Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 46 – Floyd’s Insight – A framework of Trainer

"Professor, let me ask when you first met Blastoise, was it a Squirtle or a Wartortle?" Floyd inquired.

"It was a Squirtle, four years ago. It evolved into Blastoise two years ago," Kanraku replied, feeling nostalgic as he remembered the past.

"Now, imagine if everyone here had a Squirtle that evolved into Blastoise in two years. Can you imagine how powerful that would be?" Floyd posed.

"What?" The room filled with surprised reactions.

"If that were to happen, it would be like possessing a nuclear weapon…" Kang Jihoon mused deeply.

"Yet, it could also be like a ticking time bomb. What if they turned on us?" Chen Yu raised a counterpoint.

"But isn't the bond between the Professor and Blastoise proof enough? Do you really think Blastoise would attack the Professor?" Floyd challenged.

"No, it's impossible. I'm 100% certain that my partner would never do that," Kanraku declared without hesitation.

"Floyd, your suggestion is commendable. If any of you wish to befriend a beast, I'm supportive, as long as the beasts accept you. However, 2-4 years is so long, I can't wait," Kanraku sighed, shaking his head.

"Professor, I only used Blastoise as an example. This applies to most beasts. Speaking of which, do you remember my Dratini? Can you guess its age?" Floyd asked.

"Your serpent beast? Judging by its strength, I'd estimate it's 2-3 months old," Kanraku speculated, his brow furrowing in thought.

"You're mistaken, Professor. It's only three weeks old!" Floyd clarified, amplifying the age to make it sound more plausible. If he said his Dratini was merely a week old, skepticism would surely arise.

"You're joking, right? I've spent four years researching creatures, and I can confidently say that achieving the training level of your Dratini in under a month is improbable," Kanraku retorted, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Professor, surely you know that some newborn wild beasts can exhibit rapid growth and development?" Floyd pointed out.

Kanraku paused, reflecting deeply, "True... However, that acceleration usually arises from heightened survival instincts, pushing their potential to the limits. This often leads to a stunted growth compared to their domestically raised counterparts. Unlike your beast, which, while combative, also seems well-grown. It's challenging to believe it's only three weeks old. Such rapid development demands immense energy which, when measured from birth, suggests a time span of 2 to 3 months, if not four. That is, unless you've replicated the wild conditions which, to my knowledge, you haven't."

"What if I told you the pokeblock I produce helps beasts recover energy rapidly?" Floyd revealed with a grin.

"What? The pokeblock can do that? How quickly does it restore energy?" Kanraku's eyes widened in anticipation.

"It varies based on the type, berry quality, and one's proficiency in crafting it. For instance, a pokeblock made from Nutpea and Kuo particularly benefits Normal types, possibly doubling their energy recovery. For other types, it might offer a 1.5x boost. My customized pokeblocks for beasts, however, could provide an energy increase between 2.5 to 3 times. Remember our discussion on the ship about berries potentially having a type similar to beasts?" Floyd explained.

"So, are you suggesting that there are berries that match types such as Fire, Water, Plant, Earth, Air, Electric, Serpent, and others?" Kanraku inquired.

"I'm not entirely sure about all the types, but for those you've mentioned, I know some berry types that might align with a specific type suitable for crafting pokeblocks.

Actually, for now, the best ingredients for my current situation in making pokeblocks are typically non-effect berries except for those high quality berries such as Chilan Berry, Passo Berry, etc.

However, this doesn't mean berries with effects are not good and unusable. For example, I'm fairly certain Cheri Berry has Fire attributes, Chesto aligns with Water, Persim with Ground, and Rawst also pertains to Ground.

That's my understanding of effect-bearing berries. As for the others, I'm still researching. But if you're interested in berries without effects, I can elaborate further," Floyd explained.

"If your claims was really true, then we might need to revisit our strategies, particularly in berry collection. The non-effect berries you mentioned would gain priority. Moreover, if pokeblocks can really amplify energy by two-fold or more, if we calculate in the time, achieving advancements in under a month seems possible. But what about your serpent beast combat abilities? You know it's hard to learn..." Kanraku paused off, recalling how Floyd had trained his Pokémon on the ship.

"Aha, I see, I get it! No wonder you achieved such progress in under a month. Is this what you define as a 'trainer'? Floyd, you are truly a genius!" Kanraku exclaimed, rising from his seat. A wave of realization gave him goosebumps as he gazed at Floyd.

Most others felt overshadowed and became a foil of the complicated discussion between the duo. Even the knowledgeable Chen Yu and Kang Jihoon were rendered speechless this time. They don't know anything about what they were talking about.

Just how old is Floyd? And yet he grasps such complex concepts.

Their perceptions of Floyd underwent a transformation. Even Le Mai Linh, who initially held a negative opinion of him, found herself swayed.

"So, Professor, everyone, you all might not have to wait that long after all. Imagine possessing a partner capable of evolving to its second or even final form in less than a year. How strong is that? Now, extrapolate that to the concept of 'trainers' I've been speaking of. Picture a multitude of trainers each with formidable beast partners, while some trainers maintaining a balanced ecosystem. If a beast invasion were to occur, imagine our defense bolstered by numerous fully-evolved creatures," Floyd elucidated.

"Then picture thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of Breeders capable of nurturing thousands of beasts each. Think of the industrial efficiency with the beasts we discussed earlier. Handling beasts isn't as hard at all," Floyd continued.

In fact, he refrained from mentioning the concept of a Pokeball, as he had yet to determine how to explain it and currently, he has no points. But once it materialized, it would undoubtedly be a game-changer.

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