Plaga Mother of the Pest

Chapter 2: The Priest

With each of my shaking steps, i move forward through the wasteland. Through those Streets of was once an Paradies. Beneath my feet are the plastered Street, made out of Cobblestone. Once they was polished and each one glowing, a sign of purity. But now, theyre covered in filth, waste and blood. Covered in the Ashes of Forgotten Dreams. Lotringen was once known as the City of Kings. An City made out of pure Light and Purity. Known as the City of the Holy Church too.

An Fascade, an Shadow nothing more is Lotringen now. Once the Markets was full of live with Traders from all around the World. An Jewel of Trade, of laighing Children in the Streets. But now their laughing has been silenced. It turned into crys, into emptiness and pure Rage. The Decay had begun to taken its toll on their Souls too. Not even before the Children makes Plagas Grip of Death, her Plague stop. The City was always seperated in the past by Wealth and Power.

Now as an mirror its Live and Death itself. By the pure fight for survival, what knows no mercy or morals anymore. Far above the City reigns the inner Sanctum, where the Nobles, the King and the Holy Church lives. Still from above their Light is lurking down, looking with nothing then disgust. Even more then in the Past. But those below doesnt look upwards anymore with Loyality. No they look upwards, with disgust, with Rage and Hate too. High above those have secured their Lives.

The inner Sanctum is an Bastion made out of pure glowing White Armor. Each Gate and Wall looking down like an impenetrable Fortress. Towers so high, like theyre trying to touch the Skys itself. Now everyone can see and feel the seperation the Split through Lotringens Streets. Through the Very Essence of the City. As soon Plaga appeared, the Guards Patrols got increased. Their presence in their shiny withe silver Armor as pure it is.

At the same its terryfing. Executers of Orders, no matter the Cost. Their Faces are hidden under their Helmets. Everyone knows, even if they stay silent, theyre just Puppets and Maggots of the King. As my feet touch the Ground and i walk forward, my eyes falls on the Doors of Houses. All marked with an red X. The Mark itself was made with Animal Blood. Which irony it means also the Death to those inside. Cause everyone in their has the Sickness, Plagas Cure.

Those Hauses was once alive with laughing, with Children playing around. But now nothing then coughing and silentness. No one dares anymore to enter. No even the Church anymore. They have abandoned them. In their eyes they wear the Marks of Devil himself. With Plaga has his Executor. Whole Familys have been locked inside, left behind to stay united even in the Death. Until Death Takes us away from Each other. The Promise of Marriages.

The Plague doesnt care who she takes. Everyone is corrupted in its eyes. In her Eyes. This not an Plague anymore. No this is now the Playground of Plaga, an ancient Goddess. The Goddess of Decay. I feel her presence everywhere, no matter where i go. We cant hide, cant run from her. The Cold wind is like her touch. Ice Cold and Bone shattering. It goes through my white Robe. My Symbol of my Faith to my Lord, to my God.

Nowhere is it still, even when no one speaks. Silence whispers of her Voice are creeping everywhere in our Minds. Slowly turning us closer to insanity. Her presence of the Decay is everywhere.

"Do you see it now, Priest? Your Lord, your God? Where is he? I m the only God here" her voice an whispering which mocks my Faith with every of her Words. Spoken over the Wind itself, there is no quitness anymore. "Do you see Priest, what your city has become Priest? How Rotten your City was already before my Grip? No, because no one can hide before it. Because i m Plaga the Goddess of Decay. Through me you all will see the true World."

My Hands grabs shacking and clenching to my Crucifiy. „Oh Lord, have mercy on my Soul, protect my Poor Soul." My voice shaking full of Faith. But cracking under her cruel laughing in the Wind. Right before me i reached my Destination. The Home of the Family Schneiders. Once they was tailors, which had clothed Kings and even the highest of Church themselves. The Kindneys of the Family was known in the whole Land. They took orphans from the Streets.

Fed them, teached them and even gave them an well paid Job. But not even them got Mercy from Plaga.

The Guards outside of the House, holded their Position, without any movement. Their silver Armor was shining in the rest of Light. The Chestplate carried an Eagle. Known as the Symbol of their King himself. They step aside as i try to enter the House. "Pray for them Gerald," one of them whispers with fear in his voice. “Pray for us all Priest."

