Negative Point

Chapter 8: The Good Old Days

Ryoshi, Kuroshi, and John returned to Fuyu's mountain in the blink of an eye, courtesy of Denshin's portal.

"Hey Fuyu, we're back," Ryoshi announced as they approached.

Fuyu greeted them with a warm smile. "Hi, guys."

"We killed the vampire," Ryoshi declared proudly.

"That's amazing!" Fuyu exclaimed, his eyes lighting up.

"Oh yeah, I got something for you," Ryoshi added before tossing John toward Fuyu.

John blinked in confusion. "Is that really you, Fuyu?"

Fuyu eyed him warily. "Who are you, and how do you know my name?"

"It's me, John Madison," John revealed.

"You're John Madison?" Fuyu's surprise was evident.

"Yup, my soul was taken by a demon and placed into a sock monkey," John explained.

"So Haru wasn't lying?" Fuyu mused.

"Wait... are you the new winter season?" John inquired.

"Yes, I am," Fuyu confirmed.

"So you killed him?" John asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Yes, I did," Fuyu replied with a hint of pride.

"Woah, how many more things changed?" John wondered aloud.

"Taiyo Hikari is the new summer season, Haru Kaze is the new spring season, and Aki Tsuki is the autumn season, among other things," Fuyu elaborated.

"I'm proud of all of them, especially Haru," John remarked.

"Wow, nothing about me?" Fuyu remarked with a touch of amusement. "That's a weird thing to be saying, coming from the guy she so-called killed."

"Now that you two are here, WHO THE HELL IS SAIRU, AND HOW THE HELL DOES HE KNOW JOHN'S TYPE OF MAGIC?!" Ryoshi interjected, his frustration evident.

"Sairu?" Fuyu repeated, furrowing his brow in thought.

Just then, Toruri slid down a nearby tree, joining the group.

"Oh hi, Toruri. Where were you this whole time?" Ryoshi asked.

"I was finishing up my traps," Toruri replied casually.

"No, I'm pretty sure you were sleeping in that tree, and Ryoshi's loud voice woke you up," Fuyu teased.

"No... I booby-trapped everywhere..." Toruri insisted.

"Where are they, then?" Fuyu challenged.

"Outside of the Negative Point..." Toruri admitted sheepishly.

"You're lucky I don't have dragon eyes like you," Fuyu teased.

"Heheheheh," Toruri chuckled nervously.

"You look familiar... What's your name?" John inquired, eyeing Toruri with curiosity.

"I'm Toruri Doragane," Toruri introduced himself.

"So that's who he is," John mused to himself.

"Why'd you ask? And on top of that, who are you?" Toruri questioned.

"I am John Madison, the spring season of the last generation of seasons," John revealed.

"Ok, monkey," Toruri replied nonchalantly.

"Hm? Monkey?" John seemed perplexed.

"Yeah, I don't want to be walking around with you calling you John," Toruri explained. "But calling me John makes me feel more human."

"Ok, monkey. I know how you know me anyways! You used to work with my father," Toruri reasoned.

Fuyu inwardly cringed, realizing the potential implications of John's connection to Toruri's father.

"Yes! The old summer season, Waketo Doragane. He was a really strong companion. I hope that you could maybe become as strong as him one day," John remarked with genuine admiration.

"Dammit, John, you might have screwed up here," Fuyu lamented silently.

"Oh, please, I already get enough people comparing me to my dad and stuff. I don't want to become like him. Because becoming a season means that you are ready to die, and you are raising and training people so they could just turn on you and kill you one day. My father made that poor choice of becoming one, and look where he is now! Nothing but ashes," Toruri revealed bitterly.

"If I'm correct, the new summer season should be responsible for Toruri's dad's death. One fateful day, I might encounter him and fight him! I will avenge you, my friend... WAIT, I STILL DIDN'T GET AN ANSWER ABOUT WHO SAIRU WAS!!!" Ryoshi exclaimed, frustration boiling over.

Fuyu nodded, recalling the memory. "Oh right, Sairu was the first and only person to be a part of every team. And on top of that, he'd usually always be the best at up-close combat. He got tired of all of the attention and praise he got, so he made sure that he would 100% get the Negative Point wish, and he did. So, he used that wish to retire."

"Well, Toruri and I found him at the village next to the Negative Point," Ryoshi interjected.

"Ah, well, I don't want to annoy him, but I might drop in sometime later..." Fuyu contemplated.

John shifted the conversation. "Fuyu, I never understood why the winter area had a giant cat mountain. I feel like a wolf would suit it better."

Fuyu's expression suddenly turned feline. "What? Cat got your tongue?" he teased, making a cat-like face.

John was taken aback. "EH!?!"

Fuyu chuckled. "No... let's just talk about some memories!"

"The only time I remember ever talking to you was a while back," Fuyu reminisced, triggering a flashback.

F L A S H B A C K (to a few years before John became a sock monkey):

"Isn't it a nice day to be fighting assassins, Waketo?" John remarked as they sparred.

Waketo nodded in agreement.

The Autumn season interjected, observing them. "Look at them having fun. This is the day before they all become Purotekuta."

