Chapter 28: Burnt Ice
Ryoshi watched Hiyoku's movements with wary eyes, his mind racing as he assessed his opponent's strategy.
What is this guy thinking? He has some confidence to just stand there Ryoshi thought to himself, his heart pounding with adrenaline.
"So you're waiting for me to attack, are you?" Hiyoku's voice cut through the tense silence, his tone brimming with arrogance.
"Yeah... maybe... why?" Ryoshi replied, his voice laced with skepticism.
"So you're a counter attacker," Hiyoku observed, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.
"Yeah... maybe... why?" Ryoshi echoed, his response deliberately nonchalant.
"So I can see what you can do quick!" Hiyoku declared, his impatience evident in his voice.
Without warning, Hiyoku leaped forward, launching a flurry of punches at Ryoshi with lightning speed. Ryoshi reacted with agility, dodging the attacks with precision.
"Surriku No Ha!" Ryoshi called out, summoning his sword just in time to block two more punches from Hiyoku.
But Hiyoku was relentless. With a swift movement, he grabbed Ryoshi's sword and deftly side-kicked him, sending Ryoshi staggering backward.
"Yaha," Hiyoku taunted, jabbing Ryoshi twice in quick succession, his blows landing with precision.
Ryoshi gritted his teeth, feeling the sting of Hiyoku's attacks. With determination burning in his veins, he summoned his ice magic, creating multiple blocks of ice to shield himself from Hiyoku's onslaught.
"We can use magic now? Sweet," Hiyoku remarked, his eyes alight with excitement.
With a swift motion, Hiyoku unleashed a barrage of fireballs at Ryoshi. Reacting quickly, Ryoshi transformed two blocks of ice into a makeshift shield, blocking most of the projectiles before the last fireball shattered the barrier.
"Fire Magic: Fire Axe Punch!!!" Hiyoku announced, his right hand engulfed in flames as he charged forward.
Ryoshi leaped out of the way, narrowly avoiding Hiyoku's fiery punch as it slammed into the ground, sending a pillar of fire shooting upwards. Undeterred, Hiyoku pressed on, his hands ablaze as he launched a relentless assault on Ryoshi.
With skill and determination, Ryoshi blocked each strike, his ice magic providing a temporary defense against Hiyoku's fiery onslaught. But Hiyoku wasn't finished yet.
As Hiyoku spun around, his movements blurring with speed, Ryoshi braced himself for the final blow. With a burst of light, Hiyoku's fist transformed into two fingers, aimed directly at Ryoshi.
Caught off guard by the unexpected maneuver, Ryoshi prepared himself for the next phase of the battle, knowing that victory would require every ounce of his skill and determination.
"Eh?" Ryoshi exclaimed in surprise as Hiyoku unleashed a devastating attack.
With a swift motion, Hiyoku stuck up his thumb and transformed his hand into a finger gun, unleashing a large ball of fire that struck Ryoshi head-on. The force of the impact sent Ryoshi hurtling through multiple blocks of ice before crashing into the barrier, where the explosion engulfed him.
"You're finished!" Hiyoku declared triumphantly, his voice dripping with satisfaction.
As Hiyoku prepared to deliver the final blow, Ryoshi's mind raced, searching for a way to turn the tide of the battle.
"Skill 1: Ice Reversal!!!!" Ryoshi shouted, desperation fueling his voice.
With a swift motion, Ryoshi brought his sword up to intercept the beam of fire, channeling his ice magic into the blade. The fiery beam collided with the sword, instantly transforming into a giant block of ice.
"You froze my fire? KAH, for that, I'll burn you to ashes," Hiyoku seethed, his frustration evident.
"Cool down, man... hehe, pun intended," Ryoshi quipped, despite the pain coursing through his body.
"Fire Magic: Fire Square!" Hiyoku roared, unleashing another barrage of flames.
Ryoshi braced himself, blocking the square of fire with his sword. But to his horror, the flames didn't dissipate; instead, they engulfed the ground beneath him, trapping him within a fiery prison.
"Eh? What is this?" Ryoshi gasped, his eyes widening in disbelief.
"Fire Magic: Fire Rectangle!" Hiyoku bellowed, his voice echoing with power.
The square of fire erupted into a blazing rectangle, its searing heat searing Ryoshi's skin.
"GHAAAAH!!!" Ryoshi cried out in agony as the flames consumed him.
But even as he writhed in pain, Ryoshi refused to give up. With determination burning in his eyes, he forced himself to stand, his body battered but unbowed.
"You're still standing? Kahahaha, this should end you. Ash Magic: Slag Bullet!" Hiyoku sneered, his eyes narrowing with malice.
As Hiyoku unleashed his final attack, Ryoshi knew he had to act fast. With a swift swing of his sword, he deflected the bullet of slag, his mind racing as he searched for a way to turn the tables on his opponent.
