Old Journals of a Millennial. Volume 2.

Chapter 29: Chapter 28. "Vivid dreams."

Pardon the gap between this chapter and the last, folks.

I have been quite sick for the past handful of days, and even as you read this, I have yet to fully mend.

Like...80% say.

But alas, I am alive and well -to anyone who may have cared- lol

The last four days have been...meh.

Sinuses all blocked and clogged.

Zero appetite. 

Unable to sleep.

Hellz, unable to breath for the most part!

This comes about maybe once or twice a year for me, typically during the more "major" seasonal shifts here in Wisconsin. 

I get sick just as soon as we get our "warm to cold" dip, and once again when the year turns and we get our "cold to warm" spike.

If you know, you know.

But enough of that.

I am alive and I can work, and write.

Those are really all the things that matter to me.

I can write, and you can read.

So go ahead.



April 11th, 2012.

Journal #028.


So it's been an interesting week.

But I can't wait till Friday.

I should have a particularly good time. 

I spoke to XXXXX recently, but it was a pretty short conversation. 

That horrible name has come back full circle again...

XXXXX...in a new girl...this ought to be very interesting...

More vivid dreams as of late.




I don't know, but it's pretty freaky...

XXXXX is pregnant! 

That's interesting lol.

Well, there's not much else that's new...so I guess, till next time huh?


Man, I was quite busy in my early 20s. 

I believe that I was very sad a lot in those earlier years of this chapter in my life.

So much love lost.

So many let downs.

So many new things that my "Young Adult" brain just hadn't had enough time to process before the first real waves of responsibility were beginning to crash against my mental shores.

I was also knee-deep in school,

Waiting for this child to pop out and spiral my world a bit more,

And skirting around the edges of several situationships -for lack of a better or more accurate word- lol.

I can't recall why I was ready for the part that was to come, nor can I recall where exactly that part took place.

Maybe I should try looking back through my Facebook memories...


-Remember that young lady who declared her love for me back a few chapters ago? Lets call her..."Goth Girl" or "GG" for now, yeah? I have a feeling that I will be referring to her quite a bit in some of the chapters to come, and keeping track of all of the names is getting a bit tedious with just "XXXXX" to work with lbvs. So I will still use the "XXXXX", but I will later assign nicknames for these people.

I hope that makes it a bit easier to keep up with who is who.

Anyway lol She was doing okay, I think? We had grown a bit distant for some reason, but I do think that I recall why...I will have to check a few dates and get back to you all on that part.

-I mentioned someone being pregnant here lol.

This could have been one of two women, neither of which would have been pregnant with a child of mine at that point, but both of which just happened so share the same name lbvs.

I can't recall which it was at this time, but it will come to me, and I will clarify for you.

I know this much: One was my ex and first fiancé, while the other was that taboo white girl what I shouldn't have slept with. The one who I had spoken to in the bus with her child.

My first fiancé went on to married and bare the child of her moms ex husband.

Yes, you read that correctly...

Seems that I dodges a strange bullet there, huh?

The second? I haven't the faintest idea what became of her, or her children, but I do wish her the best, you know?

I am sure that she will pop up again both in these pages, and within a couple of the tales that will be written about in "Stories for another time." 

Yes. That will be a thing lol. 

You all have my word. 

Odds are, both of these people will make it into that book lol.

-Lastly, I want to thank you all kindly for helping me reach 6.11K views as of 10/07/24.

And another 4.77K over on the Spanish version lol.

You all are amazing, and I am glad that this is entertaining enough to keep drawing you back lol.

Tell your friends to read along!

Tell your friends, friends!

Tell your coworkers!

Tell your coworkers to tell their friends!

It will always be free to read, so what's the problem?

You wanna knuckle sandwich or something!? 

Cause' I don't think you all are that hungry! 


See you soon folks.


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