
Chapter 33: Ser Daemon Map Bonifer of Clan Hasty, King's Gallowglass

Ser Daemon Map Bonifer of Clan Hasty, King's Gallowglass

He still remembers those events clearly, of how his father died, murdered by traitors and schemers alongside the family they have sworn to protect. He wonders if he could have done anything differently.

It was another Tanistry of the Tribal and Clan Chieftains of the Kingdom of Hengledd held every three years, they have arrived at the Great Hall at the center of the Cooleys, the giants have also arrived and it seems there are many of them unlike before, his father looks at him and then simply nods as they both stood at attention at the arrival of the Royal Family, Gisla Fer Anarawd and Styr Map Sigr, with their son, Anarawd Map Gisla and Caradog Map Gisla, Wun Dar Mag had come bearing a gift of mammoth's cheese and milkwine to the family praising their ancestors and blessing them with a long and prosperous reign, he had given a report that their herds of mammoths are thriving once more and they have began to recover their numbers with the birth of five children, Styr seems to be delighted with that as he took the cheese and then raised a toast for the giant's good fortune which was followed by some.

It would have been a usual Tanistry with all its procedures and platitudes heaped upon the King and Queen, as everyone seems to be going about their normal comings and goings. Except for the others, Daemon recalls Merfyn Map Gwain Map Merfyn, and Brandon Map Gwain Map Rhodri approached their relatives, the Queen and her family the conversation was mundane as it can be, and it seems despite whatever bad blood that was created during the reign of her father, Anarawd Map Rhodri Map Merfyn, denying the proposed marriage to Gisla by Merfyn to one of his sons, and the fact that Brandon should have been heir of Anarawd was being set aside when the king declared Gisla as heir, for a show of unity, that was until one of the men with Merfyn drew his sword and quickly slashed unto Bonifer, it was as if a signal as chaos erupted into the Great Hall and everyone Tanists and some Royalist supporters of the two assassins drew their blades.

"Daemon protect the Royal Family!" Bonifer shouts as he quickly stabs the offender in retaliation while Daemon frantically grabbed for Caradog who was in shock as Merfyn slew Styr and Brandon quickly went for Anarawd who was only armed with a dirk a quick slash from the kinslayer and the young man's head was separated from his shoulder.

"Father, Mother, Brother!" Caradog cried desperately as Daemon saw Gisla who was looking at him and then at Caradog.

"Protect him!" she cries out before she was cut down by Merfyn as Daemon slew two of the Tanists who tried to attack him, the King's Gallowglasses began to surge into the room and it was a stampede "Petyr!" Daemon called out to one of his comrades who kicked one of the assassins.


"Have your men clear us a way!" Petyr nods to him as he quickly shouted orders for the rest of the King's Gallowglasses who quickly hacked blindly at the conspirators, Daemon, holding Caradog quickly fled the Great Hall.

"Your grace we must get to the Upper Hall!" Daemon urgently states as Caradog follows him, tears would have to follow later, Daemon thought as a party of Gallowglasses quickly followed them as guards as at the streets of the Cooleys, there was a riot in the streets and the Tanists and some of their supporters and families that were visiting the Cooleys seem to take the attack against Gisla, Styr, and Anarawd as a signal to cause chaos around the capital.

He saw Wun Dar Mag and some of his giants roaring in anger and confusion at what was happening, he saw one of the giants threw one of the conspirators away from them with a swipe of his large axe an act which resulted in a dozen or so people dead, and Daemon lost sight of them the moment they had finally arrived at the Upper Hall residences of House Canmore. "Why?" Caradog asks repeatedly to no one as Daemon turns his attention to the rest of the Gallowglasses.

"I want this place secured! And I want every men to be with the king at all times!" Daemon roars as three Gallowglass followed his orders while the rest stayed and watched over a shocked Caradog, Daemon quickly approaches the boy and then holds his shaking hands, "look at me your grace..." he calmly said.

"Ser Daemon?"

"Aye, tis' me, I know it is hard but you must be strong not just for your dead father, mother, and brother, you must be strong for the kingdom"

"Uncle Merfyn and Uncle Brandon why would they do this?"

"It is because they believe they deserve the throne" Daemon said as his grip on the boy's hand became firm "I swear to you, your grace, may the gods new and old strike me down if I did not succeed, I will seek no respite until justice is given to your mother, father, and brother" Caradog nods at this as Daemon releases his hands, they are firm now, he thought as the boy's grip became so firm that blood was drawn and the loyal Gallowglass smiles as he quickly looks at one of the men.

"Someone get bandages for his grace"

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