Percy Jackson: The Silver Wolf of the Goddess of Love

Chapter 30: To Go To Hunt

Artemis looked at him. "So what do you say, do you want to prove your self to my hunt".

Hikari sighed. "Fine I will help, I will help with will what ever the hunts need at the time".

Artemis smiled as she looked at him. "Good, we will be hunting a powerful beast, if you can kill you can keep the spoil of war".

3 minutes later

Luke just looked at Hikari. "So you dragged us into another side quests".

Hikari just sighed. "Yeah pretty much, seems like the sun sheep need to wait more".

Yami then looked at him. "So what are we hunting".

Hikari just wishlist as he looked at them. "Don't get mad, we are hunting a serten lions Hercules killed".

They took a few seconds before it hit them like a truck

Luke's eyes widened, and his voice cracked in disbelief. "Wait... those lions? The Nemean Lions?"

Yami groaned, rubbing his temples. "Great. The lions that Hercules killed... but they were immortal, weren't they? How are we supposed to even...?"

Hikari shrugged, looking slightly less confident than before. "Well, Artemis said they're powerful beasts. If we're lucky, we can find their remnants or maybe even their... spawn or something? She didn't give me all the details."

Zoe stepped into the conversation, her voice sharp. "The Nemean Lions are not something to be taken lightly. Even if they are dead, their essence lingers, and there are still creatures that carry their ferocity. If you're foolish enough to think this will be a simple hunt, you will regret it."

Artemis, who had been silently listening to the exchange, spoke up with a quiet authority. "Zoe is right. The essence of these lions has been passed down to their offspring, and while they may not have the same invulnerability their parents possessed, they are still formidable." She turned her gaze back to Hikari. "Your task will not be easy. But if you succeed, you will have proven yourself to my Hunt."

Hikari nodded, though a bit of doubt lingered in his expression. "Yeah... I'll do it. But first things first—how exactly are we going to track these things? Do we just follow the trail of destruction they leave behind or—"

Artemis smiled enigmatically. "Oh, you'll know when you're close. The Nemean Lions leave a mark wherever they go—be it in their claws or in the land they roam. But be prepared... they have their own tricks. Now, gather your strength. We leave at dawn."

The trio exchanged uncertain looks, but there was no turning back now. The challenge was set, and Hikari, Luke, and Yami could only prepare for what would undoubtedly be one of the most difficult battles of their lives.

As they sat around the campfire that night, the air heavy with anticipation, Luke glanced over at Hikari. "So, I guess this is what you meant by 'side quest,' huh?"

Hikari smirked. "Yeah, but it's not like we have much of a choice now. Artemis gave us a task, and I'm not about to back down from it."

Yami, who had been unusually quiet, finally spoke up. "I just hope this doesn't get too... messy. You know how things go when we start hunting legendary creatures. It never ends well."

Hikari leaned back against the tree, his mind racing with thoughts of the lions. "Yeah. But if we can pull this off, it'll be worth it."

Zoe, standing watch near the edge of the camp, turned her head slightly. "Do not underestimate the Nemean Lions. They are not only strong but cunning. You will need more than just strength to defeat them."

Artemis's voice came from behind them, as though she had been listening from the shadows. "You have the Hunt on your side now, Hikari. Use your wits, your instincts... and do not forget that you are not alone."

With that, the night settled in. The trio fell into an uneasy sleep, preparing for the hunt ahead. Tomorrow, they would face the descendants of the Nemean Lions, and only time would tell if they were truly ready for the challenge.

Hikari then thought about his brother. "I wonder what Percy is doing, has he found the master bolt yet".

Yami then laughed. "I feel like he is doing a side quest by Ares for some reason".

Hikari chuckled softly at the thought. "Yeah, that sounds about right. Percy has a knack for getting caught up in side quests. Last I heard, he was trying to figure out the mystery of the master bolt, but with Percy, who knows? Maybe he's got himself tangled up in something completely ridiculous by now."

Luke, who had been silently listening, raised an eyebrow. "Ares, huh? That's one god who's always up to no good, sending demigods on missions that don't always make sense. Percy's probably about to get dragged into something completely random, like fighting some huge monster for Ares' amusement."

Yami grinned. "If Percy's with Ares, he's probably running around doing some favor for the war god, and by the time he's done, he'll have accidentally saved the day or stumbled upon some huge secret, all while covered in monster guts."

Hikari nodded, smiling despite the tension in the air. "Yeah. Percy's like that. He'll find a way to mess things up and make it work somehow. I just hope he's alright... whatever he's doing."

Zoe, overhearing their conversation, gave a small smirk. "Percy Jackson is a name that travels far. He has made quite the name for himself, even among my Hunt. His adventures are... legendary."

Artemis, still close by, nodded thoughtfully. "Percy Jackson is a force to be reckoned with. But do not let his journey distract you from your own. You have a task here, and the Nemean Lions will not wait."

The conversation turned back to the hunt as the campfire crackled, but for a brief moment, Hikari couldn't help but wonder if Percy's journey and his own were somehow connected—two demigods chasing down quests and battling monsters, each with their own destiny, yet somehow always entangled in the chaos of the gods.

As dawn broke, the trio, accompanied by Artemis and her Hunt, ventured into the dense woods. The forest seemed unnaturally quiet, the usual sounds of birds and insects replaced by an eerie stillness. Hikari could feel the weight of the task ahead; hunting the Nemean Lions wasn't going to be easy, even with the goddess and her huntresses by their side.

