Chapter 15: Destiny
Toruri's voice sliced through the tension like a blade as they neared the forest's edge. "Kuroshi, we're getting real close to the forest."
"Keep going," Kuroshi responded tersely, her tone betraying a hint of apprehension.
"I know! It's not like I'm gonna stop and let them kill us," Toruri shot back, his voice tinged with frustration as they hurtled towards the looming expanse of trees.
Ah, I see, they're trying to lose us by entering the forest," Heunae remarked, his keen intellect piecing together their strategy with unnerving accuracy. "Hey, horseman, you can do whatever you want with the forest. Now that they know about the castle, we don't need it to hide us anymore."
The headless horseman nodded in understanding, its ethereal form pulsating with newfound purpose. "Hono No Yari skill 1: Ignite."
With a surge of power, the headless horseman ignited its lance, the flames dancing hungrily along its length as it plunged into the heart of the forest.
"What the hell is he doing?" Toruri exclaimed, his eyes widening in disbelief as he watched the destruction unfold before him.
"Hono No Yari skill 2: Burst," the headless horseman commanded, its voice echoing with eerie authority.
With a deafening roar, the lance emitted a powerful burst of flames that engulfed the surrounding forest in a blazing inferno, consuming everything in its path with relentless fury.
"Up we go!" Toruri cried out, his heart pounding with adrenaline as he summoned his wings and took to the sky, seeking refuge from the devastation below.
"Ok, no way they can catch us here...right?" Toruri muttered to himself, his voice laced with uncertainty as he soared higher into the darkness.
But his hopes were swiftly dashed as two hands, eerily similar to Heunae's, reached out and grabbed hold of both of his wings, pulling him back with a strength that belied their spectral form.
"Ah! Stop it, Kuroshi!" Toruri protested, his voice tinged with panic as he struggled against the unseen force.
"T-that's not me..." Kuroshi stammered, her own fear mirroring Toruri's as they grappled with the mysterious assailant.
"Don't tell me..." Toruri's voice trailed off in horror, his worst fears confirmed as the truth dawned upon him.
"Yume No Ju skill 2: Blade," Kuroshi whispered, her voice trembling as she summoned forth a short blade from her gun, its gleaming edge poised to strike.
"Crap, I'm not getting out of this anytime sooner! Wait, where's Toi?" Toruri wondered aloud, his thoughts turning to his absent companion.
Toi, unnoticed amidst the chaos, lay on the ground playing dead, his form obscured by the billowing smoke and flames.
Toruri's panicked thoughts raced as he struggled against Heunae's inexorable grip. "Blade?! Woah Woah Woah! Keep anything sharp away from my wings-"
Kuroshi's attempt to strike at the hands met with unexpected resistance, the blade bouncing off harmlessly. "What? What is this?" she muttered in confusion as the unseen assailant tightened its hold on Toruri's wings, sending them plummeting towards the ground below.
"Kuroshi! Get off of me... Hurry before you get hurt!" Toruri shouted, his voice strained with urgency as they hurtled towards the burning forest below.
With a leap of faith, Kuroshi disentangled herself from Toruri's grasp and landed delicately amidst the flames, her eyes scanning the chaos for any sign of their assailant.
"Tch, Ah, shit, this sucks!" Toruri cursed, his body crashing painfully into the scorched earth beside Kuroshi.
As the flames danced around them, the headless horseman stepped forward, its ethereal form wreathed in flickering light. "Hono No Yari skill 3: Gather," it intoned, drawing the surrounding fires into its weapon with a gesture of its spectral hand.
"End of the line here," Heunae declared, his voice cold and resolute as he advanced towards Toruri and Kuroshi. "I don't plan on sparing you worms, so it'll be better if you'd just surrender."
"Wh-who is this guy? How did he grab me from up there?" Toruri muttered incredulously, his mind reeling with disbelief.
"Kuroshi, run for I-" Toruri's warning was cut short as Kuroshi bolted away, leaving Toruri to face their enemy alone.
"You- what-" Toruri's voice trailed off in confusion as he watched Kuroshi disappear into the smoke and flames.
"Hehe," Heunae chuckled darkly, his eyes glinting with malice as he focused his attention on Toruri. "Headless horseman, you deal with her. I'll deal with this ant."
"Good, one-on-one action! Just how I like it," Toruri declared defiantly, steeling himself for the battle ahead.
As the headless horseman pursued Kuroshi into the burning forest, Toruri squared his shoulders and raised both hands in preparation for the fight.
"Oh, you're fighting?" Heunae remarked casually, his demeanor betraying a hint of amusement.
"Hell yeah! I'm not letting you kill me," Toruri shot back, his voice filled with determination.
"Ok, I'll give you the first... 30 hits," Heunae offered, his tone laced with condescension.
"Easy win! Enhancement magic," Toruri declared, his body surging with newfound strength as he launched a barrage of punches at Heunae's chest.
