Chapter 29: Tywin Lannister, Heir of Casterly Rock
Tywin Lannister, Heir of Casterly Rock.
Tywin saw the Queen flinch a bit when her husband, the King threw a winecup at the direction of the envoy from the Iron Bank as they had finished another round of negotiations concerning the debts the Iron Throne has accumulated, he could not help but internally sigh as he turns his attention to Aerys who can only shake his head at his father "at the very least we are not in the threat of having to sell the literalIron Throne" he had quipped as Jaehaerys turns his ire to his son.
"Those jewels and necklaces were the legacy of our ancestors from old Valyria! For descendants of slaves to just demand it as a guaranty for a debt is disgraceful!" Jaehaerys snarls at Aerys who shakes his head.
"And would you rather they take a territory in our kingdoms father? Just so you could suffer us another war to take back Rhaella?" Aerys states as the man approaches and then quickly grabs the young Aerys by the collar of his clothes.
"YES!" Jaehaerys roars as Tywin for all his confidence in remaining composed jumps at the rage the King exhibits, "I will drown the whole Seven Kingdoms with blood just so the prophesy can be fulfilled and our old traditions we have inherited be maintained! Rhaella has a duty to me, to you, and to the Realm!" there was a chuckle from Aerys as he quickly shakes himself from Aerys grasps.
"Duty? Don't make me laugh father, that argument of yours was thrown out of the window the moment you decided to marry mother and break your respective betrothals just to maintain some farcical and old tradition to preserve some bloodline to control creatures that are already dead!" Shaena tries to intervene but Aerys merely distances himself from the grasping Jaehaerys who was now shaking in anger "at the very least Rhaella is thriving in the True North which you consider a backwater, aye I look at the letters Grandfather Egg has kept from you" it was enough as once more the King charged at Aerys in a fit of rage.
"You impudent whelp!" before he could grasp at Aerys he began to hunch over and cough wildly.
"Maester!" Shaena quickly shouts as the King's guard in attendance who quickly got out of the room. Aerys for his part merely shrugs and then with a look to Tywin they left from the room.
"My father is willing to burn the entire kingdom to the ground just so he could have his vengeance against someone that we need to hold the horrors of Beyond the Wall"
Ever since they have heard of the Battle of Rhodri's Pass, King Jaehaerys has been increasingly paranoid and irrational, rambling on and on that it is not some up jump barbarian that will prevent the cold but it is from their noble bloodline in which the White Walkers would finally be vanquished and sent back to whatever crevices they came from, still with them so far away, Tywin could only say good luck on the people of the True North and leave them to take care of the threat while they in the south would support them through the Watch who seems to be more proactive now with their assisted scouting missions with the True North Wayfinders.
"On that I agree, your grace..." Aerys looks at him, his eyes glinting with mock offense.
"It is only proper" he said as Aerys sighs.
"At the very least Steffon was not as uptight as you are, cheer up a bit Tywin" he urges as they finally arrived at the quarters of the servants where as expected the servants prepared a cyvasse board and some of the servants, from the cooks, footmen, and even washerwomen were making bets as Aerys then sat on the other side and as Tywin settles on the side near one of the tables where vegetables are being chopped, his sister, Genna arrives with a smile on her face as she regards Tywin and then Aerys who was of the same opinion of her presence.
"Ready to get yourself beaten again your grace?" she cheekily taunts as Aerys smirks.
"I love you Genna" and the games begin