This isn't good. I need to find this guy's weakness and beat him quick, but that's if I survive this attack Ryoshi thought grimly, steeling himself for the next phase of the battle.
"Time to... MANA BURST!" Ryoshi's voice boomed with determination as he summoned his inner strength.
With a blinding flash of light, Ryoshi glowed with power, unleashing a powerful shockwave that rippled through the arena.
"Did he just mana burst? This kid might be a prodigy," Taiyo remarked, his eyes widening in astonishment.
"Yeah, he's a very quick adapter," Fuyu agreed, pride evident in his voice.
"Woah! Yeah, Ryoshi, show him who's boss!" Toruri cheered, his excitement palpable.
"Toruri, don't underestimate Hiyoku. He has something much stronger than mana burst," Sani cautioned, her expression grave.
"Come on!" Ryoshi urged, his eyes blazing with determination.
As the floor beneath him turned to ice, Ryoshi prepared for the next phase of the battle.
"Just like how I'll melt all of that ice, I'll melt that grin RIGHT OFF YOUR FACE," Hiyoku snarled, his fiery aura intensifying.
The ice below Ryoshi morphed into sharp, tentacle-like protrusions, poised to strike.
"I learned this from a certain someone I fought days ago," Ryoshi declared, his voice resolute.
The tentacles surged forward, aiming to ensnare Hiyoku in their icy grasp. But Hiyoku was quick to respond, his fist igniting with flames as he charged headlong into battle.
With a flurry of blows, Hiyoku clashed with the icy tentacles, his fiery attacks tearing through the frozen constructs with ease. In a matter of seconds, he broke free and charged towards Ryoshi with renewed determination.
"Woooah," Ryoshi exclaimed, bracing himself for Hiyoku's onslaught.
As Hiyoku launched a powerful punch, Ryoshi blocked it with skillful precision. But Hiyoku was relentless, seizing Ryoshi's sword once again in an attempt to gain the upper hand.
"Skill 1: Ice Reversal!" Ryoshi shouted, his voice echoing through the arena.
With a swift motion, Ryoshi froze one of Hiyoku's arms, disrupting his attack. Meanwhile, the ice beneath Ryoshi's feet began to disappear, replaced by a layer of icy armor encasing his leg.
Seizing the opportunity, Ryoshi launched into a rapid flurry of kicks, aiming for Hiyoku's chest and stomach with pinpoint accuracy. With each strike, he drove Hiyoku back, until finally, he delivered a powerful blow that sent Hiyoku soaring through the air.
Before Hiyoku could recover, Ryoshi transferred the ice from his leg to his fist, delivering a devastating punch that sent Hiyoku crashing to the ground on the other side of the arena, bloodied and bruised.
As Hiyoku staggered to his feet, Ryoshi stood tall, his resolve unshaken as he prepared for the final showdown.
"Oh, OH I SEE HOW YOU ARE!" Hiyoku roared, his voice dripping with fury. "If you survive this, maybe I'll show something of my own."
With a swift motion, Hiyoku held his hand to his face, spreading out his fingers, while his other hand remained hidden behind his back.
"You just gonna stand there?" he taunted, the flames dancing in his palm casting an eerie glow.
Ryoshi's mind raced as he observed Hiyoku's movements. What is he doing? Is he going to shoot another projectile? Ryoshi pondered, his eyes narrowing in concentration. I don't think so, but one thing I'm catching onto is the fact that all of his attacks have some sort of start-up to it. Maybe I could attack while he's preparing an attack and deal the finishing blow, but I can't do it for this move because I simply don't know what it is.
"This should leave you with a scar that'll prevent you from doing anything else," Hiyoku declared, his voice dripping with malice.
As the heatwave emanated from Hiyoku's other hand, Ryoshi's suspicions grew. Wait... if my creative mind is correct, I think he might be charging a second projectile, but why did he position his hand in such an odd way... WAIT, I've figured it out.
Suddenly, Hiyoku launched forward at a blistering speed, leaving behind a trail of fire as he closed in on Ryoshi from behind.
UP CLOSE ATTACK! Ryoshi realized in a split second, bracing himself for the impending impact.
But to his surprise, Hiyoku's flaming hand grabbed onto a thin block of ice, melting it with astonishing speed. The maneuver happened so swiftly that it appeared as if Ryoshi's head had been engulfed in flames, sending shockwaves through the spectators.
"RYOSHI!!!" Toruri cried out in horror, his voice filled with concern.
"Look again," Fuyu commanded calmly, his eyes fixed on the unfolding scene.
As Ryoshi leaped back, creating distance between himself and Hiyoku, the truth was revealed. Hiyoku had grabbed a mere block of ice, not Ryoshi's head, leaving the young fighter unscathed.
"Woah, it happened so quickly, I actually thought he died," Toruri breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes wide with astonishment.
But Hiyoku wasn't finished yet. "You're testing my patience!" he growled, his eyes ablaze with fury.
