healed, and he was certain that by next week, he'd be back to full strength.
As he exited the washroom, he found Hina waiting for him, her eyes filled with concern.
"Good morning, Hina. It's good that your senses haven't dulled," he teased lightly, not bothering to be stealthy as he walked out.
Hina smiled softly, looking him over. "Good morning to you as well. How do you feel?"
"No problem, I should be completely healed by next week," Naruto replied, wrapping his arms around her in a warm hug before planting a gentle kiss on her lips.
Hina seemed to brighten at his words and pulled him toward the dining table. "Breakfast is ready for you. I practiced in my free time," she said, beaming with pride.
Naruto sat down, savoring the appetizing sight of eggs on the table. He took a bite and chewed thoughtfully before looking up at her. "It's nice, you did well, Hina. Come, sit."
Hina's face lit up with happiness at the praise, and she joined him at the table. They enjoyed the meal together, feeding each other and sharing quiet moments. Once they were done, Hina returned to her training, her dedication clear as she pushed herself even harder. Naruto, meanwhile, decided to focus on refining his Haki training.
As he meditated and cleared his mind, he worked on extending his range and improving his accuracy. While he had made progress with predicting things he had already seen, predicting the unknown was still elusive. It would require more practice and honing.
While he trained, he felt a familiar presence approaching. He opened his eyes to sense Z nearing with something large—a sea king, perhaps?
Naruto quickly made his way to the door just as Z, looking pleased with himself, kicked it open.
"Hey there, brat. How do you feel now?" Z's deep voice boomed, and he entered, dragging a massive creature behind him.
"I'm feeling well, just need a few days to fully recover," Naruto said, offering a grin.
Z smirked, clearly proud of his accomplishment. "Good. Here's what you requested. It's a sea king of the depths—a Leviathan. Put up a great fight, but it met me."
Naruto stared at the 50-meter beast's massive corpse, feeling a deep sense of gratitude. "Thank you, teacher. This is more than I expected. I don't know how I can repay this favor."
Z clapped a large hand on Naruto's shoulder. "No problem, boy. I believe you'll do great things in the future. This is nothing."
Naruto nodded, feeling a deep respect for the man who had offered him such a gift. "Then I'll definitely return the favor, something big. You deserve it."
Z chuckled. "It's your choice. I'll be happy with whatever you give. Just make sure it's from the heart."
"I'll make sure it's grand and worthy of your stature," Naruto said with a confident smile.
Z waved him off as he turned to leave. "I'll look forward to it then."
As Naruto watched him leave, he turned his attention to the enormous beast in front of him. He was grateful for the opportunity, but he had a lot of work to do. Grabbing his sword, he coated it with Haki and began cutting into the beast. The blade cut through the flesh with ease, but even with Haki, the bones of the Leviathan were incredibly durable, causing the sword to chip.
I need to make my Armament Haki stronger, Naruto thought with a frown as he inspected the damage to his blade. And I definitely need a better blade.
Arachne's voice rang in his head, full of pride. "Master, you still have me. We can fight efficiently without those useless weapons."
Naruto chuckled inwardly. Haha, yes, Arachne is the best. But it's better to have more options, so I'm not stuck in a situation where you're occupied.
After finishing his work, Naruto transported the materials to the warehouse, keeping what he needed for now. He spent the rest of the day grinding bones into powder, making potions to improve his strength and healing capabilities. He also made sure to provide Arachne with some of the blood and meat, which helped her grow stronger, feeding off the grudges and lingering resentment the creature had in life.
By evening, Naruto had completed his tasks, and he joined the crew for dinner. The table was filled with laughter and the sound of clinking dishes as they enjoyed his cooking. Hina's insistence on making the food taste good had definitely paid off, and it was clear that Naruto's skills in the kitchen had improved.
As the night went on, Naruto felt a sense of contentment. He was on the right path, working hard to grow stronger, and surrounding himself with those who mattered. The future might still be uncertain, but he knew one thing for sure: he wasn't going to let anything stand in his way.
The atmosphere around the table was warm as Adam took another large bite of the meat, his voice full of mock admiration. "Bro, you've grown a lot. You might as well become my personal chef," he said, smiling with his mouth full.
Naruto just shook his head, the playful tone in Adam's words not quite reaching his ears. He ate quietly, letting the conversation swirl around him as he enjoyed the peace of the moment. Hina, always attentive to him, pampered him in her own quiet way, making sure he had everything he needed.
However, not everyone was as carefree as the others. Smoker, sitting across the table, appeared lost in thought. His eyes darted between Adam and Naruto, a deep, contemplative look in his eyes. He was a smart man, and his instincts told him that things weren't as simple as they seemed.
Even in this gathering, there are deeper secrets than I can fathom, Smoker mused, his gaze inadvertently shifting between the two men, Adam and Naruto. They're too bloodthirsty. They'll end up being captured for their crimes in the future, the way they're going. But are they wrong? Is this really the best way to clean up the world's wrongs? Why waste money on criminals by putting them in jail, when they've already lost their rights by killing?
The more he thought about it, the deeper Smoker's thoughts spiraled, his mind becoming clouded with a darker perspective. It was clear that he was beginning to see the world through the lens that Adam and Naruto had long embraced.
Naruto, noticing Smoker's shift in mood, smiled subtly. He could sense the change, a transformation beginning to take shape. He will be a great hand in this game of life, Naruto thought, understanding that it was only a matter of time before Smoker aligned himself with their way of thinking.
It was clear now that Drake, too, was conflicted. Without any encouragement, the man seemed discouraged by the thought of serving the world government. Adam's hatred for the organization was well known, and Smoker was slowly but surely coming around. As for Hina, she was already lost to the world in the most personal way imaginable.
I am her world, Naruto thought, a warm smile forming on his face as he looked at the affectionate expression on Hina's face. He could see the adoration in her eyes, the way she looked up at him as if he were everything to her. Everything she does will revolve around me.
The next morning, Naruto woke up feeling significantly stronger. His body had healed a great deal, and he felt that within a few more days, he'd be back to his full strength.
Should be able to train after three more days, Naruto mused as he rose from bed, stretching his muscles. He had work to do, and there were things to send out to Bell and her crew.
As he was about to leave, he heard Hina's voice from behind him. "Where are you taking those?"
Naruto turned around, showing her the contents in his hands. "Sending them to a kid I found interesting on the island where I stayed."
Hina nodded, though a subtle, fleeting emotion passed through her—something that Naruto could sense with his Haki, though he didn't react. She smiled at him, though it was clear that the idea of him sending things to another woman stirred something deep inside her. She restrained the feeling, keeping her emotions in check. "Okay, come back quickly and eat breakfast," she said, her tone warm and gentle.
Naruto smiled softly in return before heading out, the contents in hand. He made his way to the post office, sending the items along with a letter explaining he'd be visiting in a month. After paying, he left, his thoughts consumed by a quiet, determined focus.
These medicines and meats should have a significant effect on them, Naruto thought, walking through the streets. They're weak, but fortunately, I met Nami earlier. If I hadn't, she might have lost her potential. Now, she has a chance to grow to a much higher level than she would have without my help.
Patience, he knew, was something that had been hard-earned through disasters and hardships. It was the kind of patience that made him think twice before acting rashly. Taking in a deep breath, he exhaled slowly, focusing his mind on the bright future ahead.
Bright for me, not for others, he reminded himself, feeling his determination harden with each step he took. The future was his to mold, and he would do whatever it took to make it the way he wanted.