Of Soil And Sovereign

Chapter 9: Feasting With The Emperor

The sun was glowing on the horizon on the farm of the Li family. Mei was uprooting weeds, her hair braided into one long braid and rolled and pinned at the back of her head. She wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand as her brother was right beside her did the same.

This was the scenery she loved and would go to the forest to seek, but now it was just her backyard. She looked at Mingde who was at her side and he looked back smiling he pointed to her face asking told her that her cheeks which were stained with mud she tried rubbing it off which made him laugh more she just gave up inhaling deeply, and she loved the scent of freshly rained-on soil as it rained last night, she had enjoyed farming even though it was hard work.

While working, they heard a carriage pulling next to their farm. Both she and her brother looked up, trying to see what it was, and they saw a leg coming down and finally saw the man they met previously and the young master of Duke Su's residence.

Both the siblings stood as the man entered the farm, his long leg carrying him across swiftly. Once he was next to them, he greeted them, and they both returned his greeting. He informed them he was passing by and saw them from a distance and come to offer his greetings. The lie came out of his mouth with fluidity.

Since they did not have somewhere to sit, Mei volunteered to take the man to their home and welcome him, since there was nothing much to do at the farm.

Xuan did not want to interfere with their work, and looking at her, she had mud everywhere on her hands, clothes, and on her cheeks; he found the sight adorable. She was very cute, making his heart skip a beat.

He told her to continue with her work; meanwhile, he would look around the farm by himself and would go somewhere but would come back around noon. She told him she would cook him some lunch and he should come and eat with them.

Xuan left the farm to go to the next village and check on the farmer's progress. Sitting on the carriage, he remembered how her cheeks were red and stained with mud and smiled to himself. He wondered how the food would taste as no one had ever prepared him food before.

Mei was glad she could repaid the man's help the other time as she still thought the flower was not enough, so at midday, she and her brother left the farm to go to their home so that she could make lunch. She thought about what to make and made hand-pulled noodles and flatbread stuffed with minced meat and scallion, as well as some sweet lotus seed soup.

She prepared many dishes and her brother, setting a small table and mat under the tree near their house, their usual dinner spot. She also made some tea. They usually had a watermelon in the well to cool it so that they could have it after eating. She asked her brother to retrieve the one they'd put in the well yesterday. Mingde removed it and slicing in small parts.

Once she was done with everything, she had a shower and a change of clothes, and immediately after she was done, the carriage pulled up to their house.

Once Xuan came from the carriage, he found a small table set under the shed and the brother cutting some watermelon. At that moment, Mei stepped out of the bedroom, and his heart stirred. She had a change of clothes and looked exquisite, one strand of hair free from her bun and her cheeks red.

She noticed his eyes fixed on her face and realised he usually stared at her frequently. She dismissed the idea popping into her head and went to the door to welcome him in, and led him under the shed. Once the three of them were seated, she instructed him to wash his hands in a nearby wooden bowl.

The lunch was served, and Xuan, who had not shared a lunch with anyone after the death of the Empress, had a meal with the two siblings. The lunch was very delicious, more delicious than the one cooked by the royal chefs, and he once again marvelled at her skills. She was perfect in each way. She was really good with everything. Once the lunch was done, they had a cup of tea to clear their taste buds.

After lunch, Xuan described his exploration of her farm to Mei and expressed his admiration for her methods. He expressed a desire for her to create a farm guide, promising to compensate her with money and a house in the capital in return. At first, Mei was suspicious, but Xuan lied, claiming the emperor had instructed him to help increase farm harvests this year, and her methods looked promising.

She thought for a while she could have waited to earn money slowly, but she had to send her brother to study, and she needed it, and her methods would benefit the poor farmers. After a few minutes of thinking, she agreed the benefits outweighed the harm. She pointed out her poor handwriting, proposing that she write a draft as he rewrote to his handwriting, and just like that, the idea of the first how-to book of the era was born, and that was the creation of the dynasty's renowned farming manual. Xuan promised to send her the coins and the title deeds, along with the paper for her writing.

She agreed and also told him since it was only her and her brother, the house should not be big as they needed just two courtyards for and one for each. Xuan agreed, and since the sun was setting, he left unwilling; he couldn't wait to come back as he liked the homely and warm feeling their home gave him.

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