Old Journals of a Millennial. Volume 2.

Chapter 13: Chapter 12. "Tougher perhaps."

Something about being able to escape into the world of a video game has always done something good for me.

I game a lot still in my downtime, when I am not writing that is. 

I can only imagine what it would be like to get paid to be a full-time gamer, although I think I would probably become desensitized eventually, which would in turn kill my want for it as a hobby...


You want to know something crazy and related in only one way that I will explain later?

I was twice invited to a casting call for a pornography shoot!

No joke! 

Two separate and equally weird experiences I assure you. 

The first time I had to be all of...17? So I am pretty sure this guy was just a fuckin' creep lbvs.

There used to be an old video game store called Game Crazy in my neighborhood that me and my friends would scrape together our pennies to visit when we could.

Hell, we would go just to play the then-new PS3, and Xbox 360 that they had on display.

I remember one day I was at the counter talking to the sales guy about some game or another, and he kept making the weirdest eye contact with me...

Being just barely 17, and it was an entirely different world back then, or so it seemed.

In my oblivious imperviousness and ignorant youth, I had no idea that this guy was coming onto me.

I had no concept of what it was like to have an adult flirt with me, let alone an adult of the same sex.

I was going to describe him, but I won't.

As weird as he was, I feel that to do that would be distasteful. 

Long story short, he gave me his number (which I thought was the store's number) and said he would call me later about some deals and such, and that he could get me and my guy some free games and accessories and the like.

Needless to say, I was quite ecstatic about this prospect, being both an adamant and frequent gamer and incredibly broke.

As we rocketed away from the shop on our skateboards I told my guy about what just happened, and we both agreed that it was indeed kind of weird, but the odds were that the guy was most likely just a part of the LGBTQ2+ community, and was perhaps just a bit too friendly, given that he obviously knew that I was under age.


As soon as I got home and got comfortable, I called that number, dreaming of what could be!

All of the games!

The discounts!

The early access!

I was about to butter this dude up -genuinely- and make one hell of a new friend!


I think that this guy's idea of "playing games" with me and my friend was far from what young me had in mind. 

The first thing this man asked me after just five minutes of talking about what "amazing things" he could get for me, this dudes first real question was:

"So...you ever been with a guy?" 

As you might assume, I was quite confused. I was also so impervious as to what he was hinting at, that I was in all of agreeance! 

"Of course, I've been with a guy, my friend was in the shop with me earlier! He wants some deals and free stuff too!"

One could imagine that this was all that he wanted to hear!

He immediately began to offer to give me head -yes I mean ORAL SEX- and proceeded to tell me that he was quite sure that there was not a single girl or woman on the planet that could do it better for me.

This one TINY thing would be all that he would require in exchange for a whole lot of free games and gaming accessories.

OH! And getting my friend involved would promptly double the booty for BOTH of us if I was catching his drift. 


I assure you that I was not.

I hung up the phone immediately and shakily hunted down my stepdad whom I urged to not answer the phone for that number...ever.

He never did.

Nor did he ever ask why.

I would like to thank him for that.

A bit of his ashes hang around my neck.

My stepdad, not the weird pedophilic dude...

The second time I was offered such things was a lot less traumatic lbvs. 

I was maybe 18 or 19 this time I believe...so 2007 or 2008 just about.

I could be remembering that age range incorrectly, pardon me.

Anyway, I had just cashed my check at the local check-cashed place and purchased a copy of Lost Planet and Crackdown from GameStop which was right next door. 

Both of these things could be done in succession along with picking up some Chinese food due to all of these stores being located in what was (and still is) a small strip mall. 

As I left the Chinese food place with my meal, my change, and my game, a man approached me and handed me a card.

A simple card it was, nearly all white with but a pair of phone numbers and a name or two.

He asked me if I was looking for work, which I was at the time.

Longer story short, the phone was answered by a young lady who proceeded to try to convince me to come to a random address in a few days time with a folder full of pictures.

Needless to say, I never showed up lol.

What would my life be like now had I gone and actually started working in that field somehow? 

I don't know...I don't think I really care, but it makes for a funny story lol.

The connection is this: I would probably have become desensitized to sex eventually, thus killing my future love and enjoyment of the activity lol

On the other hand, maybe I would be rich and a bit famous right about now! 

I will leave you all to it lol.




January 16th, 2012.

Journal #012.


So we played again lol


I met two new people online today.

Female players are very down to earth, not as stupid as guys, and they are tough.

Even tougher perhaps to beat lol.

Love it.

Back to work and school tomorrow.

Can't wait...



You know, to this day I still love a lady gamer lol.

They are so amazing to play with for the most part, and typically more pleasant than the average male.

No pride.

No ego.

And nearly all of the women who I have had the honor to play with have always had the utmost communication skills lbvs.

I wonder how XxxxxXxxxXxxx is doing?

I haven't spoken to her in well over a decade.

Man oh man.

Keep gaming ladies! 

Don't let anyone drive you away from whatever genre you dive into!

That world, like this one, is for all of us.

See you soon folks. 


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