But to his dismay, Heunae barely flinched, his expression unchanged as Toruri's blows rained down upon him. Undeterred, Toruri continued to attack, striking at every part of Heunae's body above the waist with all his might.
"That was 29 punches," Heunae remarked nonchalantly, his voice tinged with amusement.
"No! This is a fight!" Toruri protested vehemently, his frustration mounting with each futile blow.
With a swift motion, Heunae stretched out his arm and wrapped it around Toruri, immobilizing him with surprising ease.
"Gah! What the hell?" Toruri exclaimed, his struggles proving futile against Heunae's vice-like grip.
"I'll tell you this much," Heunae began, his voice low and menacing as he leaned in close. "I have a magical weapon by the name of Shimo Be No Muchi. It's a chain around five times the size of my body, and I can shrink and extend it at will. But the drawback is that I can't unsummon it."
"Ok?" Toruri responded uncertainly, his mind racing to comprehend the implications of Heunae's words.
"What do you think you're punching right now?" Heunae continued, his tone dripping with malice.
"You?" Toruri ventured, his confusion evident as he struggled to make sense of Heunae's cryptic words.
"Yes and no," Heunae replied cryptically, a sinister smile playing across his lips. "You see, at a young age, a goblin stole all of my bones, and my lord used some of his powerful magic to modify my Geji to put my magical weapon in place of my bones. I can freely move my body around like any normal person, and I can function like any normal person. But thanks to my magical weapon, I don't feel pain. I don't feel anything."
"Ew, weird," Toruri muttered, his revulsion mingling with a growing sense of dread.
"Say what you want, but your death is still inevitable," Heunae declared ominously, his grip tightening around Toruri's body.
"Crap, I'm not getting out of this anytime sooner! Wait, where's Toi?" Toruri wondered aloud, his thoughts turning to his absent companion.
Toi, unnoticed amidst the chaos, lay on the ground playing dead, his form obscured by the billowing smoke and flames.
Toruri's frustration bubbled to the surface as he spotted Toi lying amidst the chaos. "Toi, you ass!!!"
Heunae's brow furrowed in curiosity at Toruri's outburst. "Hm?"
"Er, nothing, don't worry about it," Toruri replied hastily, his voice strained with annoyance.
"Are you talking to that doll?" Heunae inquired, his gaze piercing as he focused on Toi's motionless form.
"No, I think some kid left it here... or something," Toruri muttered dismissively, his attention returning to the impending confrontation.
"After I kill you, I'll take care of that doll," Heunae declared with a smirk, his words carrying a sinister undertone.
"Ugh," Toruri groaned inwardly, his frustration mounting with each passing moment.
Meanwhile, in another part of the battlefield, Ryoshi and Onri continued their fierce duel, their bodies battered and bruised from the relentless onslaught.
Ryoshi, his coat torn and his breath ragged, glared defiantly at his opponent. "No cheap tricks, Onri!"
Onri, her form shifting effortlessly between human and wolf, met his gaze with a steely resolve. "Cheap tricks? All I've been doing is attacking you."
"But you do that bullshit teleporting thing Fuyu does. It's not fair because I can't see it nor can I move at that speed," Ryoshi argued, frustration lacing his words.
"But you react to it?" Onri countered, her voice calm and measured as she analyzed their exchange.
"Yeah..." Ryoshi admitted reluctantly, his mind racing as he considered her words.
"If you can react to it, I think you could also move as fast as it. You just need to try," Onri suggested, her eyes glinting with determination.
Before Ryoshi could respond, Onri blurred into motion, her speed almost too fast for the eye to follow as she surged towards him with lethal intent. Despite Ryoshi's valiant efforts to defend himself, Onri's final attack landed true, sending him crashing into a nearby wall with bone-jarring force.
Ryoshi winced as he nursed his wounds. "KA- Ouch, you snake."
Onri approached him, her expression softening with a hint of sympathy. "Never let your guard down. That's enough training for now, though. I'll teach you something else called a weapon skill."
"Weapon skill? Isn't it like that thing where you say your weapon's name, then say the numbered skill, then say the skill itself?" Ryoshi queried, his curiosity piqued despite his discomfort.
"Yes, every magical weapon has up to 4 weapon skills, ranging from combat-based to abilities that can warp reality itself," Onri confirmed, her voice tinged with authority.
"So, combat-based skills?" Ryoshi pressed, eager to learn more about the possibilities that lay ahead.
"No, there are also defensive, healing, and many more skills you could have," Onri explained, her tone measured as she outlined the breadth of possibilities.
"Sweet, I wonder which ones I have now," Ryoshi mused, his mind racing with excitement at the prospect of unlocking new abilities.
"Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if you were to get a common weapon skill," Onri remarked casually, her gaze thoughtful as she considered Ryoshi's potential.
"Oh, so there are rarities?" Ryoshi inquired, his interest piqued by the notion of unique abilities.
