Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

A solution? Maybe train a beasts

August 31, 5:00 pm

At the Army Base in Xin Shijie, a congregation of prominent figures, including generals and the city's president, assembled. They attentively watched a screen displaying footage of a young teenager commanding beasts and defending against 12 homing missiles.

The spectacle culminated with Blastoise deflecting each missile. The subsequent footage showed a sneak attack by helicopters, launching a barrage of missiles at Blastoise. A solemn atmosphere permeated the room following the video.

"Where's the footage of our attack helicopters being downed?" a government official inquired.

"Based on our report, the helicopters hadn't captured it because they were returning due to a lack of ammunition," an Army officer replied.

"Where are those involved? Stand and identify yourselves," a general demanded.

"Sir, I'm… the pilot of WuzhuangShou Di #1."

"Sir, I'm… the chief of WuzhuangShou Di #1."

"Sir, I'm… member of WuzhuangShou Di #1."

"Sir, I'm… another member of WuzhuangShou Di #1."


"Sir, I'm… the pilot of WuzhuangShou Di #2."


Dozens of soldiers who had participated rose and reported.

"Did anyone witness the explosion's cause?" a general questioned.

"General, we only observed one of the beasts hurl a rock, striking Attack Helicopter Wuzhuangshou Di #6. We suspect disturbances from multiple explosions in the Weixian forest provoked them. We didn't stay after running out of ammunition. As we retreated, we heard Lord Blue's voice and witnessed five helicopters detonate instantly. We only caught a glimpse of the aftermath," the chief officer recounted, his voice laden with sorrow over the loss of his comrades.

"So it occurred instantaneously?" An air of disbelief settled over the room.

"Why would the beast wait until it was injured to use that kind of power? Are you making excuses?" A skeptical government official retorted.

With conviction, the chief soldier replied, "Your Honor, I swear on my uniform, the memory of my fallen comrades, my love for this city, and its people: doubt me, criticize me, but never question my integrity. I wouldn't lie or deceive; my devotion is to this city's defense. I implore you not to question my truthfulness."

Another soldier stood up and saluted, "Sir, I can attest to the chief's account. We experienced the same events."

Echoing his sentiments, other soldiers stood, attesting to the chief's account.

"This..." A previously doubtful official, moved by the displays of integrity, conceded, "I believe you. My apologies for the earlier skepticism," he said, lowering his head in remorse.

However, another official interjected, "The past is past. We need to address our current situation. We've exhausted 75% of our military resources on that mission. How do we continue our defense against these beasts?"

"We've received reports of retaliatory beast attacks on our bases in recent hours," someone replied.

"What's the current status?"

"Currently, we're holding up, but it's uncertain for how long."

"What about arms production? Aircraft? Can it be ramped up?"

"Mr. President, while we can speed up the production of automatic rifles and pistols, manufacturing more complex weaponry like grenade launchers or missiles will pose challenges. As for aircraft such as attack helicopters, that will take significantly more time," a personnel hesitated before admitting.

Everything fell silent, and the atmosphere grew tense.

"How are the citizens faring?" one official inquired.

"We've imposed a lockdown, especially restricting children from going outside. We've also halted gatherings in areas such as the Commercial District and Merchant Square in Lower Town…" another replied.

"Is there no alternative? Does anyone have suggestions? Speak up," the official urged.

"Your Honor, perhaps we should prioritize automatic rifles. Quantity might be more advantageous…" one suggested.

"No, Your Honor, that's quite risky. Some beasts are immune to rifle fire. We should consider…"

"Maybe we could..."

Countless proposals poured in, each contradicting the last, and none seemed satisfactory.

Suddenly, a military official interjected, "Your Honor, I have an idea."

"Go on," the official prompted him.

"Your Honor, based on the footage, from what we observed, the beasts commanded by the young man seem more formidable than multiple missiles. Considering a cost-effective strategy, since he can control them, why can't we? Perhaps we should train our own beasts."

The room buzzed with incredulity. Everyone stared, shock evident on their faces.

Inside Kanraku's ship

Crunch. Crunch.

The sound of crunching echoed as giant beasts feasted. Beside them, a small Horsea nibbled its food. Floyd, Kanraku, and even Blastoise appeared stunned by the spectacle.

ROAR~ (This is incredible! Never have I tasted anything this delightful in my life.)

Horsea~ (I told you, right? This place is paradise. How about you stay with me, big fish?)

ROAR~ (It's so tasty. Little sis, why does your meal smell better? Share some!)

Horsea~ (Hmph, this is mine. Eat your own.)

ROAR~ (Just one little bite?)

Horsea~ (No!)

Observing the sibling banter, Floyd and the others were at a loss.

"Blastoise?" Blastoise pondered whether the 'pokeblock' was indeed so delicious but held back, aware of his owner's and Floyd's presence.

Floyd observed Gyarados's ravenous eating. The pokeblocks, meant to last two weeks, seemed barely a single meal for the beast. The reason is that he just ate standard pokeblocks with minimal energy, unlike the Horsea, Axew, and Dratini variants loaded with energy. A few dozen of those would suffice for them.

ROAR~ (If only my father could taste this. He'd love it.)

"Uhmm, blue serpent-san~" Kanraku was about to talked with him, and then...

ROAR~ (How dare you address me as a mere serpent, weak human?)


ROAOAOR~ (Cough…)

"How about 'Gyarados'?" Floyd offered.

"Gyarados? That does sound cool. Floyd-san, you have a knack for naming!" Kanraku exclaimed.

ROAR~ (Fine, I'll accept Gyarados. It sounds dignified. Since it's a decent name and your food is delicious, I'll forgive you, humans.)

"Gyarados, could you share why you're here? You mentioned your father earlier, who is he?" Floyd inquired.

ROAR~ (You think you can trick me? If I reveal my father, he'll surely punish me.)

"How would your father find out if you don't inform him?" Floyd countered.

ROAR~ (True... but why should I tell you? You're weak humans.)

"What about more pokeblock as a reward?" Floyd offered temptingly.

ROAR~ (Just because your food is appealing, don't assume you can make me betray my father. I won't.)

Floyd turned to Horsea, "How about you, Horsea? Tell me about your father. I'll reward you with a Pokeblock."

Horsea~ (Don't worry, Master. I'll share.)

ROAR~ (Little sis! Would you betray our father?)

Horsea~ (This tidbit isn't as valuable as good food. To let you know, our father is...)

ROAR~ (Wait, wait, wait! I'll also share, just give me some!)

The two siblings began to reveal their father's secrets in exchange for food.

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