Chapter 35: Maester Yandel's Kingdom of the True North (Chapter 7)
The Proscriptions, the Skirmish at the Bend, and the Reign of King Caradog the Great.
"The gods had declared these men and their clans listed in this declaration to be beyond their laws as well as our laws, they are now attainted, a thousand curses be upon them, curse them in the day, curse them in the night, curse them when they sleep, curse them when they wake up, curse them when they sit, and curse them when they stand, everyone who brings these kinslayers and oathbreakers or their kinsmen to justice by their own hands shall be rewarded of the one of fourths of the share of the property of these attainted men, anyone who assists the King's Gallowglasses and Wayfinders to bring such men or their kinsmen to justice shall be rewarded thirty silver pounds and six heads of Heilan Coo, to those who choose to help and shelter them however, are to be considered as attainted as the same men and their kin and are enemies of the king and the kingdom" - King Caradog's declaration of the Proscriptions.
The Cooleys managed to recover after the attack while the conspirators fled and tried to convince the army that a usurpation has happened and that it is in the hands of the conspirators to restore the true Canmore line, however, they had a hard time convincing the nearby army and had only managed to obtain three Cateran warbands on their flight, so they were forced to go south and then eastwards towards the city of Hardhome being pursued by the vengeful Caradog and Daemon who had proclaimed it to the kingdom that the men and those who helped them are beyond the laws of men and gods, in the south maesters called such event the Tanistry purge, whereas in Hengledd it was known as the Proscriptions, relatives of the conspirators who killed Queen Gisla and King Styr were killed or are given up to the Wayfinders who would bring them to the dungeons of the Cooleys for Ser Daemon and King Caradog to punish themselves, Brandon and Merfyn who had enjoyed certain privileges by being members of House Canmore were suddenly stripped of it as their whole families were taken in by Gallowglasses or are killed by people who once served them, upon advise of Daemon, Caradog had the rest of his family be placed under guard in their homes, Pryderi Map Rhodri, his grand uncle and his family protested to this but Caradog had assured him that after taking care of Brandon and Merfyn as well as their compatriots they will be released, his aunt Morgan and her family were forced to go to Karhold with assurances that they will be called upon to return after the purging of Caradog's court.
The Wayfinders managed to track down Brandon and Merfyn as well as their army in a week at the Bend of the Antler River, Ser Daemon Map Bonifer raise the banners of House Canmore much to the surprise and dismay of the Cateran warbands who had learned from Daemon's declaration that it was Merfyn, Brandon and the conspirators who had tried to usurped the throne and killed Queen Gisla and King Styr, and that their families were held by King Caradog who would free them if they take prisoners Brandon, Merfyn, and the rest of the conspirators, some of Brandon and Merfyn's guards tried to fight the now demoralized and angry Caterans who now turned on them but were quickly dispatched as Brandon and Merfyn tried to take their lives but was quickly subdued by the rest of the soldiers who brought them in chains before the King and Ser Daemon who dragged them across the kingdom and proclaiming once more that all is well and will be well once more in their kingdom, so ends the rebellion of the Tanists.
"...The weirwood throne will not be sat by a woman or a child who is nothing more than a puppet of the kneelers in the south! Nor will I suffer the insults bore upon me by your family! Us, attainted?! Nay I say to that, it is Anarawd's line who is attainted! Your line! Rhodri would have spat in disgust at what you are doing now!" - Final words of Merfyn Map Gwain Map Merfyn.
"...There is no excuse as to what is done, your family would make kneelers of us, it is only right that we took matters into our own hands and return the True North as it was and what it shall be..." - Final words of Qarl Map Bael of Clan Powys, one of the conspirators.
"...Kinslayers Merfyn and Brandon, you are judged guilty of treason and kinslaying, as royal blood is deemed sacred and cannot be spilled by the means of torture or through beheading, you are sentenced to die through the consumption of the Strangler, the same is to be done for your wives and children, as for the Cateran warbands who have joined you but have turned their backs, they are to be pardoned and can return to their families as true men of loyalty, as for your compatriots and their families in this...treason...they are to be offered to the gods through beheading..." - King Caradog's verdict.
Ser Daemon Map Bonifer Hasty became regent to King Caradog when he was eleven years of age, his regency was marked with a cultural shift amongst the people of Hengledd, with the consent of Caradog, Daemon was able to ease the subject of human sacrifices from being done towards unwilling or even willing victims to those who have committed high crimes of treason, kinslaying, breaking of guest rights, and falsely claiming that he is a druid, it was successful because even the druids themselves do not often practice human sacrifices unless of course it is on the most desperate of times, Caradog even went further with that by saying that those who wish to offer themselves up as sacrifices should just offer their own blood by spilling it onto the fire, it was a welcome compromise as it helped limit the damage done by false druids who would take advantage of the lack of control by the king to the organization by falsely claiming that there is a disaster and that a human sacrifice is needed to appease the gods, another was the promotion of new clan and tribal chieftains, particularly those who had participated in the Proscriptions and are given property which made them equal to that of the traditional chieftains who boasted of lineage which stretched before the unification of Rhodri, this new nobility are more loyal to House Canmore and would secure Caradog's reign as it was.
Another law Caradog's regent introduced was the expansion of settlements eastwards, new hamlets and townships are established with roads being connected either to the Cooleys or to Baelton or both, these towns and hamlets have a nearby fort in which Wayfinders would rest in after patrolling the kingdom's roads or would often times be billeted in the hamlets and towns they oversee, at the end of his regency he had his daughter, Mairead Fer Daemon, be betrothed to Caradog who was not hesitant to accept such betrothal as both Mairead and Caradog had known each other since they were children and Caradog would often stay at Clan Hasty's estate in the Cooleys, preferring the security that it offered than the Great Hall.