"No, most magical weapons have their unique functions, but sometimes, to fill in the extra gaps for abilities, you might end up with an already owned ability," Onri clarified, her voice steady as she dispelled any misconceptions. "Common ones consist of your normal magic bubble shields, engulfing your weapon in magic to enhance its power, shooting fireballs or any magic-related ball, or just a plain old flying ability."
"Those all sound like great abilities to have," Ryoshi remarked, his enthusiasm undimmed by the prospect of more mundane skills.
"From the ones I've seen, they make the abilities that I just now listed seem useless," Onri admitted, a hint of admiration coloring her words as she considered the vast potential of Ryoshi's weapon.
"Must be some cool abilities. How can I learn one?" Ryoshi asked eagerly, his eyes shining with anticipation.
"You learn a new ability every time you get stronger, so you could unlock your first ability... right about now," Onri revealed, her gaze lingering on Ryoshi with a mixture of pride and expectation.
"Huh, really?!" Ryoshi exclaimed, his excitement bubbling over at the prospect of newfound power.
"Yeah, you've gotten way stronger," Onri confirmed, her voice filled with quiet confidence. "Your reflexes have sharpened, and you've gotten physically stronger because you can block full-on attacks from me without being sent flying across the room."
"Wow, I feel better about myself now... Ability time!" Ryoshi declared, determination burning in his eyes.
"What's the name of the ability?" Onri inquired, her tone encouraging as she guided Ryoshi through the process.
"I don't know," Ryoshi admitted, his uncertainty giving way to determination.
"Listen to your weapon. Remember, your weapon can put words in your mouth," Onri advised, her wisdom cutting through Ryoshi's hesitation.
"What? You never told me that," Ryoshi protested, his surprise evident in his voice.
"Well, now you know. Just go with your gut on this," Onri encouraged, her faith unwavering as she watched Ryoshi take his first steps towards unlocking his true potential.
"Okay, here I go! Surikku No Ha skill 1: Ice Reversal," Ryoshi proclaimed, his voice ringing with conviction as he called upon the power within.
The writing on Ryoshi's sword glowed blue, but to his disappointment, nothing happened.
"Here we go!" Ryoshi declared, his anticipation giving way to frustration as he waited for a response. But still, nothing changed.
"Onri: Nothing? That sucks," Onri remarked, her disappointment palpable.
Ryoshi frowned, perplexed by the unexpected turn of events. "Why is it glowing?"
"I guess it's just another enhanced power strike. That's disappointing, I thought you had something," Onri replied, her tone tinged with regret as she approached Ryoshi to examine his sword.
As Onri tapped his sword, her entire arm suddenly froze into a block of ice, leaving her stunned and helpless.
"What the- my arm! I don't know what, but I can't break out of this ice. What's going on?" Onri exclaimed, panic creeping into her voice as she struggled against the icy prison.
"Huh?!" Ryoshi gasped in shock, his eyes widening with alarm as he watched the scene unfold before him.
"I think that my blood is freezing!!!" Onri cried out, her voice trembling with fear as she grappled with the terrifying realization of her predicament.
"Let me help!" Ryoshi offered, moving to assist her, but Onri held him back with a solemn gesture.
"Don't. I can't even feel my arm right now. I think my arm is-" Onri's sentence trailed off as her frozen limb detached from her body, falling to the ground with a soft thud.
"I'm so sorry!!!" Ryoshi exclaimed, his heart sinking with guilt at the sight of Onri's injury.
"It's fine. That was painless, and I'm not bleeding somehow," Onri reassured him, her voice calm despite the ordeal.
"Yeah, I know, but you lost your arm," Ryoshi muttered, his remorse weighing heavily on him.
"Don't worry. Healing Ice magic," Onri announced, her tone matter-of-fact as she concentrated on repairing the damage.
With a wave of her hand, Onri recreated her arm before Ryoshi's astonished eyes.
"How did you do that?" Ryoshi asked, awe coloring his voice as he watched the miraculous transformation.
"Ice healing magic can make permanent limbs... well, this arm will become permanent in under an hour," Onri explained, her gaze focused on her newly restored limb.
"Cool, can't wait until I learn ice healing magic," Ryoshi remarked, his mind already racing with the possibilities.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's talk about that ability of yours," Onri interjected, eager to redirect their focus back to Ryoshi's newfound power.
"Well, the writing on it started to glow, and when you tapped it... it froze you," Ryoshi recounted, his words tinged with wonder as he tried to make sense of the mysterious phenomenon.
"Is it like a counter? Where if you touch the blade when the counter is activated, it freezes the opponent?" Onri speculated, her curiosity piqued by the potential implications of Ryoshi's ability.
"Probably. That's very cool, though," Ryoshi agreed, a sense of pride swelling within him at the thought of his unique power.
"Yeah, now let's get back to training," Onri declared, her determination undiminished as she prepared to guide Ryoshi on the next stage of his journey.