Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 4: Civilization!!

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-After 24 hours-

“It's Time!!!!!!!”

I bolted to my bedroom after checking the time and counted 24 hours had passed. I spent the rest of the day doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, and reading some novels to get off my mind from thinking about the game.

Shivering with excitement, I quickly flop to the bed, freshly showered and ready to play as I checked the battery percentage of the helmet.

“Good! 100% I charged it throughout the day after all.”

Laying down while wearing the helmet, I press the button on the top and the visor glows with intense light rather than the display of text.

-Entering O.w.O-

“Ughhh... so bright!”

Scrunching up my face due to the light, I slowly open my eyes after getting adjusted to the intense white light.


I am now in a far different place than the dense forest I was thrown into. Wonderful open blue skies greeted my view with clouds ever so slowly moving side to side.

The shining sun glares its warm light comfortably prickling my skin. Although...

“<Double Strafe>!!”-Random Archer-

“[Fire Bolt]!!” -Random Mage-

“<Bash>!!” -Random Knight-

“[Heal]!!” -Random Priest-

Sound effects littered the whole place as many battles ensued. Rather than being annoyed by it, I made a huge grin feeling comforted by their presence.

(“I am in the newbie area finally!!!”)

Standing up, I looked into my surroundings. Other players wearing the same kind of tunic & breeches as I am. Plus I can see around me grass hills & plains where players are busily fighting against beginner mobs.

“They look kinda cute though...”

I commented while watching the monsters that they were fighting, a rabbit kind of creature with a singular horn on the top of their head. There’s also a round blob of liquid, a characteristic of a slime creature. It hops and shoots slime bullets.

All of a sudden, after observing them the unique blue panel appeared before me.


{Creature}: Horn Rabbit Level 1 (HP: 100/100%)

{Creature}: Blue Slime Level 1 (HP: 100/100%)


“Oh I see... that’s how players identify creatures. It also helps display their HP bar. I wonder...”

My eyes glance to other rabbits & slime nearly instantaneously, the unique blue panel appears once more showing me these.

(“So, once I discover them. I’m able to check other same creature easily.”)

Pretty handy if you ask me! they didn’t mention all of that in the ‘Help’ section. I guess... the ‘Help’ section provides a foundation for what players can work on.

Right! No time to dilly dally, time to do the good ol’ grind fest. With a smile, I pulled up the tunic’s sleeve and moved forward.

But abruptly I stopped, after noticing in the corner of my vision. There’s an icon of mail with an exclamation mark, it fades in and out making itself known. Wondering what it was, I called out the system, and the panel was displayed in front of me.


I tapped on the icon in that panel and a wall of text suddenly popped into my vision.

(“What the... Hold up a sec- I need to read them slowly.”)


Congratulations!! Magie Magia, you are the first who completed [Astral Orb (Unique)] Trial.

As such, several special rewards are given to you.

NEW!! {Safe Point} Unlocked: The Temple

NEW!! {Race}: Human => Primordial

NEW!! {Sub-Race}: None => Aspect of Creation

UNLOCKED!! {Racial Trait}: Primordial (Aspect of Creation)

NEW!! {Trait}: [Primordial Body I (Aspect of Creation)]

NEW!! {Trait}: [Star Shield]

NEW!! {Trait}: [Words of Power I]

NEW!! {Trait}: [Fire I]

NEW!! {Trait}: [Water I]

NEW!! {Trait}: [Wind I]

NEW!! {Trait}: [Earth I]

NEW!! {Trait}: [Light I]

NEW!! {Trait}: [Dark I]

CHANGE {Spell}: [Elemental Bolt] => Removed

CHANGE {Spell}: [Force] => Removed


(“Huh!? Wait, so I was correct that forest is a ‘Trial’ or should I say quest. What kind of requirements did I fulfil? Huh... what did I get?”)

I tap my finger on the panel showing me this new stuff as several smaller sub-panels explain further what I see.


{Race}: Primordial

Description: Primordials are races that existed at the beginning of time & space. They embodied aspects of the worlds and universes. As such their power belongs in one of the aspects provided in the {Sub-Race}.

{Sub-Race}: Aspect of Creation

Description: One of the oldest Primordial who uses its power to create something from nothing. They are thought to be a precursor to becoming a Godlike being.

{Racial Trait}: Primordial (Aspect of Creation)

Description: As a Primordial, you have unique characteristics that benefit those of this race. In doing so, you will be given special abilities unique to this race.