Yami adjusted his scythe, grumbling under his breath. "So, let me get this straight: we're hunting not one, but two lions with indestructible hides? And we're supposed to win how exactly?"

Hikari shrugged, gripping his weapons tightly. "We'll figure something out. Maybe we'll aim for their mouths, like Hercules did."

Luke, who was walking a bit ahead, turned back and raised an eyebrow. "And what if their mouths are also protected? Got a Plan B?"

Hikari gave him a wry smile. "Plan B? We run."

Before Luke could retort, Artemis raised her hand, signaling everyone to stop. The air grew heavier, and a low, guttural growl echoed through the trees. Hikari's senses flared as he caught a glimpse of movement—a massive golden figure prowling through the shadows.

"There," Artemis whispered, her silver bow materializing in her hands. "The first lion approaches."

The beast stepped into the clearing, its golden fur gleaming like sunlight. Its eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and its sharp claws left deep marks in the ground. The Nemean Lion was massive, larger than any ordinary lion, and its sheer presence radiated power.

Zoe spoke in her usual formal tone. "Lady Artemis, shall we engage?"

Artemis nodded. "Zoe, take the huntresses and form a perimeter. Protect the mortals if necessary. Hikari, Yami, Luke, stay close and wait for an opening."

Yami muttered, "Protect the mortals? We're demigods, not helpless kids."

Zoe shot him a glare but didn't respond as she moved to carry out Artemis' orders.

The lion roared, shaking the ground, and charged straight for Hikari. He barely managed to leap aside, rolling to his feet. "So much for waiting for an opening!" he yelled.

Yami swung his scythe at the beast's legs, but the blade bounced harmlessly off its hide, sending a jarring shock up his arms. "Yeah, this is definitely going to suck."

Luke attempted to flank the lion, drawing its attention by throwing a dagger at its eyes. The lion snarled and snapped the blade out of the air with its teeth. "Well, that didn't work," Luke muttered.

Hikari's robotic arm transformed into a blade as he dashed toward the lion. "Alright, let's see how you like this!" He slashed at its face, aiming for its eyes, but the lion was faster than he expected. It swiped at him with a paw, sending him flying into a tree.

"Hikari!" Luke yelled, running toward him.

Artemis, meanwhile, fired a silver arrow at the lion's mouth, but the beast dodged with uncanny agility. She narrowed her eyes. "This one is clever."

The second roar echoed through the forest, louder and more menacing. Another lion stepped into the clearing, its fur darker than the first but equally as radiant.

Yami groaned. "Great. Now there's two of them."

The Huntresses closed ranks, firing a volley of arrows at the second lion, but the beast barreled through the attacks, scattering them. It lunged toward Artemis, but she sidestepped gracefully, firing another arrow into its side.

Hikari struggled to his feet, his vision swimming. "Two lions, two indestructible hides. We need to think of something, and fast."

Yami glanced at him, gripping his scythe tightly. "You're the brains, Hikari. Got any bright ideas?"

Hikari's mind raced as he analyzed the situation. "The hides are indestructible, but the insides aren't. We need to get them to open their mouths."

Luke nodded. "Alright, but how do we do that without getting eaten?"

Hikari smirked. "We make them angry enough to roar."

Artemis overheard the plan and gave a small nod of approval. "A sound strategy. But be quick about it."

As the lions circled the group, Hikari turned to Yami and Luke. "Split up. Yami, keep them distracted. Luke, aim for their eyes, keep them off balance. I'll handle the rest."

The trio moved into action, weaving around the lions with a mix of speed and desperation. Yami taunted the first lion, dodging its swipes and swinging his scythe to keep it at bay. Luke hurled daggers at the second lion, forcing it to focus on him.

Hikari waited for his moment, his robotic arm shifting into a claw-like form. When the first lion roared in frustration, he lunged forward, shoving his arm into its mouth and firing a burst of energy directly down its throat. The lion howled in pain and staggered back, its body convulsing before it collapsed.

The second lion, enraged by its companion's fall, turned its attention to Hikari. Artemis seized the opportunity, firing an arrow that struck the beast in its open mouth. The arrow glowed with divine light, and the lion let out one final roar before crumpling to the ground.

The clearing fell silent, save for the heavy breathing of the group.

Yami dropped his scythe and flopped onto the ground. "Well, that was fun. Let's never do it again."

Luke leaned against a tree, wiping sweat from his brow. "Agreed. Side quests are overrated."

Artemis approached Hikari, a rare smile on her face. "You have proven yourself, son of Aphrodite. The spoils of war are yours." She gestured to the golden hides of the lions.

Hikari nodded, exhausted but triumphant. "Thanks. But next time, let's not make it a two-for-one deal."

Yami then looked at them. "Why does it meer like this was easy".

As then they hear a roar, as then they saw it, a bigger lion more golden then the other as everyone but Artemis said shit.

Artemis then looked at the New Nemean Lion. "Be careful, this one is the original Nemean Lion that Hercules killed".

Yami summoned hsu wings, as he spoke. "Oh great, what do we do strangle it".

Hikari looked at them, as he made a fist as the blades in his Gauntlet. "Open his mouth, I will use my fire power and chuck a fire ball down it's mouth".

Luke looked at him. "Being the champion of Hephaestus pays of".

Artemis looked at him. "And what if that fails".

Hikari just looked at her. "Keep the battles going long enough"

Artemis then looked at him spoke. "So you do have Ares power of getting stronger as the battle goes on, then again you are his champion so you have his blessing".

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones, also anyone that wants Pictures for Karin look at last Ch or the Ch she first came I am giving images

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