A tall kid in a blue ski coat approached a younger Fuyu. "Hey Fuyu, check this out: blood ice magic: frozen blood."

The kid froze the blood of a nearby assassin, impressing Fuyu.

"For a second there, I thought that you were about to use actual blood ice magic," Fuyu remarked.

The kid grinned mischievously. "And I still can."

As the kid exhaled red cold air, Fuyu marveled, "Woah, cool! Could you teach me how to use blood ice magic one day?"

"It's not something you can learn; it's something you can do. Someday I'll create a team of people just like me," the kid declared.

"What do you mean, just like you?" Fuyu inquired.

Meanwhile, a kid with a metal longbow approached Fuyu. "Aye, Fuyu."

"Hi, Robin! What do you want?" Fuyu greeted him warmly.

Ryoshi interrupted, incredulous. "WAIT WHAT? SO ROBIN HOOD WAS A PART OF THE NEGATIVE POINT TOO?!?"

Fuyu confirmed, "Yeah, he was a part of the autumn season team. He and I were good pals back in the day."

Robin Hood beckoned to Akudo, showcasing her summoning skills. "Akudo finally mastered her summon; check it out. Akudo, come over here!"

Akudo, a blond girl in a red hooded cape, approached with a basket. "Come out, you big bad wolf."

A wolf, five times the size of Akudo, emerged from the basket, made of pure darkness.

Fuyu admired the display. "That's amazing."

Akudo commanded her summon. "Sic 'em, boy."

The wolf devoured two assassins before returning to the basket.

"Aw, don't be shy," Akudo encouraged.

"Maybe it's tired. You shouldn't constantly use your summon like that," Fuyu advised.

"Okay," Akudo agreed.

Robin Hood reflected, "It's kinda cool to see that everyone is here."

The Autumn season redirected their attention. "Hey, my group, let's go. I have to teach you all one last spell before tomorrow."

"Yeah, we gotta go train a little bit. You all destroyed these bandits," John added enthusiastically.

Waketo urged them, "Come on, all of you, before I burn every single one of you to ashes."

The Winter season rallied the group. "Let's go, guys."

As everyone gathered with their masters, the Winter season noticed a missing member. "Hey, where is Ketori?"

Fuyu recalled their recent interaction. "I was just talking to him a minute ago."

"I'm here," Ketori announced, joining the group.

"Okay, let's get moving. We don't want to get left behind," the Winter season urged, leading the way.


Ryoshi couldn't contain his curiosity. "Ok, you left out a lot of details. Like, who was your other teammate? Who was a part of the other teams? Where are they now?"

Fuyu chuckled softly. "I actually don't remember... hehe."

John chimed in, "Yeah, and I barely remember even being there!"

Fuyu shrugged. "Being immortal doesn't mean that we have the best of memory."

Ryoshi sighed in resignation. "Aaah, but I have so many questions."

"You'll have to save them for another time," Fuyu advised gently.

"Aw," Ryoshi responded disappointingly.

But before they could dwell on it further, John's urgent voice broke the moment.

"Guys... GUYS, WHERE DID TOI GO?!" John's tone was alarmed.

"Wait, Toi is missing?" Ryoshi's concern matched John's.

"Toi, where are you?!" John called out, his worry evident.

Meanwhile, at a mysterious location...

A mysterious man rose from his throne and left the darkness of his chamber.

??? queried, "Sir, what are you doing?"

The mysterious man paused, his senses sharpening as he sniffed the air. "I smell blood."

"Blood?" his companion echoed, puzzled by the sudden change in focus.

??? 2 stepped forward, his voice tinged with pride, "Yes, it was the work of me, my lord. I lured one of the humans that killed Baldassare to our castle. I lured them here using a fake voice."

In the dense forest, Toi sprinted, his heart pounding as he searched for the source of the haunting voice.

A voice called out, pleading, "Help me, I'm trapped."

As Toi neared the imposing castle, the voice grew louder, echoing through the trees, guiding him closer.

Toi halted, confusion etched across his features as he gazed up at the towering structure.

Within the castle's dark corridors, two random vampires bickered like children over a coveted toy.

"I want to eat the human!" declared one.

"No, I am!" retorted the other.

Their squabble ceased abruptly when the mysterious man, their superior, interjected with a commanding voice.

"SILENCE! I'll eat the human," he declared with authority, settling the dispute with his mere presence.

Swiftly, the mysterious man strode to the castle entrance, his eyes locking onto Toi, who stood frozen in bewilderment.

Toi's horror only grew as a giant, piercing tentacle made of his own blood erupted from his stomach, mercilessly stabbing him in the chest. Despite his attempts to flee, Toi found himself ensnared by the mysterious man, who seized him by the neck and slammed him to the unforgiving ground, eliciting cries of anguish.

"MAAAAASTER!!!" Toi's desperate cries echoed through the empty courtyard.



Ignoring Toi's pleas, the mysterious man sank his fangs into Toi's vulnerable neck, draining him of his life force until Toi lay motionless, his once vibrant eyes now vacant. But the mysterious man's hunger was not sated; with savage brutality, he tore Toi's head from his body before vanishing back into the shadows of the castle, leaving behind only a chilling silence and the echo of Toi's final screams.

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