{Trait}: [Primordial Body I (Aspect of Creation)]

Effect: Your body doesn’t age. You do not need to eat, sleep, drink, and breathe. Slightly decrease damage taken from magical sources. Slight chance to resist hostile magical effects. Slightly increased damage taken from physical sources. Requirement: Primordial Race (Aspect of Creation)

{Trait}: [Star Shield]

Effects: Increase maximum MP based on INT & WIS status. Requirement: Primordial Race (Aspect of Creation)


On; Disable passive MP regeneration, instead of HP being reduced from taking damage, MP will be reduced in replacement. If MP is reduced to 0, all excess damage will be taken to HP.

Off; Increase passive MP regeneration based on INT & WIS status.

{Trait}: [Words of Power I]

Effects: Changes the way {Spell} works. {Spell} cast this way ignore restrictions. Requirement: Primordial Race (Aspect of Creation)

{Trait}: [Fire I]

Effects: You can use Tier 1 Fire-based {Spell}. Requirement: Primordial Race (Aspect of Creation).

{Trait}: [Water I]

Effects: You can use Tier 1 Water-based {Spell}. Requirement: Primordial Race (Aspect of Creation).

{Trait}: [Wind I]

Effects: You can use Tier 1 Wind-based {Spell}. Requirement: Primordial Race (Aspect of Creation).

{Trait}: [Earth I]

Effects: You can use Tier 1 Earth-based {Spell}. Requirement: Primordial Race (Aspect of Creation).

{Trait}: [Light I]

Effects: You can use Tier 1 Light-based {Spell}. Requirement: Primordial Race (Aspect of Creation).

{Trait}: [Dark I]

Effects: You can use Tier 1 Dark based {Spell}. Requirement: Primordial Race (Aspect of Creation).


I needed to blink & re-read these panels complete with this wall of text several more times before finally it settled into my mind.

(“I am now a Primordial race. Oh! I think I remembered, that there were other ‘racial changing items’ that looked like a floating fire, mound of earth, sphere of water, and many more. Hmmm... I am an Aspect of Creation does that mean I can create stuff or it is just fancy names? Haaa.... Nevermind… let’s focus on the {Racial Trait} I’ve gained and it’s benefit.”)

“That guy just stood there. Weirdo...” -Random Priest-

“Shhh... don’t bother, he’s just died. Probably figuring out the controls.” -Random Rogue-

(“These {Racial Trait} are quite amazing for spell casters focus class... Thank you!”)

I unconsciously smile while reading the effects of those {Traits}. Multiple questions were raised in my head as I thought about the Roman numerals at the side of those {Trait}.

(“Will it increase its number? If so, how to raise it? Is it as simple as levelling up? It would be nice if it is like that though...”)

Then I read the [Primordial Body I (Aspect of Creation)] effects...

Regarding the Primordial Body {Trait}, I didn’t feel any changes at all or see any.

(“Hmm... do I get benefits from eating meals? In other games, food, drink, and sleeping applied some kind of buffs so if I do not need to eat, drink, and sleep...”)

Ah... I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. Lest my head will overflow with questions.

Once I managed to clean my view of all the prompt panels. Finally, I can move forward to do the grind.

In front of me was the blue slime hopping around as I stood in its way. The panel showing me its HP appeared & indicated it was 100%.


I noticed while I was assessing the HP bar, that the rounder shape of the slime began to protrude some kind of projections before turning spiky and began to contract to itself.

Me too! Raising my left hand, I point my index finger to the slime and say.

“[Lightning Bolt]”

*Crackle* *Crackle* *Bzzzzt*

At the tip of my finger, sparks emerge as they crackle with the cast bar and it fills up quickly and then...


It shoots a straightforward lightning towards the slime sizzling it before it can shoot its slimy projectile. Its HP immediately drops to 0%...

The slime then flops to the ground, stretched all over the place before fading away leaving behind glimmering balls… Or my eyes are wrong...

“What is this?”

I grabbed one but it disappears quickly too, although... I see that exclamation mark in the corner of my eye.


The familiar panel display appeared once more and the exclamation mark is now located in my inventory tab.

“I got something...”

There’s an icon fading in and out found in the first slot of it. Getting more curious, I decided to tap it as a smaller panel appeared.


[Slime Jelly (Common)]

Description: Some kind of oozing material left from the body of a slime creature. Maybe it can be sold or used for other purposes.


“So that’s how I get loot, now this begs another question. Would be possible if someone just decided to steal it?”

(“Hmm... I prefer to do things solo if I can help it. So, it might be difficult to figure out that rule.”)

I am glad, that this Primordial race of mine is similar to the human race so I didn’t get any attention from these players.

It would be awkward if it does though... never mind, let’s continue the grind.


(“Hmmm... I’m now level 5 from hunting these creatures for 2 hours.”)

I said that while thinking about the points that needed to be distributed to my status. At first, I thought I should put INT and rest to CON.

Yet, the effect of the [Star Shield] uses both INT and WIS.... it made me confused about which one I should raise.

