Chapter 12: Life of an Adult
The morning is hard for a twenty-three-year-old adult, I thought, as I lay on the bed with white sheets over me. The bright light enveloped me, coming from the window. this light brought sight to the dust that floated all around me.
Unraveling myself I sat on the bed looking at the clock beside my bed, 7:59… I waited and then… 8:00.
"Ding" "Ding"
"Aaa," I said with a word that had no meaning to others except myself. I picked up my phone as my hands hit the off switch on the clock.
The phone screen turned on, and the first thing I saw was the piles of notifications on the phone, I did not care right now, so I began deleting it off the front screen, what was left was an image of a lady and a man standing by each other, the lady looked at him with a beautiful smile, blond hair, and blue eyes brought seemingly bring light around the photo.
I looked at the photo, a simile could be noticed if someone was by me.
A couple of seconds passed when my stomach started to growl…
"Well now, what should I eat today… eggs with bacon or maybe go out… no I should not waste the eggs I got three days ago."
After taking a shower and doing my small facial care to at least be presentable I decided to play it simple with a white short-sleeved shirt, and black jeans.
As usual, every day I would cook my meal with my phone at full volume and a robotic voice would tell me all my notifications.
"Hello, this is Paul from Car Fix, your car, the 2012 Handa is taking a little longer than expected call me back if you have any problems with that." : Car Fix
"Hey this is Annie, Ash why did you not go to the Party… Ash, well I know that it's not the end of the year party it's the early one but geez you missed out. Call or text as soon as possible…if you don't I will not invite!!.... You got that!!...well by… actually never" : Annie
"Bro, Ash this is Todd I heard you are good at helping…" : Todd
"Skip," I said not wanting to hear it for multiple reasons, mainly because I just did not like the guy, kinda a dush.
"Hi Ash, This is Nave, It's been a while, me and Jordan are hanging out we want you to be here, I know it's a long drive to the coast but please be here for us and for yourself." : Nave
"I got your text back Ash, we can't keep doing this I already told you we're done, you need to find a way to let go I know it's hard but it's weird that we keep… well by" : Mila
Mila…the last message left from her. I wondered to myself has living alone in the apartment brought me to text her 'a bunch of cry for love' dang it!
Looking over the late-night text I sent… I must be desperate. Hitting myself on the head with my palm, the scent of the eggs and bacon made the embarrassing emotions go away.
Leaving my apartment, I thought about how lucky I was living so close to the school. As my black boots hit the pavement, I just wanted to make sure I didn't forget anything I unstrapped my crossbody bag that seemed to have all my belongings, notes-check, water-check, and laptop checked, Let's go!!
The walk to the subway station was calm there were not that many people around, just the usual office men and women. With their suits I felt a little uncomfortable, a couple of months ago I had turned twenty-three, which gave me a lot of discomfort and annoyance, a plea to god was mad for my age to stop so that I would not end up like these soulless office workers.
Going down tunnels, I felt like the darkness was about to strangle me, at least, the mornings were much easier than the nights I said to myself looking at all the light buds that did not work in the subway. Scaining my card and nearing the rails I saw a familiar face.
His name was Max, and with his gray suit and white tie you would expect a well-organized and smart businessman, but he is not. The nice suit would fool elders and crack addicts but not the everyday norms, maybe if he didn't eat thirty pounds of donuts his body would not be so inflated to the point his suit gives him marks on his neck, and that grease hair, why? I thought, maybe it had something to do with all Hedge Fund employees.
"Hey, Ash it seems we see each other more and more…so you almost graduating from a colleague and into the endgame" As he said this, I had no clue that one interaction would lead to many times of this to be so-called friends.
"Yeah, but is…endgame the right term for life," I said, watching his hands reach for his pocket, trying to guess what kind of snack would it be.
"Yeah you're right endgame sounds a little CRazy…right maybe the right term would be the beginning of the game nah that's not right it should be…" I watched him eat the chocolate chip cookie that did smell really good, now wait a moment control yourself this guy lived most of his life playing games until his daddy paid all his expenses for him to become assistant for the rest of his life…
"So you think that term suits you.." he said as if I was going to answer some big life-saving question and to be honest I did not catch a dime of what he said.
"Sure," I said with a large smile to make it seem I knew it.
The time went like that of a dog talking to a cat, me as the cat saying absolutely nothing. It was nice to have all this talking for my social skills to grow but damn this guy will not STOP Talking.
But the time usually would last around ten to seven minutes felt longer than ever before, I should ask if he has some kind of power to stop the feeling of time…
As I got on the train, the discomfort feeling grew even more with the smell of Versace Covla, imprinted on my clothes that feeling was fine but the stench of sweat and borrowed rats that had pissed all over the damn train made it ten times worse.
But overall, these negative emotions were all to blame for me not having a good sleep, I wish that I was still in my bed.
The ride was less the ten minutes with it I could finally leave Max at the train for he still had one more ride, out of the subway station and into the street.
The walk that was less than five blocks, to the school had lightened my mind bringing me to think more happy thoughts and stay less annoyed.
The college university that I go to is called B.N.Y.U aka Bright-New-York-Unversity. Never heard of it? It's not that popular, guessing by the name, you could understand it's for bright students, educated kids that have bright futures.
The campus so to speak is no less than a bunch of three-store buildings merged into one, the building was once a small private high school, But after the bill made by the fifty-seventh president, was enacted when more and more kids started failing in colleges. The idea was to decrease the size of the schools while also providing better education. These schools would also specialize in certain fields.
I was lucky, to be able to go to the university, the only way to be able to join these schools was to be invited or take a test, lucky for me I'm an alright test taker.
Nearing the front entrance, the white cement matched the white of the buildings, bringing a clean look to the campus buildings, with its blue-tinted windows, that wrapped around a square-like building, you could almost see the students walking.