"What was it you were going to show me again?" Ryoshi taunted, his voice laced with confidence.
"Oh yeah, it's something many times greater than your mana burst," Hiyoku boasted, his tone dripping with arrogance. "It's something I learned from a creature I found two years ago. Phoenix Magic: Phoenix Wing 1!"
With those words, Hiyoku's entire right half erupted in flames, resembling the fiery plumage of a majestic phoenix.
"Now, BURN," Hiyoku declared, launching into the air and unleashing a barrage of flaming feathers at Ryoshi. Despite Ryoshi's best efforts to block the attack, Hiyoku swiftly closed the distance, delivering a punishing blow that sent Ryoshi hurtling into the air.
Hiyoku sneered, his voice laced with disdain. "All I see happening here is you burning."
Ryoshi's mind raced as he considered his next move. Why does this guy want me to burn so much? Eh, forget about it. I need to use what I learned from my last battle.
With determination in his eyes, Ryoshi froze the air below his feet, using it to leap into the air with grace.
"How are you doing that?" Hiyoku demanded, his voice tinged with frustration.
Ryoshi responded cryptically, "Magic..."
Hiyoku's expression twisted into a scowl. "I'll show you magic."
With swift movements, Hiyoku flew towards Ryoshi, launching a barrage of strikes from his right arm. Ryoshi countered each blow with equal ferocity, but Hiyoku's speed was unmatched. Suddenly, Hiyoku flipped upside down, igniting his right leg in flames and delivering a devastating kick that sent Ryoshi hurtling towards the ground.
Shit, he's fast, Ryoshi thought, his heart pounding in his chest.
Before he could crash onto the ground, Ryoshi transformed the earth below him into a watery pit, plunging into its depths to safety.
"No hiding," Hiyoku declared, his eyes narrowed with determination as he unleashed a beam of fire that engulfed the hole, causing it to expand and propel Ryoshi back into the air.
"Now, it's time to finish this," Hiyoku announced, his voice filled with confidence.
No... I can't lose the first round, Ryoshi thought, his resolve strengthening.
Toruri watched with bated breath, his eyes wide with anticipation.
Ryoshi recoiled and froze the air beneath him, propelling himself towards Hiyoku with newfound determination.
"This is it!" Hiyoku declared, flying towards Ryoshi with a fierce intensity.
But Ryoshi had a plan. With lightning-fast reflexes, he dodged to the left, slashing Hiyoku's left hip and drawing blood. As Hiyoku staggered, Ryoshi flipped upside down and plunged his sword into Hiyoku's shoulder before gracefully landing on the ground.
"Remember this?" Ryoshi taunted, his voice dripping with triumph.
As Hiyoku crashed to the ground, Ryoshi's hopes soared. But his victory was short-lived as Hiyoku rose to his feet once again, the fiery aura of the phoenix still surrounding him.
Hiyoku's frustration boiled over as he struggled to comprehend his impending defeat. "This is it, I've hit you so many times with strong attacks... BUT YOU'VE ONLY HIT ME WITH WEAK MELEE ATTACKS! How am I losing?"
Taiyo offered a simple observation, "Maybe it's because he's landing more critical hits than you are."
Hiyoku dismissed Taiyo's input with a wave of his hand. "Sir, you're not helping! I know what to do."
Ryoshi's mind raced as he anticipated Hiyoku's next move. Is this the attack I'm waiting for?
A fiery aura enveloped Hiyoku's hand as it transformed into the shape of a phoenix.
"This is it!" Hiyoku declared, unleashing a colossal fireball in the form of a phoenix.
Sani scoffed at Hiyoku's lack of awareness. "What an idiot. He didn't pay attention to where his opponent went; he only focused on the attack."
Ryoshi seized the opportunity, invoking his ice magic to descend from above and slash Hiyoku across the chest. Blood sprayed from the wound before freezing into solid ice, immobilizing Hiyoku as he collapsed to the ground.
With a sigh, Taiyo announced the outcome, "The winner of this match by faint is Ryoshi."
Toruri cheered for Ryoshi's victory, while Fuyu expressed surprise at the result. "Woah, I'm surprised! Taiyo, I thought you would be a great teacher."
Shimisu remained silent, conserving his energy for his upcoming battle, which was about to begin.
Taiyo teleported Hiyoku and Ryoshi out of the arena.
As Taiyo prepared to start the match, the tension in the arena was palpable.
"Give us a winning streak, Toruri," Ryoshi encouraged from the sidelines.
"Don't lose, Shimisu. I know you can do it," Sani urged, her voice filled with confidence.
With determination in their eyes, Toruri and Shimisu stood ready for the battle ahead.
Taiyo began the countdown. "The match will start in 3..."
Toruri exchanged a determined glance with Shimisu as they braced themselves for the upcoming clash.
The anticipation grew, each second feeling like an eternity as they awaited the signal to begin.
And finally, Taiyo counted down, "1..."