Haaa... all right, I decided to ignore CON and focus on raising both INT & WIS split evenly too.

“Okay... let’s try on how long I can last.”

I am referring to how many {Spells} I can cast without being tired. I have experienced the feeling of having low and next to no mana.

It was... how should I say as if I have been working overtime. My body feels sluggish, exhausted, and seconds away from closing my eyes then fall asleep.

The feeling subsides quickly if I stand still but quicker when I sit down on the ground. Just like what I’m doing right now.

INT status increase max MP and MP regen yes? If my skill works as I interpret it to be then I would have got a tremendous increase in my capacity to sling {Spell} and MP regeneration too.

“[Fire Bolt]!!”

“[Lightning Bolt]!!”

“[Ice Bolt]!!”

“[Earth Bolt]!!”

“[Light Bolt]!!”

“[Dark Bolt]!!”

Those six spells I cycle them two more times against slimes & rabbits alike before finally I felt the beginning sensation of exhaustion. Which means I can do another couple of cycles before finally hitting the bottom.

Taking a moment, I sat down to rest and ruminate on the changes.

(“Granted, bolt spells are... cheap in MP but I can cast 12 of them before finally feeling a bit tired. If I pushed it, I can cast a total of 24 bolt spells.”)

Nodding to myself, I stare into the distance observing players who managed to easily defeat these beginner monsters.

I couldn’t help but eavesdrop on what they were saying.

“Is it time we get back to the city?” -Random Knight-

“We gathered enough stuff, so yeah.” -Random Priest-

(“Oho? A City? Judging by their tone, it must be nearby but out of sight as I didn’t see any when scouting around the grass plains.”)

I saw the pair moving somewhere and slowly but surely far from my vision.

“Hmm... Let’s follow them.”

Standing up after getting enough rest, I decided to move while opening the system.

There’s a map panel somewhere but it is covered in darkness except where I am and my vast surroundings.

(“Owh? It’s clearing up? AHHH! It’s this type of discovery.”)

I thought map discovery here is based on levels. I guess I am wrong, as the evidence is right before my eyes.

Where I walk & in my surroundings, the darkness covering the map slowly recedes revealing bit by bit parts of the map.

“I see... I see...”

I continue to follow the paved road toward the south of the map. Until I see it, in the distance of my vision.

A wall? Wait... in this distance that would mean it is massive enough?



I stood in awe, concurrent other new players like me did the same thing.

“That wall is fucking massive, it’s like... 20 of my height.” -Random Archer-

“Boy, it’s probably 40 of you.” -Random Rogue-

He snickered and blurt a laugh here & there.

“I know I’m short, don’t rub it in!” -Random Archer-

That archer seemed to be fuming but his height is taller than mine though...

(“Nope, don’t think too much about it me!”)

Shaking my head, I saw there were several watchtowers stationed on the top of the wall.

Once I came closer, I saw two humanoid figures standing between an entranceway.


There are several ‘people’ or should I say NPCs each with varying facial characteristics, ethnicity, and of course, human race passing by those two once they got ‘checked’ for something.

(“What are they checking for?”)

I too walked near them as one of them noticed me & promptly approached me.

“Greetings. What is the reason for your visit?” -Guard-

He’s wearing heavy metal armour & helmet covering his entire face, and his gait of movement seemed to be trained so this person must be a guard. Although I can see a protrusion at the top of the helmet that doesn’t for a helmet as it looks...

(“Wait, that is not a protrusion. It’s animal ears.”)

It reminds me of German Shepherd’s ears. It looks so fluffy, I want to touch it... But it would be rude, wouldn’t it? Ah! It twitched and turned in another direction much like a dog.

Shoot! I haven’t answered his question.

“Ah... apologies, Uhm.... what is this place?”

I tilt my head to the massive wall and what’s beyond the entrance. The guard here seemed to notice my cues which took me by surprise. It is as if I were talking to a human rather than an NPC. He then relaxes his shoulder before speaking in a practised manner.

“This is the Capital City Frontera, where many people of differing races, ethnicity, and other peculiarities gather. I assumed it’s your first time here?”

Hearing him say that, made me nod answering his question as he nodded to himself.

“I see... then my advice is to check the adventurer’s guild first, if you’re good in combat they might hire you. Ah! I better get back to my post.”

He promptly leaves before I can say my farewells and thanks. Then he deals with other players as well. Tilting my head in confusion, his words regarding Adventurer’s Guild resounding in my mind.


I moved past the entrance and with the map revealing the entirety of this city. I saw the very same exclamation mark near the corner of my eye as I checked the system.


You have discovered, Capital City Frontera.

NEW!! {Safe Point} unlocked: Frontera, Capital City.


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