Inside the air is heavy and carry an rotten Smell but also illness and Death with it. The whole Family sits together in the Main room of the House. Hilde known as the Matriarch of the Family. Her Face Pale, white as the Moon itself. Marc her Husband, build tall and strong. But now even he struggles to stay on his feet. Marta and Flin their two childen, which holds onto the legs of her Parents. Their eyes full of Fears.

An shy Smile escapes them, an spark of hope. As soon they saw me.

"Father," Hilde whispers, her voice cracking and shacking. Clearly yearching for strentgh. "Have you come to save us?" Before them i drop down to my knees. Placing my hands on her shaking Shoulders. “You know i can not save you. Only he, our Lord can do it."

"But I can guide you to the next Journey. I can guide you to his Heaven. You will not face it alone, that i promise you." As soon i begin my Prayers, the temperature of the Room dropped. The candles begin to flicker. Followed from laughing amused whispers. The Sound came from everywhere, the walls, the Floor, The Roof. She was here. Plaga was here, watching us. Mocking us. Her presence alone an pure spit in our Mortal Faces.

„You amuse me Priest. Do you really think praying will save them? Before me? Hahh how pathetic and naive" Her voice was like an direct whisper in my Ear, but still i couldnt see her. As good as i could, i ignored her Words. “Father in Heaven. I as your loyal Priest i beg you." But again her whispers interrupted me. "Do you really belive he protects you? That he is real? Where is he right now Priest? Cant you see? He has forgotten you all. Abandoned you all."

Here Presence was now everywhere. Even the Shadows begun to change her Forms. The Faces of the Schneiders are pale and empty, of the pure Horror of Plagas Presence. “You have no Hold here, evil Spirit. Go and never return." My voice firm but still very strong and confident. “You have no claim, no hold of those Souls." Plagas Laugh was clearly to hear in the whole Room. “No Claim? Oh poor Priest. Theyre all ready mine dont you see? Do you truly belive your prayers, can save them?"

Like an twisted, cruel whisper, her words echoes through the Room. "Do you see Priest? How theyre, trembling, shacking before my Presence?" Followed from an cruel mocking Laugh. “See everyone of them knows their Fate. Its already sealed, but you dont want to accept it or?"

The Shadows flickers around like dying Flames. Her grip reaches everything. My eyes widen in shock, as i see the Future she shows me. Lotringen lies in Ruins, the streets itself are walked by the Dead.

I see Lotringen in ruin, its streets overrun by the dead. The faces of the Schneiders appear among them, their eyes hollow, their bodies twisted and decayed. “No, he is in me. He is the one who gives me strength." I whisper back to her. “Look again Priest. Which words you hear? His words or mine? This is now your Future. Theyre mine, as the whole City is. And you Priest will be soon mine too." At the End of her words i felt like an satisfication in her Words. An Hunger for me.

Her words opened Something inside me. A Spark of resitance, as my fist gribbed the crucifix very strong. “You maybe claim their Bodys Plaga. Under my Watch you will not get their Souls." Her answer was quick, the whole room begun to vibrate. Carring her laughter through every Wall, every Soul.

"Youre an Fool Priest. But, your Faith amuses me. Pray my little Priest. Pray that your Lord will save them, before i get them. You shpuld know it will still change nothing." As good as i can i try to continue my Praying. Her whispers get less, but never dissapearing.

Finally when i was finished and even my own Legs was shacking. The Schneiders looked at me with tears in their Eyes, but Thankfulness. There was Something new in their eyes, Peace and acceptance to their Fate.

"Thank you," Hilde whispered, her voice nearly gone. My Hand was still strong gribbed around my crucifix. “You shall rest now. Youre in his Hands now, the Lord will be your Shepard now." My voice exhausted but full of Faith.

As I leave the house, the guards open the door, their expressions grim. "Are they...?" one begins to ask, but I shake my head. When i leave the House the Guards silently nods to me. Showing their grattitude for my Prayers. But as i soon try to walk away. I feel like an twisted and cured Kiss Blown by Wind itself to my Face. Plaga was here.

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