Chapter 16: Concerning Druids
They are usually a separate class of their own, wholly independent of the King and yet they would defer to him for final decisions concerning laws and judgments, to pray and make sacrifices if asked to, to give advise if sought to and to assist and heal if need be" - Maester Yandel's observation of the Druids.
One of the most common speculation concerning Druids, the religious and scholarly leaders of the Ailpin cult and the Kingdom of the True North entirely, is that they were considered like an order of Maesters who were personally trained by the Children of the Forests and that through some lost event their functions become entirely like those of the Septons of the Faith of the Seven, another speculation is that they are tribal elders who are knowledgeable and wise to the world that they can pass on customs, laws, and even religion to the youth and to the community entirely. The Druids have mostly been active in their worship of the Faith of the Four gods, which were once three, in the Southern parts of the Thenn Valley, it was known so since majority of them seems to be keeping in contact with the Children of the Forests before the rise of House Canmore, studying and learning their knowledge before going out of the world and practice what the Children of the Forests trained them.
The difference between a Druid, a Septon, and a Maester, is that Druids are more than just religious leaders, unlike the common Septons, they are also ones who kept record of their people's history, they know of the laws and can act as proxy to the king in his court and decide upon cases, unlike the Maesters, however, Druids are not shy to seek the higher mysteries, Magic, some of them were Skinchangers that can walk on the skins of animals and are taught by the Children themselves, some are Earthsingers that can make the ground they walk in change with just a breath or a whisper to the dirt itself, to Druids they claim that it was miracles granted by the Four gods once three.
The process and selection to become a Druid has been lost to the ages, now the most commonly done to become one is that the would be Druid should seek the Children of the Forest by following the Antler River at the Haunted Forest itself, if for some reason they had impressed the Children their training will now begin, no one knows how such training would happen other than after the training they are now considered as Druids. Since no one knows how such individuals were selected and trained however, there has been a slew of charlatans, false Druids, that would cheat the people they were supposed to guide and grant the blessings of the gods to and so at the end of Anarawd's reign he had created an edict wherein the Cave of the Children shall be the Druid's only main base of operations and that a proof of being one of the Order of the Druids shall be made by the Children themselves who will only grant them to persons who had completed their training to them, usually that proof from the Child of the Forest would be a leaf shaped obsidian knife and a crown of twigs and dry leaves.