Chapter 840: CH220 (834), Oh, Progress; Nice!
The dinner party went on until midnight and I was busy keeping my promise during nearly all of it. I only got to truly relax during the final hour. For the 3 hours before that, I worked on Larvitar, Anorith, Hypno, and Kimura/Hitmonform, striking them from the long list of Pokemon I still had to groom/massage. Be that as it may, I sent everyone to sleep once midnight came around, or at least to their place since I was not actually forcing them to sleep right away.
All I knew was that I went to sleep as soon as my 1-hour meditation session was over since I was aware that I had a busy day ahead of me. Busy was the right word to describe how my Grouday went, even if it was not the only word that fit the situation. I ended up spending the whole day inside Utopia, working on one Pokemon after the other, and it was times like this that I was supremely grateful for my superhuman physique as well as mental endurance, or there would have been no way for me to keep that up from 8 a.m. until 11 p.m.
Granted we had to subtract close to 3 hours of that for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, which simultaneously served as my breaks, but that still left me with around 12 hours of consistent grooming and massaging with barely any breaks in between. Yet, thanks to that I managed to strike 17 more names off my list, which made a bit more than 40% of the main team if we added the ones I finished off yesterday, so at least the progress was good.
If I kept this up for another two days I should be able to go through everyone on the main team by sometime around 10 p.m. on Mewday. The question was if I wanted to do that, keep this kind of workload for two more days I mean. I could probably do it if I had to, but that was the thing, I didn't have to, and honestly, another two days of back-to-back sessions sounded trying, so I decided to add in a 1.5-hour break into my schedule to go out and try some of the restaurants I marked for Fallarbor City.
I just wanted a little change of pace in my day and that was enough for that. The three or so hours that would take in total simply meant that it would take me until around lunchtime of Giratiday to finish with the main team instead, and I was fine with that. So, on Arcday, at 3:30 p.m., I left Utopia for the first time in two days, or three days if we counted today. I had not bothered opening a mini-gate yesterday so as soon as I stepped out, I got a bunch of notifications.
Aside from one that came from Mom and Dad asking how I was doing, nearly all of them were from our group chat. I quickly read through the chat log to see if anything important had come up, but it was just regular chatter. Adding in my two cents at this point would have been too late, so once I was sure it was just idle talk, I let it be and turned my focus on the map of Fallabor City. Well, more like on the marked restaurant/eateries spots.
I only had 90 minutes, so I chose 3 of the marked spots and after establishing a route culminating at the third spot, I began heading for the first place. The break ended up being deliciously refreshing, and I felt quite satisfied as well as happy when I reentered Utopia at 4:59 p.m. Having recharged my gourmand batteries, I directly began working on Luna/Clefable, who had been waiting for me to get back since it was her turn.
At the end of the day, I managed to strike another 14 Pokemon off the list. The average size of the Pokemon today was bigger than yesterday so I had expected the number to be lower than 15, so 14 was not bad and a result of my full commitment while I worked. At this point, I had gotten into a flow, so to me, Mewday passed by rather quickly. It was only when I saw Ali/Gallade's status sheet during the pre-grooming check-up that I saw something that truly came as a pleasant surprise.
Ali's energy capacity had finally grown to S as well. This concluded the first round of his limit-breaking phase, and he even had a foot into the second round since his Strength had already grown to SS through his regular training even while he was working on raising his energy capacity. In fact, I suspected that Ali's energy density would follow suit within the next few months since Gallade's natural talent in that regard were not too far off from their strength one.
I naturally shared the good news with Ali once I was done with his session, along with my assumption to motivate him further, and he was quite thrilled to hear the news. He took a quick moment to thank me before he directly ran off to Gwen/Gardevoir to share the news with her. I had known that he would react like that which was why I chose to wait until the end of the session to tell him about it.
Anyway, I only did one more session after that since lunchtime had arrived by then. Lunch was followed by three more sessions, and just as I was about to leave Utopia for my foodie break, my third thought stream noted something very interesting during the inspection of the Pinkan group, specifically with some of the Pokemon that were participating in the first round. Some of the Wurmple and Bounsweet had finally turned entirely pink.
It had to be noted that the pink here was the pink color of the Pinkan Berry and not their shiny pinkish coloring. I had not expected them to turn Shiny straight away anyway, so this was within my expectations. The fact that the (initial) color transformation was finally complete was already a noteworthy event. It had been 2 months since the start of the first round of the Pinkan Project, 2 months and 5.5 days to be exact, and during this time, the consumption of Pinkan Berries as well as Pinkan Berry creations had led to the participants of the first round becoming progressively more pink.