"Gawyll ise Gawyll e, Mairead nan Cyreid
Hi Hi Ho run Ho
Hi Hi Ho run Ho!
Fer Marren, Mairead nan Cyreid! Gawyll ise!
Hi Hi Hi Ho run Ho Hi Ho run Ho!
Mairead nan Cyreid, balach Map Marre
Hi Hi Ho run Ho
Hi Hi Ho run Ho!
O Bhoney an Aire Hered Mairead nan Cyreid!
Hi Hi Hi Ho run Ho Hi Ho run Ho!" - Wily Mairead, a japing song sung on Caradog and Mairead's wedding.
The marriage between Caradog Canmore and Mairead Hasty started his reign proper, Old King Aerys II Targaryen sends his congratulations as well as gifts to both bride and groom, their marriage itself quickly bore fruit as for the next week, Mairead Fer Daemon confirmed that she was with child, and their reign also started with another great summit at Castle Black in which Aerys' heir, Crown Prince Daeron, and also his third son, Prince Tywin Targaryen met with the young King Caradog, the then Lord Commander of the Watch and the Old Lord Paramount Rickard Stark as well as his heir, Brandon Stark, the topic being discussed was a renegotiation of the Peace of Hardhome and also about the movement of the White Walkers, Caradog managed to get the Crown Prince to allow the expansion of his kingdom towards the Milkwater and Giant's Stairs as during the regency of Ser Daemon Hasty he was able to engage in talks with the ruler of the petty kingdom of the Ruddy Hall, Tormund Giantsbane, and currently he had managed to let the man allow the Wayfinders to patrol his small kingdom and allow for them to fight off the warbands of his rivals, the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch agreed with the young king, stating that it would allow their rangers to expand their ranging Beyond the Wall.
So far Ser Daemon Hasty has reported to the summit that there has been some sightings of the White Walkers by their Wayfinders further north of Rhodri's pass "they are watching us, gauging us, we don't know if they had the strength to fight against us, but still we are being as vigilant as we can" even the rangers of the Watch had also reported of some sightings at the Frozen Shore and some of the tribes of Wildlings there being driven eastwards and southwards by the Others and their army of the dead, the worst of these tribes at the Frozen Shore were the cannibal tribes, as undisciplined and disorganized those tribes were they make up with it with ferocity and the use of fear tactics which would unnerve even the most bravest of the Freefolk. The summit lasted for a week with the final terms being that the limitations imposed by the Peace of Hardhome being lifted although with new restrictions being placed in favor of the South, the Kingdom of Hengledd and the Night's Watch would continue to support each other against the White Walkers, trade with the True North and the Iron Throne would still continue.
"Ser Daemon Hasty and Petyr Map Petyr Baelish told me that even with the use of the Earthsingers, as well as the giants and their mammoths, the plan of building a canal which will connect the Milkwater to the Antler River is too costly and ambitious that it will take my whole reign for it to be completed, but I told them when a man has time, he has to make use of it by taking a gamble that would pay off many times" - Diary of Caradog Map Gisla of House Canmore, King of the True North.
Even to the writing of this record, maesters of the Citadel are still impressed by the fact that a year after the second summit of Castle Black, King Caradog Canmore had launched an ambitious plan which would cement his legacy as a great king next to his great grandfather King Rhodri Canmore, King Caradog's Canal connected the Milkwater to the Antler River, it was a great feat of engineering which allowed ships and their goods to travel through water and even centralized the power of Canmores in their seat at the Cooleys, such project required earthsingers, giants, many able bodied people, as well as men learned in the ways of engineering, the cost alone must have been staggering as it was said that Caradog had to pay for the already built farmsteads that would be demolished when the canal is to be built as well as borrow money from the Iron Bank using the connection he has through the Sollys family and use the money he had gained through the Proscriptions, the project itself began with the giants using large shovels and pickaxes to dig holes, earthsingers would have to sing to the earth to allow water for it to flow while Cateran warbands repurposed as teams of workmen would help with demolishing structures or clear out forests, still it was successful and when the giants finally let the water flow, Caradog was said to have first caught a large tuna with which he shared with the giants. And it seems the canal itself has paid off as merchants can now traffic their goods through the connected waterways to the Cooleys, with such great project accomplished there was further acclaim to King Caradog as Tormund Giantsbane of the Petty Kingdom of the Ruddy Hall approached his court at the Cooleys and proposed an alliance proper with him which shall be secured by the marriage of his son and heir, Prince Rhodri Map Caradog Canmore to Tormund's daughter, Munda, with the Ruddy Hall as her dowry should he die without an heir, a proposal in which Caradog took as it would allow him to directly combat the Dogsheads and the Boneheads who would often go pass Tormund's territory to wreak havoc across his kingdom and also finally expand his borders.
The agreement was sealed with drinks of mammoth milkwine and the would be married couple meeting for the first time before Tormund finally left the Cooleys without his daughter and with Caradog's assurances that the alliance proper is sealed, with this he had Ser Daemon march the Caterans and Gallowglasses near the Ruddy Hall as part of the alliance between him and Tormund, to the writing of this record it has been said that in the next three years Tormund died fighting the Weepers who were encroaching at his south, and his petty kingdom absorbed by Hengledd.