I had known/assumed from the beginning that it would not be an instant progress, and now roughly two months and a week later we had our first batch of fully pink Pokemon. Given my observation of the other Bounsweet and Wurmple of the first group, they would likely complete the transformation within the next few days as well. The species that were the closest after that were the Wooper. The Clamperl who were about the same size as them were instead grouped together with the Remoraid, Feebas, and Corpish of the third "pinkgression" group.
I was pretty certain that that had to do with their shells. It appeared that the pink tint spread slower on some hard tissue; I was limiting it to some since the (chitinous) skin/outer body of Wurmple and the shell of Corphish did not show the same slowed rate when compared to those of their size. It was not as if there was no difference at all because there was, but the difference between regular tissue and their hard shells was not so big as to have a real impact on them turning pink, which was why some Wurmple turned fully pink at the same time as the quickest Bounsweet.
Anyway, now that the first few Wurmple and Bounsweet had turned fully pink, I chose to go up to them in person to check them out since I wanted to personally check their status sheets. In my opinion, their modifier section should have gained a new addition, namely the color variant one, which unlike the Shiny modifier was truly simply an aesthetic change without any other effect. In this particular case, it was the pink color variation.
Still, as far as I knew, there were stages to the effect of the Pinkan fruit. The first one was the appearance of the color pink on the Pokemon body upon consumption of Pinkan Berries for a few days/meals. The next one was the full body turning pink, which was what we had achieved after two months of a special/improved Pinkan diet. Reaching this point took the native Pokemon of Pinkan Island and those that bought the Pinkan Berries from the native people a considerably longer period, but that was normal considering all the extra steps I took to ensure a swift change.
Still, the full change of the second change was actually a temporary one, so when I checked the modifier of the Wurmple and Bounsweet in a moment I should theoretically see an indicator that the modifier was temporary. If a Pokemon at this stage of the "pinkization" stopped eating any further Pinkan Berries, their pink coloring would start to recede again once some time passed. The time it took for that to happen varied and was most likely related to the period of Pinkan Berry consumption.
Naturally, the receding of the pink coloration also applied to the ones in the first phase, and it unsurprisingly happened faster for them. However, when a Pokemon that had fully turned pink continued its consumption of Pinkan Berries it eventually reached a point where the change became permanent. This was the third stage and what we would be aiming for next, but it was not our final goal. That honor belonged to the fourth phase.
Honestly, on the surface level, there was no difference between the third and the fourth phase, but that was simply because the difference was at a much deeper level. The distinction between them was related to their progeny. The children of a third phase Pinkemon were not born pink but with the usual coloring of their species. Meanwhile, fourth phase Pinkemon had been affected so thoroughly/deeply that the Pokemon's progeny came out pink as well.
I believed that if a Pokemon whose Shiny form had a pinkish hue reached the fourth phase of "Pinkization", then their color-variant modifier could/should transform into the Shiny Gene/Modifier. If I was right in my assumption, then there should be a vital difference between my project participants who transitioned from the third to the fourth phase compared to species that lived on Pinkan Island.
I believed that during the transition period, their pinkish coloring would slowly turn to the pink hue of their Shiny form and that once they had truly attained their Shiny coloring, the transition to the fourth phase would be complete. Nonetheless, that was still far away, and even though I was looking forward to seeing if I was right, it would take quite some time until any of the Pinkan Project participants reached that stage.
Another thing I could not help but look forward to seeing was whether the fact that the progeny of a fourth-phase Pinkemon also ended up being pink would also apply to a Shiny Pokemon that became such through the Pinkan Process. That would be an incredible bonus that would make the number of pink Shinies even more abundant than I had believed they would become after the project became successful.
Obviously, all this hinged on the fact that my theory ended up being true and that the fourth phase allowed for a shift to Shiny. Everything else was just a bonus, but until I saw concrete results, all I was doing was drawing castles into the sky, so I stopped my mind from wandering off any further and teleported over to the Pinkan Area. Once there I directly went up to one of the fully pink Bounsweet and checked her status sheet.
As I had suspected I saw "Pink Color-Variant (Temporary)" displayed in her Modifier section, and after checking each one of the Wurmple as well as Bounsweet that had finished the change, I confirmed that each one of them had the same modifier listed on their status sheet.
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